Merging jump fixes into ship scanner (partial)
Refactored block placement Added Ship scanner configuration Added support for Ship scanner consuming all energy stored Added jump configuration for deployment speed
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 369 additions and 602 deletions
@ -81,8 +81,6 @@ public class EntityJump extends Entity
private int state = STATE_IDLE;
private int currentIndexInShip = 0;
private final int BLOCKS_PER_TICK = 3500;
private List<MovingEntity> entitiesOnShip;
private List<TileEntity> ASTurbines;
@ -539,7 +537,7 @@ public class EntityJump extends Entity
private void removeShip() {
int blocksToMove = Math.min(BLOCKS_PER_TICK, ship.length - currentIndexInShip);
int blocksToMove = Math.min(WarpDriveConfig.G_BLOCKS_PER_TICK, ship.length - currentIndexInShip);
WarpDrive.debugPrint("" + this + " Removing ship blocks " + currentIndexInShip + " to " + (currentIndexInShip + blocksToMove - 1) + " / " + (ship.length - 1));
TileEntity te;
Class<?> teClass;
@ -682,7 +680,7 @@ public class EntityJump extends Entity
private void moveShip() {
int blocksToMove = Math.min(BLOCKS_PER_TICK, ship.length - currentIndexInShip);
int blocksToMove = Math.min(WarpDriveConfig.G_BLOCKS_PER_TICK, ship.length - currentIndexInShip);
WarpDrive.debugPrint("" + this + " Moving ship blocks " + currentIndexInShip + " to " + (currentIndexInShip + blocksToMove - 1) + " / " + (ship.length - 1));
for (int index = 0; index < blocksToMove; index++) {
@ -690,7 +688,13 @@ public class EntityJump extends Entity
JumpBlock jb = ship[currentIndexInShip];
if (jb != null) {
jb.deploy(targetWorld, moveX, moveY, moveZ);
if (jb.blockID != WarpDriveConfig.CC_peripheral || (jb.blockMeta != 2 && jb.blockMeta != 4)) {
worldObj.removeBlockTileEntity(jb.x, jb.y, jb.z);
@ -1150,102 +1154,6 @@ public class EntityJump extends Entity
private boolean moveBlockSimple(int indexInShip) {
JumpBlock shipBlock = null;
try {
shipBlock = ship[indexInShip];
if (shipBlock == null) {
return false;
int oldX = shipBlock.x;
int oldY = shipBlock.y;
int oldZ = shipBlock.z;
int newX = oldX + moveX;
int newY = oldY + moveY;
int newZ = oldZ + moveZ;
int blockID = shipBlock.blockID;
int blockMeta = shipBlock.blockMeta;
mySetBlock(targetWorld, newX, newY, newZ, blockID, blockMeta, 2);
// Re-schedule air blocks update
if (blockID == WarpDriveConfig.airID) {
targetWorld.markBlockForUpdate(newX, newY, newZ);
targetWorld.scheduleBlockUpdate(newX, newY, newZ, blockID, 40 + targetWorld.rand.nextInt(20));
NBTTagCompound oldnbt = new NBTTagCompound();
if (shipBlock.blockTileEntity != null) {
oldnbt.setInteger("x", newX);
oldnbt.setInteger("y", newY);
oldnbt.setInteger("z", newZ);
if (oldnbt.hasKey("mainX") && oldnbt.hasKey("mainY") && oldnbt.hasKey("mainZ")) { // Mekanism
WarpDrive.debugPrint("[JUMP] moveBlockSimple: TileEntity from Mekanism detected");
oldnbt.setInteger("mainX", oldnbt.getInteger("mainX") + moveX);
oldnbt.setInteger("mainY", oldnbt.getInteger("mainY") + moveY);
oldnbt.setInteger("mainZ", oldnbt.getInteger("mainZ") + moveZ);
TileEntity newTileEntity = null;
boolean isForgeMultipart = false;
if (oldnbt.hasKey("id") && oldnbt.getString("id") == "savedMultipart" && WarpDriveConfig.isForgeMultipartLoaded) {
isForgeMultipart = true;
newTileEntity = (TileEntity) WarpDriveConfig.forgeMultipart_helper_createTileFromNBT.invoke(null, targetWorld, oldnbt);
} else if (blockID == WarpDriveConfig.CC_Computer || blockID == WarpDriveConfig.CC_peripheral || blockID == WarpDriveConfig.CCT_Turtle || blockID == WarpDriveConfig.CCT_Upgraded || blockID == WarpDriveConfig.CCT_Advanced) {
newTileEntity = TileEntity.createAndLoadEntity(oldnbt);
} else if (blockID == WarpDriveConfig.AS_Turbine) {
if (oldnbt.hasKey("zhuYao")) {
NBTTagCompound nbt1 = oldnbt.getCompoundTag("zhuYao");
nbt1.setDouble("x", newX);
nbt1.setDouble("y", newY);
nbt1.setDouble("z", newZ);
oldnbt.setTag("zhuYao", nbt1);
newTileEntity = TileEntity.createAndLoadEntity(oldnbt);
if (newTileEntity == null) {
newTileEntity = TileEntity.createAndLoadEntity(oldnbt);
if (newTileEntity != null) {
newTileEntity.worldObj = targetWorld;
worldObj.removeBlockTileEntity(oldX, oldY, oldZ);
targetWorld.setBlockTileEntity(newX, newY, newZ, newTileEntity);
if (isForgeMultipart) {
WarpDriveConfig.forgeMultipart_helper_sendDescPacket.invoke(null, targetWorld, newTileEntity);
} else {
WarpDrive.print(this + " moveBlockSimple failed to create new tile entity at " + shipBlock.x + ", " + shipBlock.y + ", " + shipBlock.z + " blockId " + shipBlock.blockID + ":" + shipBlock.blockMeta);
WarpDrive.print("NBT data was " + ((oldnbt == null) ? "null" : oldnbt.toString()));
} catch (Exception exception) {
String coordinates = "";
try {
if (shipBlock != null) {
coordinates = " at " + shipBlock.x + ", " + shipBlock.y + ", " + shipBlock.z + " blockId " + shipBlock.blockID + ":" + shipBlock.blockMeta;
