Fixed IC2 tiles not updating after changing side input/output mode Refactored energy API Removed IUpgradable API
912 lines
32 KiB
912 lines
32 KiB
package cr0s.warpdrive.block.building;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import cr0s.warpdrive.item.ItemCrystalToken;
import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Arguments;
import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Callback;
import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Context;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.ChunkCoordinates;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Optional;
import cr0s.warpdrive.WarpDrive;
import cr0s.warpdrive.block.TileEntityAbstractEnergy;
import cr0s.warpdrive.block.movement.TileEntityShipCore;
import cr0s.warpdrive.config.Dictionary;
import cr0s.warpdrive.config.WarpDriveConfig;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.ILuaContext;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IComputerAccess;
public class TileEntityShipScanner extends TileEntityAbstractEnergy {
private boolean isActive = false;
private TileEntityShipCore shipCore = null;
private int laserTicks = 0;
private int scanTicks = 0;
private int deployDelayTicks = 0;
private int searchTicks = 0;
private String schematicFileName = "";
private String playerName = "";
private JumpShip jumpShip;
private int currentDeployIndex;
private int blocksToDeployCount;
private boolean isDeploying = false;
private int targetX, targetY, targetZ;
private byte rotationSteps;
public TileEntityShipScanner() {
peripheralName = "warpdriveShipScanner";
addMethods(new String[] {
public void updateEntity() {
if (worldObj.isRemote) {
if (searchTicks > WarpDriveConfig.SS_SEARCH_INTERVAL_TICKS) {
searchTicks = 0;
shipCore = searchShipCore();
// Trigger deployment by player
if (!isActive) {
// Ship core is not found
if (!isDeploying && shipCore == null) {
setActive(false); // disable scanner
if (laserTicks > 20) {
new Vector3(this).translate(0.5D),
new Vector3(xCoord, yCoord + 5, zCoord).translate(0.5D),
1.0F, 0.2F, 0.0F, 40, 0, 100);
laserTicks = 0;
if (!isActive) {// inactive
if (laserTicks > 20) {
new Vector3(this).translate(0.5D),
new Vector3(shipCore.xCoord, shipCore.yCoord, shipCore.zCoord).translate(0.5D),
0.0F, 1.0F, 0.2F, 40, 0, 100);
laserTicks = 0;
} else if (!isDeploying) {// active and scanning
if (laserTicks > 5) {
laserTicks = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++) {
int randomX = shipCore.minX + worldObj.rand.nextInt(shipCore.maxX - shipCore.minX + 1);
int randomY = shipCore.minY + worldObj.rand.nextInt(shipCore.maxY - shipCore.minY + 1);
int randomZ = shipCore.minZ + worldObj.rand.nextInt(shipCore.maxZ - shipCore.minZ + 1);
worldObj.playSoundEffect(xCoord + 0.5f, yCoord, zCoord + 0.5f, "warpdrive:lowlaser", 4F, 1F);
float r = worldObj.rand.nextFloat() - worldObj.rand.nextFloat();
float g = worldObj.rand.nextFloat() - worldObj.rand.nextFloat();
float b = worldObj.rand.nextFloat() - worldObj.rand.nextFloat();
new Vector3(this).translate(0.5D),
new Vector3(randomX, randomY, randomZ).translate(0.5D),
r, g, b, 15, 0, 100);
if (scanTicks > 20 * (1 + shipCore.shipMass / WarpDriveConfig.SS_SCAN_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND)) {
setActive(false); // disable scanner
scanTicks = 0;
} else {// active and deploying
if (deployDelayTicks > WarpDriveConfig.SS_DEPLOY_INTERVAL_TICKS) {
deployDelayTicks = 0;
// deploy at most (jump speed / 4), at least (deploy speed), optimally in 10 seconds
final int optimumSpeed = Math.round(blocksToDeployCount * WarpDriveConfig.SS_DEPLOY_INTERVAL_TICKS / (20 * 10.0F));
