Additions: * [#2288] Heavily optimized Zone Planners (both in CPU and network usage) (asie) * [#2270] Blueprint Libraries now refresh on GUI open (asie) * Pipes can now be colored with any tool implementing the Forge recolourBlock API, for example IC2 Painters or AE2 Color Applicators (asie) * Pipes can now have their color bleached with a water bucket (asie) * List buttons now have descriptive tooltips (asie) * Huge improvements to Robot rendering, especially at night (ganymedes01) * Translation updates: German (Vexatos), Slovak (leSamo) Bugfixes: * [#2298] Lists do not save settings (asie) * [#2295] The Tank runs the onBlockActivated() also on the client side (asie) * [#2289] Blueprints over ~32k do not work (asie) * [#2243] Builder excavation broken (asie) * Fluid blocks not autodetected correctly by Builder (asie) * IFluidContainerItem logic broken (asie) * Invalid coordinates for FakePlayers (asie) * Mining Well, Quarry and Spring sounds not restored since 4.2.2 (asie) * Minor blueprint bug (asie) Misc: * Better color choice for Blueprint Library GUI (asie) * Further preparations for BuildCraftCompat (asie) * More detailed builder error messages (asie)