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package universalelectricity.api;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
/** A module to extend for compatibility with other energy systems. */
public abstract class CompatibilityModule
public static final Set<CompatibilityModule> loadedModules = new LinkedHashSet<>();
/** A cache to know which module to use with when facing objects with a specific class. */
public static final HashMap<Class<?>, CompatibilityModule> energyHandlerCache = new HashMap<>();
public static final HashMap<Class<?>, CompatibilityModule> energyStorageCache = new HashMap<>();
public static void register(CompatibilityModule module)
/** Can the handler connect to this specific direction? */
public static boolean canConnect(Object handler, ForgeDirection direction, Object source)
if (isHandler(handler))
return energyHandlerCache.get(handler.getClass()).doCanConnect(handler, direction, source);
return false;
* Make the handler receive energy.
* @return The actual energy that was used.
public static double receiveEnergy(Object handler, ForgeDirection direction, double energy, boolean doReceive)
if (isHandler(handler))
return energyHandlerCache.get(handler.getClass()).doReceiveEnergy(handler, direction, energy, doReceive);
return 0;
* Make the handler extract energy.
* @return The actual energy that was extract.
public static double extractEnergy(Object handler, ForgeDirection direction, double energy, boolean doReceive)
if (isHandler(handler))
return energyHandlerCache.get(handler.getClass()).doExtractEnergy(handler, direction, energy, doReceive);
return 0;
* Gets the energy stored in the handler.
public static double getEnergy(Object handler, ForgeDirection direction)
if (isEnergyContainer(handler))
return energyStorageCache.get(handler.getClass()).doGetEnergy(handler, direction);
return 0;
* Charges an item
* @return The actual energy that was accepted.
public static double chargeItem(ItemStack itemStack, double energy, boolean doCharge)
if (itemStack != null && isHandler(itemStack.getItem()))
return energyHandlerCache.get(itemStack.getItem().getClass()).doChargeItem(itemStack, energy, doCharge);
return 0;
* Discharges an item
* @return The actual energy that was removed.
public static double dischargeItem(ItemStack itemStack, double energy, boolean doCharge)
if (itemStack != null && isHandler(itemStack.getItem()))
return energyHandlerCache.get(itemStack.getItem().getClass()).doDischargeItem(itemStack, energy, doCharge);
return 0;
* Gets the itemStack with a specific charge.
* @return ItemStack of electrical/energy item.
public static ItemStack getItemWithCharge(ItemStack itemStack, double energy)
if (itemStack != null && isHandler(itemStack.getItem()))
return energyHandlerCache.get(itemStack.getItem().getClass()).doGetItemWithCharge(itemStack, energy);
return null;
* Is this object a valid energy handler?
* @param True if the handler can store energy. This can be for items and blocks.
public static boolean isHandler(Object handler)
if (handler != null)
Class clazz = handler.getClass();
if (energyHandlerCache.containsKey(clazz))
return true;
for (CompatibilityModule module : CompatibilityModule.loadedModules)
if (module.doIsHandler(handler))
energyHandlerCache.put(clazz, module);
return true;
return false;
* Is this object able to store energy?
* @param handler
* @return True if the handler can store energy. The handler MUST be a block.
public static boolean isEnergyContainer(Object handler)
if (handler != null)
Class clazz = handler.getClass();
if (energyStorageCache.containsKey(clazz))
return true;
for (CompatibilityModule module : CompatibilityModule.loadedModules)
if (module.doIsEnergyContainer(handler))
energyStorageCache.put(clazz, module);
return true;
return false;
* Blocks only
public static double getMaxEnergy(Object handler, ForgeDirection direction)
if (isEnergyContainer(handler))
return energyStorageCache.get(handler.getClass()).doGetMaxEnergy(handler, direction);
return 0;
public static double getVoltage(Object handler)
if (isHandler(handler))
return energyHandlerCache.get(handler.getClass()).doGetVoltage(handler);
return 0;
public static boolean canReceive(Object handler, ForgeDirection side)
if (isHandler(handler))
return energyHandlerCache.get(handler.getClass()).doCanReceive(handler, side);
return false;
public static boolean canExtract(Object handler, ForgeDirection side)
if (isHandler(handler))
return energyHandlerCache.get(handler.getClass()).doCanExtract(handler, side);
return false;
public static double getDemandedJoules(Object handler)
if (isHandler(handler))
return energyHandlerCache.get(handler.getClass()).doGetDemandedJoules(handler);
return 0;
public static double getProvidedJoules(Object handler)
if (isHandler(handler))
return energyHandlerCache.get(handler.getClass()).doGetProvidedJoules(handler);
return 0;
public static double getEnergyItem(ItemStack itemStack)
if (itemStack != null && isHandler(itemStack.getItem()))
return energyHandlerCache.get(itemStack.getItem().getClass()).doGetEnergyItem(itemStack);
return 0;
public static double getMaxEnergyItem(ItemStack itemStack)
if (itemStack != null && isHandler(itemStack.getItem()))
return energyHandlerCache.get(itemStack.getItem().getClass()).doGetMaxEnergyItem(itemStack);
return 0;
public abstract double doReceiveEnergy(Object handler, ForgeDirection direction, double energy, boolean doReceive);
public abstract double doExtractEnergy(Object handler, ForgeDirection direction, double energy, boolean doExtract);
* Charges an item with the given energy
* @param itemStack - item stack that is the item
* @param joules - input energy
* @param docharge - do the action
* @return amount of energy accepted
public abstract double doChargeItem(ItemStack itemStack, double joules, boolean docharge);
* discharges an item with the given energy
* @param itemStack - item stack that is the item
* @param joules - input energy
* @param docharge - do the action
* @return amount of energy that was removed
public abstract double doDischargeItem(ItemStack itemStack, double joules, boolean doDischarge);
public abstract boolean doIsHandler(Object obj);
public abstract boolean doIsEnergyContainer(Object obj);
public abstract double doGetEnergy(Object obj, ForgeDirection direction);
public abstract boolean doCanConnect(Object obj, ForgeDirection direction, Object source);
public abstract ItemStack doGetItemWithCharge(ItemStack itemStack, double energy);
public abstract double doGetMaxEnergy(Object handler, ForgeDirection direction);
public abstract double doGetEnergyItem(ItemStack is);
public abstract double doGetMaxEnergyItem(ItemStack is);
public abstract double doGetVoltage(Object handler);
public abstract boolean doCanReceive(Object handler, ForgeDirection side);
public abstract boolean doCanExtract(Object handler, ForgeDirection side);
public abstract double doGetDemandedJoules(Object handler);
public abstract double doGetProvidedJoules(Object handler);