Fixed hyperspace transitions
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 237 additions and 116 deletions
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public class CommandReload extends CommandBase {
if (sender == null) { return; }
Commons.addChatMessage(sender, "WarpDrive configuration has been reloaded. Use at your own risk!");
Commons.addChatMessage(sender, "§aWarpDrive configuration has been reloaded.\n§aUse at your own risk!");
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public class CommandSpace extends CommandBase {
MinecraftServer server = MinecraftServer.getServer();
// set defaults
int targetDimensionId = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int dimensionIdTarget = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
EntityPlayerMP[] entityPlayerMPs = null;
if (commandSender instanceof EntityPlayerMP) {
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class CommandSpace extends CommandBase {
if (entityPlayerMPs_found != null) {
entityPlayerMPs = entityPlayerMPs_found;
} else if (commandSender instanceof EntityPlayer) {
targetDimensionId = StarMapRegistry.getDimensionId(params[0], (EntityPlayer) commandSender);
dimensionIdTarget = StarMapRegistry.getDimensionId(params[0], (EntityPlayer) commandSender);
} else {
Commons.addChatMessage(commandSender, "§c/space: player not found '" + params[0] + "'");
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public class CommandSpace extends CommandBase {
Commons.addChatMessage(commandSender, "§c/space: player not found '" + params[0] + "'");
targetDimensionId = StarMapRegistry.getDimensionId(params[1], entityPlayerMPs[0]);
dimensionIdTarget = StarMapRegistry.getDimensionId(params[1], entityPlayerMPs[0]);
} else {
Commons.addChatMessage(commandSender, "§c/space: too many arguments " + params.length);
@ -85,14 +85,14 @@ public class CommandSpace extends CommandBase {
for (EntityPlayerMP entityPlayerMP : entityPlayerMPs) {
// toggle between overworld and space if no dimension was provided
int newX = MathHelper.floor_double(entityPlayerMP.posX);
int newY = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, MathHelper.floor_double(entityPlayerMP.posY)));
int newZ = MathHelper.floor_double(entityPlayerMP.posZ);
int xTarget = MathHelper.floor_double(entityPlayerMP.posX);
int yTarget = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, MathHelper.floor_double(entityPlayerMP.posY)));
int zTarget = MathHelper.floor_double(entityPlayerMP.posZ);
final CelestialObject celestialObjectCurrent = StarMapRegistry.getCelestialObject(entityPlayerMP.worldObj.provider.dimensionId, (int) entityPlayerMP.posX, (int) entityPlayerMP.posZ);
if (targetDimensionId == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
if (dimensionIdTarget == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
if (celestialObjectCurrent == null) {
String.format("§c/space: player %s is in unknown dimension %d. Try specifying an explicit target dimension instead.",
String.format("§c/space: player %s is in unknown dimension %d.\n§cTry specifying an explicit target dimension instead.",
entityPlayerMP.getCommandSenderName(), entityPlayerMP.worldObj.provider.dimensionId));
@ -100,92 +100,93 @@ public class CommandSpace extends CommandBase {
// in space or hyperspace => move to closest child
final CelestialObject celestialObjectChild = StarMapRegistry.getClosestChildCelestialObject(entityPlayerMP.worldObj.provider.dimensionId, (int) entityPlayerMP.posX, (int) entityPlayerMP.posZ);
if (celestialObjectChild == null) {
targetDimensionId = 0;
dimensionIdTarget = 0;
} else if (celestialObjectChild.isVirtual) {
String.format("§c/space: player %s can't go to %s.\nThis is a virtual celestial object. Try specifying an explicit target dimension instead.",
String.format("§c/space: player %s can't go to %s.\n§cThis is a virtual celestial object. Try specifying an explicit target dimension instead.",
entityPlayerMP.getCommandSenderName(), celestialObjectChild.getFullName()));
} else {
targetDimensionId = celestialObjectChild.dimensionId;
dimensionIdTarget = celestialObjectChild.dimensionId;
final VectorI vEntry = celestialObjectChild.getEntryOffset();
newX += vEntry.x;
newY += vEntry.y;
newZ += vEntry.z;
xTarget += vEntry.x;