int blockToDeployPerTick = Math.max(WarpDriveConfig.SS_DEPLOY_BLOCKS_PER_INTERVAL,
Math.min(WarpDriveConfig.G_BLOCKS_PER_TICK / 4, optimumSpeed));
int blocksToDeployCurrentTick = Math.min(blockToDeployPerTick, blocksToDeployCount - currentDeployIndex);
int periodLaserEffect = Math.max(1, (blocksToDeployCurrentTick / 10));
//"optimumSpeed " + optimumSpeed + " blockToDeployPerTick " + blockToDeployPerTick + " blocksToDeployCurrentTick " + blocksToDeployCurrentTick + " currentDeployIndex " + currentDeployIndex);
if (blocksToDeployCurrentTick == 0) {
isDeploying = false;
setActive(false); // disable scanner
if (WarpDriveConfig.LOGGING_BUILDING) {
| + " Deployment done");
if (WarpDriveConfig.LOGGING_BUILDING) {
| + " Deploying " + blocksToDeployCurrentTick + " more blocks");
Transformation transformation = new Transformation(jumpShip, worldObj, targetX - jumpShip.coreX, targetY - jumpShip.coreY, targetZ - jumpShip.coreZ, rotationSteps);
int index = 0;
while (index < blocksToDeployCurrentTick && currentDeployIndex < blocksToDeployCount) {
// Deploy single block
JumpBlock jumpBlock = jumpShip.jumpBlocks[currentDeployIndex];
if (jumpBlock == null) {
if (WarpDriveConfig.LOGGING_BUILDING) {
|"At index " + currentDeployIndex + ", skipping undefined block");
} else if (jumpBlock.block == Blocks.air) {
if (WarpDriveConfig.LOGGING_BUILDING) {
|"At index " + currentDeployIndex + ", skipping air block");
} else if (Dictionary.BLOCKS_ANCHOR.contains(jumpBlock.block)) {
if (WarpDriveConfig.LOGGING_BUILDING) {
|"At index " + currentDeployIndex + ", skipping anchor block " + jumpBlock.block);
} else {
if (WarpDriveConfig.LOGGING_BUILDING) {
|"At index " + currentDeployIndex + ", deploying block " + Block.blockRegistry.getNameForObject(jumpBlock.block) + ":" + jumpBlock.blockMeta
+ " tileEntity " + jumpBlock.blockTileEntity + " NBT " + jumpBlock.blockNBT);
ChunkCoordinates targetLocation = transformation.apply(jumpBlock.x, jumpBlock.y, jumpBlock.z);
Block blockAtTarget = worldObj.getBlock(targetLocation.posX, targetLocation.posY, targetLocation.posZ);
if (blockAtTarget == Blocks.air || Dictionary.BLOCKS_EXPANDABLE.contains(blockAtTarget)) {
jumpBlock.deploy(worldObj, transformation);
if (index % periodLaserEffect == 0) {
worldObj.playSoundEffect(xCoord + 0.5f, yCoord, zCoord + 0.5f, "warpdrive:lowlaser", 0.5F, 1.0F);
new Vector3(this).translate(0.5D),
new Vector3(targetLocation.posX, targetLocation.posY, targetLocation.posZ).translate(0.5D),
0f, 1f, 0f, 15, 0, 100);
worldObj.playSoundEffect(targetLocation.posX + 0.5F, targetLocation.posY + 0.5F, targetLocation.posZ + 0.5F,
jumpBlock.block.stepSound.func_150496_b(), (jumpBlock.block.stepSound.getVolume() + 1.0F) / 2.0F, jumpBlock.block.stepSound.getPitch() * 0.8F);
} else {
if (WarpDriveConfig.LOGGING_BUILDING) {
|"Target position is occupied, skipping");
worldObj.newExplosion(null, targetX + jumpBlock.x, targetY + jumpBlock.y, targetZ + jumpBlock.z, 3, false, false);
|"Deployment collision detected at " + (targetX + jumpBlock.x) + " " + (targetY + jumpBlock.y) + " " + (targetZ + jumpBlock.z));
// deployment done, teleport owner inside
if (currentDeployIndex >= blocksToDeployCount) {
TileEntity tileEntity = worldObj.getTileEntity(targetX, targetY, targetZ);
if (tileEntity instanceof TileEntityShipCore) {
isDeploying = false;
setActive(false); // disable scanner
private void setActive(boolean newState) {
isActive = newState;
if ((getBlockMetadata() == 1) == newState) {
worldObj.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, isActive ? 1 : 0, 2);
private TileEntityShipCore searchShipCore() {
StringBuilder reason = new StringBuilder();
