Updated schematic importer for 1.12.2

- better support for WorldEdit tile entities
- support for Sponge palette encoding
- validate format to improve player accessibility
This commit is contained in:
Unknown 2019-04-30 10:32:23 +02:00 committed by unknown
parent 4a3c589ca2
commit 6ce1f5c5f5
8 changed files with 171 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -7,15 +7,16 @@ import cr0s.warpdrive.api.WarpDriveText;
import cr0s.warpdrive.block.movement.TileEntityShipCore;
import cr0s.warpdrive.config.Dictionary;
import cr0s.warpdrive.config.WarpDriveConfig;
import cr0s.warpdrive.config.WarpDriveDataFixer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityList;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
@ -70,35 +71,152 @@ public class JumpShip {
} else {
// Set deployment variables
final short width = schematic.getShort("Width");
final short height = schematic.getShort("Height");
final short length = schematic.getShort("Length");
jumpShip.minX = 0;
jumpShip.maxX = width - 1;
jumpShip.minY = 0;
jumpShip.maxY = height - 1;
jumpShip.minZ = 0;
jumpShip.maxZ = length - 1;
jumpShip.core = null;
// Read dimensions
// note: WorldEdit uses shorts. Sponge uses integers.
final int width = schematic.getInteger("Width");
final int height = schematic.getInteger("Height");
final int length = schematic.getInteger("Length");
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0 || length <= 0) {
reason.append(new WarpDriveText(Commons.styleWarning, "warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format",
String.format("Invalid size values: expecting strictly positive integers, found %1d %2d %3d.",
width, height, length) ));
return null;
// Read core offset & original position
final boolean isWorldEdit = schematic.hasKey("WEOffsetX");
final VectorI vCore;
final VectorI vOrigin;
if (isWorldEdit) {
// WEOffset is origin position relative to the core
vCore = new VectorI(-schematic.getInteger("WEOffsetX"),
-schematic.getInteger("WEOffsetZ") );
// WEOrigin is offset on tile entity coordinates (position of the first block in original world)
vOrigin = new VectorI(schematic.getInteger("WEOriginX"),
schematic.getInteger("WEOriginZ") );
} else if (schematic.hasKey("Offset")){
// Offset is core position relative to origin
final int[] intOffset = schematic.getIntArray("Offset");
if (intOffset.length != 3) {
reason.append(new WarpDriveText(Commons.styleWarning, "warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format",
String.format("Invalid offset format: expecting 3 integers, found %1d",
intOffset.length) ));
return null;
vCore = new VectorI(intOffset[0],
intOffset[2] );
// Origin is unknown with Sponge, defaulting to 0
vOrigin = new VectorI(0, 0, 0 );
} else {
reason.append(new WarpDriveText(Commons.styleWarning, "warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format",
"Unknown offset format"));
return null;
// Read registry name's palette if defined (as introduced by MC1.13)
final HashMap<Integer, IBlockState> blockStatePalette;
if (schematic.hasKey("Palette")) {
final NBTTagCompound tagCompoundPalette = schematic.getCompoundTag("Palette");
blockStatePalette = new HashMap<>(tagCompoundPalette.getKeySet().size());
for (final String stringBlockstate : tagCompoundPalette.getKeySet()) {
final IBlockState blockState = WarpDriveDataFixer.getBlockState(stringBlockstate);
if (blockState != null) {
blockStatePalette.put(tagCompoundPalette.getInteger(stringBlockstate), blockState);
} else {
blockStatePalette = null;
// Compute ship properties
jumpShip.core = new BlockPos(vOrigin.x + vCore.x,
vOrigin.y + vCore.y,
vOrigin.z + vCore.z );
jumpShip.minX = vOrigin.x;
jumpShip.maxX = vOrigin.x + width - 1;
jumpShip.minY = vOrigin.y;
jumpShip.maxY = vOrigin.y + height - 1;
jumpShip.minZ = vOrigin.z;
jumpShip.maxZ = vOrigin.z + length - 1;
jumpShip.jumpBlocks = new JumpBlock[width * height * length];
WarpDrive.logger.info(String.format("vCore %s vOrigin %s => shipCore %s",
vCore, vOrigin, jumpShip.core ));
// Read blocks and TileEntities from NBT to internal storage array
final byte localBlocks[] = schematic.getByteArray("Blocks");
final byte localAddBlocks[] = schematic.hasKey("AddBlocks") ? schematic.getByteArray("AddBlocks") : null;
final byte localMetadata[] = schematic.getByteArray("Data");
// Read blocks from NBT to internal storage array
// Before 1.13, WorldEdit uses Blocks for LSB, an optional AddBlocks for MSB.
// From 1.13, WorldEdit uses ???.
// Sponge uses BlockData with either a Palette or some custom encoding
final byte[] localBlocks = schematic.hasKey("Blocks") ? schematic.getByteArray("Blocks") : schematic.getByteArray("BlockData");
final byte[] localAddBlocks = schematic.hasKey("AddBlocks") ? schematic.getByteArray("AddBlocks") : null;