yTarget += vEntry.y;
zTarget += vEntry.z;
} else {
// on a planet => move to space
final CelestialObject celestialObjectParent = StarMapRegistry.getParentCelestialObject(celestialObjectCurrent);
if (celestialObjectParent == null) {
targetDimensionId = 0;
dimensionIdTarget = 0;
} else {
targetDimensionId = celestialObjectParent.dimensionId;
dimensionIdTarget = celestialObjectParent.dimensionId;
final VectorI vEntry = celestialObjectCurrent.getEntryOffset();
newX -= vEntry.x;
newY -= vEntry.y;
newZ -= vEntry.z;
xTarget -= vEntry.x;
yTarget -= vEntry.y;
zTarget -= vEntry.z;
} else {
// adjust offset when it's directly above or below us
if (celestialObjectCurrent.parentDimensionId == targetDimensionId) {// moving to parent explicitly
if ( celestialObjectCurrent != null
&& celestialObjectCurrent.parentDimensionId == dimensionIdTarget ) {// moving to parent explicitly
final VectorI vEntry = celestialObjectCurrent.getEntryOffset();
newX -= vEntry.x;
newY -= vEntry.y;
newZ -= vEntry.z;
xTarget -= vEntry.x;
yTarget -= vEntry.y;
zTarget -= vEntry.z;
} else {
final CelestialObject celestialObjectChild = StarMapRegistry.getClosestChildCelestialObject(entityPlayerMP.worldObj.provider.dimensionId, (int) entityPlayerMP.posX, (int) entityPlayerMP.posZ);
if (celestialObjectChild != null && celestialObjectChild.dimensionId == targetDimensionId) {// moving to child explicitly
if (celestialObjectChild != null && celestialObjectChild.dimensionId == dimensionIdTarget) {// moving to child explicitly
final VectorI vEntry = celestialObjectChild.getEntryOffset();
newX += vEntry.x;
newY += vEntry.y;
newZ += vEntry.z;
xTarget += vEntry.x;
yTarget += vEntry.y;
zTarget += vEntry.z;
// get target celestial object
final CelestialObject celestialObject = StarMapRegistry.getCelestialObject(targetDimensionId, newX, newZ);
final CelestialObject celestialObjectTarget = StarMapRegistry.getCelestialObject(dimensionIdTarget, xTarget, zTarget);
// force to center if we're outside the border
if ( celestialObject != null
&& celestialObject.getSquareDistanceOutsideBorder(targetDimensionId, newX, newZ) > 0 ) {
if ( celestialObjectTarget != null
&& celestialObjectTarget.isInsideBorder(xTarget, zTarget) ) {
// outside
newX = celestialObject.dimensionCenterX;
newZ = celestialObject.dimensionCenterZ;
xTarget = celestialObjectTarget.dimensionCenterX;
zTarget = celestialObjectTarget.dimensionCenterZ;
// get target world
WorldServer targetWorld = server.worldServerForDimension(targetDimensionId);
if (targetWorld == null) {
Commons.addChatMessage(commandSender, "§c/space: undefined dimension '" + targetDimensionId + "'");
WorldServer worldTarget = server.worldServerForDimension(dimensionIdTarget);
if (worldTarget == null) {
Commons.addChatMessage(commandSender, "§c/space: undefined dimension '" + dimensionIdTarget + "'");
// inform player
String message = "Teleporting player " + entityPlayerMP.getCommandSenderName() + " to dimension " + targetDimensionId + "..."; // + ":" + targetWorld.getWorldInfo().getWorldName();
String message = "§aTeleporting player " + entityPlayerMP.getCommandSenderName() + " to dimension " + dimensionIdTarget + "..."; // + ":" + worldTarget.getWorldInfo().getWorldName();
Commons.addChatMessage(commandSender, message);
if (commandSender != entityPlayerMP) {
Commons.addChatMessage(entityPlayerMP, commandSender.getCommandSenderName() + " is teleporting you to dimension " + targetDimensionId); // + ":" + targetWorld.getWorldInfo().getWorldName());
Commons.addChatMessage(entityPlayerMP, commandSender.getCommandSenderName() + " is teleporting you to dimension " + dimensionIdTarget); // + ":" + worldTarget.getWorldInfo().getWorldName());
// find a good spot
if ( (targetWorld.isAirBlock(newX, newY - 1, newZ) && !entityPlayerMP.capabilities.allowFlying)
|| !targetWorld.isAirBlock(newX, newY, newZ)
|| !targetWorld.isAirBlock(newX, newY + 1, newZ) ) {// non solid ground and can't fly, or inside blocks
newY = targetWorld.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(newX, newZ) + 1;
if (newY == 0) {
newY = 128;
if ( (worldTarget.isAirBlock(xTarget, yTarget - 1, zTarget) && !entityPlayerMP.capabilities.allowFlying)
|| !worldTarget.isAirBlock(xTarget, yTarget, zTarget)
