
68 lines
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import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
* The Energy Network for energy items and blocks.
* @author Calclavia
public interface IEnergyNetwork extends INodeNetwork<IEnergyNetwork, IConductor, Object>, IUpdate
* Produces power to the energy network.
* @param conductor - The conductor that is producing into the energy.
* @param side - The direction the source is producing out towards.
* @param receive - The amount that is produced.
* @return The amount that was accepted by the network.
public double produce(IConductor conductor, ForgeDirection from, double amount, boolean doProduce);
* @return The current buffer in the network that is going sent to all energy handlers.
public double getBuffer();
* @return The last buffer in the network that was sent to all energy handlers.
public double getLastBuffer();
* Gets an estimated value of what the network wants for energy
public double getRequest();
* Gets a value that represents the amount of energy lost in the network
public double getResistance();
* Used by conductors to load their internal buffers to the network. This should be called when
* reading NBT data.
* @param conductor
public double getBufferOf(IConductor conductor);
* Used by conductors to load their internal buffers to the network. This should be called when
* writing NBT data.
* @param conductor
public void setBufferFor(IConductor conductor, double buffer);
* Sets the buffer of the network.
* @param newBuffer
public void setBuffer(double newBuffer);