} catch (Exception dropMe) {
coordinates = " (unknown coordinates)";
WarpDrive.print(this + " moveBlockSimple exception index " + indexInShip + coordinates);
return false;
return true;
private static ArrayList<Object> removeDuplicates(List<TileEntity> l)
Set<TileEntity> s = new TreeSet<TileEntity>(new Comparator<TileEntity>()
@ -1275,152 +1183,15 @@ public class EntityJump extends Entity
protected void entityInit()
protected void entityInit() {
//WarpDrive.debugPrint("" + this + " entityInit()");
protected void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound var1)
protected void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound var1) {
//WarpDrive.debugPrint("" + this + " writeEntityToNBT()");
// Own implementation of setting blocks without light recalculation in optimization purposes
private boolean mySetBlock(World w, int x, int y, int z, int blockId, int blockMeta, int par6)
if (x >= -30000000 && z >= -30000000 && x < 30000000 && z < 30000000)
if (y < 0)
return false;
else if (y >= 256)
return false;
w.markBlockForUpdate(x, y, z);
Chunk chunk = w.getChunkFromChunkCoords(x >> 4, z >> 4);
return myChunkSBIDWMT(chunk, x & 15, y, z & 15, blockId, blockMeta);
return false;
private boolean myChunkSBIDWMT(Chunk c, int x, int y, int z, int blockId, int blockMeta)
int j1 = z << 4 | x;
if (y >= c.precipitationHeightMap[j1] - 1)
c.precipitationHeightMap[j1] = -999;
//int k1 = c.heightMap[j1];
int l1 = c.getBlockID(x, y, z);
int i2 = c.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
if (l1 == blockId && i2 == blockMeta)
return false;
ExtendedBlockStorage[] storageArrays = c.getBlockStorageArray();
ExtendedBlockStorage extendedblockstorage = storageArrays[y >> 4];
if (extendedblockstorage == null)
if (blockId == 0)
return false;
extendedblockstorage = storageArrays[y >> 4] = new ExtendedBlockStorage(y >> 4 << 4, !c.worldObj.provider.hasNoSky);
int j2 = c.xPosition * 16 + x;
int k2 = c.zPosition * 16 + z;
extendedblockstorage.setExtBlockID(x, y & 15, z, blockId);
if (l1 != 0)
if (!c.worldObj.isRemote)
Block.blocksList[l1].breakBlock(c.worldObj, j2, y, k2, l1, i2);
else if (Block.blocksList[l1] != null && Block.blocksList[l1].hasTileEntity(i2))
TileEntity te = worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(j2, y, k2);
if (te != null && te.shouldRefresh(l1, blockId, i2, blockMeta, worldObj, j2, y, k2))
c.worldObj.removeBlockTileEntity(j2, y, k2);
if (extendedblockstorage.getExtBlockID(x, y & 15, z) != blockId)
return false;
extendedblockstorage.setExtBlockMetadata(x, y & 15, z, blockMeta);
// Removed light recalculations
/*if (flag)
if (c.getBlockLightOpacity(par1, par2, par3) > 0)
if (par2 >= k1)
c.relightBlock(par1, par2 + 1, par3);
else if (par2 == k1 - 1)
c.relightBlock(par1, par2, par3);
c.propagateSkylightOcclusion(par1, par3);
TileEntity tileentity;
if (blockId != 0)
if (Block.blocksList[blockId] != null && Block.blocksList[blockId].hasTileEntity(blockMeta))
tileentity = c.getChunkBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (tileentity == null)
tileentity = Block.blocksList[blockId].createTileEntity(c.worldObj, blockMeta);
c.worldObj.setBlockTileEntity(j2, y, k2, tileentity);
if (tileentity != null)
tileentity.blockMetadata = blockMeta;
c.isModified = true;
return true;
private void FixASTurbines()
Class<?> c;
@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ public class WarpDriveConfig
public static Item AEExtra_fluidDrive;
public static Block AEExtra_certusQuartzTank;
// Mod configuration (see loadWarpDriveConfig() for comments/definitions)
// General
public static int G_SPACE_PROVIDER_ID = 14;
@ -117,7 +116,8 @@ public class WarpDriveConfig
public static final int LUA_SCRIPTS_ALL = 2;
public static int G_LUA_SCRIPTS = LUA_SCRIPTS_ALL;
public static boolean G_DEBUGMODE = false;
public static String G_SCHEMALOCATION = "/home/cros/mc_site/schematics/";
public static String G_SCHEMALOCATION = "warpDrive_schematics";
public static int G_BLOCKS_PER_TICK = 3500;
public static boolean G_ENABLE_IC2_RECIPES = true;
public static boolean G_ENABLE_VANILLA_RECIPES = false;
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public class WarpDriveConfig
// Transition planes
public static TransitionPlane[] G_TRANSITIONPLANES = null;
// Warp Core
// Warp Drive Core
public static int WC_MAX_ENERGY_VALUE = 100000000;
public static int WC_ENERGY_PER_BLOCK_MODE1 = 10;
public static int WC_ENERGY_PER_DISTANCE_MODE1 = 100;
@ -153,6 +153,12 @@ public class WarpDriveConfig
public static double WR_MIN_ISOLATION_EFFECT = 0.12;
public static double WR_MAX_ISOLATION_EFFECT = 1.00;
// Ship Scanner
public static int SS_MAX_ENERGY_VALUE = 500000000;
public static int SS_EU_PER_BLOCK_SCAN = 100; // eU per block of ship volume (including air)
public static int SS_EU_PER_BLOCK_DEPLOY = 5000;
public static int SS_MAX_DEPLOY_RADIUS_BLOCKS = 50;
// Particle Booster
