from config import * import discord from discord.ext import commands from datetime import datetime bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=prefix) @bot.event #print the username and id to the console async def on_ready(): print('Logged in as') print( print( print('------') @bot.command(pass_context=True, brief="prints the ping time of the bot") async def ping(ctx):#prints the ping and the time the bot needed to process this command now = datetime.utcnow()#get the current time delta = round((now.microsecond - ctx.message.created_at.microsecond) /1000)#substract the time the message was created from the current time 8in microsecconds), convert this to millisecconds and round embed = discord.Embed(title=":ping_pong: | Pong!", description="```prolog\nLatency :: " + str(round(bot.latency * 1000)) + "ms\nResponse :: " + str(delta) + "ms```")#make the response, we format it as code and select prolog as language for nice cloloring await the prepared message the bot with the token in