More glyph work
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 157 additions and 81 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#Sat Dec 28 00:14:08 EST 2013
minecraft_version = 1.7.10
forge_version =
forge_version =
mod_version = 0.2
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ public class Glyph implements Comparable<Glyph>
private ResourceLocation texture;
private String unLocalizedName;
private int size;
private int rotation;
private Glyph()
@ -21,26 +20,15 @@ public class Glyph implements Comparable<Glyph>
public Glyph(ResourceLocation texture, String unLocalizedName, int size)
this(texture, unLocalizedName, size, 0);
public Glyph(ResourceLocation texture, String unLocalizedName, int size, int rotation)
this.texture = texture;
this.unLocalizedName = unLocalizedName;
this.size = size;
this.rotation = rotation;
public Glyph(Glyph glyph, int size)
this(glyph, size, glyph.rotation);
public Glyph(Glyph glyph, int size, int rotation)
this(glyph.texture, glyph.unLocalizedName, size, rotation);
this(glyph.texture, glyph.unLocalizedName, size);
public ResourceLocation getTexture()
@ -58,11 +46,6 @@ public class Glyph implements Comparable<Glyph>
return size;
public int getRotation()
return rotation;
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound)
if (nbtTagCompound != null)
@ -93,22 +76,12 @@ public class Glyph implements Comparable<Glyph>
this.size = 0;
if (nbtTagCompound.hasKey("rotation"))
this.rotation = nbtTagCompound.getInteger("rotation");
this.rotation = 0;
this.texture = new ResourceLocation("");
this.unLocalizedName = "";
this.size = 0;
this.rotation = 0;
@ -118,7 +91,6 @@ public class Glyph implements Comparable<Glyph>
nbtTagCompound.setString("texturePath", texture.getResourcePath());
nbtTagCompound.setString("unLocalizedName", unLocalizedName);
nbtTagCompound.setInteger("size", size);
nbtTagCompound.setInteger("rotation", rotation);
public static Glyph readGlyphFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound)
@ -131,7 +103,7 @@ public class Glyph implements Comparable<Glyph>
public String toString()
return String.format("texture: %s, unLocalizedName: %s, size: %s, orientation: %s", texture.getResourceDomain() + ":" + texture.getResourcePath(), unLocalizedName, size, rotation);
return String.format("texture: %s, unLocalizedName: %s, size: %s", texture.getResourceDomain() + ":" + texture.getResourcePath(), unLocalizedName, size);
@ -152,14 +124,7 @@ public class Glyph implements Comparable<Glyph>
if (this.texture.getResourcePath().equalsIgnoreCase(glyph.getTexture().getResourcePath()))
if (this.size == glyph.size)
return this.rotation - glyph.rotation;
return this.size - glyph.size;
return this.size - glyph.size;
@ -50,6 +50,18 @@ public class GlyphTextureRegistry
public ResourceLocation getResourceLocation(int index)
if (index >= glyphTextureSortedMap.size() || index < 0)
return null;
ResourceLocation[] glyphTextures = glyphTextureSortedMap.keySet().toArray(new ResourceLocation[]{});
return glyphTextures[index];
public Map<ResourceLocation, String> getGlyphs()
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(glyphTextureSortedMap);
@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
package com.pahimar.ee3.block;
import com.pahimar.ee3.init.Glyphs;
import com.pahimar.ee3.api.Glyph;
import com.pahimar.ee3.array.GlyphTextureRegistry;
import com.pahimar.ee3.item.ItemChalk;
import com.pahimar.ee3.reference.Names;
import com.pahimar.ee3.reference.RenderIds;
import com.pahimar.ee3.settings.ChalkSettings;
import com.pahimar.ee3.tileentity.TileEntityAlchemyArray;
import com.pahimar.ee3.tileentity.TileEntityEE;
import com.pahimar.ee3.util.EntityHelper;
import net.minecraft.block.ITileEntityProvider;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition;
import net.minecraft.util.Vec3;
import net.minecraft.util.*;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
public class BlockAlchemyArray extends BlockEE implements ITileEntityProvider
@ -57,35 +58,17 @@ public class BlockAlchemyArray extends BlockEE implements ITileEntityProvider
return new TileEntityAlchemyArray();