public static int PB_MAX_ENERGY_VALUE = 100000;
@ -265,14 +271,15 @@ public class WarpDriveConfig
public static void loadWarpDriveConfig() {
// General
G_SPACE_PROVIDER_ID = config.get("General", "space_provider_id", G_SPACE_PROVIDER_ID).getInt();
G_SPACE_DIMENSION_ID = config.get("General", "space_dimension_id", G_SPACE_DIMENSION_ID).getInt();
G_HYPERSPACE_PROVIDER_ID = config.get("General", "hyperspace_provider_id", G_HYPERSPACE_PROVIDER_ID).getInt();
G_HYPERSPACE_DIMENSION_ID = config.get("General", "hyperspace_dimension_id", G_HYPERSPACE_DIMENSION_ID).getInt();
G_SPACE_PROVIDER_ID = config.get("General", "space_provider_id", G_SPACE_PROVIDER_ID, "Space dimension provider ID").getInt();
G_SPACE_DIMENSION_ID = config.get("General", "space_dimension_id", G_SPACE_DIMENSION_ID, "Space dimension world ID").getInt();
G_HYPERSPACE_PROVIDER_ID = config.get("General", "hyperspace_provider_id", G_HYPERSPACE_PROVIDER_ID, "Hyperspace dimension provider ID").getInt();
G_HYPERSPACE_DIMENSION_ID = config.get("General", "hyperspace_dimension_id", G_HYPERSPACE_DIMENSION_ID, "Hyperspace dimension world ID").getInt();
G_SPACE_WORLDBORDER_BLOCKS = config.get("General", "space_worldborder_blocks", G_SPACE_WORLDBORDER_BLOCKS, "World border applied to hyperspace & space, set to 0 to disable it").getInt();
G_LUA_SCRIPTS = config.get("General", "lua_scripts", G_LUA_SCRIPTS, "LUA scripts to load when connecting machines: 0 = none, 1 = templates in a subfolder, 2 = ready to roll (templates are still provided)").getInt();
G_DEBUGMODE = config.get("General", "debug_mode", G_DEBUGMODE).getBoolean(false);
G_SCHEMALOCATION = config.get("General", "schematic_location", G_SCHEMALOCATION).getString();
G_DEBUGMODE = config.get("General", "debug_mode", G_DEBUGMODE, "Detailled logs to help debug the mod, enable it before reporting a bug").getBoolean(false);
G_SCHEMALOCATION = config.get("General", "schematic_location", G_SCHEMALOCATION, "Folder where to save ship schematics").getString();
G_BLOCKS_PER_TICK = config.get("General", "blocks_per_tick", G_BLOCKS_PER_TICK, "Number of blocks to move per ticks, too high will cause lag spikes on ship jumping or deployment, too low may break the ship wirings").getInt();
G_ENABLE_IC2_RECIPES = config.get("General", "enable_ic2_recipes", G_ENABLE_IC2_RECIPES, "Original recipes based on IndustrialCrat2 by Cr0s").getBoolean(true);
G_ENABLE_VANILLA_RECIPES = config.get("General", "enable_vanilla_recipes", G_ENABLE_VANILLA_RECIPES, "Vanilla recipes by DarkholmeTenk").getBoolean(false);
@ -300,7 +307,7 @@ public class WarpDriveConfig
// FIXME: check transition planes have valid dimension id
// Warp Core
WC_MAX_ENERGY_VALUE = config.get("WarpCore", "max_energy_value", WC_MAX_ENERGY_VALUE).getInt();
WC_MAX_ENERGY_VALUE = config.get("WarpCore", "max_energy_value", WC_MAX_ENERGY_VALUE, "Maximum energy storage").getInt();
WC_ENERGY_PER_BLOCK_MODE1 = config.get("WarpCore", "energy_per_block_mode1", WC_ENERGY_PER_BLOCK_MODE1).getInt();
WC_ENERGY_PER_DISTANCE_MODE1 = config.get("WarpCore", "energy_per_distance_mode1", WC_ENERGY_PER_DISTANCE_MODE1).getInt();
WC_ENERGY_PER_DISTANCE_MODE2 = config.get("WarpCore", "energy_per_distance_mode2", WC_ENERGY_PER_DISTANCE_MODE2).getInt();
@ -331,6 +338,18 @@ public class WarpDriveConfig
WR_MAX_ISOLATION_EFFECT = config.get("WarpRadar", "max_isolation_effect", WR_MAX_ISOLATION_EFFECT, "isolation effect achieved with max number of isolation blocks (0.01 to 1.00)").getDouble(1.00D);
// Ship Scanner
SS_MAX_ENERGY_VALUE = config.get("WarpCore", "max_energy_value", SS_MAX_ENERGY_VALUE, "Maximum energy storage").getInt();
SS_EU_PER_BLOCK_SCAN = config.get("ShipScanner", "energy_per_block_when_scanning", SS_EU_PER_BLOCK_SCAN, "Energy consummed per block when scanning a ship (use -1 to consume everything)").getInt();
if (SS_EU_PER_BLOCK_SCAN != -1) {
SS_EU_PER_BLOCK_DEPLOY = config.get("ShipScanner", "energy_per_block_when_deploying", SS_EU_PER_BLOCK_DEPLOY, "Energy consummed per block when deploying a ship (use -1 to consume everything)").getInt();
SS_MAX_DEPLOY_RADIUS_BLOCKS = config.get("ShipScanner", "max_deploy_radius_blocks", SS_MAX_DEPLOY_RADIUS_BLOCKS, "Max distance from ship scanner to ship core, measured in blocks").getInt();
// Particle Booster
PB_MAX_ENERGY_VALUE = config.get("ParticleBooster", "max_energy_value", PB_MAX_ENERGY_VALUE).getInt();
@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
import cr0s.WarpDrive.WarpDrive;
import cr0s.WarpDrive.WarpDriveConfig;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
public class JumpBlock
@ -13,12 +19,10 @@ public class JumpBlock
public int y;
public int z;
public JumpBlock()
public JumpBlock() {
public JumpBlock(int i, int j, int k, int l, int i1)
public JumpBlock(int i, int j, int k, int l, int i1) {
blockID = i;
blockMeta = j;
blockTileEntity = null;
@ -27,8 +31,7 @@ public class JumpBlock