final byte[] localMetadata = blockStatePalette == null ? schematic.getByteArray("Data") : null;
if (localBlocks.length != jumpShip.jumpBlocks.length) {
reason.append(new WarpDriveText(Commons.styleWarning, "warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format",
String.format("Invalid array size for Blocks: expecting %d (%d x %d x %d), found %d",
width, height, length,
localBlocks.length ) ));
return null;
final int sizeAddBlocks = (int) Math.ceil((jumpShip.jumpBlocks.length + 1.0F) / 2);
if (localAddBlocks != null && localAddBlocks.length != sizeAddBlocks) {
reason.append(new WarpDriveText(Commons.styleWarning, "warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format",
String.format("Invalid array size for AddBlocks: expecting %d (%d x %d x %d), found %d",
width, height, length,
localAddBlocks.length ) ));
return null;
if (localMetadata != null && localMetadata.length != jumpShip.jumpBlocks.length) {
reason.append(new WarpDriveText(Commons.styleWarning, "warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format",
String.format("Invalid array size for Metadata: expecting %d (%d x %d x %d), found %d",
width, height, length,
localMetadata.length ) ));
return null;
// Load Tile Entities
// Read Tile Entities
final NBTTagCompound[] tileEntities = new NBTTagCompound[jumpShip.jumpBlocks.length];
final NBTTagList tagListTileEntities = schematic.getTagList("TileEntities", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND);
for (int i = 0; i < tagListTileEntities.tagCount(); i++) {
final NBTTagCompound tagTileEntity = tagListTileEntities.getCompoundTagAt(i);
final int teX = tagTileEntity.getInteger("x");
final int teY = tagTileEntity.getInteger("y");
final int teZ = tagTileEntity.getInteger("z");
for (int index = 0; index < tagListTileEntities.tagCount(); index++) {
final NBTTagCompound tagCompoundTileEntity = tagListTileEntities.getCompoundTagAt(index);
final int xTileEntity;
final int yTileEntity;
final int zTileEntity;
if (isWorldEdit) {
xTileEntity = tagCompoundTileEntity.getInteger("x");
yTileEntity = tagCompoundTileEntity.getInteger("y");
zTileEntity = tagCompoundTileEntity.getInteger("z");
} else if (tagCompoundTileEntity.hasKey("Pos")) {
final int[] intPosition = tagCompoundTileEntity.getIntArray("Pos");
if (intPosition.length != 3) {
reason.append(new WarpDriveText(Commons.styleWarning, "warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format",
String.format("Invalid array size for TileEntity Pos: expecting 3, found %d in %s",
intPosition.length, tagCompoundTileEntity ) ));
return null;
xTileEntity = intPosition[0];
yTileEntity = intPosition[1];
zTileEntity = intPosition[2];
} else {
reason.append(new WarpDriveText(Commons.styleWarning, "warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format",
String.format("Missing position for TileEntity %s",
tagCompoundTileEntity ) ));
return null;
tagCompoundTileEntity.setInteger("x", vOrigin.x + xTileEntity);
tagCompoundTileEntity.setInteger("y", vOrigin.y + yTileEntity);
tagCompoundTileEntity.setInteger("z", vOrigin.z + zTileEntity);
tileEntities[teX + (teY * length + teZ) * width] = tagTileEntity;
tileEntities[xTileEntity + (yTileEntity * length + zTileEntity) * width] = tagCompoundTileEntity;
// Create list of blocks to deploy
@ -108,9 +226,9 @@ public class JumpShip {
final int index = x + (y * length + z) * width;
JumpBlock jumpBlock = new JumpBlock();
jumpBlock.x = x;
jumpBlock.y = y;
jumpBlock.z = z;
jumpBlock.x = vOrigin.x + x;
jumpBlock.y = vOrigin.y + y;
jumpBlock.z = vOrigin.z + z;
// rebuild block id from signed byte + nibble tables
int blockId = localBlocks[index];
@ -129,9 +247,22 @@ public class JumpShip {
jumpBlock.block = Block.getBlockById(blockId);
jumpBlock.blockMeta = (localMetadata[index]) & 0x0F;
jumpBlock.blockNBT = tileEntities[index];
if (blockStatePalette == null) {
jumpBlock.block = Block.getBlockById(blockId);
jumpBlock.blockMeta = (localMetadata[index]) & 0x0F;
} else {
final IBlockState blockState = blockStatePalette.get(blockId);
if (blockState != null) {
jumpBlock.block = blockState.getBlock();
jumpBlock.blockMeta = blockState.getBlock().getMetaFromState(blockState);
// only add NBT for non-air blocks due to missing blocks
if (jumpBlock.block != Blocks.AIR) {
jumpBlock.blockNBT = tileEntities[index];
} else {
jumpBlock.blockMeta = 0;
if (jumpBlock.block != null) {
if (WarpDriveConfig.LOGGING_BUILDING) {
@ -210,11 +341,9 @@ public class JumpShip {
if (WarpDriveConfig.LOGGING_JUMPBLOCKS) {
if (WarpDriveConfig.LOGGING_JUMPBLOCKS) {
WarpDrive.logger.info(String.format("Adding entity %s: %s",
entity ));
WarpDrive.logger.info(String.format("Adding entity %s: %s",
entity ));
final MovingEntity movingEntity = new MovingEntity(entity);

