Commit graph

19 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Pahimar f41b0279a6 Added some more NPE protection to the ID based ItemStack comparator
Added back in the small and medium sized Alchemical Chest aludel recipes
Added a recipe to make a chalk block from 4 pieces of chalk
Created an EE test suite to test EE specific energy values
Re-registered several EE items
Removed a duplicate Gson type adapter registration
Changed the ItemStackSerializer to return JsonNull in the event that there is no registered name for the item (the item would never deserialize as it wouldn't have a name to lookup)
Changed the EnergyValueMapSerializer to allow serializing of null energy values (as JsonNull). Used for energy value testing.
2016-05-26 12:02:37 -04:00
Pahimar b878506cf3 Add some more log markers for tests 2016-05-25 11:29:18 -04:00
Pahimar b70bbe0e23 More fixing of energy value tests 2016-05-25 11:17:10 -04:00
Pahimar 7cace9895a Change location where EE3 looks for test files 2016-05-25 11:10:21 -04:00
Pahimar 2046edf3fb Rewrote the Ability system to be what it was really trying to be, a blacklist registry. Also fixed writing the data to a global area, and made it one file per blacklist. Fixes #898 and #991 2016-05-23 17:47:31 -04:00
Pahimar 3e0907fa3e Working on the railroad, I mean the player knowledge system, all the live long day 2016-05-20 15:57:20 -04:00
Pahimar f3011f091c Clearing more chaff out 2016-05-18 19:51:55 -04:00
Pahimar 2569e1db9a Death to the old energy value registry - long live the new one! 2016-05-18 13:53:13 -04:00
Pahimar c8404fd6ca More serialization work, looking a lot cleaner than before but definitely still some improvements possible 2016-05-13 22:28:10 -04:00
Pahimar 3c28db961c Work on "better" json serialization of data objects 2016-05-11 22:56:39 -04:00
Pahimar 3a29be6d9a Emagherd work on the 1.7.10 version! 2016-05-11 16:00:03 -04:00
Pahimar e4c6183083 A lot of various things done, including fixing derpy bounding boxes/etc 2015-06-09 23:25:40 -04:00
Pahimar 87e1f9fb1a More broke stuff 2015-05-02 14:07:01 -04:00
pahimar 34cda981c0 Stuffs on fire yo 2015-05-01 14:21:59 -04:00
pahimar 301e8b75c7 Broken stuff 2015-04-20 21:16:48 -04:00
pahimar 9776acb87a Simplify saving/loading of energy value files, add in a "static" (energy-values.dat) file, and add in some more trace logging for how long it takes each pass of dynamic value computation 2015-02-12 00:15:45 -05:00
pahimar e3559098a0 Load and save abilities to disk 2015-02-09 19:08:18 -05:00
pahimar f77b24278a Lots of stuff in various stages of working 2015-01-31 23:47:45 -05:00
Pahimar 4b02b80d21 More command work 2014-09-15 16:06:20 -04:00