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pahimar 2012-05-08 12:59:56 -04:00
commit f7d37e9acb

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import ee3.item.ModItems;
import net.minecraft.src.Block;
import net.minecraft.src.CraftingManager;
import net.minecraft.src.FurnaceRecipes;
import net.minecraft.src.IRecipe;
import net.minecraft.src.Item;
import net.minecraft.src.ItemStack;
@ -26,12 +27,17 @@ public class RecipesPhilStone {
private static ItemStack anyCoal = new ItemStack(Item.coal, 1, -1);
private static ItemStack oakWood = new ItemStack(Block.wood, 1, 0);
private static ItemStack birchWood = new ItemStack(Block.wood, 1, 1);
private static ItemStack pineWood = new ItemStack(Block.wood, 1, 2);
private static ItemStack jungleWood = new ItemStack(Block.wood, 1, 3);
private static ItemStack anyWood = new ItemStack(Block.wood, 1, -1);
private static ItemStack planks(int i) { return new ItemStack(Block.planks, 1, i); }
private static ItemStack wood(int i) { return new ItemStack(Block.wood, 1, i); }
private static ItemStack sandStone(int i) { return sandStone(1, i); }
private static ItemStack sandStone(int i, int j) { return new ItemStack(Block.sandStone, i, j); }
private static ItemStack stoneBrick(int i) { return stoneBrick(1, i); }
private static ItemStack stoneBrick(int i, int j) { return new ItemStack(Block.stoneBrick, i, j); }
private static ItemStack boneMeal = new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder, 1, 15);
public static void initRecipes() {
@ -81,294 +87,243 @@ public class RecipesPhilStone {
public static void initTransmutationRecipes() {
/* 4 Cobble <-> 1 Gravel */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.gravel, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.cobblestone, Block.cobblestone, Block.cobblestone, Block.cobblestone
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.cobblestone, 4), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.gravel
/* Just a speed-loader for a linear recipes requiring the PStone */
/* Give it an input Item/Block/ItemStack, the number inputs required, and an output ItemStack */
public static void addOneWayRecipe(Object input, int n, ItemStack output) {
if(!(input instanceof Item || input instanceof Block || input instanceof ItemStack))
Object[] list = new Object[n];
list[0] = philStone;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
list[i] = input;
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(output, list);
/* Adds a recipe AND its exact reversal */
public static void addTwoWayRecipe(Object input, int n, ItemStack output) {
/* Adds the one-way recipe */
addOneWayRecipe(input, n, output);
/* 8 Gravel <-> 1 Wood Log */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(oakWood, new Object[] {
philStone, Block.gravel, Block.gravel, Block.gravel, Block.gravel,
Block.gravel, Block.gravel, Block.gravel, Block.gravel,
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.gravel, 16), new Object[] {
philStone, oakWood, oakWood
/* Reverses the recipe by making a list of the output */
Object[] list = new Object[output.stackSize];
for(int i = 0; i < output.stackSize; i++)
list[i] = new ItemStack(output.itemID, 1, output.getItemDamage());
/* Checks the type of the input so it can make a proper ItemStack */
if(input instanceof Item)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack((Item)input, n), list);
else if(input instanceof Block)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack((Block)input, n), list);
else if(input instanceof ItemStack) {
ItemStack ist = new ItemStack(((ItemStack)input).itemID, n, ((ItemStack)input).getItemDamage());
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(ist, list);
/* Pass this a Block, Item or ItemStack and the maximum (desired) meta, including zero */
public static void addMetaCycleRecipe(Object input, int n) {
/* Makes a single item cycle through its meta values when it's crafted with a PStone */
for(int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
if(input instanceof Block)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack((Block)input, 1, (i == n - 1 ? 0 : i + 1)), new Object[] {
new ItemStack((Block)input, 1, i)
else if (input instanceof Item)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack((Item)input, 1, (i == n - 1 ? 0 : i + 1)), new Object[] {
new ItemStack((Item)input, 1, i)
else if (input instanceof ItemStack) {
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(((ItemStack)input).itemID, 1, (i == n - 1 ? 0 : i + 1)), new Object[] {
new ItemStack(((ItemStack)input).itemID, 1, i)
/* Just use Item/Block and (optionally) meta-data for best results, when adding smelt-recipes.