|| !worldTarget.isAirBlock(xTarget, yTarget + 1, zTarget) ) {// non solid ground and can't fly, or inside blocks
yTarget = worldTarget.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(xTarget, zTarget) + 1;
if (yTarget == 0) {
yTarget = 128;
} else {
for (int safeY = newY - 3; safeY > Math.max(1, newY - 20); safeY--) {
if (!targetWorld.isAirBlock(newX, safeY - 1, newZ)
&& targetWorld.isAirBlock(newX, safeY , newZ)
&& targetWorld.isAirBlock(newX, safeY + 1, newZ)) {
newY = safeY;
for (int safeY = yTarget - 3; safeY > Math.max(1, yTarget - 20); safeY--) {
if (!worldTarget.isAirBlock(xTarget, safeY - 1, zTarget)
&& worldTarget.isAirBlock(xTarget, safeY , zTarget)
&& worldTarget.isAirBlock(xTarget, safeY + 1, zTarget)) {
yTarget = safeY;
@ -193,9 +194,9 @@ public class CommandSpace extends CommandBase {
// actual teleportation
final SpaceTeleporter teleporter = new SpaceTeleporter(targetWorld, 0, newX, newY, newZ);
server.getConfigurationManager().transferPlayerToDimension(entityPlayerMP, targetDimensionId, teleporter);
entityPlayerMP.setPositionAndUpdate(newX + 0.5D, newY + 0.2D, newZ + 0.5D);
final SpaceTeleporter teleporter = new SpaceTeleporter(worldTarget, 0, xTarget, yTarget, zTarget);
server.getConfigurationManager().transferPlayerToDimension(entityPlayerMP, dimensionIdTarget, teleporter);
entityPlayerMP.setPositionAndUpdate(xTarget + 0.5D, yTarget + 0.2D, zTarget + 0.5D);
@ -16,9 +16,12 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants.NBT;
* An astronomical object or celestial object is a naturally occurring physical entity, association, or structure in the observable universe.
* They can be a planet, a more abstract construct like solar system (space dimension) or the all mighty hyperspace.
@ -34,20 +37,21 @@ public class CelestialObject implements Cloneable, IStringSerializable {
public String group;
public String name;
public boolean isVirtual;
public int dimensionId;
public int dimensionCenterX, dimensionCenterZ;
public int borderRadiusX, borderRadiusZ;
public String parentGroup;
public String parentName;
public int parentDimensionId;
public int parentCenterX, parentCenterZ;
public boolean isProvidedByWarpDrive;
private boolean isProvidedByWarpDrive_defined = false;
public int borderRadiusX, borderRadiusZ;
public boolean isVirtual;
public int dimensionId;
public int dimensionCenterX, dimensionCenterZ;
public double gravity;
public boolean isBreathable;
public boolean isProvidedByWarpDrive;
private boolean isProvidedByWarpDrive_defined = false;
private final RandomCollection<StructureGroup> randomStructures = new RandomCollection<>();
@ -156,9 +160,9 @@ public class CelestialObject implements Cloneable, IStringSerializable {
if (listDimensions.size() == 0) {
isVirtual = true;
dimensionId = 0;
isProvidedByWarpDrive = false;
isBreathable = true;
isBreathable = true;
isProvidedByWarpDrive = false;
dimensionCenterX = 0;
dimensionCenterZ = 0;
} else {
@ -166,8 +170,8 @@ public class CelestialObject implements Cloneable, IStringSerializable {
final Element elementDimension = listDimensions.get(0);
dimensionId = Integer.parseInt(elementDimension.getAttribute("id"));
isBreathable = Boolean.parseBoolean(elementDimension.getAttribute("isBreathable"));
gravity = parseGravity(elementDimension.getAttribute("gravity"));
isBreathable = Boolean.parseBoolean(elementDimension.getAttribute("isBreathable"));
if (elementDimension.hasAttribute("isProvidedByWarpDrive")) {
isProvidedByWarpDrive = Boolean.parseBoolean(elementDimension.getAttribute("isProvidedByWarpDrive"));
isProvidedByWarpDrive_defined = true;
@ -335,8 +339,8 @@ public class CelestialObject implements Cloneable, IStringSerializable {
public AxisAlignedBB getWorldBorderArea() {
return AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(
(dimensionCenterX - borderRadiusX), 0, (dimensionCenterZ - borderRadiusZ),
(dimensionCenterX + borderRadiusX), 255, (dimensionCenterZ + borderRadiusZ) );
(dimensionCenterX - borderRadiusX), 0, (dimensionCenterZ - borderRadiusZ),
(dimensionCenterX + borderRadiusX), 255, (dimensionCenterZ + borderRadiusZ) );
public AxisAlignedBB getAreaToReachParent() {
@ -373,40 +377,41 @@ public class CelestialObject implements Cloneable, IStringSerializable {
* Compute distance from border to further point in an area.
