Lots of work on dynamic Portable Smelting Recipes and finishing up a lot of Equivalency List Recipes

This commit is contained in:
pahimar 2012-06-16 02:10:22 -04:00
parent 4cbe07f1e1
commit ef0fc08f79
3 changed files with 190 additions and 176 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
package ee3.core;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import ee3.core.interfaces.ITransmuteStone;
import ee3.item.ItemPhilosopherStone;
import ee3.item.ItemMiniumStone;
import ee3.item.ModItems;
import ee3.lib.TransmuteEquivalencyList;
import ee3.lib.Helper;
import net.minecraft.src.Block;
import net.minecraft.src.FurnaceRecipes;
@ -16,6 +19,7 @@ import net.minecraft.src.ModLoader;
import static net.minecraft.src.Item.*;
import static net.minecraft.src.Block.*;
import static ee3.lib.TransmuteEquivalencyList.*;
* TODO Class Description
@ -32,205 +36,170 @@ public class RecipesPhilStone {
private static ItemStack anySandStone = new ItemStack(sandStone, 1, -1);
private static ItemStack dyeBoneMeal = new ItemStack(dyePowder, 1, 15);
public static ArrayList<ArrayList<ItemStack>> equivalencyLists = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ItemStack>>();
private static List<ItemStack> transmutationStones = Arrays.asList(miniumStone, philStone);
public static void initRecipes() {
//TransmuteEquivalencyList.addObjectToEquivalencyList(dirt, stone);
//TransmuteEquivalencyList.addObjectToEquivalencyList(cobblestone, stone);
//TransmuteEquivalencyList.addObjectToEquivalencyList(dirt, stone);
public static void initTransmutationRecipes(ItemStack stone) {
if (!(stone.getItem() instanceof ITransmuteStone)) {
for (ItemStack transmutationStone: transmutationStones) {
public static void initTransmutationRecipes(ItemStack transmutationStone) {
/* 4 Cobble <-> 1 Flint */
addRecipe(flint, stone, cobblestone, cobblestone, cobblestone, cobblestone);
addRecipe(cobblestone, 4, stone, flint);
addRecipe(flint, transmutationStone, cobblestone, cobblestone, cobblestone, cobblestone);
addRecipe(cobblestone, 4, transmutationStone, flint);
/* 4 Dirt <-> 1 Gravel */
addRecipe(gravel, stone, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt);
addRecipe(dirt, 4, stone, gravel);
addRecipe(gravel, transmutationStone, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt);
addRecipe(dirt, 4, transmutationStone, gravel);
/* 4 Sand <-> 1 Sandstone */
// Vanilla Recipes exist to make SandStone from 4 Sand
addRecipe(sand, 4, stone, anySandStone);
addRecipe(sand, 4, transmutationStone, anySandStone);
/* 2 Sticks -> Wood Plank */
addRecipe(planks, stone, stick, stick);
addRecipe(planks, transmutationStone, stick, stick);
// Vanilla recipe exists to make sticks from planks
/* 4 Wood Planks -> Wood Block */
addRecipe(wood, stone, anyPlank, anyPlank, anyPlank, anyPlank);
addRecipe(wood, transmutationStone, anyPlank, anyPlank, anyPlank, anyPlank);
// Vanilla recipes exist to make planks from any wood log
/* 4 Gravel/Sandstone/Flint -> 1 Clay Ball, 1 Clay Ball -> 4 Gravel */
addRecipe(clay, stone, gravel, gravel, gravel, gravel);
addRecipe(clay, stone, anySandStone, anySandStone, anySandStone, anySandStone);
addRecipe(clay, stone, flint, flint, flint, flint);
addRecipe(gravel, 4, stone, clay);
addRecipe(clay, transmutationStone, gravel, gravel, gravel, gravel);
addRecipe(clay, transmutationStone, anySandStone, anySandStone, anySandStone, anySandStone);
addRecipe(clay, transmutationStone, flint, flint, flint, flint);
addRecipe(gravel, 4, transmutationStone, clay);
/* 2 Wood Log <-> 1 Obsidian */
addRecipe(obsidian, stone, anyWood, anyWood);
addRecipe(wood, 2, stone, obsidian);
addRecipe(obsidian, transmutationStone, anyWood, anyWood);
addRecipe(wood, 2, transmutationStone, obsidian);
/* 4 Clay Ball <-> 1 Clay Block */
// Vanilla recipe exists to make clay blocks from clay balls
addRecipe(clay, 4, stone, blockClay);
addRecipe(clay, 4, transmutationStone, blockClay);
/* 4 Obsidian/Clay Block -> 1 Iron Ingot, Iron Ingot -> Clay Block */
addRecipe(ingotIron, stone, obsidian, obsidian, obsidian, obsidian);
addRecipe(ingotIron, stone, blockClay, blockClay, blockClay, blockClay);
addRecipe(blockClay, 4, stone, ingotIron);
addRecipe(ingotIron, transmutationStone, obsidian, obsidian, obsidian, obsidian);
