2015-09-11 21:24:27 +02:00

20 lines
932 B

* Rewritten robots request system (hea3ven)
* Changed the IRequestProvider api to be independent of robots.
* Delivery robots can now carry more than an item at a time.
* Builders, requesters and docking stations can now request more than one item at a time.
* Architect Tables are less server-intensive now (asie)
* More Ore Dictionary support for recipes (Adaptivity)
* Proper Docking Station renderer (asie)
Bugs fixed:
* [#3008] Rare crash on strange Minecraft world in MapChunk (asie)
* [#3007] "Energy Stored" trigger has incorrect behaviour (asie)
* [#3001] NPE in RobotStationPluggableRenderer (asie)
* [#2922, #2975] Composite blueprints not working (asie)
* [#2565] Fillers not liking certain blocks (asie)
* Fillers and Builders not dropping item on inability to place (asie)
* Quarry arm jitter on client side (asie)
* Robots not using the correct sides when accessing inventories/tanks (hea3ven)