* Verify that the given area is fully contained within the border.
* It's up to caller to verify if this celestial object is matched.
* @param aabb bounding box that should fit within border
* @return distance to transition borders, 0 if take off is possible
* @return true if we're fully inside the border
public double getSquareDistanceOutsideBorder(final int dimensionId, final AxisAlignedBB aabb) {
if (dimensionId != this.dimensionId) {
public boolean isInsideBorder(final AxisAlignedBB aabb) {
final double rangeX = Math.max(Math.abs(aabb.minX - dimensionCenterX), Math.abs(aabb.maxX - dimensionCenterX));
final double rangeZ = Math.max(Math.abs(aabb.minZ - dimensionCenterZ), Math.abs(aabb.maxZ - dimensionCenterZ));
final double dX = rangeX - borderRadiusX;
final double dZ = rangeZ - borderRadiusZ;
if ((rangeX <= borderRadiusX) && (rangeZ <= borderRadiusZ)) {
return - (dX * dX + dZ * dZ);
return (dX * dX + dZ * dZ);
return (rangeX <= borderRadiusX) && (rangeZ <= borderRadiusZ);
* Verify that the given position is within the border.
* It's up to caller to verify if this celestial object is matched.
* @param x coordinates inside the celestial object
* @param z coordinates inside the celestial object
* @return true if we're fully inside the border
public boolean isInsideBorder(final double x, final double z) {
final double rangeX = Math.abs(x - dimensionCenterX);
final double rangeZ = Math.abs(z - dimensionCenterZ);
return (rangeX <= borderRadiusX) && (rangeZ <= borderRadiusZ);
* Compute distance to reach closest border, while inside the same dimension.
* @param dimensionId dimension id
* @param x coordinates inside the celestial object
* @param z coordinates inside the celestial object
* @return 'square' distance to the closest border,
* <=0 if we're inside, > 0 if we're outside,
* +INF if we're in the wrong dimension
* <=0 if we're inside, > 0 if we're outside
public double getSquareDistanceOutsideBorder(final int dimensionId, final double x, final double z) {
if (dimensionId != this.dimensionId) {
public double getSquareDistanceOutsideBorder(final double x, final double z) {
final double rangeX = Math.abs(x - dimensionCenterX);
final double rangeZ = Math.abs(z - dimensionCenterZ);
final double dX = rangeX - borderRadiusX;
@ -450,34 +455,96 @@ public class CelestialObject implements Cloneable, IStringSerializable {
return dx * dx + dz * dz;
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) {
dimensionId = tag.getInteger("dimensionId");
dimensionCenterX = tag.getInteger("dimensionCenterX");
dimensionCenterZ = tag.getInteger("dimensionCenterZ");
borderRadiusX = tag.getInteger("borderSizeX");
borderRadiusZ = tag.getInteger("borderSizeZ");
parentDimensionId = tag.getInteger("parentDimensionId");
parentCenterX = tag.getInteger("parentCenterX");
parentCenterZ = tag.getInteger("parentCenterZ");
isProvidedByWarpDrive = tag.getBoolean("isProvidedByWarpDrive");
gravity = tag.getDouble("gravity");
isBreathable = tag.getBoolean("isBreathable");
// @TODO: mapGenerationRatios
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound) {
group = nbtTagCompound.getString("group");
name = nbtTagCompound.getString("name");
parentGroup = nbtTagCompound.getString("parentGroup");
parentName = nbtTagCompound.getString("parentName");
parentCenterX = nbtTagCompound.getInteger("parentCenterX");
parentCenterZ = nbtTagCompound.getInteger("parentCenterZ");
borderRadiusX = nbtTagCompound.getInteger("borderRadiusX");
borderRadiusZ = nbtTagCompound.getInteger("borderRadiusZ");
isVirtual = nbtTagCompound.getBoolean("isVirtual");
if (isVirtual) {
dimensionId = 0;
dimensionCenterX = 0;
dimensionCenterZ = 0;
isBreathable = true;
isProvidedByWarpDrive = false;
} else {
dimensionId = nbtTagCompound.getInteger("dimensionId");
dimensionCenterX = nbtTagCompound.getInteger("dimensionCenterX");
dimensionCenterZ = nbtTagCompound.getInteger("dimensionCenterZ");
gravity = nbtTagCompound.getDouble("gravity");
isBreathable = nbtTagCompound.getBoolean("isBreathable");
