Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 117 additions and 202 deletions
@ -20,10 +20,9 @@ import net.minecraft.src.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.src.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.src.World;
public class EntityMechanicalArm extends Entity implements IEntityAdditionalSpawnData {
public class EntityMechanicalArm extends Entity {
EntityBlock xArm, yArm, zArm, head;
public IArmListener listener;
boolean inProgressionXZ = false;
boolean inProgressionY = false;
@ -31,30 +30,16 @@ public class EntityMechanicalArm extends Entity implements IEntityAdditionalSpaw
private double armSizeX;
private double armSizeZ;
private double xRoot;
private double yRoot;
private double zRoot;
private double angle;
private int headX, headY, headZ;
public EntityMechanicalArm(World world) {
// Head X, Y, Z
dataWatcher.addObject(2, 1);
dataWatcher.addObject(3, 1);
dataWatcher.addObject(4, 1);
// Target X, Y, Z
dataWatcher.addObject(5, 1);
dataWatcher.addObject(6, 1);
dataWatcher.addObject(7, 1);
// Speed
dataWatcher.addObject(8, (int)(0.03 * 8000D));
public EntityMechanicalArm(World world, double i, double j, double k, double width, double height, TileQuarry parent) {
@ -68,38 +53,19 @@ public class EntityMechanicalArm extends Entity implements IEntityAdditionalSpaw
this.motionZ = 0.0;
setArmSize(width, height);
setHead(i, j - 2, k);
setTarget(i, j - 2, k);
noClip = true;
inProgressionXZ = false;
inProgressionY = false;
this.parent = parent;
public void setArmSpeed(double speed)
dataWatcher.updateObject(8, (int)(speed * 8000D));
public double getArmSpeed()
return dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(8) / 8000D;
void setHead(double x, double y, double z)
dataWatcher.updateObject(2, ((int)(x * 32D)));
dataWatcher.updateObject(3, ((int)(y * 32D)));
dataWatcher.updateObject(4, ((int)(z * 32D)));
void setTarget(double x, double y, double z) {
dataWatcher.updateObject(5, ((int)(x * 32D)));
dataWatcher.updateObject(6, ((int)(y * 32D)));
dataWatcher.updateObject(7, ((int)(z * 32D)));
this.headX = (int) (x * 32D);
this.headY = (int) (y * 32D);
this.headZ = (int) (z * 32D);
private void setArmSize(double x, double z)
@ -151,7 +117,6 @@ public class EntityMechanicalArm extends Entity implements IEntityAdditionalSpaw
parent = (TileQuarry) te;
@ -170,13 +135,8 @@ public class EntityMechanicalArm extends Entity implements IEntityAdditionalSpaw
public void onUpdate() {
if (worldObj.isRemote)
if (parent == null)
@ -187,69 +147,6 @@ public class EntityMechanicalArm extends Entity implements IEntityAdditionalSpaw
double[] target = getTarget();
double[] head = getHead();
double dX = target[0] - head[0];
double dY = target[1] - head[1];
double dZ = target[2] - head[2];
if (dX != 0 || dY != 0 || dZ != 0)
angle = Math.atan2(target[2]-head[2], target[0]-head[0]);
inProgressionXZ = true;
inProgressionY = true;
if (getArmSpeed() > 0) {
public void doMove(double instantSpeed) {
double[] target = getTarget();
double[] head = getHead();
if (inProgressionXZ) {
if (Math.abs(target[0] - head[0]) < instantSpeed * 2 && Math.abs(target[2] - head[2]) < instantSpeed * 2) {
head[0] = target[0];
head[2] = target[2];
inProgressionXZ = false;
if (listener != null && !inProgressionY) {
head[1] = target[1];
} else {
head[0] += Math.cos(angle) * instantSpeed;
head[2] += Math.sin(angle) * instantSpeed;
setHead(head[0], head[1], head[2]);
if (inProgressionY) {
if (Math.abs(target[1] - head[1]) < instantSpeed * 2) {
head[1] = target[1];
inProgressionY = false;
if (listener != null && !inProgressionXZ) {
head[0] = target[0];
head[2] = target[2];
} else {
if (target[1] > head[1]) {
head[1] += instantSpeed / 2;
} else {
head[1] -= instantSpeed / 2;
public void updatePosition() {
@ -262,13 +159,6 @@ public class EntityMechanicalArm extends Entity implements IEntityAdditionalSpaw
public void joinToWorld(World w) {
if (!w.isRemote)
public void setDead() {
if (worldObj!=null && worldObj.isRemote)
@ -281,27 +171,8 @@ public class EntityMechanicalArm extends Entity implements IEntityAdditionalSpaw
public void writeSpawnData(ByteArrayDataOutput data) {
public void readSpawnData(ByteArrayDataInput data) {
armSizeX = data.readDouble();
armSizeZ = data.readDouble();
setArmSize(armSizeX, armSizeZ);
public double[] getTarget()
private double[] getHead()