* Notice that this actually pulls results from the Furnace Recipes list, you could theoretically use this to pull
* all possible results from a list and support their smelts automatically. */
/* No meta, defaults to zero */
public static void addSmeltingRecipe(Object input) {
addSmeltingRecipe(input, 0);
/* Includes meta, passes either Block or Item, with meta, to final method as an ItemStack */
public static void addSmeltingRecipe(Object input, int i) {
if(input instanceof Item)
addSmeltingRecipe(new ItemStack((Item)input, 1, i));
else if (input instanceof Block)
addSmeltingRecipe(new ItemStack((Block)input, 1, i));
/* Final method, actually adds the portable smelting recipe */
public static void addSmeltingRecipe(ItemStack input) {
ItemStack result = FurnaceRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(input);
if(result == null)
Object[] list = new Object[9];
list[0] = philStone;
list[1] = anyCoal;
for(int i = 2; i < 9; i++)
list[i] = new ItemStack(input.getItem(), 1, input.getItemDamage());
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(result.getItem(), 7, result.getItemDamage()), list);
public static void initTransmutationRecipes() {
/* Initialize constructive/destructive recipes */
/* 4 Cobble <-> 1 Flint */
addTwoWayRecipe(Block.cobblestone, 4, new ItemStack(Item.flint, 1));
/* 4 Dirt/Sand -> 1 Gravel, 1 Gravel -> 4 Dirt */
addTwoWayRecipe(Block.dirt, 4, new ItemStack(Block.gravel, 1));
addOneWayRecipe(Block.sand, 4, new ItemStack(Block.gravel, 1));
/* 2 Sticks -> Wood Plank */
addOneWayRecipe(Item.stick, 2, planks(0));
/* 4 Wood Planks -> Wood Block */
for(int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
addOneWayRecipe(planks(i), 1, wood(i));
/* 4 Gravel/Sandstone/Flint -> 1 Clay Ball, 1 Clay Ball -> 4 Gravel */
addTwoWayRecipe(Block.gravel, 4, new ItemStack(Item.clay, 1));
addOneWayRecipe(Block.sandStone, 4, new ItemStack(Item.clay, 1));
addOneWayRecipe(Item.flint, 4, new ItemStack(Item.clay, 1));
/* 2 Wood Log <-> 1 Obsidian */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.obsidian, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, anyWood, anyWood
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.wood, 4), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.obsidian
addTwoWayRecipe(anyWood, 2, new ItemStack(Block.obsidian, 1));
/* 4 Obsidian <-> 1 Iron Ingot */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.obsidian, Block.obsidian, Block.obsidian, Block.obsidian
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.obsidian, 4), new Object[] {
philStone, Item.ingotIron
/* 4 Obsidian/Clay Block -> 1 Iron Ingot, Iron Ingot -> Clay Block */
addTwoWayRecipe(Block.blockClay, 4, new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron, 1));
addOneWayRecipe(Block.obsidian, 4, new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron, 1));
/* 8 Iron Ingot <-> 1 Gold Ingot */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.ingotGold, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Item.ingotIron, Item.ingotIron, Item.ingotIron, Item.ingotIron,
Item.ingotIron, Item.ingotIron, Item.ingotIron, Item.ingotIron
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron, 8), new Object[] {
philStone, Item.ingotGold
addTwoWayRecipe(Item.ingotIron, 8, new ItemStack(Item.ingotGold, 1));
/* 4 Gold Ingot <-> 1 Diamond */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.diamond, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Item.ingotGold, Item.ingotGold, Item.ingotGold, Item.ingotGold
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.ingotGold, 4), new Object[] {
philStone, Item.diamond
addTwoWayRecipe(Item.ingotGold, 4, new ItemStack(Item.diamond, 1));
/* 8 Iron Block <-> 1 Gold Block */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.blockGold, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.blockSteel, Block.blockSteel, Block.blockSteel, Block.blockSteel,
Block.blockSteel, Block.blockSteel, Block.blockSteel, Block.blockSteel
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.blockSteel, 8), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.blockGold
addTwoWayRecipe(Block.blockSteel, 8, new ItemStack(Block.blockGold, 1));
/* 4 Gold Block <-> 1 Diamond Block */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.blockDiamond, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.blockGold, Block.blockGold, Block.blockGold, Block.blockGold
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.blockGold, 4), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.blockDiamond
addTwoWayRecipe(Block.blockGold, 4, new ItemStack(Block.blockDiamond, 1));
/* 1 Ender Pearl <-> 4 Iron Ingot */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.enderPearl, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Item.ingotIron, Item.ingotIron, Item.ingotIron, Item.ingotIron
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron, 4), new Object[] {
philStone, Item.enderPearl
addTwoWayRecipe(Item.ingotIron, 4, new ItemStack(Item.enderPearl, 1));
public static void initEquivalencyRecipes() {
/* Dirt <-> Cobble <-> Sand Equivalence Recipes */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.cobblestone, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.dirt