TileEntityShipCore result = null;
// Search for ship cores above
for (int newY = yCoord + 1; newY <= 255; newY++) {
if (worldObj.getBlock(xCoord, newY, zCoord).isAssociatedBlock(WarpDrive.blockShipCore)) { // found ship core above
result = (TileEntityShipCore) worldObj.getTileEntity(xCoord, newY, zCoord);
if (result != null) {
if (!result.validateShipSpatialParameters(reason)) { // If we can't refresh ship's spatial parameters
result = null;
return result;
private int getScanningEnergyCost(int size) {
if (WarpDriveConfig.SS_ENERGY_PER_BLOCK_SCAN >= 0) {
return size * WarpDriveConfig.SS_ENERGY_PER_BLOCK_SCAN;
} else {
return WarpDriveConfig.SS_MAX_ENERGY_STORED;
private int getDeploymentEnergyCost(int size) {
if (WarpDriveConfig.SS_ENERGY_PER_BLOCK_DEPLOY >= 0) {
return size * WarpDriveConfig.SS_ENERGY_PER_BLOCK_DEPLOY;
} else {
return WarpDriveConfig.SS_MAX_ENERGY_STORED;
private boolean saveShipToSchematic(String fileName, StringBuilder reason) {
if (!shipCore.validateShipSpatialParameters(reason)) {
return false;
short width = (short) (shipCore.maxX - shipCore.minX + 1);
short length = (short) (shipCore.maxZ - shipCore.minZ + 1);
short height = (short) (shipCore.maxY - shipCore.minY + 1);
int size = width * length * height;
if (width <= 0 || length <= 0 || height <= 0) {
reason.append("Invalid ship dimensions, nothing to scan");
return false;
// Consume energy
int energyCost = getScanningEnergyCost(shipCore.shipMass);
if (!energy_consume(energyCost, false)) {
reason.append(String.format("Insufficient energy (%d required)", energyCost));
return false;
// Save header
NBTTagCompound schematic = new NBTTagCompound();
schematic.setShort("Width", width);
schematic.setShort("Length", length);
schematic.setShort("Height", height);
schematic.setInteger("shipMass", shipCore.shipMass);
schematic.setString("shipName", shipCore.shipName);
schematic.setInteger("shipVolume", shipCore.shipVolume);
// Save new format
JumpShip ship = new JumpShip();
ship.worldObj = shipCore.getWorldObj();
ship.coreX = shipCore.xCoord;
ship.coreY = shipCore.yCoord;
ship.coreZ = shipCore.zCoord;
ship.dx = shipCore.dx;
| =;
ship.minX = shipCore.minX;
ship.maxX = shipCore.maxX;
ship.minY = shipCore.minY;
ship.maxY = shipCore.maxY;
ship.minZ = shipCore.minZ;
ship.maxZ = shipCore.maxZ;
ship.shipCore = shipCore;
if (! {
return false;
NBTTagCompound tagCompoundShip = new NBTTagCompound();
schematic.setTag("ship", tagCompoundShip);
// Storage collections
String stringBlockRegistryNames[] = new String[size];
byte byteMetadatas[] = new byte[size];
NBTTagList tileEntitiesList = new NBTTagList();
// Scan the whole area
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < length; z++) {
Block block = worldObj.getBlock(shipCore.minX + x, shipCore.minY + y, shipCore.minZ + z);
// Skip leftBehind and anchor blocks
if (Dictionary.BLOCKS_LEFTBEHIND.contains(block) || Dictionary.BLOCKS_ANCHOR.contains(block)) {
block = Blocks.air;
int index = x + (y * length + z) * width;
stringBlockRegistryNames[index] = Block.blockRegistry.getNameForObject(block);
byteMetadatas[index] = (byte) worldObj.getBlockMetadata(shipCore.minX + x, shipCore.minY + y, shipCore.minZ + z);
if (!block.isAssociatedBlock(Blocks.air)) {
TileEntity tileEntity = worldObj.getTileEntity(shipCore.minX + x, shipCore.minY + y, shipCore.minZ + z);
if (tileEntity != null) {
try {
NBTTagCompound tagTileEntity = new NBTTagCompound();
// Clear computer IDs
if (tagTileEntity.hasKey("computerID")) {
if (tagTileEntity.hasKey("oc:computer")) {
NBTTagCompound tagComputer = tagTileEntity.getCompoundTag("oc:computer");
tagTileEntity.setTag("oc:computer", tagComputer);
// Clear inventory.
