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package com.pahimar.ee3.array;
import com.pahimar.ee3.api.AlchemyArray;
import com.pahimar.ee3.init.ModBlocks;
import com.pahimar.ee3.reference.Names;
import com.pahimar.ee3.reference.Textures;
import com.pahimar.ee3.tileentity.TileEntityAlchemyArray;
import com.pahimar.ee3.tileentity.TileEntityTransmutationTablet;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
public class TransmutationAlchemyArray extends AlchemyArray
public TransmutationAlchemyArray()
public void onArrayActivated(World world, int eventX, int eventY, int eventZ, int arrayX, int arrayY, int arrayZ, EntityPlayer entityPlayer, int sideHit, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
if (!world.isRemote)
if (world.getTileEntity(arrayX, arrayY, arrayZ) instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray)
TileEntityAlchemyArray tileEntityAlchemyArray = (TileEntityAlchemyArray) world.getTileEntity(arrayX, arrayY, arrayZ);
if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.UP && tileEntityAlchemyArray.getSize() == 2 && areBlocksValidForTransmutationTablet(world, arrayX, arrayY, arrayZ))
world.setBlock(arrayX - 1, arrayY - 1, arrayZ - 1, ModBlocks.ashInfusedStoneSlab, 1, 3);
world.setBlock(arrayX, arrayY - 1, arrayZ - 1, ModBlocks.ashInfusedStoneSlab, 2, 3);
world.setBlock(arrayX + 1, arrayY - 1, arrayZ - 1, ModBlocks.ashInfusedStoneSlab, 3, 3);
world.setBlock(arrayX - 1, arrayY - 1, arrayZ, ModBlocks.ashInfusedStoneSlab, 4, 3);
world.setBlock(arrayX, arrayY - 1, arrayZ, ModBlocks.transmutationTablet, 0, 3);
world.setBlock(arrayX + 1, arrayY - 1, arrayZ, ModBlocks.ashInfusedStoneSlab, 5, 3);
world.setBlock(arrayX - 1, arrayY - 1, arrayZ + 1, ModBlocks.ashInfusedStoneSlab, 6, 3);
world.setBlock(arrayX, arrayY - 1, arrayZ + 1, ModBlocks.ashInfusedStoneSlab, 7, 3);
world.setBlock(arrayX + 1, arrayY - 1, arrayZ + 1, ModBlocks.ashInfusedStoneSlab, 8, 3);
// TODO Set orientation on the tablet, make sound effects, and add particles
if (world.getTileEntity(arrayX, arrayY - 1, arrayZ) instanceof TileEntityTransmutationTablet)
((TileEntityTransmutationTablet) world.getTileEntity(arrayX, arrayY - 1, arrayZ)).setOrientation(tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation());
private boolean areBlocksValidForTransmutationTablet(World world, int arrayX, int arrayY, int arrayZ)
boolean areBlocksValid = true;
for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
if (world.getBlock(arrayX + i, arrayY - 1, arrayZ + j) != ModBlocks.ashInfusedStone)
areBlocksValid = false;
return areBlocksValid;