//usr/bin/env zig run $0 -lc `pkgconf --libs libarchive libcurl`; exit // This script requires a zig compiler, libarchive and libcurl to run. // If you're on windows, screw you lol const std = @import("std"); const c = @cImport({ @cInclude("curl/curl.h"); @cInclude("archive.h"); @cInclude("archive_entry.h"); }); const settings = @import("settings.zig"); pub fn main() !void { // used to buffer whatever var buf: [512]u8 = undefined; try std.fs.cwd().deleteTree(settings.build_dir); try std.fs.cwd().makeDir(settings.build_dir); var zip = c.archive_write_new(); if (zip == null) return error.ArchiveNewError; defer _ = c.archive_write_free(zip); try handleArchiveErr(c.archive_write_set_format_zip(zip), zip); try handleArchiveErr(c.archive_write_set_format_option( zip, "zip", "compression-level", settings.compression_level, ), zip); try handleArchiveErr(c.archive_write_open_filename( zip, settings.build_dir ++ "/ac4-" ++ settings.version ++ ".zip", ), zip); var entry = c.archive_entry_new(); defer c.archive_entry_free(entry); try archiveCreateDir(zip.?, entry.?, "minecraft/"); try archiveCreateDir(zip.?, entry.?, "minecraft/mods/"); const writer = ArchiveWriter{ .context = zip.? }; var overrides = try std.fs.cwd().openIterableDir("overrides", .{}); defer overrides.close(); var walker = try overrides.walk(std.heap.c_allocator); defer walker.deinit(); while (try walker.next()) |e| { switch (e.kind) { .Directory => { const path = try std.mem.concat( std.heap.c_allocator, u8, &[_][]const u8{ "minecraft/", e.path, "/\x00" }, ); defer std.heap.c_allocator.free(path); try archiveCreateDir(zip.?, entry.?, path.ptr); }, .File => { const path = try std.mem.concatWithSentinel( std.heap.c_allocator, u8, &[_][]const u8{ "minecraft/", e.path }, 0, ); defer std.heap.c_allocator.free(path); var file = try overrides.dir.openFile(e.path, .{}); defer file.close(); try archiveFile( zip.?, entry.?, &buf, path, file, ); }, else => {}, } } try installMmcPackJson(zip.?, entry.?); const instance_cfg_data = "InstanceType=OneSix"; c.archive_entry_set_pathname(entry, "instance.cfg"); c.archive_entry_set_size(entry, instance_cfg_data.len); try handleArchiveErr(c.archive_write_header(zip, entry), zip); try writer.writeAll(instance_cfg_data); var mods_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.c_allocator); defer mods_arena.deinit(); var mods = std.ArrayList([]u8).init(std.heap.c_allocator); defer mods.deinit(); readMods(&mods, mods_arena.allocator()) catch |err| { std.log.err("Error reading mods.txt", .{}); return err; }; downloadMods(mods.items, zip.?, entry.?) catch |err| { std.log.err("Error downloading mods", .{}); return err; }; try handleArchiveErr(c.archive_write_close(zip), zip); } const ArchiveWriter = std.io.Writer( *c.archive, error{ArchiveError}, writeArchive, ); fn writeArchive(archive: *c.archive, bytes: []const u8) error{ArchiveError}!usize { const result = c.archive_write_data(archive, bytes.ptr, bytes.len); if (result < 0) { try handleArchiveErr(result, archive); } return @intCast(usize, result); } fn archiveFile( archive: *c.archive, entry: *c.archive_entry, buf: []u8, name: [*c]const u8, file: std.fs.File, ) !void { entrySetFile(entry); c.archive_entry_set_pathname(entry, name); c.archive_entry_set_size(entry, @intCast(i64, (try file.stat()).size)); try handleArchiveErr(c.archive_write_header(archive, entry), archive); const writer = ArchiveWriter{ .context = archive }; var read = try file.read(buf); while (read != 0) { try writer.writeAll(buf[0..read]); read = try file.read(buf); } } /// `name` must end with '/'! fn archiveCreateDir( archive: *c.archive, entry: *c.archive_entry, name: [*c]const u8, ) !void { entrySetDir(entry); c.archive_entry_set_pathname(entry, name); try handleArchiveErr(c.archive_write_header(archive, entry), archive); } fn installMmcPackJson(archive: *c.archive, entry: *c.archive_entry) !void { const Requires = struct { uid: []const u8, equals: ?[]const u8 = null, suggests: ?[]const u8 = null, }; const Component = struct { cachedName: []const u8, cachedRequires: ?[]const Requires = null, cachedVersion: []const u8, cachedVolatile: ?bool = null, dependencyOnly: ?bool = null, important: ?bool = null, uid: []const u8, version: []const u8, }; const data = .{ .components = &[_]Component{ .{ .cachedName = "LWJGL 3", .cachedVersion = "3.2.2", .cachedVolatile = true, .dependencyOnly = true, .uid = "org.lwjgl3", .version = "3.2.2", }, .{ .cachedName = "Minecraft", .cachedRequires = &.{ .{ .uid = "org.lwjgl3", .suggests = "3.2.2", }, }, .cachedVersion = settings.minecraft_version, .important = true, .uid = "net.minecraft", .version = settings.minecraft_version, }, .{ .cachedName = "Intermediary Mappings", .cachedRequires = &.{ .{ .equals = settings.minecraft_version, .uid = "net.minecraft", }, }, .cachedVersion = settings.minecraft_version, .cachedVolatile = true, .dependencyOnly = true, .uid = "net.fabricmc.intermediary", .version = settings.minecraft_version, }, .{ .cachedName = "Fabric Loader", .cachedRequires = &.{ .{ .uid = "net.fabricmc.intermediary", }, }, .cachedVersion = settings.fabric_loader_version, .uid = "net.fabricmc.fabric-loader", .version = settings.fabric_loader_version, }, }, .formatVersion = 1, }; // We run the serializer twice, because we need to know the size ahead of time for zip. // This is faster than allocating the json on the heap. var counter = std.io.countingWriter(std.io.null_writer); try std.json.stringify( data, .