addRecipe(ingotIron, transmutationStone, blockClay, blockClay, blockClay, blockClay);
addRecipe(blockClay, 4, transmutationStone, ingotIron);
/* 8 Iron Ingot <-> 1 Gold Ingot */
addRecipe(ingotGold, stone, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron);
addRecipe(ingotIron, 8, stone, ingotGold);
addRecipe(ingotGold, transmutationStone, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron);
addRecipe(ingotIron, 8, transmutationStone, ingotGold);
/* 4 Gold Ingot <-> 1 Diamond */
addRecipe(diamond, stone, ingotGold, ingotGold, ingotGold, ingotGold);
addRecipe(ingotGold, 4, stone, diamond);
addRecipe(diamond, transmutationStone, ingotGold, ingotGold, ingotGold, ingotGold);
addRecipe(ingotGold, 4, transmutationStone, diamond);
/* 8 Iron Block <-> 1 Gold Block */
addRecipe(blockGold, stone, blockSteel, blockSteel, blockSteel, blockSteel, blockSteel, blockSteel, blockSteel, blockSteel);
addRecipe(blockSteel, 8, stone, blockGold);
addRecipe(blockGold, transmutationStone, blockSteel, blockSteel, blockSteel, blockSteel, blockSteel, blockSteel, blockSteel, blockSteel);
addRecipe(blockSteel, 8, transmutationStone, blockGold);
/* 4 Gold Block <-> 1 Diamond Block */
addRecipe(blockDiamond, stone, blockGold, blockGold, blockGold, blockGold);
addRecipe(blockGold, 4, stone, blockDiamond);
addRecipe(blockDiamond, transmutationStone, blockGold, blockGold, blockGold, blockGold);
addRecipe(blockGold, 4, transmutationStone, blockDiamond);
/* 1 Ender Pearl <-> 4 Iron Ingot */
addRecipe(enderPearl, stone, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron);
addRecipe(ingotIron, 4, stone, enderPearl);
addRecipe(enderPearl, transmutationStone, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron, ingotIron);
addRecipe(ingotIron, 4, transmutationStone, enderPearl);
public static void initEquivalenceRecipes() {
/* Wood Plank Cycle */
addMetaCycleRecipe(planks, 4);
/* Wood Log Cycle */
addMetaCycleRecipe(wood, 4);
/* Sapling Cycle */
addMetaCycleRecipe(sapling, 4);
/* Leaf Cycle */
addMetaCycleRecipe(leaves, 4);
/* Tall Grass Cycle */
addMetaCycleRecipe(tallGrass, 3);
/* Wool Cycle */
addMetaCycleRecipe(cloth, 16);
/* Stone Brick Cycle */
addMetaCycleRecipe(stoneBrick, 4);
/* Dye Equivalence Cycle */
addMetaCycleRecipe(dyePowder, 16, 3, 4, 15);
/* Dirt -> Cobble -> Sand -> Dirt */
addRecipe(dirt, philStone, cobblestone);
addRecipe(cobblestone, philStone, sand);
addRecipe(sand, philStone, dirt);
/* 2 Gravel -> 2 Flint -> 2 Sandstone (Cycles) -> 2 Gravel*/
addRecipe(flint, 2, philStone, gravel, gravel);
addRecipe(new ItemStack(sandStone, 2, 0), philStone, flint, flint);
addRecipe(new ItemStack(sandStone, 2, 1), philStone, new ItemStack(sandStone, 2, 0), new ItemStack(sandStone, 2, 0));
addRecipe(new ItemStack(sandStone, 2, 2), philStone, new ItemStack(sandStone, 2, 1), new ItemStack(sandStone, 2, 1));
addRecipe(gravel, 2, philStone, new ItemStack(sandStone, 2, 2), new ItemStack(sandStone, 2, 2));
/* Flower Equivalence Recipes */
addRecipe(plantYellow, philStone, plantRed);
addRecipe(plantRed, philStone, plantYellow);
// RP2 flower recipe goes here, it SHOULD make them cycle instead of two-way if RP2 is present
/* Mushroom Equivalence Recipes */
addRecipe(mushroomRed, philStone, mushroomBrown);
addRecipe(mushroomBrown, philStone, mushroomRed);
/* Books/ */
/* Reeds <-> Paper <-> Sugar Equivalence Recipes */
addRecipe(paper, 3, philStone, book);
addRecipe(Item.reed, 3, philStone, paper, paper, paper);
addRecipe(Item.reed, philStone, sugar);
/* Melon <-> Pumpkin Equivalence Recipes */
addRecipe(pumpkinSeeds, philStone, melonSeeds);
addRecipe(melonSeeds, philStone, pumpkinSeeds);
addRecipe(pumpkin, philStone, Block.melon);
addRecipe(Block.melon, philStone, pumpkin);
public static void initEquivalencyList() {
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(sand, dirt, cobblestone);
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(plantYellow, plantRed);
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(mushroomRed, mushroomBrown);
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(pumpkinSeeds, melonSeeds);
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(pumpkin, Block.melon);
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(new ItemStack(paper, 3), new ItemStack(Item.reed, 3));