z = i1;
public JumpBlock(int i, int j, TileEntity tileentity, int k, int l, int i1)
public JumpBlock(int i, int j, TileEntity tileentity, int k, int l, int i1) {
blockID = i;
blockMeta = j;
blockTileEntity = tileentity;
@ -36,4 +39,189 @@ public class JumpBlock
y = l;
z = i1;
public boolean deploy(World targetWorld, int offsetX, int offsetY, int offsetZ) {
try {
int newX = x + offsetX;
int newY = y + offsetY;
int newZ = z + offsetZ;
mySetBlock(targetWorld, newX, newY, newZ, blockID, blockMeta, 2);
// Re-schedule air blocks update
if (blockID == WarpDriveConfig.airID) {
targetWorld.markBlockForUpdate(newX, newY, newZ);
targetWorld.scheduleBlockUpdate(newX, newY, newZ, blockID, 40 + targetWorld.rand.nextInt(20));
NBTTagCompound oldnbt = new NBTTagCompound();
if (blockTileEntity != null) {
oldnbt.setInteger("x", newX);
oldnbt.setInteger("y", newY);
oldnbt.setInteger("z", newZ);
if (oldnbt.hasKey("mainX") && oldnbt.hasKey("mainY") && oldnbt.hasKey("mainZ")) { // Mekanism
WarpDrive.debugPrint("[JUMP] moveBlockSimple: TileEntity from Mekanism detected");
oldnbt.setInteger("mainX", oldnbt.getInteger("mainX") + offsetX);
oldnbt.setInteger("mainY", oldnbt.getInteger("mainY") + offsetY);
oldnbt.setInteger("mainZ", oldnbt.getInteger("mainZ") + offsetZ);
TileEntity newTileEntity = null;
boolean isForgeMultipart = false;
if (oldnbt.hasKey("id") && oldnbt.getString("id") == "savedMultipart" && WarpDriveConfig.isForgeMultipartLoaded) {
isForgeMultipart = true;
newTileEntity = (TileEntity) WarpDriveConfig.forgeMultipart_helper_createTileFromNBT.invoke(null, targetWorld, oldnbt);
} else if (blockID == WarpDriveConfig.CC_Computer || blockID == WarpDriveConfig.CC_peripheral || blockID == WarpDriveConfig.CCT_Turtle || blockID == WarpDriveConfig.CCT_Upgraded || blockID == WarpDriveConfig.CCT_Advanced) {
newTileEntity = TileEntity.createAndLoadEntity(oldnbt);
} else if (blockID == WarpDriveConfig.AS_Turbine) {
if (oldnbt.hasKey("zhuYao")) {
NBTTagCompound nbt1 = oldnbt.getCompoundTag("zhuYao");
nbt1.setDouble("x", newX);
nbt1.setDouble("y", newY);
nbt1.setDouble("z", newZ);
oldnbt.setTag("zhuYao", nbt1);
newTileEntity = TileEntity.createAndLoadEntity(oldnbt);
if (newTileEntity == null) {
newTileEntity = TileEntity.createAndLoadEntity(oldnbt);
if (newTileEntity != null) {
newTileEntity.worldObj = targetWorld;
targetWorld.setBlockTileEntity(newX, newY, newZ, newTileEntity);
if (isForgeMultipart) {
WarpDriveConfig.forgeMultipart_helper_sendDescPacket.invoke(null, targetWorld, newTileEntity);
} else {
WarpDrive.print(" moveBlockSimple failed to create new tile entity at " + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + " blockId " + blockID + ":" + blockMeta);
WarpDrive.print("NBT data was " + ((oldnbt == null) ? "null" : oldnbt.toString()));
} catch (Exception exception) {
String coordinates = "";
try {
coordinates = " at " + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + " blockId " + blockID + ":" + blockMeta;
} catch (Exception dropMe) {
coordinates = " (unknown coordinates)";
WarpDrive.print("moveBlockSimple exception at " + coordinates);
return false;
return true;
// This code is a straight copy from Vanilla to remove lighting computations
public static boolean mySetBlock(World w, int x, int y, int z, int blockId, int blockMeta, int par6) {
if (x >= -30000000 && z >= -30000000 && x < 30000000 && z < 30000000) {
if (y < 0) {
return false;
} else if (y >= 256) {
return false;
} else {
w.markBlockForUpdate(x, y, z);
Chunk chunk = w.getChunkFromChunkCoords(x >> 4, z >> 4);
return myChunkSBIDWMT(chunk, x & 15, y, z & 15, blockId, blockMeta);
} else {
return false;
// This code is a straight copy from Vanilla to remove lighting computations
public static boolean myChunkSBIDWMT(Chunk c, int x, int y, int z, int blockId, int blockMeta) {
int j1 = z << 4 | x;
if (y >= c.precipitationHeightMap[j1] - 1) {
c.precipitationHeightMap[j1] = -999;
//int k1 = c.heightMap[j1];
int l1 = c.getBlockID(x, y, z);
int i2 = c.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
if (l1 == blockId && i2 == blockMeta) {
return false;
} else {
ExtendedBlockStorage[] storageArrays = c.getBlockStorageArray();
ExtendedBlockStorage extendedblockstorage = storageArrays[y >> 4];
if (extendedblockstorage == null) {
if (blockId == 0) {
return false;
extendedblockstorage = storageArrays[y >> 4] = new ExtendedBlockStorage(y >> 4 << 4, !c.worldObj.provider.hasNoSky);
int j2 = c.xPosition * 16 + x;
int k2 = c.zPosition * 16 + z;
extendedblockstorage.setExtBlockID(x, y & 15, z, blockId);
if (l1 != 0) {
if (!c.worldObj.isRemote) {
Block.blocksList[l1].breakBlock(c.worldObj, j2, y, k2, l1, i2);
} else if (Block.blocksList[l1] != null && Block.blocksList[l1].hasTileEntity(i2)) {
TileEntity te = c.worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(j2, y, k2);
