@ -6,32 +6,81 @@ import cr0s.warpdrive.api.ITransformation;
import cr0s.warpdrive.api.WarpDriveText;
import cr0s.warpdrive.config.WarpDriveConfig;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagByteArray;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagInt;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants.NBT;
public class CompatDraconicEvolution implements IBlockTransformer {
// common block for fast detection
private static Class<?> classBlockBlockDE;
private static Class<?> classBlockDraconiumBlock;
// block anchors by lore (portal)
private static Class<?> classBlockDislocatorReceptacle;
private static Class<?> classBlockPortal;
// blocks with only metadata
private static Class<?> classBlockFlowGate;
private static Class<?> classBlockGenerator;
private static Class<?> classBlockTeleporterStand;
private static Class<?> classBlockGrinder;
private static Class<?> classBlockPotentiometer;
// blocks with just rotation
private static Class<?> classBlockDislocatorPedestal;
private static Class<?> classBlockDraconiumChest;
private static Class<?> classBlockPlacedItem;
// blocks with rotation and position(s)
// private static Class<?> classBlockCraftingInjector;
// private static Class<?> classBlockEnergyCrystal;
// private static Class<?> classBlockEnergyStorageCore;
// private static Class<?> classBlockEnergyPylon;
private static Class<?> classBlockInvisECoreBlock;
// private static Class<?> classBlockParticleGenerator;
// private static Class<?> classBlockReactorComponent;
// private static Class<?> classBlockReactorCore;
public static void register() {
try {
classBlockBlockDE = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.common.blocks.BlockDE");
classBlockDraconiumBlock = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.common.blocks.DraconiumBlock");
classBlockGenerator = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.common.blocks.machine.Generator");
classBlockPlacedItem = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.common.blocks.PlacedItem");
classBlockTeleporterStand = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.common.blocks.TeleporterStand");
classBlockBlockDE = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.brandonscore.blocks.BlockBCore");
// *** block anchors by lore (portal)
classBlockDislocatorReceptacle = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.DislocatorReceptacle");
classBlockPortal = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.Portal");
// *** blocks with only metadata
classBlockFlowGate = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.machines.FlowGate");
classBlockGenerator = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.machines.Generator");
classBlockGrinder = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.machines.Grinder");
classBlockPotentiometer = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.Potentiometer");
// *** blocks with just rotation
classBlockDislocatorPedestal = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.DislocatorPedestal");
classBlockDraconiumChest = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.DraconiumChest");
classBlockPlacedItem = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.PlacedItem");
// *** blocks with rotation and position(s)
// classBlockCraftingInjector = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.machines.CraftingInjector");
// classBlockEnergyCrystal = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.energynet.EnergyCrystal");
// classBlockEnergyStorageCore = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.machines.EnergyStorageCore");
// classBlockEnergyPylon = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.machines.EnergyPylon");
classBlockInvisECoreBlock = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.InvisECoreBlock");
// classBlockParticleGenerator = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.ParticleGenerator");
// classBlockReactorComponent = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.reactor.ReactorComponent");