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.sand, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.cobblestone
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.dirt, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.sand
/* Initialize meta-cycling recipes and other cycles first */
/* Sapling Equivalence Recipes */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.sapling, 1, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.sapling, 1, 0)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.sapling, 1, 2), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.sapling, 1, 1)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.sapling, 1, 3), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.sapling, 1, 2)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.sapling, 1, 0), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.sapling, 1, 3)
/* Wood Plank Cycle */
addMetaCycleRecipe(Block.planks, 3);
/* Leaf Equivalence Recipes */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.leaves, 1, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.leaves, 1, 0)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.leaves, 1, 2), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.leaves, 1, 1)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.leaves, 1, 3), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.leaves, 1, 2)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.leaves, 1, 0), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.leaves, 1, 3)
/* Wood Log Cycle */
addMetaCycleRecipe(Block.wood, 3);
/* Wood Log Equivalence Recipes */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(birchWood, new Object[] {
philStone, oakWood
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(pineWood, new Object[] {
philStone, birchWood
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(jungleWood, new Object[] {
philStone, pineWood
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(oakWood, new Object[] {
philStone, jungleWood
/* Sapling Cycle */
addMetaCycleRecipe(Block.sapling, 3);
/* Wood Plank Equivalence Recipes */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.planks, 1, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.planks, 1, 0)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.planks, 1, 2), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.planks, 1, 1)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.planks, 1, 3), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.planks, 1, 2)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.planks, 1, 0), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.planks, 1, 3)
/* Leaf Cycle */
addMetaCycleRecipe(Block.leaves, 3);
/* Tallgrass Cycle */
addMetaCycleRecipe(Block.tallGrass, 2);
/* Wool Cycle */
addMetaCycleRecipe(Block.cloth, 15);
/* Dirt -> Cobble -> Sand -> Dirt */
addOneWayRecipe(Block.dirt, 1, new ItemStack(Block.cobblestone, 1));
addOneWayRecipe(Block.cobblestone, 1, new ItemStack(Block.sand, 1));
addOneWayRecipe(Block.sand, 1, new ItemStack(Block.dirt, 1));
/* 2 Gravel -> 2 Flint -> 2 Sandstone (Cycles) -> 2 Gravel*/
addOneWayRecipe(Block.gravel, 2, new ItemStack(Item.flint, 2));
addOneWayRecipe(Item.flint, 2, sandStone(2, 0));
addOneWayRecipe(sandStone(0), 2, sandStone(1));
addOneWayRecipe(sandStone(1), 2, sandStone(2));
addOneWayRecipe(sandStone(2), 2, new ItemStack(Block.gravel, 2));
/* Flower Equivalence Recipes */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.plantRed, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.plantYellow
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.plantYellow, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.plantRed
// RP2 flower recipe goes here
addTwoWayRecipe(Block.plantYellow, 1, new ItemStack(Block.plantRed, 1));
// RP2 flower recipe goes here, it SHOULD make them cycle instead of two-way if RP2 is present
/* Mushroom Equivalence Recipes */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.mushroomBrown, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.mushroomRed
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.mushroomRed, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.mushroomBrown
/* Gravel <-> Sandstone <-> Fancy Sandstone I <-> Fancy Sandstone II Equivalence Recipes */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.sandStone, 1, 0), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.gravel, 1)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.sandStone, 1, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.sandStone, 1, 0)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.sandStone, 1, 2), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.sandStone, 1, 1)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.gravel, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.sandStone, 1, 2)
addTwoWayRecipe(Block.mushroomBrown, 1, new ItemStack(Block.mushroomRed, 1));
/* Books/ */
/* Reeds <-> Paper <-> Sugar Equivalence Recipes */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.reed, 3), new Object[] {
philStone, Item.paper, Item.paper, Item.paper
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.reed, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Item.sugar