if (tileEntity instanceof IInventory) {
TileEntity tileEntityClone = TileEntity.createAndLoadEntity(tagTileEntity);
if (tileEntityClone instanceof IInventory) {
for (int i = 0; i < ((IInventory) tileEntityClone).getSizeInventory(); i++) {
((IInventory) tileEntityClone).setInventorySlotContents(i, null);
// Empty energy storage
// IC2
if (tagTileEntity.hasKey("energy")) {
energy_consume((int)Math.round(tagTileEntity.getDouble("energy")), true);
tagTileEntity.setDouble("energy", 0);
// Gregtech
if (tagTileEntity.hasKey("mStoredEnergy")) {
tagTileEntity.setInteger("mStoredEnergy", 0);
// Immersive Engineering & Thermal Expansion
if (tagTileEntity.hasKey("Energy")) {
energy_consume(tagTileEntity.getInteger("Energy"), true);
tagTileEntity.setInteger("Energy", 0);
if (tagTileEntity.hasKey("Owner")) {
tagTileEntity.setString("Owner", "None");
// Mekanism
if (tagTileEntity.hasKey("electricityStored")) {
tagTileEntity.setDouble("electricityStored", 0);
if (tagTileEntity.hasKey("owner")) {
tagTileEntity.setString("owner", "None");
// Transform TE's coordinates from local axis to .schematic offset-axis
// Warning: this is a cheap workaround for World Edit. Use the native format for proper transformation
tagTileEntity.setInteger("x", tileEntity.xCoord - shipCore.minX);
tagTileEntity.setInteger("y", tileEntity.yCoord - shipCore.minY);
tagTileEntity.setInteger("z", tileEntity.zCoord - shipCore.minZ);
} catch (Exception exception) {
schematic.setString("Materials", "Alpha");
NBTTagList tagListBlocks = new NBTTagList();
for (String stringRegistryName : stringBlockRegistryNames) {
tagListBlocks.appendTag(new NBTTagString(stringRegistryName));
schematic.setTag("Blocks", tagListBlocks);
schematic.setByteArray("Data", byteMetadatas);
schematic.setTag("Entities", new NBTTagList()); // don't save entities
schematic.setTag("TileEntities", tileEntitiesList);
writeNBTToFile(fileName, schematic);
return true;
private void writeNBTToFile(String fileName, NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) {
| + " writeNBTToFile " + fileName);
try {
File file = new File(fileName);
if (!file.exists()) {
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
FileOutputStream fileoutputstream = new FileOutputStream(file);
CompressedStreamTools.writeCompressed(nbttagcompound, fileoutputstream);
} catch (Exception exception) {
// Begins ship scan
private boolean scanShip(StringBuilder reason) {
// Enable scanner
File file = new File(WarpDriveConfig.G_SCHEMALOCATION);
if (!file.exists() || !file.isDirectory()) {
if (!file.mkdirs()) {
return false;
// Generate unique file name
SimpleDateFormat sdfDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH'h'mm'm'ss's'SSS");
String shipName = shipCore.shipName.replaceAll("[^ -~]", "").replaceAll("[:/\\\\]", "");
do {
Date now = new Date();
schematicFileName = shipName + "_" + sdfDate.format(now);
} while (new File(WarpDriveConfig.G_SCHEMALOCATION + "/" + schematicFileName + ".schematic").exists());
if (!saveShipToSchematic(WarpDriveConfig.G_SCHEMALOCATION + "/" + schematicFileName + ".schematic", reason)) {
return false;
return true;
private static NBTTagCompound readNBTFromFile(String fileName) {
try {
File file = new File(fileName);
if (!file.exists()) {
return null;
FileInputStream fileinputstream = new FileInputStream(file);
NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = CompressedStreamTools.readCompressed(fileinputstream);
return nbttagcompound;
} catch (Exception exception) {
return null;
// Returns error code and reason string
private int deployShip(final String fileName, final int offsetX, final int offsetY, final int offsetZ, final byte rotationSteps, final boolean isForced, final StringBuilder reason) {