// classBlockReactorCore = Class.forName("com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.blocks.reactor.ReactorCore");
WarpDriveConfig.registerBlockTransformer("DraconicEvolution", new CompatDraconicEvolution());
} catch(final ClassNotFoundException exception) {
@ -45,9 +94,9 @@ public class CompatDraconicEvolution implements IBlockTransformer {
public boolean isJumpReady(final Block block, final int metadata, final TileEntity tileEntity, final WarpDriveText reason) {
if ( classBlockDraconiumBlock.isInstance(block)
&& metadata == 1) {
reason.append(Commons.styleWarning, "warpdrive.compat.guide.ender_resurrection_ritual");
if ( classBlockDislocatorReceptacle.isInstance(block)
|| classBlockPortal.isInstance(block) ) {
reason.append(Commons.styleWarning, "warpdrive.compat.guide.draconic_evolution_portal");
return false;
return true;
@ -66,55 +115,63 @@ public class CompatDraconicEvolution implements IBlockTransformer {
Blacklisted for movement:
TileEntityId = draconicevolution:TileEnderResurrection
BlockClass = com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.common.blocks.DraconiumBlock
Metadata = 0 is valid, consequently we can't use the dictionary for that one
// *** block anchors by lore (portal)
list<int> BCManagedData.CRYSTAL_LINK_POS (x y z to be clarified)
list<int> BCManagedData.CRYSTAL_POS (x y z to be clarified)
list<int> BCManagedData.SPAWN_POS (x y z to be clarified)
list<int> BCManagedData.masterPos (x y z offset from dislocator to this block)
Whitelisted for movement:
metadata 1 2 3 0
int Facing 0 1 5 3 4 2
int LinkCount
int X_LinkedDevice_0 Y_LinkedDevice_0 Z_LinkedDevice_0
com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.common.tileentities.energynet.TileRemoteEnergyBase (TileEnergyTransceiver, TileWirelessEnergyTransceiver & TileEnergyRelay)
int LinkCount
int X_LinkedDevice_0 Y_LinkedDevice_0 Z_LinkedDevice_0
float Rotation (x + 270.0F) % 360.0F only when metadata is 0 or 1
// *** blocks with only metadata
metadata 0 / 1 3 2 4 / 5 / (6 7 ?) / 8 / 9 11 10 12 / 13 / (14 15 ?)
metadata 0 1 5 3 4 2
int Rotation (degrees?)
byte facing 0 1 5 3 4 2
int Facing 0 1 5 3 4 2
int X_Master Y_Master Z_Master
int Facing 0 1 5 3 4 2
int X_Master Y_Master Z_Master
list Stabilizers (optional)
int X_tag Y_tag Z_tag
int X_Key Y_Key Z_Key
int X_Key Y_Key Z_Key
int Cores
int X_Core0 Y_Core0 Z_Core0
int X_0 Y_0 Z_0 (optional)
int X_1 Y_1 Z_1 (optional)
int X_2 Y_2 Z_2 (optional)
int X_3 Y_3 Z_3 (optional)
metadata 0 / 1 3 2 4 / 5
// *** blocks with just rotation
int BCManagedData.rotation int -7 to 8 clockwise => ((old + 8 + 4) % 16) - 8
byte BCManagedData.facing 0 1 5 3 4 2
int BCManagedData.rotation0 + 4 or -4 only when metadata is 0 or 1
int Facing 0 1 5 3 4 2
metadata 0 1 5 3 4 2
// *** blocks with rotation and position(s)
list<int> BCManagedData.lastCorePos x y z (defaults to 0 0 0, absolute position)
int BCManagedData.facing 0 1 5 3 4 2 (optional)
list<byte[]> LinkedCrystals (x y z offset from another crystal to this block)
bool BCManagedData.stabilizersOK 1 when offsets are valid
list<int> BCManagedData.stabOffset0/1/2/3 x y z (defaults to 0 -1 0, offset from stabilizer to this block)
list<int> BCManagedData.coreOffset (defaults to 0 -1 0, x y z offset from core to this block)
bool BCManagedData.structureValid 1 when offsets are valid
list<int> BCManagedData.coreOffset (defaults to ? ? ?, x y z offset from core to this block)
list<int> BCManagedData.coreOffset (defaults to 0 -1 0, x y z offset from core to this block)
bool BCManagedData.hasCoreLock 1 when offsets are valid
list<int> BCManagedData.coreOffset (defaults to 0 0 0, x y z offset from core to this block)
bool BCManagedData.isBound 1 when offset is valid
list<int> BCManagedData.componentPosition0/1/2/3/4/5 (defaults to 0 0 0, x y z offset from component to this block)
(0 to 5 are ordered like EnumFacing)
private static final int[] rotRotation = { 0, 1, 5, 4, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
