Adding OpenComputer callbacks
Removed unused scanRay method in Radar API
Updated CloakingDeviceCore API:
- "enable" replaces enableCloakingField, disableCloakingField and
Updated Controller API:
- dim_positive replaces dim_getp and dim_setp
- dim_negative replaces dim_getn and dim_setn
- mode replaces set_mode
- distance replaces set_distance
- direction replaces set_direction
- getAttachedPlayers replaces get_attached_players with string and list
- summon now returns true on sucess instead of null, false on failure
instead of -1
- pos replaces get_x, get_y, get_z
- getEnergyLevel replaces get_energy_level and get_energy_max
- getEnergyRequired replaces get_energy_required
- jump replaces do_jump
- getShipSize replaces get_ship_size
- beaconFrequency replaces set_beacon_frequency
- getOrientation replaces get_dx and get_dz
- coreFrequency replaces set_core_frequency
- isInSpace replaces is_in_space
- isInHyperspace replaces is_in_hyperspace
- targetJumpgate replaces set_target_jumpgate
Renamed setFieldTier to tier in CloakingDeviceCore API
Renamed energy to getEnergyLevel in Lift and ShipScanner APIs
Updated all APIs to return current and max energy from getEnergyLevel
Added state to ShipScanner API
Refactored block placement
Added Ship scanner configuration
Added support for Ship scanner consuming all energy stored
Added jump configuration for deployment speed
Improved laser lift 'down' to ease movement
Updated laser lift top/bottom textures to reduce flickering
Updated laser lift texture animation to better see the current direction
Fixed laser lift support for sign right above or below it
Fixed laser lift still working with only 1 air block below it
Fixed laser lift 'down' moving entity below target
Fixed laser lift not consuming energy
Fixed laser lift moving entities without beam
Fixed laser tile entity properties to be private
Fixed laser accessing world object from CC thread
Updated laserSend event to include beam's frequency and energy
Updated laser beam color to be more varied
Updated laser emitBeam to return true/false
Updated laser camFreq to return null unless it's a Laser+cam block
Fixed protocol controller APIs to check parameters range
Updated protocol controller API to return current values instead of -1
when out of range (making easier LUA scripts)