public void onBlockPlacedBy(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityLivingBase entityLiving, ItemStack itemStack)
int facing = MathHelper.floor_double(entityLiving.rotationYaw * 4.0F / 360.0F + 0.5D) & 3;
((TileEntityEE) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).setOrientation(world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z));
if (world.getTileEntity(x, y, z) instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray)
// TODO: Place the first glyph of the alchemy glyphs from the player's currently selected glyph
((TileEntityAlchemyArray) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).addGlyphToAlchemyArray(Glyphs.BASE_CIRCLE, 3, facing);
((TileEntityAlchemyArray) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).addGlyphToAlchemyArray(Glyphs.BASE_CIRCLE, 2, facing);
((TileEntityAlchemyArray) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).addGlyphToAlchemyArray(Glyphs.BASE_CIRCLE, 1, facing);
((TileEntityAlchemyArray) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).addGlyphToAlchemyArray(Glyphs.TRIANGLE, 1, facing);
((TileEntityAlchemyArray) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).addGlyphToAlchemyArray(Glyphs.TRIANGLE, 2);
((TileEntityAlchemyArray) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).addGlyphToAlchemyArray(Glyphs.TRIANGLE, 3);
public boolean canPlaceBlockAt(World world, int x, int y, int z)
return false;
// @Override
// public boolean canPlaceBlockAt(World world, int x, int y, int z)
// {
// return super.canPlaceBlockAt(world, x, y, z);
// }
public boolean isSideSolid(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection side)
return false;
// @Override
// public boolean isSideSolid(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection side)
// {
// return false;
// }
public int onBlockPlaced(World world, int x, int y, int z, int sideHit, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, int metaData)
@ -93,6 +76,54 @@ public class BlockAlchemyArray extends BlockEE implements ITileEntityProvider
return sideHit;
public void onBlockPlacedBy(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityLivingBase entityLiving, ItemStack itemStack)
((TileEntityEE) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).setOrientation(world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z));
// TODO: Set rotation
int facing = MathHelper.floor_double(entityLiving.rotationYaw * 4.0F / 360.0F + 0.5D) & 3;
if (world.getTileEntity(x, y, z) instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray && entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer)
NBTTagCompound customEntityData = EntityHelper.getCustomEntityData(entityLiving);
ChalkSettings chalkSettings = new ChalkSettings();
ResourceLocation glyphTexture = GlyphTextureRegistry.getInstance().getResourceLocation(chalkSettings.getIndex());
((TileEntityAlchemyArray) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).addGlyphToAlchemyArray(new Glyph(glyphTexture, GlyphTextureRegistry.getInstance().getGlyphs().get(glyphTexture)), chalkSettings.getSize());
// TODO: Play a sound when a glyph is added
public boolean onBlockActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer entityPlayer, int sideHit, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
if (world.getTileEntity(x, y, z) instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray)
if (entityPlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem() != null && entityPlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem() instanceof ItemChalk)
NBTTagCompound customEntityData = EntityHelper.getCustomEntityData(entityPlayer);
ChalkSettings chalkSettings = new ChalkSettings();
ResourceLocation glyphTexture = GlyphTextureRegistry.getInstance().getResourceLocation(chalkSettings.getIndex());
((TileEntityAlchemyArray) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).addGlyphToAlchemyArray(new Glyph(glyphTexture, GlyphTextureRegistry.getInstance().getGlyphs().get(glyphTexture)), chalkSettings.getSize());
world.markBlockForUpdate(x, y, z);
world.getTileEntity(x, y, z).markDirty();