private static final int[] rotGenerator = { 1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
private static final byte[] byteFacing = { 0, 1, 5, 4, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
private static final int[] intFacing = { 0, 1, 5, 4, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
private static final int[] rotFlowGate = { 0, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 10, 9, 13, 14, 15 };
private static final int[] rotPotentiometer = { 0, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
public int rotate(final Block block, final int metadata, final NBTTagCompound nbtTileEntity, final ITransformation transformation) {
@ -123,203 +180,327 @@ public class CompatDraconicEvolution implements IBlockTransformer {
return metadata;
// TileDraconiumChest rotation only has "facing" with no other field => return
if (nbtTileEntity.hasKey("facing")) {
final int facing = nbtTileEntity.getInteger("facing");
// *** blocks with only metadata
// FlowGate
if (classBlockFlowGate.isInstance(block)) {
switch (rotationSteps) {
case 1:
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("facing", rotRotation[facing]);
return metadata;
return rotFlowGate[metadata];
case 2:
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("facing", rotRotation[rotRotation[facing]]);
return metadata;
return rotFlowGate[rotFlowGate[metadata]];
case 3:
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("facing", rotRotation[rotRotation[rotRotation[facing]]]);
return metadata;
return rotFlowGate[rotFlowGate[rotFlowGate[metadata]]];
return metadata;
// generator only has metadata with no other field => return
if (classBlockGenerator.isInstance(block)) {
// Generator & Grinder
if ( classBlockGenerator.isInstance(block)
|| classBlockGrinder.isInstance(block) ) {
switch (rotationSteps) {
case 1:
return rotGenerator[metadata];
return intFacing[metadata];
case 2:
return rotGenerator[rotGenerator[metadata]];
return intFacing[intFacing[metadata]];
case 3:
return rotGenerator[rotGenerator[rotGenerator[metadata]]];
return intFacing[intFacing[intFacing[metadata]]];
return metadata;
// generic tile entity rotations for TileEnergyTransceiver, TileReactorStabilizer, TileReactorEnergyInjector
if (nbtTileEntity.hasKey("Facing")) {
final int facing = nbtTileEntity.getInteger("Facing");
// Potentiometer
if (classBlockPotentiometer.isInstance(block)) {
switch (rotationSteps) {
case 1:
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Facing", rotRotation[facing]);
return rotPotentiometer[metadata];
case 2:
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Facing", rotRotation[rotRotation[facing]]);
return rotPotentiometer[rotPotentiometer[metadata]];
case 3:
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Facing", rotRotation[rotRotation[rotRotation[facing]]]);
return rotPotentiometer[rotPotentiometer[rotPotentiometer[metadata]]];
return metadata;
// generic linked devices for TileEnergyTransceiver and derived from TileRemoteEnergyBase (TileEnergyTransceiver, TileWirelessEnergyTransceiver & TileEnergyRelay)
if (nbtTileEntity.hasKey("LinkCount")) {
final int countLinks = nbtTileEntity.getInteger("LinkCount");
if (countLinks > 0) {
for (int indexLink = 0; indexLink < countLinks; indexLink++) {
final BlockPos targetLink = transformation.apply(
nbtTileEntity.getInteger(String.format("X_LinkedDevice_%d", indexLink)),
nbtTileEntity.getInteger(String.format("Y_LinkedDevice_%d", indexLink)),
nbtTileEntity.getInteger(String.format("Z_LinkedDevice_%d", indexLink)) );
nbtTileEntity.setInteger(String.format("X_LinkedDevice_%d", indexLink), targetLink.getX());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger(String.format("Y_LinkedDevice_%d", indexLink), targetLink.getY());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger(String.format("Z_LinkedDevice_%d", indexLink), targetLink.getZ());
final NBTTagCompound tagCompoundBCManagedData;
if (nbtTileEntity != null && nbtTileEntity.hasKey("BCManagedData")) {