if (te != null && te.shouldRefresh(l1, blockId, i2, blockMeta, c.worldObj, j2, y, k2)) {
c.worldObj.removeBlockTileEntity(j2, y, k2);
if (extendedblockstorage.getExtBlockID(x, y & 15, z) != blockId) {
return false;
} else {
extendedblockstorage.setExtBlockMetadata(x, y & 15, z, blockMeta);
// Removed light recalculations
if (flag) {
} else {
if (c.getBlockLightOpacity(par1, par2, par3) > 0) {
if (par2 >= k1) {
c.relightBlock(par1, par2 + 1, par3);
} else if (par2 == k1 - 1) {
c.relightBlock(par1, par2, par3);
c.propagateSkylightOcclusion(par1, par3);
TileEntity tileentity;
if (blockId != 0) {
if (Block.blocksList[blockId] != null && Block.blocksList[blockId].hasTileEntity(blockMeta)) {
tileentity = c.getChunkBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (tileentity == null) {
tileentity = Block.blocksList[blockId].createTileEntity(c.worldObj, blockMeta);
c.worldObj.setBlockTileEntity(j2, y, k2, tileentity);
if (tileentity != null) {
tileentity.blockMetadata = blockMeta;
c.isModified = true;
return true;
@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ import;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
private final int MAX_ENERGY_VALUE = 500000000; // 500kk eU
private int state = 0; // 0 - inactive, 1 - active
private int firstUncoveredY;
@ -40,13 +38,6 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
int warpCoreSearchTicks = 0;
// Config //TODO add to WarpDriveConfig
private final String SCHEMATICS_DIR = "warpDrive_schematics";
private final int EU_PER_BLOCK_SCAN = 100; // eU per block of ship volume (including air)
private final int EU_PER_BLOCK_DEPLOY = 5000;
private final int BLOCK_TO_DEPLOY_PER_TICK = 3000;
private final int ALLOWED_DEPLOY_RADIUS = 50; // blocks
private String[] methodsArray = {
"scan", // 0
"fileName", // 1
@ -61,7 +52,7 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
private int blocksToDeployCount;
private boolean isDeploying = false;
private int newX, newY, newZ;
private int targetX, targetY, targetZ;
@ -146,7 +137,7 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
deployDelayTicks = 0;
int blocks = Math.min(BLOCK_TO_DEPLOY_PER_TICK, blocksToDeployCount - currentDeployIndex);
int blocks = Math.min(WarpDriveConfig.G_BLOCKS_PER_TICK, blocksToDeployCount - currentDeployIndex);
if (blocks == 0) {
isDeploying = false;
@ -164,20 +155,20 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
// Deploy single block
JumpBlock block = blocksToDeploy[currentDeployIndex];
JumpBlock jb = blocksToDeploy[currentDeployIndex];
if (block != null &&
block.blockID != Block.bedrock.blockID &&
!WarpDriveConfig.scannerIgnoreBlocks.contains(block.blockID) &&
worldObj.isAirBlock(newX + block.x, newY + block.y, newZ + block.z)) {
if (jb != null &&
jb.blockID != Block.bedrock.blockID &&
!WarpDriveConfig.scannerIgnoreBlocks.contains(jb.blockID) &&
worldObj.isAirBlock(targetX + jb.x, targetY + jb.y, targetZ + jb.z)) {
jb.deploy(worldObj, targetX, targetY, targetZ);
if (worldObj.rand.nextInt(100) <= 10) {
worldObj.playSoundEffect(xCoord + 0.5f, yCoord, zCoord + 0.5f, "warpdrive:lowlaser", 4F, 1F);
new Vector3(this).translate(0.5D),
new Vector3(newX + block.x, newY + block.y, newZ + block.z).translate(0.5D),
new Vector3(targetX + jb.x, targetY + jb.y, targetZ + jb.z).translate(0.5D),
0f, 1f, 0f, 15, 0, 100);
@ -217,27 +208,45 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
return result;
private void saveShipToSchematic(String fileName) {
private int getScanningEnergyCost(int size) {
if (WarpDriveConfig.SS_EU_PER_BLOCK_SCAN > 0) {
return size * WarpDriveConfig.SS_EU_PER_BLOCK_SCAN;
} else {
return WarpDriveConfig.SS_MAX_ENERGY_VALUE;
private int getDeploymentEnergyCost(int size) {
if (WarpDriveConfig.SS_EU_PER_BLOCK_DEPLOY > 0) {
return size * WarpDriveConfig.SS_EU_PER_BLOCK_DEPLOY;
} else {
return WarpDriveConfig.SS_MAX_ENERGY_VALUE;
private boolean saveShipToSchematic(String fileName, StringBuilder reason) {
NBTTagCompound schematic = new NBTTagCompound("Schematic");
short width = (short) Math.abs(core.maxX - core.minX);
short length = (short) Math.abs(core.maxZ - core.minZ);
short height = (short) (core.maxY - core.minY);
short width = (short) (core.maxX - core.minX + 1);
short length = (short) (core.maxZ - core.minZ + 1);
short height = (short) (core.maxY - core.minY + 1);
if (width <= 0 || length <= 0 || height <= 0) {
reason.append("Invalid ship dimensions, nothing to scan");
return false;
schematic.setShort("Width", width);
schematic.setShort("Length", length);
schematic.setShort("Height", height);
int size = width * length * height;
// Consume energy
consumeEnergy(size * EU_PER_BLOCK_SCAN, false);
if (!consumeEnergy(getScanningEnergyCost(size), false)) {
reason.append("Insufficient energy (" + getScanningEnergyCost(size) + " required)");
return false;
byte localBlocks[] = new byte[size];
byte localMetadata[] = new byte[size];
@ -328,6 +337,8 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
