Make the client & server launch in a clean dev checkout of EE3

I believe[1] this is already in Pahimar's IDEA config, but without it here
too (or a README note) this doesn't propagate to anyone else.

This commit is contained in:
Amar Sood (tekacs) 2015-05-16 01:50:06 +01:00
parent 483226c38f
commit 58b0aa49ef

View file

@ -182,6 +182,14 @@ task copyChicken(type: Copy, dependsOn: "extractUserDev") {
tasks.setupDevWorkspace.dependsOn copyChicken
tasks.setupDecompWorkspace.dependsOn copyChicken
// Stop MCP from crashing the client on every start. -.-'
runClient {
args '--noCoreSearch'
runServer {
args '--noCoreSearch'
curse {
dependsOn 'reobf'
onlyIf { return project.hasProperty('ee3_curseforge_apikey') }