return new double[] { this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(5) / 32D, this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(6) / 32D, this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(7) / 32D };
public double[] getHead()
return new double[] { this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(2) / 32D, this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(3) / 32D, this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(4) / 32D };
return new double[] { this.headX / 32D, this.headY / 32D, this.headZ / 32D };
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) SpaceToad, 2011
* BuildCraft is distributed under the terms of the Minecraft Mod Public
* License 1.0, or MMPL. Please check the contents of the license located in
package buildcraft.factory;
public interface IArmListener {
public void positionReached(EntityMechanicalArm arm);
@ -40,37 +40,36 @@ import net.minecraft.src.Block;
import net.minecraft.src.EntityItem;
import net.minecraft.src.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.src.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.src.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.src.NBTTagCompound;
public class TileQuarry extends TileMachine implements IArmListener, IMachine, IPowerReceptor, IPipeConnection, IBuilderInventory {
boolean isDigging = false;
public class TileQuarry extends TileMachine implements IMachine, IPowerReceptor, IPipeConnection, IBuilderInventory {
public @TileNetworkData
Box box = new Box();
public @TileNetworkData
boolean inProcess = false;
public EntityMechanicalArm arm;
public @TileNetworkData
int targetX, targetY, targetZ;
public @TileNetworkData
double headPosX, headPosY, headPosZ;
public @TileNetworkData
double speed = 0.03;
public EntityRobot builder;
public @TileNetworkData
boolean builderDone = false;
public EntityRobot builder;
BptBuilderBase bluePrintBuilder;
public EntityMechanicalArm arm;
public IPowerProvider powerProvider;
boolean isDigging = false;
public static int MAX_ENERGY = 7000;
public TileQuarry() {
powerProvider = PowerFramework.currentFramework.createPowerProvider();
powerProvider.configure(20, 25, 25, 25, MAX_ENERGY);
@ -95,6 +94,10 @@ public class TileQuarry extends TileMachine implements IArmListener, IMachine, I
if (findTarget(false)) {
isDigging = true;
if (box != null && (( headPosX < box.xMin || headPosX > box.xMax) || (headPosZ < box.zMin || headPosZ > box.zMax)))
setHead(box.xMin + 1, yCoord + 2, box.zMin + 1);
} else {
@ -105,10 +108,12 @@ public class TileQuarry extends TileMachine implements IArmListener, IMachine, I
private boolean loadDefaultBoundaries = false;
private boolean movingHorizontally;
private boolean movingVertically;
private double headTrajectory;
private void createArm() {
// worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityMechanicalArm.class, AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord));
worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityMechanicalArm(worldObj,
box.xMin + Utils.pipeMaxPos,
yCoord + bluePrintBuilder.bluePrint.sizeY - 1 + Utils.pipeMinPos, box.zMin + Utils.pipeMaxPos,
@ -120,38 +125,21 @@ public class TileQuarry extends TileMachine implements IArmListener, IMachine, I
public void setArm(EntityMechanicalArm arm)
this.arm = arm;
arm.listener = this;
isDigging = true;
public void updateEntity() {
if (inProcess && arm != null) {
if (inProcess) {
float energyToUse = 2 + powerProvider.getEnergyStored() / 1000;
boolean enoughStep=(0.015 + energyToUse / 200F)>(1F/32F); // (otherwise the movement is rounded to 0 and the energy absorbed with no movement)
float energy = powerProvider.useEnergy(energyToUse, energyToUse, true);
float energy = powerProvider.useEnergy(energyToUse, energyToUse, true);
if (energy > 0) {
arm.doMove(0.015 + energy / 200F);
if (energy > 0) {
moveHead(0.05 + energy / 200F);
if (arm != null) {
double[] head = arm.getHead();
headPosX = head[0];
headPosY = head[1];
headPosZ = head[2];
speed = arm.getArmSpeed();
if (CoreProxy.proxy.isSimulating(worldObj)) {
@ -210,7 +198,6 @@ public class TileQuarry extends TileMachine implements IArmListener, IMachine, I
protected void dig() {
powerProvider.configure(20, 30, 200, 50, MAX_ENERGY);
if (powerProvider.useEnergy(30, 30, true) != 30) {
@ -220,14 +207,20 @@ public class TileQuarry extends TileMachine implements IArmListener, IMachine, I