tagCompoundBCManagedData = nbtTileEntity.getCompoundTag("BCManagedData");
} else {
tagCompoundBCManagedData = null;
// *** blocks with just rotation
// Dislocator pedestal
if (classBlockDislocatorPedestal.isInstance(block)) {
if (tagCompoundBCManagedData == null) {
return metadata;
// generic link to master for TileReactorStabilizer and TileReactorEnergyInjector
if (nbtTileEntity.hasKey("X_Master")) {
final BlockPos targetLink = transformation.apply(
nbtTileEntity.getInteger("Z_Master") );
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("X_Master", targetLink.getX());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Y_Master", targetLink.getY());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Z_Master", targetLink.getZ());
// generic link to master for TileParticleGenerator and TileInvisibleMultiblock
if (nbtTileEntity.hasKey("X_Key")) {
final BlockPos targetLink = transformation.apply(
nbtTileEntity.getInteger("Z_Key") );
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("X_Key", targetLink.getX());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Y_Key", targetLink.getY());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Z_Key", targetLink.getZ());
// linked stabilizers for TileReactorCore
if (nbtTileEntity.hasKey("Stabilizers")) {
// we can't directly access it, hence removing then adding back later on
final NBTTagList stabilizers = nbtTileEntity.getTagList("Stabilizers", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND);
if (stabilizers != null) {
for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < stabilizers.tagCount(); nodeIndex++) {
// remove
final NBTTagCompound stabilizer = (NBTTagCompound) stabilizers.removeTag(0);
// update coordinates
final BlockPos target = transformation.apply(
stabilizer.setInteger("X_tag", target.getX());
stabilizer.setInteger("Y_tag", target.getY());
stabilizer.setInteger("Z_tag", target.getZ());
// add
// linked cores for TileEnergyPylon
if (nbtTileEntity.hasKey("Cores")) {
final int countCores = nbtTileEntity.getInteger("Cores");
if (countCores > 0) {
for (int indexCore = 0; indexCore < countCores; indexCore++) {
final BlockPos targetLink = transformation.apply(
nbtTileEntity.getInteger(String.format("X_Core%d", indexCore)),
nbtTileEntity.getInteger(String.format("Y_Core%d", indexCore)),
nbtTileEntity.getInteger(String.format("Z_Core%d", indexCore)) );
nbtTileEntity.setInteger(String.format("X_Core%d", indexCore), targetLink.getX());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger(String.format("Y_Core%d", indexCore), targetLink.getY());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger(String.format("Z_Core%d", indexCore), targetLink.getZ());
// linked emitters for TileEnergyStorageCore
if (nbtTileEntity.hasKey("X_0")) {
final BlockPos targetLink = transformation.apply(
nbtTileEntity.getInteger("Z_0") );
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("X_0", targetLink.getX());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Y_0", targetLink.getY());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Z_0", targetLink.getZ());
if (nbtTileEntity.hasKey("X_1")) {
final BlockPos targetLink = transformation.apply(
nbtTileEntity.getInteger("Z_1") );
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("X_1", targetLink.getX());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Y_1", targetLink.getY());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Z_1", targetLink.getZ());
if (nbtTileEntity.hasKey("X_2")) {
final BlockPos targetLink = transformation.apply(
nbtTileEntity.getInteger("Z_2") );
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("X_2", targetLink.getX());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Y_2", targetLink.getY());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Z_2", targetLink.getZ());
if (nbtTileEntity.hasKey("X_3")) {
final BlockPos targetLink = transformation.apply(
nbtTileEntity.getInteger("Z_3") );
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("X_3", targetLink.getX());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Y_3", targetLink.getY());