View file

@ -883,6 +883,7 @@ warpdrive.ship.guide.moving_too_low=Ship core is moving too low.
warpdrive.ship.guide.jump_aborted=Jump aborted!
warpdrive.ship.guide.jump_done=Jump done
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_not_found=Schematic not found or unknown error reading it: '%1$s'.
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format=Invalid schematic format: %1$s
warpdrive.ship.status_line.cooling=%1$d s Abklingzeit verbleibend.
warpdrive.ship.status_line.isolation=%1$d aktive Isolations Blöcke bieten %2$s%% Absorption.

View file

@ -879,6 +879,7 @@ warpdrive.ship.guide.moving_too_low=Ship core is moving too low.
warpdrive.ship.guide.jump_aborted=Jump aborted!
warpdrive.ship.guide.jump_done=Jump done
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_not_found=Schematic not found or unknown error reading it: '%1$s'.
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format=Invalid schematic format: %1$s
warpdrive.ship.status_line.cooling=%1$d s left of cooldown.
warpdrive.ship.status_line.isolation=%1$d active isolation blocks providing %2$s%% absorption.

View file

@ -880,7 +880,8 @@ warpdrive.ship.guide.moving_too_high=Ship core is moving too high.
warpdrive.ship.guide.moving_too_low=Ship core is moving too low.
warpdrive.ship.guide.jump_aborted=Jump aborted!
warpdrive.ship.guide.jump_done=Jump done
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_not_found=Schematic not found or unknown error reading it: '%1$s'.
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_not_found=Schéma introuvable ou erreur de lecture: '%1$s'.
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format=Format de schéma invalide: %1$s
warpdrive.ship.status_line.cooling=Encore %1$d s de refroidissement.
warpdrive.ship.status_line.isolation=Les %1$d blocs d'isolations actifs fournissent %2$s%% d'absorption.

View file

@ -880,6 +880,7 @@ warpdrive.ship.guide.moving_too_low=Ship core is moving too low.
warpdrive.ship.guide.jump_aborted=Jump aborted!
warpdrive.ship.guide.jump_done=Jump done
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_not_found=Schematic not found or unknown error reading it: '%1$s'.
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format=Invalid schematic format: %1$s
warpdrive.ship.status_line.cooling=%1$d seconden over van afkoeling
warpdrive.ship.status_line.isolation=%1$d actieve isolatie-blokken geven %2$s%% absorptie.

View file

@ -881,6 +881,7 @@ warpdrive.ship.guide.moving_too_low=Ship core is moving too low.
warpdrive.ship.guide.jump_aborted=Jump aborted!
warpdrive.ship.guide.jump_done=Jump done
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_not_found=Schematic not found or unknown error reading it: '%1$s'.
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format=Invalid schematic format: %1$s
warpdrive.ship.status_line.cooling=Осталось %1$d с до остывания.
warpdrive.ship.status_line.isolation=%1$d активных блоков изоляции предоставляют %2$s%% поглощения.

View file

@ -881,6 +881,7 @@ warpdrive.ship.guide.moving_too_low=Ship core is moving too low.
warpdrive.ship.guide.jump_aborted=Jump aborted!
warpdrive.ship.guide.jump_done=Jump done
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_not_found=Schematic not found or unknown error reading it: '%1$s'.
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format=Invalid schematic format: %1$s
warpdrive.ship.status_line.cooling=%1$d s 冷却时间

View file

@ -880,6 +880,7 @@ warpdrive.ship.guide.moving_too_low=Ship core is moving too low.
warpdrive.ship.guide.jump_aborted=Jump aborted!
warpdrive.ship.guide.jump_done=Jump done
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_not_found=Schematic not found or unknown error reading it: '%1$s'.
warpdrive.ship.guide.schematic_invalid_format=Invalid schematic format: %1$s
warpdrive.ship.status_line.cooling=%1$d s 升降梯的冷卻中。
warpdrive.ship.status_line.isolation=%1$d 主動隔離塊由 %2$s%% 吸收。