//I believe the issue is box going null becuase of bad chunkloader positioning
if (arm != null && box != null)
arm.setTarget((double)box.xMin + (box.xMax - box.xMin) / 2D, yCoord + 2D, (double)box.zMin + ( box.zMax - box.zMin) / 2D);
setTarget(box.xMin + 1, yCoord + 2, box.zMin + 1);
isDigging = false;
inProcess = true;
movingHorizontally = true;
movingVertically = true;
double[] head = getHead();
int[] target = getTarget();
headTrajectory = Math.atan2(target[2] -head[2], target[0] -head[0]);
public boolean findTarget(boolean doSet) {
if (worldObj.isRemote)
@ -276,8 +269,8 @@ public class TileQuarry extends TileMachine implements IArmListener, IMachine, I
if (isUnquarriableBlock(blockId, bx, by, bz)) {
blockedColumns[searchX][searchZ] = true;
} else if (isQuarriableBlock(blockId, bx, by + 1, bz)) {
if (doSet && arm != null) {
arm.setTarget(bx, by + 1, bz);
if (doSet) {
setTarget(bx, by + 1, bz);
return true;
@ -345,19 +338,14 @@ public class TileQuarry extends TileMachine implements IArmListener, IMachine, I
nbttagcompound.setTag("box", boxTag);
public void positionReached(EntityMechanicalArm arm) {
public void positionReached() {
inProcess = false;
System.out.println("PositionReached!" + Thread.currentThread());
if (worldObj.isRemote) {
double[] targ = arm.getTarget();
targetX = (int)targ[0];
targetY = (int)targ[1];
targetZ = (int)targ[2];
int i = targetX;
int j = targetY - 1;
int k = targetZ;
@ -379,12 +367,13 @@ public class TileQuarry extends TileMachine implements IArmListener, IMachine, I
worldObj.playAuxSFXAtEntity(null, 2001, i, j, k, blockId + (worldObj.getBlockMetadata(i, j, k) << 12));
worldObj.setBlockWithNotify(i, j, k, 0);
// Collect any lost items laying around
double[] armHead = arm.getHead();
AxisAlignedBB axis = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(armHead[0] - 1.5, armHead[1], armHead[2] - 1.5, armHead[0] + 2.5, armHead[1] + 2.5, armHead[2] + 2.5);
double[] head = getHead();
AxisAlignedBB axis = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(head[0] - 1.5, head[1], head[2] - 1.5, head[0] + 2.5, head[1] + 2.5, head[2] + 2.5);
List result = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityItem.class, axis);
for (int ii = 0; ii < result.size(); ii++) {
if (result.get(ii) instanceof EntityItem) {
@ -400,7 +389,7 @@ public class TileQuarry extends TileMachine implements IArmListener, IMachine, I
private void mineStack(ItemStack stack) {
// First, try to add to a nearby chest
ItemStack added = Utils.addToRandomInventory(stack, worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, Orientations.Unknown);
stack.stackSize -= added.stackSize;
@ -576,11 +565,10 @@ public class TileQuarry extends TileMachine implements IArmListener, IMachine, I
if (arm != null) {
arm.setHead(headPosX, headPosY, headPosZ);
// arm.setTarget(targetX, targetY, targetZ);
// arm.setArmSpeed(speed);
@ -681,4 +669,76 @@ public class TileQuarry extends TileMachine implements IArmListener, IMachine, I
return false;
public void moveHead(double instantSpeed) {
int[] target = getTarget();
double[] head = getHead();
if (movingHorizontally) {
if (Math.abs(target[0] - head[0]) < instantSpeed * 2 && Math.abs(target[2] - head[2]) < instantSpeed * 2) {
head[0] = target[0];
head[2] = target[2];
movingHorizontally = false;
if (!movingVertically) {
head[1] = target[1];
} else {
head[0] += Math.cos(headTrajectory) * instantSpeed;
head[2] += Math.sin(headTrajectory) * instantSpeed;
setHead(head[0], head[1], head[2]);
if (movingVertically) {
if (Math.abs(target[1] - head[1]) < instantSpeed * 2) {
head[1] = target[1];
movingVertically = false;
if (!movingHorizontally) {
head[0] = target[0];
head[2] = target[2];
} else {
if (target[1] > head[1]) {
head[1] += instantSpeed;
} else {
head[1] -= instantSpeed;
private void updatePosition() {
if (arm!=null && worldObj.isRemote)
arm.setHead(headPosX, headPosY, headPosZ);
private void setHead(double x, double y, double z) {
this.headPosX = x;
this.headPosY = y;
this.headPosZ = z;
private double[] getHead() {
return new double[] { headPosX, headPosY, headPosZ };
private int[] getTarget() {
return new int[] { targetX, targetY, targetZ };
private void setTarget(int x, int y, int z) {
this.targetX = x;
this.targetY = y;
this.targetZ = z;
Add table
Reference in a new issue