isProvidedByWarpDrive = nbtTagCompound.getBoolean("isProvidedByWarpDrive");
// randomStructures are server side only
backgroundColor = new ColorData(nbtTagCompound.getCompoundTag("backgroundColor"));
baseStarBrightness = nbtTagCompound.getFloat("baseStarBrightness");
vanillaStarBrightness = nbtTagCompound.getFloat("vanillaStarBrightness");
opacityCelestialObjects = nbtTagCompound.getFloat("opacityCelestialObjects");
colorFog = new ColorData(nbtTagCompound.getCompoundTag("colorFog"));
factorFog = new ColorData(nbtTagCompound.getCompoundTag("factorFog"));
final NBTTagList nbtTagListRenderData = nbtTagCompound.getTagList("renderData", NBT.TAG_COMPOUND);
final int countRender = nbtTagListRenderData.tagCount();
setRenderData = new LinkedHashSet<>(countRender);
for(int indexRenderData = 0; indexRenderData < countRender; indexRenderData++) {
final NBTTagCompound tagCompoundRenderData = nbtTagListRenderData.getCompoundTagAt(indexRenderData);
setRenderData.add(new RenderData(tagCompoundRenderData));
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) {
tag.setInteger("dimensionId", dimensionId);
tag.setInteger("dimensionCenterX", dimensionCenterX);
tag.setInteger("dimensionCenterZ", dimensionCenterZ);
tag.setInteger("borderRadiusX", borderRadiusX);
tag.setInteger("borderRadiusZ", borderRadiusZ);
tag.setInteger("parentDimensionId", parentDimensionId);
tag.setInteger("parentCenterX", parentCenterX);
tag.setInteger("parentCenterZ", parentCenterZ);
tag.setBoolean("isProvidedByWarpDrive", isProvidedByWarpDrive);
tag.setDouble("gravity", gravity);
tag.setBoolean("isBreathable", isBreathable);
// @TODO: mapGenerationRatios
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound) {
nbtTagCompound.setString("group", group);
nbtTagCompound.setString("name", name);
nbtTagCompound.setString("parentGroup", parentGroup);
nbtTagCompound.setString("parentName", parentName);
nbtTagCompound.setInteger("parentCenterX", parentCenterX);
nbtTagCompound.setInteger("parentCenterZ", parentCenterZ);
nbtTagCompound.setInteger("borderRadiusX", borderRadiusX);
nbtTagCompound.setInteger("borderRadiusZ", borderRadiusZ);
nbtTagCompound.setBoolean("isVirtual", isVirtual);
if (isVirtual) {
dimensionId = 0;
dimensionCenterX = 0;
dimensionCenterZ = 0;
isBreathable = true;
isProvidedByWarpDrive = false;
} else {
nbtTagCompound.setInteger("dimensionId", dimensionId);
nbtTagCompound.setInteger("dimensionCenterX", dimensionCenterX);
nbtTagCompound.setInteger("dimensionCenterZ", dimensionCenterZ);
nbtTagCompound.setDouble("gravity", gravity);
nbtTagCompound.setBoolean("isBreathable", isBreathable);
nbtTagCompound.setBoolean("isProvidedByWarpDrive", isProvidedByWarpDrive);
// randomStructures are server side only
nbtTagCompound.setTag("backgroundColor", backgroundColor.writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
nbtTagCompound.setFloat("baseStarBrightness", baseStarBrightness);
nbtTagCompound.setFloat("vanillaStarBrightness", vanillaStarBrightness);
nbtTagCompound.setFloat("opacityCelestialObjects", opacityCelestialObjects);
nbtTagCompound.setTag("colorFog", colorFog.writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
nbtTagCompound.setTag("factorFog", factorFog.writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
final NBTTagList nbtTagListRenderData = new NBTTagList();
for(final RenderData renderData : setRenderData) {
nbtTagListRenderData.appendTag(renderData.writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
nbtTagCompound.setTag("renderData", nbtTagListRenderData);
@ -518,7 +585,7 @@ public class CelestialObject implements Cloneable, IStringSerializable {
public float green;
public float blue;
ColorData(final float red, final float green, final float blue) throws InvalidXmlException {
ColorData(final float red, final float green, final float blue) {
|||| = red;
|||| = green;
|||| = blue;
@ -537,6 +604,23 @@ public class CelestialObject implements Cloneable, IStringSerializable {
blue = 0.5F;