// Load schematic
NBTTagCompound schematic = readNBTFromFile(WarpDriveConfig.G_SCHEMALOCATION + "/" + fileName + ".schematic");
if (schematic == null) {
reason.append(String.format("Schematic not found or unknown error reading it: '%s'.", fileName));
return -1;
jumpShip = new JumpShip();
targetX = xCoord + offsetX;
targetY = yCoord + offsetY;
targetZ = zCoord + offsetZ;
this.rotationSteps = rotationSteps;
// Compute geometry
// int shipMass = schematic.getInteger("shipMass");
// String shipName = schematic.getString("shipName");
// int shipVolume = schematic.getInteger("shipVolume");
if (schematic.hasKey("ship")) {
blocksToDeployCount = jumpShip.jumpBlocks.length;
if (WarpDriveConfig.LOGGING_BUILDING) {
|"[ShipScanner] Loaded %d blocks to deploy", blocksToDeployCount));
} else {
// Set deployment variables
short width = schematic.getShort("Width");
short height = schematic.getShort("Height");
short length = schematic.getShort("Length");
jumpShip.minX = 0;
jumpShip.maxX = width - 1;
jumpShip.minY = 0;
jumpShip.maxY = height - 1;
jumpShip.minZ = 0;
jumpShip.maxZ = length - 1;
jumpShip.coreX = 0;
jumpShip.coreY = 0;
jumpShip.coreZ = 0;
blocksToDeployCount = width * height * length;
jumpShip.jumpBlocks = new JumpBlock[blocksToDeployCount];
// Read blocks and TileEntities from NBT to internal storage array
NBTTagList localBlocks = (NBTTagList) schematic.getTag("Blocks");
byte localMetadata[] = schematic.getByteArray("Data");
// Load Tile Entities
NBTTagCompound[] tileEntities = new NBTTagCompound[blocksToDeployCount];
NBTTagList tagListTileEntities = schematic.getTagList("TileEntities", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND);
for (int i = 0; i < tagListTileEntities.tagCount(); i++) {
NBTTagCompound tagTileEntity = tagListTileEntities.getCompoundTagAt(i);
int teX = tagTileEntity.getInteger("x");
int teY = tagTileEntity.getInteger("y");
int teZ = tagTileEntity.getInteger("z");
tileEntities[teX + (teY * length + teZ) * width] = tagTileEntity;
// Create list of blocks to deploy
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < length; z++) {
int index = x + (y * length + z) * width;
JumpBlock jumpBlock = new JumpBlock();
jumpBlock.x = x;
jumpBlock.y = y;
jumpBlock.z = z;
jumpBlock.block = Block.getBlockFromName(localBlocks.getStringTagAt(index));
jumpBlock.blockMeta = (localMetadata[index]) & 0xFF;
jumpBlock.blockNBT = tileEntities[index];
if (jumpBlock.block != null) {
if (WarpDriveConfig.LOGGING_BUILDING) {
if (tileEntities[index] == null) {
|"[ShipScanner] Adding block to deploy: "
+ jumpBlock.block.getUnlocalizedName() + ":" + jumpBlock.blockMeta
+ " (no tile entity)");
} else {
|"[ShipScanner] Adding block to deploy: "
+ jumpBlock.block.getUnlocalizedName() + ":" + jumpBlock.blockMeta
+ " with tile entity " + tileEntities[index].getString("id"));
} else {
jumpBlock = null;
jumpShip.jumpBlocks[index] = jumpBlock;
// Validate context
// Check distance
double dX = xCoord - targetX;
double dY = yCoord - targetY;
double dZ = zCoord - targetZ;
double distance = MathHelper.sqrt_double(dX * dX + dY * dY + dZ * dZ);
if (distance > WarpDriveConfig.SS_MAX_DEPLOY_RADIUS_BLOCKS) {
reason.append(String.format("Cannot deploy ship more than %d blocks away from scanner.", WarpDriveConfig.SS_MAX_DEPLOY_RADIUS_BLOCKS));
return 5;
// Consume energy
int energyCost = getDeploymentEnergyCost(blocksToDeployCount);
if (!energy_consume(energyCost, false)) {
reason.append(String.format("Insufficient energy (%d required)", energyCost));
return 1;
// Compute target area
