
495 lines
14 KiB

package ley.anvil.addonscript.v1;
import javafx.util.Pair;
import ley.anvil.addonscript.curse.CurseforgeRepository;
import ley.anvil.addonscript.maven.MavenRepository;
import ley.anvil.addonscript.python.PythonInstaller;
import ley.anvil.addonscript.util.ASBase;
import ley.anvil.addonscript.installer.IInstaller;
import ley.anvil.addonscript.util.IRepository;
import ley.anvil.addonscript.installer.InternalDirInstaller;
import ley.anvil.addonscript.util.Indexes;
import ley.anvil.addonscript.util.Utils;
import org.python.jline.internal.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class AddonscriptJSON extends ASBase {
public Indexes indexes;
public boolean loaded;
public static AddonscriptJSON fromJSON(String json) {
return fromJSON(json, AddonscriptJSON.class);
public static AddonscriptJSON read(Reader reader) {
return read(reader, AddonscriptJSON.class);
public static AddonscriptJSON create() {
AddonscriptJSON as = new AddonscriptJSON();
as.asversion = 1;
return as;
public AddonscriptJSON() {
indexes = new Indexes();
loaded = false;
public void load() {
indexes.INSTALLERS.put("internal.dir", new InternalDirInstaller());
for (Repository r : repositories) {
indexes.REPOSITORIES.put(, r.getRepository());
for (IndexEntry e : index) {
if (e.type != null && e.type.equals("addon"))
indexes.ADDONS.put(, Utils.getFromURL(;
else if (e.type != null && e.type.equals("version"))
indexes.VERSIONS.put(e.versionid, Utils.getFromURL(;
for (Version v : versions) {
if (!indexes.VERSIONS.containsKey(v.versionid))
indexes.VERSIONS.put(v.versionid, v);
loaded = true;
public Version getDefaultVersion() {
for (Version v : versions) {
if (v.versionid == -1)
return v;
if (versions.size() > 0)
return versions.get(0);
return new Version();
public Version getVersion(int versionid) {
if (indexes.VERSIONS.containsKey(versionid))
return indexes.VERSIONS.get(versionid);
return null;
public Version getVersion(String versionCondition) {
return null; //TODO Interpret version range
//JSON Parts
* The ID of the addon
public String id;
* The type of the addon
* For example mod or modpack
public String type;
public List<IndexEntry> index;
* A list of versions of this addon
public List<Version> versions;
* A list of repositories this file uses
public List<Repository> repositories;
* A list of external installers this file uses
public List<Installer> installers;
* Optional
* Meta information for this addon
public Meta meta;
public static class Version implements Comparable<Version> {
public List<Relation> getRelations(String side, boolean optionals, @Nullable String edition) {
List<Relation> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (Relation r : relations) {
if (r.hasOption(side) && (r.hasOption("required") || (optionals && r.hasOption("optional")) || r.hasOption("edition:" + edition)))
return list;
* The name of this version
* (for example: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0)
public String version;
* The numeric ID of this version
* Used to identify, which version is higher/lower than another
* Can be -1 if this file uses only one version
public int versionid;
* The Minecraft versions, which are compatile with this version
public List<String> mcversion;
* Optional
* Meta Information about this version
public VersionMeta meta;
* A list of files of this version
public List<File> files;
* A lis of addons, that are related to this addon
public List<Relation> relations;
public int compareTo(Version o) {
return versionid - o.versionid;
public static class Contributor {
* The name of the contributor
public String name;
* The roles of the contributor
* (for example: author, developer, owner ...)
public List<String> roles;
public static class Meta {
* The name of the addon
public String name;
* A link to the icon of this addon
public String icon;
* A list of the contributors of this addon
public List<Contributor> contributors;
* The website of the addon
public String website;
* The description of the addon
public List<String> description;
public static class VersionMeta {
* The changelog of this version
public List<String> changelog;
* The UNIX Timestamp when this version was released
public int timestamp;
public static class Repository {
* The ID of this repository
* Must be unique to this file
public String id;
* The type of this repository
* Currently supported: curseforge, forge
public String type;
* The base url of this repository
public String url;
public IRepository getRepository() {
switch (type) {
case "curseforge": return new CurseforgeRepository();
case "maven": return new MavenRepository(url);
default: return null;
public static class Installer {
* The ID of this installer
* Must be unique to this file
public String id;
* A link or relative path to a python file, which is an installer
public String link;
public IInstaller getInstaller() {
return new PythonInstaller(link);
public static class File {
* The ID of this file.
