This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 16 additions and 15 deletions
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends TileEntity implements IEnergySink,
deployDelayTicks = 0;
int blocks = Math.min(BLOCK_TO_DEPLOY_PER_TICK, blocksToDeployCount - currentDeployIndex);
System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Deploying ship part: " + currentDeployIndex + "/" + blocksToDeployCount + " [remains: " + blocks + "]");
// System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Deploying ship part: " + currentDeployIndex + "/" + blocksToDeployCount + " [remains: " + blocks + "]");
if (blocks == 0) {
isDeploying = false;
@ -334,14 +334,14 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends TileEntity implements IEnergySink,
schematic.setShort("Length", length);
schematic.setShort("Height", height);
System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Ship parameters: w: " + width + ", l: " + length + ", h:" + height);
// System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Ship parameters: w: " + width + ", l: " + length + ", h:" + height);
int size = width * length * height;
// Consume energy
currentEnergyValue = Math.abs(currentEnergyValue - size * EU_PER_BLOCK_SCAN);
System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Size: " + size);
// System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Size: " + size);
byte localBlocks[] = new byte[size];
byte localMetadata[] = new byte[size];
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends TileEntity implements IEnergySink,
private void writeNBTToFile(String fileName, NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) {
System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Filename: " + fileName);
// System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Filename: " + fileName);
try {
File file = new File(fileName);
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends TileEntity implements IEnergySink,
NBTTagCompound schematic = readNBTFromFile(SCHEMATICS_DIR + "/" + fileName);
if (schematic == null) {
System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Schematic is null!");
// System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Schematic is null!");
return new Object[] { -1, "Unknow error. Schematic NBT is null" };
@ -504,11 +504,11 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends TileEntity implements IEnergySink,
int size = width* height * length;
System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Deploying ship: (size: " + size + ", h: " + height + ", w: " + width + ", l: " + length + ")");
// System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Deploying ship: (size: " + size + ", h: " + height + ", w: " + width + ", l: " + length + ")");
// Check energy level
if (!isEnoughEnergyForDeploy(size)) {
System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Not enough energy! Need at least " + (Math.abs(size * EU_PER_BLOCK_DEPLOY - currentEnergyValue)) + " Eu");
// System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Not enough energy! Need at least " + (Math.abs(size * EU_PER_BLOCK_DEPLOY - currentEnergyValue)) + " Eu");
return new Object[] { 1, "Not enough energy! Need at least " + (Math.abs(size * EU_PER_BLOCK_DEPLOY - currentEnergyValue)) + " Eu" };
@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends TileEntity implements IEnergySink,
if (occupiedBlockCount > 0) {
System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Deploying area occupied with " + occupiedBlockCount + " blocks. Can't deploy ship.");
// System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Deploying area occupied with " + occupiedBlockCount + " blocks. Can't deploy ship.");
return new Object[] { 2, "Deploying area occupied with " + occupiedBlockCount + " blocks. Can't deploy ship." };
@ -542,11 +542,11 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends TileEntity implements IEnergySink,
this.newY = targetY;
this.newZ = targetZ;
System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Target to deploy: (" + targetX + ", " + targetY + ", " + targetZ + ")");
// System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Target to deploy: (" + targetX + ", " + targetY + ", " + targetZ + ")");
// Read blocks and TileEntities from NBT to internal storage array
System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Loading blocks...");
// System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Loading blocks...");
byte localBlocks[] = schematic.getByteArray("Blocks");
byte localMetadata[] = schematic.getByteArray("Data");
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends TileEntity implements IEnergySink,
// Load Tile Entities
System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Loading TileEntities...");
// System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Loading TileEntities...");
NBTTagCompound[] tileEntities = new NBTTagCompound[size];
NBTTagList tileEntitiesList = schematic.getTagList("TileEntities");
@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends TileEntity implements IEnergySink,
int teY = teTag.getInteger("y");
int teZ = teTag.getInteger("z");
System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Loaded TE: " + teTag.getString("id"));
// System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Loaded TE: " + teTag.getString("id"));
tileEntities[teX + (teY * length + teZ) * width] = teTag;
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends TileEntity implements IEnergySink,
jb.x = x;
jb.y = y;
jb.z = z;
if (jb.blockID != 0 && Block.blocksList[jb.blockID] != null) {
System.out.print("[ShipScanner] Saving block: " + Block.blocksList[jb.blockID].getUnlocalizedName() + ", TE: ");
if (tileEntities[x + (y * length + z) * width] == null) {
@ -603,13 +603,14 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends TileEntity implements IEnergySink,
} else
System.out.println(tileEntities[x + (y * length + z) * width].getString("id"));
blocksToDeploy[x + (y * length + z) * width] = jb;
System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Ship deployed.");
// System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Ship deployed.");
return new Object[] { 3, "Ship deployed." };
@ -675,7 +676,7 @@ public class TileEntityShipScanner extends TileEntity implements IEnergySink,
return new Object[] { 0, "Specified .schematic file not found!" };
System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Trying to deploy ship");
// System.out.println("[ShipScanner] Trying to deploy ship");
return deployShip(fileName, x, y, z);
} else
Reference in a new issue