// TODO: Play a sound when a glyph is added to an array
return true;
return false;
public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(World world, int x, int y, int z)
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
package com.pahimar.ee3.client.util;
import com.pahimar.ee3.tileentity.TileEntityAlchemyArray;
import com.pahimar.ee3.util.LogHelper;
import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
@ -42,7 +45,6 @@ public class RenderUtils
public static void drawInWorldTransmutationOverlay(DrawBlockHighlightEvent event, ResourceLocation texture, int size, int rotation)
// TODO: Intelligently render the overlay (whether its new, or part of an existing array)
// TODO: Only render glyphs if they can be placed
double x = + 0.5F;
@ -66,6 +68,8 @@ public class RenderUtils
int chargeLevel = size;
ForgeDirection sideHit = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(;
TileEntity tileEntity = event.player.worldObj.getTileEntity(,,;
switch (sideHit)
case UP:
@ -75,6 +79,10 @@ public class RenderUtils
xRotate = -1;
rotationAngle = (-90 * (rotation + 2)) % 360;
facingCorrectionAngle = (-90 * (playerFacing + 2)) % 360;
if (tileEntity instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray)
y -= 1;
case DOWN:
@ -84,6 +92,10 @@ public class RenderUtils
xRotate = 1;
rotationAngle = (-90 * (rotation + 2)) % 360;
facingCorrectionAngle = (-90 * (playerFacing + 2)) % 360;
if (tileEntity instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray)
y += 1;
case NORTH:
@ -93,6 +105,10 @@ public class RenderUtils
zShift = -0.001f;
zRotate = 1;
rotationAngle = (-90 * (rotation + 1)) % 360;
if (tileEntity instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray)
z += 1;
case SOUTH:
@ -101,6 +117,10 @@ public class RenderUtils
zShift = 0.001f;
zRotate = -1;
rotationAngle = (-90 * (rotation + 1)) % 360;
if (tileEntity instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray)
z -= 1;
case EAST:
@ -109,6 +129,10 @@ public class RenderUtils
xShift = 0.001f;
yRotate = 1;
rotationAngle = (-90 * (rotation + 2)) % 360;
if (tileEntity instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray)
x -= 1;
case WEST:
@ -117,6 +141,10 @@ public class RenderUtils
xShift = -0.001f;
yRotate = -1;
rotationAngle = (-90 * (rotation + 2)) % 360;
if (tileEntity instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray)
x += 1;
@ -13,11 +13,13 @@ import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
public class TileEntityAlchemyArray extends TileEntityEE
private AlchemyArray alchemyArray;
private int rotation;
public TileEntityAlchemyArray()
alchemyArray = new AlchemyArray();
rotation = 0;
public AlchemyArray getAlchemyArray()
@ -25,19 +27,53 @@ public class TileEntityAlchemyArray extends TileEntityEE
return alchemyArray;
public void addGlyphToAlchemyArray(Glyph glyph)
public void addGlyphToAlchemyArray(Glyph glyph, int size)
alchemyArray.addGlyph(new Glyph(glyph, size));
public void addGlyphToAlchemyArray(Glyph glyph, int size, int facing)
public int getRotation()
alchemyArray.addGlyph(new Glyph(glyph, size, facing));
return rotation;
public void setRotation(int rotation)
this.rotation = rotation;
if (this.rotation < 0)
this.rotation = 0;
this.rotation = this.rotation % 4;
public void rotate()
* @param rotateClockwise true if we should rotate clockwise, false if we rotate counter clockwise
public void rotate(boolean rotateClockwise)
if (rotateClockwise)
this.rotation = (rotation + 1) % 4;
this.rotation -= 1;
if (this.rotation < 0)
this.rotation = 3;
@ -61,6 +97,8 @@ public class TileEntityAlchemyArray extends TileEntityEE
NBTTagCompound alchemyArrayTagCompound = nbtTagCompound.getCompoundTag("alchemyArray");
alchemyArray = AlchemyArray.readAlchemyArrayFromNBT(alchemyArrayTagCompound);
rotation = nbtTagCompound.getInteger("rotation");
@ -71,6 +109,8 @@ public class TileEntityAlchemyArray extends TileEntityEE
NBTTagCompound alchemyArrayTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound();
nbtTagCompound.setInteger("rotation", rotation);
nbtTagCompound.setTag("alchemyArray", alchemyArrayTagCompound);
Add table
Reference in a new issue