Fixes #592. Can't even remember why that was there in the first place

This commit is contained in:
pahimar 2014-01-16 16:51:15 -05:00
parent 71b9d9a184
commit baf7d501a4

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@ -303,11 +303,6 @@ public class TileCalcinator extends TileEE implements IInventory
public int getBurnTimeRemainingScaled(int scale)
if (this.itemCookTime == 0)
this.itemCookTime = 200;
return this.deviceCookTime * scale / this.fuelBurnTime;
@ -443,44 +438,6 @@ public class TileCalcinator extends TileEE implements IInventory
return 0;
// private byte[] getBlendedColour()
// {
// if (getLeftStackSize() > 0 & getRightStackSize() > 0)
// {
// int stepSize = 8;
// int factoredLeftStackSize = getLeftStackSize() / stepSize;
// int factoredRightStackSize = getRightStackSize() / stepSize;
// byte[] leftColours = ColourUtils.convertIntColourToByteArray(Integer.parseInt(Colours.DUST_COLOURS[MathHelper.clamp_int(this.inventory[OUTPUT_LEFT_INVENTORY_INDEX].getItemDamage(), 0, Colours.DUST_COLOURS.length - 1)], 16));
// byte[] rightColours = ColourUtils.convertIntColourToByteArray(Integer.parseInt(Colours.DUST_COLOURS[MathHelper.clamp_int(this.inventory[OUTPUT_RIGHT_INVENTORY_INDEX].getItemDamage(), 0, Colours.DUST_COLOURS.length - 1)], 16));
// byte[][] blendedColours = ColourUtils.getByteBlendedColours(leftColours, rightColours, stepSize);
// if (blendedColours != null)
// {
// return blendedColours[stepSize + (factoredLeftStackSize - factoredRightStackSize)];
// }
// else
// {
// return new byte[]{(byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF};
// }
// }
// else if (getLeftStackSize() > 0)
// {
// int stackColour = Integer.parseInt(Colours.DUST_COLOURS[MathHelper.clamp_int(this.inventory[OUTPUT_LEFT_INVENTORY_INDEX].getItemDamage(), 0, Colours.DUST_COLOURS.length - 1)], 16);
// return ColourUtils.convertIntColourToByteArray(stackColour);
// }
// else if (getRightStackSize() > 0)
// {
// int stackColour = Integer.parseInt(Colours.DUST_COLOURS[MathHelper.clamp_int(this.inventory[OUTPUT_RIGHT_INVENTORY_INDEX].getItemDamage(), 0, Colours.DUST_COLOURS.length - 1)], 16);
// return ColourUtils.convertIntColourToByteArray(stackColour);
// }
// else
// {
// return new byte[]{(byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF};
// }
// }
private void sendDustPileData()
this.worldObj.addBlockEvent(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, this.getBlockType().blockID, 2, getLeftStackSize());