schematic.setTag("TileEntities", tileEntitiesList);
writeNBTToFile(fileName, schematic);
return true;
private static void writeNBTToFile(String fileName, NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) {
@ -350,21 +361,26 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
// Begins ship scan
private void scanShip() {
private boolean scanShip(StringBuilder reason) {
// Enable scanner
File f = new File(SCHEMATICS_DIR);
if (!f.exists() || !f.isDirectory())
File f = new File(WarpDriveConfig.G_SCHEMALOCATION);
if (!f.exists() || !f.isDirectory()) {
// Generate unique file name
do {
schematicFileName = (new StringBuilder().append(core.coreFrequency)
} while (new File(SCHEMATICS_DIR + "/" + schematicFileName).exists());
} while (new File(WarpDriveConfig.G_SCHEMALOCATION + "/" + schematicFileName).exists());
saveShipToSchematic(SCHEMATICS_DIR + "/" + schematicFileName);
if (!saveShipToSchematic(WarpDriveConfig.G_SCHEMALOCATION + "/" + schematicFileName, reason)) {
return false;
return true;
private static NBTTagCompound readNBTFromFile(String fileName) {
@ -387,73 +403,70 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
return null;
// Returns result array for CC interface: [ code, "message" ]
private Object[] deployShip(String fileName, int offsetX, int offsetY, int offsetZ) {
NBTTagCompound schematic = readNBTFromFile(SCHEMATICS_DIR + "/" + fileName);
// Returns error code and reason string
private int deployShip(String fileName, int offsetX, int offsetY, int offsetZ, StringBuilder reason) {
// Load schematic
NBTTagCompound schematic = readNBTFromFile(WarpDriveConfig.G_SCHEMALOCATION + "/" + fileName);
if (schematic == null) {
return new Object[] { -1, "Unknow error. Schematic NBT is null" };
reason.append("Schematic not found or unknow error reading it.");
return -1;
// Compute geometry
short width = schematic.getShort("Width");
short height = schematic.getShort("Height");
short length = schematic.getShort("Length");
int targetX = xCoord + offsetX;
int targetY = yCoord + offsetY;
int targetZ = zCoord + offsetZ;
targetX = xCoord + offsetX;
targetY = yCoord + offsetY;
targetZ = zCoord + offsetZ;
blocksToDeployCount = width * height * length;
double d3 = xCoord - targetX;
double d4 = yCoord - targetY;
double d5 = zCoord - targetZ;
double distance = MathHelper.sqrt_double(d3 * d3 + d4 * d4 + d5 * d5);
// Validate context
// Check distance
double dX = xCoord - targetX;
double dY = yCoord - targetY;
double dZ = zCoord - targetZ;
double distance = MathHelper.sqrt_double(dX * dX + dY * dY + dZ * dZ);
return new Object[] { 5, "Cannot deploy ship so far away from scanner." };
if (distance > WarpDriveConfig.SS_MAX_DEPLOY_RADIUS_BLOCKS) {
reason.append("Cannot deploy ship so far away from scanner.");
return 5;
int size = width* height * length;
// Consume energy
if (!consumeEnergy(getDeploymentEnergyCost(blocksToDeployCount), false)) {
reason.append("Insufficient energy (" + getDeploymentEnergyCost(blocksToDeployCount) + " required)");
return 1;
// Check energy level
if (!consumeEnergy(size * EU_PER_BLOCK_DEPLOY, false)) {
String msg = "[ShipScanner] Not enough energy! Need at least " + (size * EU_PER_BLOCK_DEPLOY) + " EU";
return new Object[] { 1, msg };
// Check specified area for occupation by blocks
// If specified area occupied, break deploying with error message
int occupiedBlockCount = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < length; z++) {
if (!worldObj.isAirBlock(targetX + x, targetY + y, targetZ + z))
// Check specified area for occupation by blocks
// If specified area occupied, break deploying with error message
int occupiedBlockCount = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < length; z++) {
if (!worldObj.isAirBlock(targetX + x, targetY + y, targetZ + z))
if (occupiedBlockCount > 0) {
reason.append("Deploying area occupied with " + occupiedBlockCount + " blocks. Can't deploy ship.");
return 2;
if (occupiedBlockCount > 0) {
return new Object[] { 2, "Deploying area occupied with " + occupiedBlockCount + " blocks. Can't deploy ship." };
// Set deployment vars
this.blocksToDeploy = new JumpBlock[size];
this.isDeploying = true;
this.currentDeployIndex = 0;
this.blocksToDeployCount = size;
this.newX = targetX;
this.newY = targetY;
this.newZ = targetZ;
// Set deployment variables
blocksToDeploy = new JumpBlock[blocksToDeployCount];
isDeploying = true;
currentDeployIndex = 0;
// Read blocks and TileEntities from NBT to internal storage array
byte localBlocks[] = schematic.getByteArray("Blocks");
byte localMetadata[] = schematic.getByteArray("Data");
boolean extra = schematic.hasKey("Add") || schematic.hasKey("AddBlocks");
byte extraBlocks[] = null;
byte extraBlocksNibble[] = null;
if (schematic.hasKey("AddBlocks")) {
@ -468,7 +481,7 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
// Load Tile Entities
