package electricexpansion.client.gui; import electricexpansion.common.ElectricExpansion; import electricexpansion.common.cables.TileEntityLogisticsWire; import electricexpansion.common.helpers.PacketLogisticsWireButton; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import universalelectricity.core.vector.Vector3; public class GuiLogisticsWire extends GuiScreen { private TileEntityLogisticsWire tileEntity; public final int xSizeOfTexture = 176; public final int ySizeOfTexture = 88; public GuiLogisticsWire(final TileEntityLogisticsWire LogisticsWire) { this.tileEntity = LogisticsWire; } @Override public void drawScreen(final int x, final int y, final float f) { this.drawDefaultBackground(); GL11.glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);; final int field_73880_f = this.width; this.getClass(); final int posX = (field_73880_f - 176) / 2; final int field_73881_g = this.height; this.getClass(); final int posY = (field_73881_g - 88) / 2; final int n = posX; final int n2 = posY; final int n3 = 0; final int n4 = 0; this.getClass(); final int n5 = 176; this.getClass(); this.drawTexturedModalRect(n, n2, n3, n4, n5, 88); final String s = "Logistics Wire"; final int n6 = posX; this.getClass(); this.fontRendererObj.drawString(s, n6 + 176 / 2 - 35, posY + 4, 4210752); super.drawScreen(x, y, f); } @Override public void onGuiClosed() { super.onGuiClosed(); // TODO: WTF // PacketDispatcher.sendPacketToServer(PacketManager.getPacket("ElecEx", // this.tileEntity, 7, false)); } @Override public void actionPerformed(final GuiButton button) { boolean status = false; switch ( { case 0: this.tileEntity.buttonStatus0 = !this.tileEntity.buttonStatus0; status = this.tileEntity.buttonStatus0; break; case 1: this.tileEntity.buttonStatus1 = !this.tileEntity.buttonStatus1; status = this.tileEntity.buttonStatus1; break; case 2: this.tileEntity.buttonStatus2 = !this.tileEntity.buttonStatus2; status = this.tileEntity.buttonStatus2; break; } PacketLogisticsWireButton( new Vector3(this.tileEntity),, status)); } @Override public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); this.buttonList.clear(); final int field_73880_f = this.width; this.getClass(); final int posX = (field_73880_f - 176) / 2; final int field_73881_g = this.height; this.getClass(); final int posY = (field_73881_g - 88) / 2; this.buttonList.add(new GuiSwitchButton(0, posX + 13, posY + 15, 150, 16, "Output to World", this.tileEntity.buttonStatus0)); this.buttonList.add(new GuiSwitchButton(1, posX + 13, posY + 38, 150, 16, "Output to RS Network", this.tileEntity.buttonStatus1)); this.buttonList.add(new GuiSwitchButton(2, posX + 13, posY + 61, 150, 16, "Unused", this.tileEntity.buttonStatus2)); if (! || ((Entity) {; } } public static ResourceLocation getTexture() { return new ResourceLocation("electricexpansion", "textures/gui/GuiLogistics.png"); } }