{ .emit_null_optional_fields = false }, counter.writer(), ); entrySetFile(entry); c.archive_entry_set_size(entry, @intCast(i64, counter.bytes_written)); c.archive_entry_set_pathname(entry, "mmc-pack.json"); try handleArchiveErr(c.archive_write_header(archive, entry), archive); try std.json.stringify( data, .{ .emit_null_optional_fields = false }, ArchiveWriter{ .context = archive }, ); } fn readMods(list: *std.ArrayList([]u8), alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !void { var file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("mods.txt", .{}); defer file.close(); var line_buf: [1024]u8 = undefined; while (try file.reader().readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&line_buf, '\n')) |line| { // mods.txt has comments with "#" const line_without_comment = std.mem.sliceTo(line, '#'); const trimmed_line = std.mem.trim(u8, line_without_comment, "\n\r\t "); if (trimmed_line.len != 0) { try list.append(try alloc.dupe(u8, trimmed_line)); } } } fn curlWriteCallback( data: [*]const u8, size: usize, nmemb: usize, out: *std.ArrayList(u8), ) callconv(.C) usize { const realsize = size * nmemb; out.writer().writeAll(data[0..realsize]) catch return 0; return realsize; } fn curlInfoCallback( filename: *[]const u8, dltotal: c.curl_off_t, dlnow: c.curl_off_t, ultotal: c.curl_off_t, ulnow: c.curl_off_t, ) callconv(.C) usize { _ = ultotal; _ = ulnow; std.io.getStdOut().writer().print( "\x1b[2K\r\x1b[34m{s} \x1b[32m{}%", .{ filename.*, if (dltotal != 0) @divTrunc(dlnow * 100, dltotal) else 0, }, ) catch {}; return 0; } fn downloadMods( mods: []const []const u8, zip: *c.archive, entry: *c.archive_entry, ) !void { var curl = c.curl_easy_init(); if (curl == null) return error.CurlInitError; defer c.curl_easy_cleanup(curl); try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_setopt( curl, c.CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, curlWriteCallback, )); try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_setopt( curl, c.CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION, curlInfoCallback, )); try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_setopt(curl, c.CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, @as(c_long, 0))); try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_setopt(curl, c.CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, @as(c_long, 1))); const writer = ArchiveWriter{ .context = zip }; var mod_buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(std.heap.c_allocator); defer mod_buf.deinit(); defer std.io.getStdOut().writeAll("\x1b[0\n") catch {}; for (mods) |mod| { mod_buf.clearRetainingCapacity(); var splits = std.mem.split(u8, mod, "/"); var filename_esc: ?[]const u8 = null; while (splits.next()) |split| filename_esc = split; if (filename_esc == null or filename_esc.?.len == 0) { std.log.err("Failed to get filename of URL {s}", .{mod}); return error.BorkedUrl; } var filename_len: c_int = undefined; var filename_cstr = c.curl_easy_unescape( curl, filename_esc.?.ptr, @intCast(c_int, filename_esc.?.len), &filename_len, ); defer c.curl_free(filename_cstr); var filename = filename_cstr[0..@intCast(usize, filename_len)]; // Replace + with space in URL decoded filename for (filename) |*ch| { if (ch.* == '+') { ch.* = ' '; } } try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_setopt(curl, c.CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &mod_buf)); try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_setopt(curl, c.CURLOPT_XFERINFODATA, &filename)); const mod_cstr = try std.cstr.addNullByte(std.heap.c_allocator, mod); defer std.heap.c_allocator.free(mod_cstr); try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_setopt( curl, c.CURLOPT_URL, @ptrCast([*c]const u8, mod_cstr), )); try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_perform(curl)); std.io.getStdOut().writer().print( "\x1b[2K\r\x1b[34m{s} \x1b[31mZipping...", .{filename}, ) catch {}; var archive_path = try std.mem.concatWithSentinel( std.heap.c_allocator, u8, &.{ "minecraft/mods/", filename }, 0, ); defer std.heap.c_allocator.free(archive_path); c.archive_entry_set_pathname(entry, archive_path.ptr); c.archive_entry_set_size(entry, @intCast(i64, mod_buf.items.len)); try handleArchiveErr(c.archive_write_header(zip, entry), zip); try writer.writeAll(mod_buf.items); std.io.getStdOut().writer().print( "\x1b[2K\r\x1b[34m{s}\n", .{filename}, ) catch {}; } } fn entrySetDir(entry: *c.archive_entry) void { c.archive_entry_set_filetype(entry, c.S_IFDIR); c.archive_entry_set_perm(entry, 0o755); c.archive_entry_unset_size(entry); } fn entrySetFile(entry: *c.archive_entry) void { c.archive_entry_set_filetype(entry, c.S_IFREG); c.archive_entry_set_perm(entry, 0o644); } fn handleCurlErr(code: c.CURLcode) !void { if (code != c.CURLE_OK) { std.log.err("Curl error: {s}", .{c.curl_easy_strerror(code)}); return error.CurlError; } } fn handleArchiveErr(err: anytype, archive: ?*c.archive) !void { if (err != c.ARCHIVE_OK) { if (archive) |ar| { if (c.archive_error_string(ar)) |err_s| std.log.err("Archive error: {s}", .{err_s}); } return error.ArchiveError; } }