NBTTagCompound[] tileEntities = new NBTTagCompound[size];
NBTTagCompound[] tileEntities = new NBTTagCompound[blocksToDeployCount];
NBTTagList tileEntitiesList = schematic.getTagList("TileEntities");
for (int i = 0; i < tileEntitiesList.tagCount(); i++) {
@ -484,41 +497,39 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < length; z++) {
int index = x + (y * length + z) * width;
JumpBlock jb = new JumpBlock();
jb.blockID = (localBlocks[x + (y * length + z) * width]) & 0xFF;
if (extra)
jb.blockID |= ((extraBlocks[x + (y * length + z) * width]) & 0xFF) << 8;
jb.blockMeta = (localMetadata[x + (y * length + z) * width]) & 0xFF;
jb.blockNBT = tileEntities[x + (y * length + z) * width];
jb.x = x;
jb.y = y;
jb.z = z;
jb.blockID = (localBlocks[index]) & 0xFF;
if (extraBlocks != null) {
jb.blockID |= ((extraBlocks[index]) & 0xFF) << 8;
jb.blockMeta = (localMetadata[index]) & 0xFF;
jb.blockNBT = tileEntities[index];
if (jb.blockID != 0 && Block.blocksList[jb.blockID] != null) {
System.out.print("[ShipScanner] Saving block: " + Block.blocksList[jb.blockID].getUnlocalizedName() + ", TE: ");
if (tileEntities[x + (y * length + z) * width] == null) {
if (tileEntities[index] == null) {
WarpDrive.debugPrint("[ShipScanner] Adding block to deploy: " + Block.blocksList[jb.blockID].getUnlocalizedName() + " (no tile entity)");
} else {
System.out.println(tileEntities[x + (y * length + z) * width].getString("id"));
WarpDrive.debugPrint("[ShipScanner] Adding block to deploy: " + Block.blocksList[jb.blockID].getUnlocalizedName() + " with tile entity " + tileEntities[index].getString("id"));
blocksToDeploy[x + (y * length + z) * width] = jb;
blocksToDeploy[index] = jb;
} else {
jb = null;
blocksToDeploy[x + (y * length + z) * width] = jb;
blocksToDeploy[index] = jb;
return new Object[] { 3, "Ship deployed." };
reason.append("Ship deploying...");
return 3;
@ -548,21 +559,25 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
switch (method) {
case 0: // scanShip()
// Already scanning?
if (this.state == 1)
if (this.state == 1) {
return new Object[] { false, 0, "Already scanning" };
if (core == null) {
return new Object[] { false, 1, "Warp-Core not found" };
} else if (consumeEnergy(core.shipVolume * EU_PER_BLOCK_SCAN, true)) {
} else if (consumeEnergy(core.shipVolume * WarpDriveConfig.SS_EU_PER_BLOCK_SCAN, true)) {
StringBuilder reason = new StringBuilder();
boolean success = scanShip(reason);
return new Object[] { success, 3, reason.toString() };
} else {
return new Object[] { false, 2, "Not enough energy!" };
// break;
case 1: // getSchematicFileName()
if (state != 0 && !schematicFileName.isEmpty())
return new Object[] { "Scanning in process. Please wait." };
if (state != 0 && !schematicFileName.isEmpty()) {
return new Object[] { "Scanning in process. Please wait..." };
return new Object[] { schematicFileName };
@ -576,14 +591,15 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
int y = ((Double)arguments[2]).intValue();
int z = ((Double)arguments[3]).intValue();
if (!new File(SCHEMATICS_DIR + "/" + fileName).exists()) {
return new Object[] { 0, "Specified .schematic file not found!" };
} else
return deployShip(fileName, x, y, z);
if (!new File(WarpDriveConfig.G_SCHEMALOCATION + "/" + fileName).exists()) {
return new Object[] { 0, "Specified .schematic file was not found!" };
} else {
StringBuilder reason = new StringBuilder();
int result = deployShip(fileName, x, y, z, reason);
return new Object[] { result, reason.toString() };
} else {
return new Object[] { 4, ".schematic file name not specified or invalid arguments count!" };
return new Object[] { 4, "Invalid arguments count, you need .schematic file name, offsetX, offsetY and offsetZ!" };
@ -601,7 +617,7 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
// IEnergySink methods implementation
public int getMaxEnergyStored() {
return WarpDriveConfig.SS_MAX_ENERGY_VALUE;
@ -614,177 +630,6 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends WarpEnergyTE implements IPeripheral {
return true;
public boolean moveBlockSimple(JumpBlock shipBlock)
if (shipBlock == null)
return false;
int oldX = shipBlock.x;
int oldY = shipBlock.y;
int oldZ = shipBlock.z;
int blockID = shipBlock.blockID;
int blockMeta = shipBlock.blockMeta;
mySetBlock(worldObj, oldX + newX, oldY + newY, oldZ + newZ, blockID, blockMeta, 2);
NBTTagCompound oldnbt = new NBTTagCompound();
oldnbt = shipBlock.blockNBT;
if (oldnbt != null) {
TileEntity newTileEntity;
newTileEntity = TileEntity.createAndLoadEntity(oldnbt);
newTileEntity.worldObj = worldObj;
worldObj.setBlockTileEntity(oldX + newX, oldY + newY, oldZ + newZ, newTileEntity);
catch (Exception exception)
return false;
return true;
// Own implementation of setting blocks without light recalculation in optimization purposes
public boolean mySetBlock(World w, int x, int y, int z, int blockId, int blockMeta, int par6)