nbtTileEntity.setInteger("Z_3", targetLink.getZ());
// rotation for placed item only applies for top/bottom position
if (classBlockPlacedItem.isInstance(block)) {
if (rotationSteps > 0) {
if (metadata == 0) {
final float rotation = nbtTileEntity.getInteger("Rotation");
nbtTileEntity.setFloat("Rotation", (rotation + rotationSteps * 90.0F) % 360.0F);
} else if (metadata == 1) {
final float rotation = nbtTileEntity.getInteger("Rotation");
nbtTileEntity.setFloat("Rotation", (rotation + rotationSteps * 270.0F) % 360.0F);
switch (rotationSteps) {
case 1:
return rotRotation[metadata];
case 2:
return rotRotation[rotRotation[metadata]];
case 3:
return rotRotation[rotRotation[rotRotation[metadata]]];
return metadata;
// rotation for dislocator stand / TileTeleporterStand
if (classBlockTeleporterStand.isInstance(block)) {
if (rotationSteps > 0) {
final float rotation = nbtTileEntity.getInteger("Rotation");
nbtTileEntity.setFloat("Rotation", (rotation + rotationSteps * 90.0F) % 360.0F);
final int rotationOld = tagCompoundBCManagedData.getInteger("rotation");
final int rotationNew = ((rotationOld + 8 + 4 * rotationSteps) % 16) - 8;
tagCompoundBCManagedData.setInteger("rotation", rotationNew);
return metadata;
// Draconium chest
if (classBlockDraconiumChest.isInstance(block)) {
switch (rotationSteps) {
case 1:
return rotPotentiometer[metadata];
case 2:
return rotPotentiometer[rotPotentiometer[metadata]];
case 3:
return rotPotentiometer[rotPotentiometer[rotPotentiometer[metadata]]];
return metadata;
// Placed item rotates by metadata vertically, by NBT horizontally
if (classBlockPlacedItem.isInstance(block)) {
if (tagCompoundBCManagedData == null) {
return metadata;
if (metadata == 0 || metadata == 1) {// placed horizontally
final int rotationOld = tagCompoundBCManagedData.getInteger("rotation0");
final int rotationNew;
if (metadata == 0) {
rotationNew = (rotationOld + 4 * rotationSteps) % 16;
} else {
rotationNew = (rotationOld + 12 * rotationSteps) % 16;
tagCompoundBCManagedData.setInteger("rotation0", rotationNew);
return metadata;
// (placed vertically)
final byte facing = nbtTileEntity.getByte("Facing");
switch (rotationSteps) {
case 1:
nbtTileEntity.setByte("Facing", byteFacing[facing]);
return intFacing[metadata];
case 2:
nbtTileEntity.setByte("Facing", byteFacing[byteFacing[facing]]);
return intFacing[intFacing[metadata]];
case 3:
nbtTileEntity.setByte("Facing", byteFacing[byteFacing[byteFacing[facing]]]);
return intFacing[intFacing[intFacing[metadata]]];
return metadata;
// from there on, we need BCManagedData, so skip the other blocks altogether
if (tagCompoundBCManagedData == null) {
return metadata;
// *** blocks with rotation and position(s)
// common optional "facing" property for EnergyCrystal and ReactorComponent
if (tagCompoundBCManagedData.hasKey("facing")) {
final int facing = tagCompoundBCManagedData.getInteger("facing");
switch (rotationSteps) {
case 1:
tagCompoundBCManagedData.setInteger("facing", intFacing[facing]);
case 2:
tagCompoundBCManagedData.setInteger("facing", intFacing[intFacing[facing]]);
case 3:
tagCompoundBCManagedData.setInteger("facing", intFacing[intFacing[intFacing[facing]]]);
// common optional "CoreDirection" property for ParticleGenerator
if (tagCompoundBCManagedData.hasKey("CoreDirection")) {
final int facing = tagCompoundBCManagedData.getInteger("CoreDirection");
switch (rotationSteps) {
case 1:
tagCompoundBCManagedData.setInteger("CoreDirection", intFacing[facing]);
case 2:
tagCompoundBCManagedData.setInteger("CoreDirection", intFacing[intFacing[facing]]);
case 3:
tagCompoundBCManagedData.setInteger("CoreDirection", intFacing[intFacing[intFacing[facing]]]);
// absolute coordinate "lastCorePos" for CraftingInjector
if (tagCompoundBCManagedData.hasKey("lastCorePos")) {
final NBTTagList tagListLastCorePos = tagCompoundBCManagedData.getTagList("lastCorePos", NBT.TAG_INT);
// There's "isValid" flag and it's an absolute coordinate defaulting to 0 0 0.