ColorData(final NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound) {
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound) {
red = nbtTagCompound.getFloat("red");
green = nbtTagCompound.getFloat("green");
blue = nbtTagCompound.getFloat("blue");
public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound) {
nbtTagCompound.setFloat("red", red);
nbtTagCompound.setFloat("green", green);
nbtTagCompound.setFloat("blue", blue);
return nbtTagCompound;
public class RenderData {
@ -598,5 +682,42 @@ public class CelestialObject implements Cloneable, IStringSerializable {
isAdditive = Boolean.parseBoolean(elementRender.getAttribute("additive"));
RenderData(final NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound) {
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound) {
red = nbtTagCompound.getFloat("red");
green = nbtTagCompound.getFloat("green");
blue = nbtTagCompound.getFloat("blue");
alpha = nbtTagCompound.getFloat("alpha");
texture = nbtTagCompound.getString("texture");
if (texture == null || texture.isEmpty()) {
texture = null;
resourceLocation = null;
periodU = 1.0D;
periodV = 1.0D;
isAdditive = false;
} else {
resourceLocation = new ResourceLocation(texture);
periodU = nbtTagCompound.getDouble("periodU");
periodV = nbtTagCompound.getDouble("periodV");
isAdditive = nbtTagCompound.getBoolean("isAdditive");
public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound) {
nbtTagCompound.setFloat("red", red);
nbtTagCompound.setFloat("green", green);
nbtTagCompound.setFloat("blue", blue);
nbtTagCompound.setFloat("alpha", alpha);
if (texture != null) {
nbtTagCompound.setDouble("periodU", periodU);
nbtTagCompound.setDouble("periodV", periodV);
nbtTagCompound.setBoolean("isAdditive", isAdditive);
return nbtTagCompound;
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public class StarMapRegistry {
CelestialObject celestialObjectClosest = null;
for (final CelestialObject celestialObject : CelestialObjectManager.celestialObjects) {
if (dimensionId == celestialObject.dimensionId) {
final double distanceSquared = celestialObject.getSquareDistanceOutsideBorder(dimensionId, x, z);
final double distanceSquared = celestialObject.getSquareDistanceOutsideBorder(x, z);
if (distanceSquared <= 0) {
return celestialObject;
} else if (distanceClosest > distanceSquared) {
@ -618,10 +618,9 @@ public class JumpSequencer extends AbstractSequencer {
} else {
// are we in range?
final double distanceSquared = celestialObjectTarget.getSquareDistanceOutsideBorder(targetWorld.provider.dimensionId, aabbTarget);
if (distanceSquared > 0) {
AxisAlignedBB axisAlignedBB = celestialObjectTarget.getWorldBorderArea();
String message = String.format(
if (!celestialObjectTarget.isInsideBorder(aabbTarget)) {
final AxisAlignedBB axisAlignedBB = celestialObjectTarget.getWorldBorderArea();
final String message = String.format(
"Target ship position is outside planet border, unable to jump!\n"
+ "World borders are (%d %d %d) to (%d %d %d).",
(int) axisAlignedBB.minX, (int) axisAlignedBB.minY, (int) axisAlignedBB.minZ,
@ -783,7 +782,7 @@ public class JumpSequencer extends AbstractSequencer {
// are we clear for transit?
final double distanceSquared = celestialObjectSource.getSquareDistanceOutsideBorder(sourceWorld.provider.dimensionId, ship.coreX, ship.coreZ);
final double distanceSquared = celestialObjectSource.getSquareDistanceOutsideBorder(ship.coreX, ship.coreZ);
if (distanceSquared > 0) {
final AxisAlignedBB axisAlignedBB = celestialObjectSource.getAreaToReachParent();
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public class LivingHandler {
// unregistered dimension => exit
final double distanceSquared = celestialObject.getSquareDistanceOutsideBorder(entity.worldObj.provider.dimensionId, x, z);
final double distanceSquared = celestialObject.getSquareDistanceOutsideBorder(x, z);
if (distanceSquared <= 0.0D) {
// are we close to the border?
if ( Math.abs(distanceSquared) <= BORDER_WARNING_RANGE_BLOCKS_SQUARED
Reference in a new issue