* If multiple files have the same ID,
* Addonscript will interpret this files as identical.
* Addonscript will then try to install the first of them
* and only if this fails, it will try the next.
public String id;
* The installer for this file
* Format: &lt;installerid&gt;:&lt;param 1&gt;:&lt;param 2&gt;...
* Installer ID can be internal.&lt;some internal installer&gt;
public String installer = "internal.dir:mods";
* Optional: Use this or artifact
* A link to this file. Can also point to a relative file or directory by using file://&lt;relative path&gt;.
public String link;
* Optional: Use this or link
* An artifact from a repository, which is this file
public String artifact;
* Optional: Defaults if empty
* (Defaults = required, client, server)
* A list of options for this file.
* Currently supported parameters:
* "required" - This file is required for the addon
* "optional" - This file is optional for the addon
* "client" - This file works on the client side
* "server" - This file works on the server side
public List<String> options;
public boolean hasOption(String option) {
if (options != null)
return option.contains(option);
else {
switch (option) {
case "client":
case "server":
case "required": return true;
default: return false;
public String getLink(Indexes indexes) {
if (link != null && !link.equals("")) {
return link;
else if (artifact != null && !artifact.equals("")) {
for (IRepository repo : indexes.REPOSITORIES.values()) {
String url = repo.getFileURL(artifact);
if (!url.equals(""))
return url;
return "";
public Meta getMeta(Indexes indexes) {
if (artifact != null && !artifact.equals("")) {
for (IRepository repo : indexes.REPOSITORIES.values()) {
Meta meta = repo.getMeta(artifact);
if (meta != null) {
return meta;
return null;
public static class Relation {
public Meta getMeta(Indexes indexes) {
return indexes.ADDONS.get(id).meta;
else if(meta != null)
return meta;
return file.getMeta(indexes);
public List<Pair<String, String>> getLinks(Indexes indexes, String side, boolean optionals, @Nullable String installer, @Nullable String edition) {
List<Pair<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (indexes.ADDONS.containsKey(id)) {
AddonscriptJSON addon = indexes.ADDONS.get(id);
if (!addon.loaded)
Version version = addon.getVersion(versions);
if (version != null) {
for (File f : version.files) {
if (f != null && f.hasOption(side) && (installer == null || installer.equals(f.installer)) && ((f.hasOption("optional") && optionals) || f.hasOption("edition:" + edition) || f.hasOption("required")))
list.add(new Pair<>(f.getLink(indexes), f.installer));
if (file != null && file.hasOption(side) && (installer == null || installer.equals(file.installer)) && ((file.hasOption("optional") && optionals) || file.hasOption("edition:" + edition) || file.hasOption("required")))
list.add(new Pair<>(file.getLink(indexes), file.installer));
return list;
* The ID of the relation
* This should be unique in this Addonscript file
public String id;
* Optional: Wildcard if empty
* A version range string, which specifies, which versions of the addon can be used
public String versions;
* Optional: Use either this or script
* The file of this relation
* Can be a direct link or an artifact from a repository
public File file;
* The addon type of this relation
* For example: mod, modloader, config, script...
public String type;
* Optional
* Meta information for this relation
* This is not always useful, because some repositories, like curseforge or external Addonscripts are
* already exposing this information
public Meta meta;
* Optional: Defaults if empty
* (Defaults = required[included instead, if this is a modpack], client, server)
* A list of options for this relation.
* Currently supportet parameters:
* "required" - This relation is required for the addon
* "optional" - This relation is optional for the addon
* "client" - This relation works on the client side
* "server" - This relation works on the server side
* "included" - This relation is included in this addon (if this is a modpack)
* "recommended" - This relation is recomended but not required for this addon
* "incompatible" - This relation is incompatible with this addon
public List<String> options;
public boolean hasOption(String option) {
if (options != null)
return option.contains(option);
else {
switch (option) {
case "client":
case "server":
case "required": return true;
default: return false;
public static class IndexEntry {
public String type;
public String link;
public int versionid;
public String edition;
public String id;
public static class Edition {
* The id of the edition
public String id;
* Optional: Wildcard if empty
* A version range string, which specifies, which versions have this edition
public String versions;
* Optional
* Meta information about this edition
public Meta meta;