Transformation transformation = new Transformation(jumpShip, worldObj, targetX - jumpShip.coreX, targetY - jumpShip.coreY, targetZ - jumpShip.coreZ, rotationSteps);
ChunkCoordinates targetLocation1 = transformation.apply(jumpShip.minX, jumpShip.minY, jumpShip.minZ);
ChunkCoordinates targetLocation2 = transformation.apply(jumpShip.maxX, jumpShip.maxY, jumpShip.maxZ);
ChunkCoordinates targetLocationMin = new ChunkCoordinates(
Math.min(targetLocation1.posX, targetLocation2.posX) - 1,
Math.max(0, Math.min(targetLocation1.posY, targetLocation2.posY) - 1),
Math.min(targetLocation1.posZ, targetLocation2.posZ) - 1);
ChunkCoordinates targetLocationMax = new ChunkCoordinates(
Math.max(targetLocation1.posX, targetLocation2.posX) + 1,
Math.min(255, Math.max(targetLocation1.posY, targetLocation2.posY) + 1),
Math.max(targetLocation1.posZ, targetLocation2.posZ) + 1);
if (isForced) {
if (!worldObj.isAirBlock(targetX, targetY, targetZ)) {
worldObj.newExplosion(null, targetX, targetY, targetZ, 1, false, false);
if (WarpDriveConfig.LOGGING_BUILDING) {
|"Deployment collision detected at " + targetX + " " + targetY + " " + targetZ);
reason.append(String.format("Deployment area occupied with existing ship. Can't deploy new ship at " + targetX + " " + targetY + " " + targetZ));
return 2;
// Clear specified area for any blocks to avoid corruption and ensure clean full ship
for (int x = targetLocationMin.posX; x <= targetLocationMax.posX; x++) {
for (int y = targetLocationMin.posY; y <= targetLocationMax.posY; y++) {
for (int z = targetLocationMin.posZ; z <= targetLocationMax.posZ; z++) {
worldObj.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
} else {
// Check specified area for occupation by blocks
// If specified area is occupied, break deployment with error message
int occupiedBlockCount = 0;
for (int x = targetLocationMin.posX; x <= targetLocationMax.posX; x++) {
for (int y = targetLocationMin.posY; y <= targetLocationMax.posY; y++) {
for (int z = targetLocationMin.posZ; z <= targetLocationMax.posZ; z++) {
if (!worldObj.isAirBlock(x, y, z)) {
if (occupiedBlockCount == 1 || (occupiedBlockCount <= 100 && worldObj.rand.nextInt(10) == 0)) {
worldObj.newExplosion(null, x, y, z, 1, false, false);
if (WarpDriveConfig.LOGGING_BUILDING) {
|"Deployment collision detected at " + x + " " + y + " " + z);
if (occupiedBlockCount > 0) {
reason.append(String.format("Deployment area occupied with %d blocks. Can't deploy ship.", occupiedBlockCount));
return 2;
// initiate deployment sequencer
isDeploying = true;
currentDeployIndex = 0;
reason.append(String.format("Deploying ship '%s'...", fileName));
return 3;
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) {
schematicFileName = tag.getString("schematic");
targetX = tag.getInteger("targetX");
targetY = tag.getInteger("targetY");
targetZ = tag.getInteger("targetZ");
rotationSteps = tag.getByte("rotationSteps");
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) {
tag.setString("schematic", schematicFileName);
tag.setInteger("targetX", targetX);
tag.setInteger("targetY", targetY);
tag.setInteger("targetZ", targetZ);
tag.setByte("rotationSteps", rotationSteps);
// OpenComputer callback methods
@Optional.Method(modid = "OpenComputers")
public Object[] scan(Context context, Arguments arguments) {
return scan();
@Optional.Method(modid = "OpenComputers")
public Object[] filename(Context context, Arguments arguments) {
return filename();
@Optional.Method(modid = "OpenComputers")
public Object[] deploy(Context context, Arguments arguments) {
return deploy(argumentsOCtoCC(arguments));
@Optional.Method(modid = "OpenComputers")
public Object[] state(Context context, Arguments arguments) {
return state();
private Object[] scan() {
// Already scanning?