if (x >= -30000000 && z >= -30000000 && x < 30000000 && z < 30000000)
if (y < 0)
return false;
else if (y >= 256)
return false;
w.markBlockForUpdate(x, y, z);
Chunk chunk = w.getChunkFromChunkCoords(x >> 4, z >> 4);
return myChunkSBIDWMT(chunk, x & 15, y, z & 15, blockId, blockMeta);
return false;
public boolean myChunkSBIDWMT(Chunk c, int x, int y, int z, int blockId, int blockMeta)
int j1 = z << 4 | x;
if (y >= c.precipitationHeightMap[j1] - 1)
c.precipitationHeightMap[j1] = -999;
//int k1 = c.heightMap[j1];
int l1 = c.getBlockID(x, y, z);
int i2 = c.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
if (l1 == blockId && i2 == blockMeta)
return false;
ExtendedBlockStorage[] storageArrays = c.getBlockStorageArray();
ExtendedBlockStorage extendedblockstorage = storageArrays[y >> 4];
if (extendedblockstorage == null)
if (blockId == 0)
return false;
extendedblockstorage = storageArrays[y >> 4] = new ExtendedBlockStorage(y >> 4 << 4, !c.worldObj.provider.hasNoSky);
int j2 = c.xPosition * 16 + x;
int k2 = c.zPosition * 16 + z;
extendedblockstorage.setExtBlockID(x, y & 15, z, blockId);
if (l1 != 0)
if (!c.worldObj.isRemote)
Block.blocksList[l1].breakBlock(c.worldObj, j2, y, k2, l1, i2);
else if (Block.blocksList[l1] != null && Block.blocksList[l1].hasTileEntity(i2))
TileEntity te = worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(j2, y, k2);
if (te != null && te.shouldRefresh(l1, blockId, i2, blockMeta, worldObj, j2, y, k2))
c.worldObj.removeBlockTileEntity(j2, y, k2);
if (extendedblockstorage.getExtBlockID(x, y & 15, z) != blockId)
return false;
extendedblockstorage.setExtBlockMetadata(x, y & 15, z, blockMeta);
// Removed light recalculations
/*if (flag)
if (c.getBlockLightOpacity(par1, par2, par3) > 0)
if (par2 >= k1)
c.relightBlock(par1, par2 + 1, par3);
else if (par2 == k1 - 1)
c.relightBlock(par1, par2, par3);
c.propagateSkylightOcclusion(par1, par3);
TileEntity tileentity;
if (blockId != 0)
if (Block.blocksList[blockId] != null && Block.blocksList[blockId].hasTileEntity(blockMeta))
tileentity = c.getChunkBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (tileentity == null)
tileentity = Block.blocksList[blockId].createTileEntity(c.worldObj, blockMeta);
c.worldObj.setBlockTileEntity(j2, y, k2, tileentity);
if (tileentity != null)
tileentity.blockMetadata = blockMeta;
c.isModified = true;
return true;
public boolean equals(IPeripheral other) {
return other == this;
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public final class EntitySphereGen extends Entity
notifyFlag = (currentIndex % 1000 == 0 ? 2 : 0);
JumpBlock jb = blocks.get(currentIndex);
mySetBlock(worldObj, jb.x, jb.y, jb.z, jb.blockID, jb.blockMeta, notifyFlag);
JumpBlock.mySetBlock(worldObj, jb.x, jb.y, jb.z, jb.blockID, jb.blockMeta, notifyFlag);
@ -238,62 +238,6 @@ public final class EntitySphereGen extends Entity
protected void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) {
// Own implementation of setting blocks without light recalculation in optimization purposes
private static boolean mySetBlock(World w, int x, int y, int z, int blockId, int blockMeta, int par6) {
if (x >= -30000000 && z >= -30000000 && x < 30000000 && z < 30000000) {
if (y < 0)
return false;
else if (y >= 256)
return false;
w.markBlockForUpdate(x, y, z);
Chunk chunk = w.getChunkFromChunkCoords(x >> 4, z >> 4);
return myChunkSBIDWMT(chunk, x & 15, y, z & 15, blockId, blockMeta);
} else {
return false;
private static boolean myChunkSBIDWMT(Chunk c, int x, int y, int z, int blockId, int blockMeta) {
int j1 = z << 4 | x;
if (y >= c.precipitationHeightMap[j1] - 1)
c.precipitationHeightMap[j1] = -999;
int l1 = c.getBlockID(x, y, z);
int i2 = c.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
if (l1 == blockId && i2 == blockMeta)
return false;
ExtendedBlockStorage[] storageArrays = c.getBlockStorageArray();
ExtendedBlockStorage extendedblockstorage = storageArrays[y >> 4];
if (extendedblockstorage == null)
if (blockId == 0)
return false;
extendedblockstorage = storageArrays[y >> 4] = new ExtendedBlockStorage(y >> 4 << 4, !c.worldObj.provider.hasNoSky);
int j2 = c.xPosition * 16 + x;
int k2 = c.zPosition * 16 + z;
extendedblockstorage.setExtBlockID(x, y & 15, z, blockId);
if (extendedblockstorage.getExtBlockID(x, y & 15, z) != blockId)
return false;
extendedblockstorage.setExtBlockMetadata(x, y & 15, z, blockMeta);
if (blockId != 0)
if (Block.blocksList[blockId] != null && Block.blocksList[blockId].hasTileEntity(blockMeta))
TileEntity tileentity = c.getChunkBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (tileentity == null)
tileentity = Block.blocksList[blockId].createTileEntity(c.worldObj, blockMeta);
c.worldObj.setBlockTileEntity(j2, y, k2, tileentity);
tileentity.blockMetadata = blockMeta;
c.isModified = true;
return true;
public boolean shouldRenderInPass(int pass) {
return false;
Reference in a new issue