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2012-06-27 17:11:27 -04:00
buildcraft_client/net/minecraft/src Removed the devel files. 2012-06-23 10:31:42 -04:00
common/net/minecraft/src Removed a couple debug messages 2012-06-27 17:11:27 -04:00
build.xml Attempt to have he build number in the file name 2012-06-25 15:23:15 -04:00 Possible fix for readme formatting. 2012-06-19 21:53:16 -04:00

Welcome to Buildcraft on GitHub

Compiling and packaging Buildcraft

  1. Ensure that Apache Ant (found here) is installed correctly on your system.
  • Linux users will need the latest version of astyle installed as well.
  1. Create a base directory for the build
  2. Clone the Buildcraft repository into basedir/src/
  3. Copy the minecraft bin dir and minecraft_server.jar into basedir/jars/
  4. Navigate to basedir/src in a shell and run ant clean package (this will take 2-5 minutes)
  5. The compiled and obfuscated jars will be in basedir/build/dist

Your directory structure should look like this:

\- jars
 |- minecraft_server.jar
 \- bin
  |- minecraft.jar
  |- ...
\- src
 |- buildcraft_client
 |- buildcraft_server
 |- ...