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(new ItemStack(flint, 2), new ItemStack(gravel, 2), new ItemStack(sandStone, 2, 0), new ItemStack(sandStone, 2, 1), new ItemStack(sandStone, 2, 2));
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(getMetaCycle(planks, 4));
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(getMetaCycle(wood, 4));
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(getMetaCycle(sapling, 4));
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(getMetaCycle(leaves, 4));
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(getMetaCycle(tallGrass, 3));
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(getMetaCycle(cloth, 16));
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(getMetaCycle(stoneBrick, 4));
addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(getMetaCycle(dyePowder, 16, 3, 4, 15));
public static void initReconstructiveRecipes() {
public static void initEquivalenceRecipes(ItemStack transmutationStone) {
int outputI;
for (ArrayList<ItemStack> itemStackList : equivalencyLists) {
ItemStack[] currentList = new ItemStack[itemStackList.size()];
currentList = itemStackList.toArray(currentList);
for(int i = 0; i < currentList.length; i++) {
outputI = (i == currentList.length - 1 ? 0 : i + 1);
addRecipe(currentList[outputI], Helper.convertSingleStackToPluralStacks(transmutationStone, currentList[i]));
public static void initReconstructiveRecipes(ItemStack stone) {
/* 3 Bone Meal --> 1 Bone */
addRecipe(bone, philStone, dyeBoneMeal, dyeBoneMeal, dyeBoneMeal);
addRecipe(bone, stone, dyeBoneMeal, dyeBoneMeal, dyeBoneMeal);
/* 2 Blaze Powder --> 1 Blaze Rod */
addRecipe(blazeRod, philStone, blazePowder, blazePowder);
addRecipe(blazeRod, stone, blazePowder, blazePowder);
public static void initDestructorRecipes() {
public static void initDestructorRecipes(ItemStack transmutationStone) {
/* Smooth Stone -> Cobble Stone */
addRecipe(cobblestone, philStone, stone);
addRecipe(cobblestone, transmutationStone, stone);
/* Glass -> Sand */
addRecipe(sand, philStone, glass);
addRecipe(sand, transmutationStone, glass);
/* Glowstone Block -> 4 Glowstone Dust */
addRecipe(lightStoneDust, 4, philStone, glowStone);
addRecipe(lightStoneDust, 4, transmutationStone, glowStone);
/* Brick Block -> 4 Bricks */
addRecipe(Item.brick, 4, philStone, Block.brick);
addRecipe(Item.brick, 4, transmutationStone, Block.brick);
public static void initPortableSmeltingRecipes() {
/* Smelt cobblestone */
public static void initPortableSmeltingRecipes(ItemStack transmutationStone) {
Map furnaceMap = FurnaceRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingList();
Map furnaceMetaMap = ModLoader.getPrivateValue(FurnaceRecipes.class, FurnaceRecipes.smelting(), "metaSmeltingList");
Iterator iterFurnaceKeyMap = furnaceMap.keySet().iterator();
Iterator iterFurnaceMetaKeyMap = furnaceMetaMap.keySet().iterator();
Integer furnaceMapKey;
List furnaceMetaMapKey;
ItemStack unSmeltedStack;
while (iterFurnaceKeyMap.hasNext()) {
furnaceMapKey = (Integer) iterFurnaceKeyMap.next();
unSmeltedStack = new ItemStack(furnaceMapKey, 1, 0);
/* Smelt any wood */
/* Smelt iron ore */
addSmeltingRecipe(unSmeltedStack, transmutationStone);
/* Smelt gold ore */
/* Smelt sand */
/* Cook chicken */
/* Cook pork */
/* Cook beef */
/* Cook fish */
while (iterFurnaceMetaKeyMap.hasNext()) {
furnaceMetaMapKey = (List)iterFurnaceMetaKeyMap.next();
unSmeltedStack = new ItemStack((Integer)furnaceMetaMapKey.get(0), 1, (Integer)furnaceMetaMapKey.get(1));
addSmeltingRecipe(unSmeltedStack, transmutationStone);
protected static void addRecipe(ItemStack result, Object ... input) {
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(result, input);
protected static void addRecipe(Block result, Object ... input) {
addRecipe(new ItemStack(result), input);
@ -247,6 +216,43 @@ public class RecipesPhilStone {
addRecipe(new ItemStack(result, count), input);
protected static Object[] getMetaCycle(Object input, int n) {
ArrayList<ItemStack> list = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
ItemStack stack;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
stack = Helper.convertObjectToItemStack(input);
return list.toArray();
protected static Object[] getMetaCycle(Object input, int n, int ... excludedMeta) {
ArrayList<ItemStack> list = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