// After jump, it would load 'random' chunks, so we're checking if it's inside the ship before transforming.
// Position can be far outside the ship, so we'll reset to default if it's outside the ship.
final int x = tagListLastCorePos.getIntAt(0);
final int y = tagListLastCorePos.getIntAt(1);
final int z = tagListLastCorePos.getIntAt(2);
if (transformation.isInside(x, y, z)) {
final BlockPos targetLink = transformation.apply(x, y, z);
tagListLastCorePos.set(0, new NBTTagInt(targetLink.getX()));
tagListLastCorePos.set(1, new NBTTagInt(targetLink.getY()));
tagListLastCorePos.set(2, new NBTTagInt(targetLink.getZ()));
} else {
tagListLastCorePos.set(0, new NBTTagInt(0));
tagListLastCorePos.set(1, new NBTTagInt(0));
tagListLastCorePos.set(2, new NBTTagInt(0));
// from now on we're transforming relative coordinates, so we'll need the block old and new coordinates of this block
final BlockPos blockPosOld = new BlockPos(
final BlockPos blockPosNew = transformation.apply(blockPosOld);
// EnergyCrystal
if (nbtTileEntity.hasKey("LinkedCrystals")) {
final NBTTagList tagListOldLinkedCrystals = nbtTileEntity.getTagList("LinkedCrystals", NBT.TAG_BYTE_ARRAY);
final int countLinks = tagListOldLinkedCrystals.tagCount();
if (countLinks > 0) {
final NBTTagList tagListNewLinkedCrystals = new NBTTagList();
for (int index = 0; index < countLinks; index++) {
final NBTTagByteArray listLinkedCrystal = (NBTTagByteArray) tagListOldLinkedCrystals.get(index);
final byte[] byteLink = listLinkedCrystal.getByteArray();
final int x = blockPosOld.getX() - byteLink[0];
final int y = blockPosOld.getY() - byteLink[1];
final int z = blockPosOld.getZ() - byteLink[2];
if (transformation.isInside(x, y, z)) {
final BlockPos targetLink = transformation.apply(x, y, z);
byteLink[0] = (byte) (targetLink.getX() - blockPosNew.getX());
byteLink[1] = (byte) (targetLink.getY() - blockPosNew.getY());
byteLink[2] = (byte) (targetLink.getZ() - blockPosNew.getZ());
} else {// (outside ship)
// remove the link
byteLink[0] = (byte) 0;
byteLink[1] = (byte) 0;
byteLink[2] = (byte) 0;
nbtTileEntity.setTag("LinkedCrystals", tagListNewLinkedCrystals);
// EnergyStorageCore
if (tagCompoundBCManagedData.getBoolean("stabilizersOK")) {
for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
final String tagName = String.format("stabOffset%d", index);
final NBTTagList tagListOffset = tagCompoundBCManagedData.getTagList(tagName, NBT.TAG_INT);
final int x = blockPosOld.getX() - tagListOffset.getIntAt(0);
final int y = blockPosOld.getY() - tagListOffset.getIntAt(1);
final int z = blockPosOld.getZ() - tagListOffset.getIntAt(2);
if (transformation.isInside(x, y, z)) {
final BlockPos targetStabilizer = transformation.apply(x, y, z);
tagListOffset.set(0, new NBTTagInt(targetStabilizer.getX() - blockPosNew.getX()));
tagListOffset.set(1, new NBTTagInt(targetStabilizer.getY() - blockPosNew.getY()));
tagListOffset.set(2, new NBTTagInt(targetStabilizer.getZ() - blockPosNew.getZ()));
} else {// (outside ship)
// remove the link
tagListOffset.set(0, new NBTTagInt(0));
tagListOffset.set(1, new NBTTagInt(0));
tagListOffset.set(2, new NBTTagInt(0));