if (isActive) {
return new Object[] { false, 0, "Already active" };
if (shipCore == null) {
return new Object[] { false, 1, "Ship-Core not found" };
int energyCost = getScanningEnergyCost(shipCore.shipMass);
if (!energy_consume(energyCost, true)) {
return new Object[] { false, 2, "Not enough energy! " + energyCost + " required." };
} else {
StringBuilder reason = new StringBuilder();
boolean success = scanShip(reason);
return new Object[] { success, 3, reason.toString() };
private Object[] filename() {
if (isActive && !schematicFileName.isEmpty()) {
if (isDeploying) {
return new Object[] { false, "Deployment in progress. Please wait..." };
} else {
return new Object[] { false, "Scan in progress. Please wait..." };
return new Object[] { true, schematicFileName };
private Object[] deploy(Object[] arguments) {
if (arguments.length == 5) {
String fileName = (String) arguments[0];
int x = toInt(arguments[1]);
int y = toInt(arguments[2]);
int z = toInt(arguments[3]);
byte rotationSteps = (byte) toInt(arguments[4]);
if (!new File(WarpDriveConfig.G_SCHEMALOCATION + "/" + fileName + ".schematic").exists()) {
return new Object[] { 0, "Specified schematic file was not found!" };
} else {
StringBuilder reason = new StringBuilder();
int result = deployShip(fileName, x, y, z, rotationSteps, false, reason);
return new Object[] { result, reason.toString() };
} else {
return new Object[] { 4, "Invalid arguments count, you need .schematic file name, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, rotationSteps!" };
private Object[] state() {
if (!isActive) {
return new Object[] { false, "IDLE", 0, 0 };
} else if (!isDeploying) {
return new Object[] { true, "Scanning", 0, 0 };
} else {
return new Object[] { true, "Deploying", currentDeployIndex, blocksToDeployCount };
// ComputerCraft IPeripheral methods implementation
@Optional.Method(modid = "ComputerCraft")
public Object[] callMethod(IComputerAccess computer, ILuaContext context, int method, Object[] arguments) {
String methodName = getMethodName(method);
switch (methodName) {
case "scan":
return scan();
case "fileName":
return filename();
case "deploy": // deploy(schematicFileName, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ)
return deploy(arguments);
case "state":
return state();
return super.callMethod(computer, context, method, arguments);
private static final int SS_SEARCH_INTERVAL_TICKS = 20;
private int cooldownPlayerDetection = 5;
private void checkPlayerToken() {
// cooldown to prevent player chat spam and server lag
if (cooldownPlayerDetection > 0) {
cooldownPlayerDetection = SS_SEARCH_INTERVAL_TICKS;
// skip unless setup is done
if (targetX == 0 && targetY == 0 && targetZ == 0) {
// find a unique player in range
AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(xCoord - 1.0D, yCoord + 1.0D, zCoord - 1.0D, xCoord + 1.99D, yCoord + 5.0D, zCoord + 1.99D);
List list = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(null, axisalignedbb);
List<EntityPlayer> entityPlayers = new ArrayList<>(10);
for (Object object : list) {
if (object instanceof EntityPlayer) {
entityPlayers.add((EntityPlayer) object);
if (entityPlayers.isEmpty()) {
if (entityPlayers.size() > 1) {
for (EntityPlayer entityPlayer : entityPlayers) {
WarpDrive.addChatMessage(entityPlayer, "Too many players detected: please stand in the beam one at a time.");
cooldownPlayerDetection = 3 * SS_SEARCH_INTERVAL_TICKS;
EntityPlayer entityPlayer = entityPlayers.get(0);
// check inventory
int slotIndex = 0;
ItemStack itemStack = null;
for (; slotIndex < entityPlayer.inventory.getSizeInventory(); slotIndex++) {
itemStack = entityPlayer.inventory.getStackInSlot(slotIndex);
if ( itemStack != null
&& itemStack.getItem() == WarpDrive.itemCrystalToken
&& itemStack.stackSize >= 1) {
if (itemStack == null || slotIndex >= entityPlayer.inventory.getSizeInventory()) {
WarpDrive.addChatMessage(entityPlayer, "Please come back once you've a Crystal token.");
cooldownPlayerDetection = 3 * SS_SEARCH_INTERVAL_TICKS;
playerName = entityPlayer.getCommandSenderName();
// try deploying
StringBuilder reason = new StringBuilder();
deployShip(ItemCrystalToken.getSchematicName(itemStack), targetX - xCoord, targetY - yCoord, targetZ - zCoord, rotationSteps, true, reason);
WarpDrive.addChatMessage(entityPlayer, reason.toString());
if (!isActive) {
// failed
cooldownPlayerDetection = 5 * SS_SEARCH_INTERVAL_TICKS;
// success => remove token
if (!entityPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {
if (itemStack.stackSize > 0) {
entityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(slotIndex, itemStack);
} else {
entityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(slotIndex, null);
// IEnergySink methods implementation
public int energy_getMaxStorage() {
return WarpDriveConfig.SS_MAX_ENERGY_STORED;
public boolean energy_canInput(ForgeDirection from) {
return true;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%s @ \'%s\' (%d %d %d)", getClass().getSimpleName(),
worldObj == null ? "~NULL~" : worldObj.getWorldInfo().getWorldName(), xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);