ItemStack stack;
int i = 0;
while (i < n) {
for (int j : excludedMeta) {
if (i == j)
if (!(i < n))
stack = Helper.convertObjectToItemStack(input);
return list.toArray();
/* Pass this a Block, Item or ItemStack and the maximum number of indexes, EXCLUDING zero */
protected static void addMetaCycleRecipe(Object input, int n) {
int outputI;
@ -286,27 +292,14 @@ public class RecipesPhilStone {
/* No meta, defaults to zero */
protected static void addSmeltingRecipe(Object input) {
addSmeltingRecipe(input, 0);
/* Includes meta, passes either Block or Item, with meta, to final method as an ItemStack */
protected static void addSmeltingRecipe(Object input, int i) {
if(input instanceof Item)
addSmeltingRecipe(new ItemStack((Item)input, 1, i));
else if (input instanceof Block)
addSmeltingRecipe(new ItemStack((Block)input, 1, i));
/* Final method, actually adds the portable smelting recipe */
protected static void addSmeltingRecipe(ItemStack input) {
protected static void addSmeltingRecipe(ItemStack input, ItemStack transmutationStone) {
ItemStack result = FurnaceRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(input);
if(result == null)
Object[] list = new Object[9];
list[0] = philStone;
list[0] = transmutationStone;
list[1] = anyCoal;
for(int i = 2; i < 9; i++)

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package ee3.lib;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import net.minecraft.src.Block;
import net.minecraft.src.Item;
import net.minecraft.src.ItemStack;
public class Helper {
public static ItemStack convertObjectToItemStack(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Item) { return new ItemStack((Item)obj); }
else if (obj instanceof Block) { return new ItemStack((Block)obj); }
else if (obj instanceof ItemStack){ return (ItemStack)obj; }
else { return null; }
public static Object[] convertSingleStackToPluralStacks(ItemStack stone, ItemStack stack) {
ArrayList<ItemStack> list = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
ItemStack currentStack;
for (int i = 0; i < stack.stackSize; i++) {
currentStack = new ItemStack(stack.itemID, 1, stack.getItemDamage());
return list.toArray();

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@ -2,17 +2,24 @@ package ee3.lib;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import net.minecraft.src.Block;
import net.minecraft.src.Item;
import net.minecraft.src.ItemStack;
public class TransmuteEquivalencyList {
public static ArrayList<ArrayList<ItemStack>> equivalencyLists = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ItemStack>>();
public static void addObjectsToEquivalencyLists(Object ... objList) {
if (objList.length < 2)
for (int i = 0; i < objList.length - 1; i++) {
addObjectToEquivalencyList(objList[i], objList[i+1]);
public static void addObjectToEquivalencyList(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
ItemStack stack1 = convertObjectToItemStack(obj1);
ItemStack stack2 = convertObjectToItemStack(obj2);
ItemStack stack1 = Helper.convertObjectToItemStack(obj1);
ItemStack stack2 = Helper.convertObjectToItemStack(obj2);
ArrayList<ItemStack> currentList = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
@ -40,7 +47,7 @@ public class TransmuteEquivalencyList {
public static Integer getEquivalencyIndexForItem(Object obj) {
ItemStack checkStack = convertObjectToItemStack(obj);
ItemStack checkStack = Helper.convertObjectToItemStack(obj);
ArrayList<ItemStack> currentList;
int i = 0;
@ -58,7 +65,7 @@ public class TransmuteEquivalencyList {
public static ArrayList<ItemStack> getEquivalencyListForItem(Object obj) {
ItemStack checkStack = convertObjectToItemStack(obj);
ItemStack checkStack = Helper.convertObjectToItemStack(obj);
for (ArrayList<ItemStack> list : equivalencyLists) {
for (ItemStack currentStack : list) {
@ -71,21 +78,6 @@ public class TransmuteEquivalencyList {
return null;
private static ItemStack convertObjectToItemStack(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Item) {
return new ItemStack((Item)obj);
else if (obj instanceof Block) {
return new ItemStack((Block)obj);
else if (obj instanceof ItemStack){
return (ItemStack)obj;
else {
return null;
public static void debugPrintEquivalencyList() {
int i = 0;
for (ArrayList list : equivalencyLists) {