// EnergyPylon, InvisECoreBlock, ParticleGenerator, ReactorComponent
if (tagCompoundBCManagedData.hasKey("coreOffset")) {
final NBTTagList tagListOffset = tagCompoundBCManagedData.getTagList("coreOffset", NBT.TAG_INT);
if ( tagCompoundBCManagedData.getBoolean("structureValid")
|| classBlockInvisECoreBlock.isInstance(block)
|| tagCompoundBCManagedData.getBoolean("hasCoreLock")
|| tagCompoundBCManagedData.getBoolean("isBound") ) {
final int x = blockPosOld.getX() - tagListOffset.getIntAt(0);
final int y = blockPosOld.getY() - tagListOffset.getIntAt(1);
final int z = blockPosOld.getZ() - tagListOffset.getIntAt(2);
if (transformation.isInside(x, y, z)) {
final BlockPos targetStabilizer = transformation.apply(x, y, z);
tagListOffset.set(0, new NBTTagInt(targetStabilizer.getX() - blockPosNew.getX()));
tagListOffset.set(1, new NBTTagInt(targetStabilizer.getY() - blockPosNew.getY()));
tagListOffset.set(2, new NBTTagInt(targetStabilizer.getZ() - blockPosNew.getZ()));
} else {// (outside ship)
// remove the link
tagListOffset.set(0, new NBTTagInt(0));
tagListOffset.set(1, new NBTTagInt(0));
tagListOffset.set(2, new NBTTagInt(0));
} else {// (not bound or invalid)
// remove the link
tagListOffset.set(0, new NBTTagInt(0));
tagListOffset.set(1, new NBTTagInt(0));
tagListOffset.set(2, new NBTTagInt(0));
// ReactorCore
if (tagCompoundBCManagedData.hasKey("componentPosition0")) {
final HashMap<String, NBTTagList> mapNewPosition = new HashMap<>(6);
for (int facing = 0; facing < 6; facing++) {
// rotate the key name
final String tagOldName = String.format("componentPosition%d", facing);
final String tagNewName;
switch (rotationSteps) {
case 1:
tagNewName = String.format("componentPosition%d", intFacing[facing]);
case 2:
tagNewName = String.format("componentPosition%d", intFacing[intFacing[facing]]);
case 3:
tagNewName = String.format("componentPosition%d", intFacing[intFacing[intFacing[facing]]]);
tagNewName = tagOldName;
// get current offset
final NBTTagList tagListOffset = tagCompoundBCManagedData.getTagList(tagOldName, NBT.TAG_INT);
// transform as needed
if ( tagListOffset.getIntAt(0) != 0
|| tagListOffset.getIntAt(1) != 0
|| tagListOffset.getIntAt(2) != 0 ) {
final int x = blockPosOld.getX() - tagListOffset.getIntAt(0);
final int y = blockPosOld.getY() - tagListOffset.getIntAt(1);
final int z = blockPosOld.getZ() - tagListOffset.getIntAt(2);
if (transformation.isInside(x, y, z)) {
final BlockPos targetComponent = transformation.apply(x, y, z);
tagListOffset.set(0, new NBTTagInt(targetComponent.getX() - blockPosNew.getX()));
tagListOffset.set(1, new NBTTagInt(targetComponent.getY() - blockPosNew.getY()));
tagListOffset.set(2, new NBTTagInt(targetComponent.getZ() - blockPosNew.getZ()));
} else {// (outside ship)
// remove the link
tagListOffset.set(0, new NBTTagInt(0));
tagListOffset.set(1, new NBTTagInt(0));
tagListOffset.set(2, new NBTTagInt(0));
// save the new value
mapNewPosition.put(tagNewName, tagListOffset);
// apply the new position
for (final Entry<String, NBTTagList> entry : mapNewPosition.entrySet()) {
tagCompoundBCManagedData.setTag(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return metadata;