addOneWayRecipe(, 1, new ItemStack(Item.paper, 3));
addOneWayRecipe(Item.paper, 3, new ItemStack(Item.reed, 3));
addOneWayRecipe(Item.sugar, 1, new ItemStack(Item.reed, 1));
/* Melon <-> Pumpkin Equivalence Recipes */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.pumpkinSeeds, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Item.melonSeeds
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.melonSeeds, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Item.pumpkinSeeds
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.pumpkin, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.melon
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.melon, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.pumpkin
/* Tall Grass Equivalence Recipes */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.tallGrass, 1, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.tallGrass, 1, 0)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.tallGrass, 1, 2), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.tallGrass, 1, 1)
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.tallGrass, 1, 0), new Object[] {
philStone, new ItemStack(Block.tallGrass, 1, 2)
addTwoWayRecipe(Item.pumpkinSeeds, 1, new ItemStack(Item.melonSeeds, 1));
addTwoWayRecipe(Block.pumpkin, 1, new ItemStack(Block.melon, 1));
public static void initReconstructiveRecipes() {
/* 3 Bone Meal <-> 1 Bone */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.bone, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, boneMeal, boneMeal, boneMeal
addOneWayRecipe(boneMeal, 3, new ItemStack(Item.bone, 1));
/* 2 Blaze Powder <-> 1 Blaze Rod */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.blazeRod, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Item.blazePowder, Item.blazePowder
addOneWayRecipe(Item.blazePowder, 2, new ItemStack(Item.blazeRod, 1));
public static void initDestructorRecipes() {
/* Clay Block -> 4 Clay Balls */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.clay, 4), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.blockClay
addOneWayRecipe(Block.blockClay, 1, new ItemStack(Item.clay, 4));
/* Smooth Stone -> Cobble Stone */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.cobblestone, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.stone
addOneWayRecipe(Block.stone, 1, new ItemStack(Block.cobblestone, 1));
/* Glass -> Sand */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.sand, 1), new Object[] {
addOneWayRecipe(, 1, new ItemStack(Block.sand, 1));
/* Glowstone Block -> 4 Glowstone Dust */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.lightStoneDust, 4), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.glowStone
addOneWayRecipe(Block.glowStone, 1, new ItemStack(Item.lightStoneDust, 4));
/* Brick Block -> 4 Bricks */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.brick, 4), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.brick
addOneWayRecipe(Block.brick, 1, new ItemStack(Item.brick, 4));
public static void initPortableSmeltingRecipes() {
/* 7 Cobble + 1 Coal|Charcoal = 7 Stone */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.stone, 7), new Object[] {
philStone, Block.cobblestone, Block.cobblestone, Block.cobblestone, Block.cobblestone, Block.cobblestone, Block.cobblestone, Block.cobblestone, anyCoal
/* Smelt cobblestone */
/* Smelt any wood */
/* Smelt iron ore */
/* 7 Wood Logs + 1 Coal|Charcoal = 7 Charcoal */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.coal, 7, 1), new Object[] {
philStone, anyCoal, anyWood, anyWood, anyWood, anyWood, anyWood, anyWood, anyWood,
/* Smelt gold ore */
/* 7 Iron Ore + 1 Coal|Charcoal = 7 Iron Ingot */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron, 7), new Object[] {
philStone, anyCoal, Block.oreIron, Block.oreIron, Block.oreIron, Block.oreIron, Block.oreIron, Block.oreIron, Block.oreIron
/* Smelt sand */
/* 7 Gold Ore + 1 Coal|Charcoal = 7 Gold Ingot */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.ingotGold, 7), new Object[] {
philStone, anyCoal, Block.oreGold, Block.oreGold, Block.oreGold, Block.oreGold, Block.oreGold, Block.oreGold, Block.oreGold
/* Cook chicken */
/* 7 Sand + 1 Coal|Charcoal = 7 Glass */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(, 7), new Object[] {
philStone, anyCoal, Block.sand, Block.sand, Block.sand, Block.sand, Block.sand, Block.sand, Block.sand
/* Cook pork */
/* 7 Raw Chicken + 1 Coal|Charcoal = 7 Cooked Chicken */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.chickenCooked, 7), new Object[] {
philStone, anyCoal, Item.chickenRaw, Item.chickenRaw, Item.chickenRaw, Item.chickenRaw, Item.chickenRaw, Item.chickenRaw, Item.chickenRaw
/* Cook beef */
/* 7 Raw Pork + 1 Coal|Charcoal = 7 Cooked Pork */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.porkCooked, 7), new Object[] {
philStone, anyCoal, Item.porkRaw, Item.porkRaw, Item.porkRaw, Item.porkRaw, Item.porkRaw, Item.porkRaw, Item.porkRaw
/* 7 Raw Beef + 1 Coal|Charcoal = 7 Cooked Pork */
ModLoader.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.beefCooked, 7), new Object[] {
philStone, anyCoal, Item.beefRaw, Item.beefRaw, Item.beefRaw, Item.beefRaw, Item.beefRaw, Item.beefRaw, Item.beefRaw
/* Cook fish */