package com.pahimar.ee3.reference; public final class Messages { public static final String UPGRADES_CHESTS = "tooltip.ee3:upgradesPrefix"; public static final String NO_OWNER = "tooltip.ee3:none"; /* Fingerprint check related constants */ public static final String NO_FINGERPRINT_MESSAGE = "The copy of Equivalent Exchange 3 that you are running is a development version of the mod, and as such may be unstable and/or incomplete."; public static final String INVALID_FINGERPRINT_MESSAGE = "The copy of Equivalent Exchange 3 that you are running has been modified from the original, and unpredictable things may happen. Please consider re-downloading the original version of the mod."; public static final class Commands { private static final String COMMAND_PREFIX = "commands.ee3."; public static final String BASE_COMMAND_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + "usage"; public static final String PLAYER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = COMMAND_PREFIX + "player-not-found.error"; public static final String INVALID_NBT_TAG_ERROR = COMMAND_PREFIX + "invalid-nbt-tag.error"; public static final String SET_ENERGY_VALUE_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.SET_ENERGY_VALUE + ".usage"; public static final String SET_ENERGY_VALUE_SUCCESS = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.SET_ENERGY_VALUE + ".success"; public static final String SYNC_ENERGY_VALUES_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.SYNC_ENERGY_VALUES + ".usage"; public static final String SYNC_ENERGY_VALUES_SUCCESS = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.SYNC_ENERGY_VALUES + ".success"; public static final String SYNC_ENERGY_VALUES_DENIED = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.SYNC_ENERGY_VALUES + ".denied"; public static final String PLAYER_LEARN_EVERYTHING_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.PLAYER_LEARN_EVERYTHING + ".usage"; public static final String PLAYER_LEARN_EVERYTHING_SUCCESS = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.PLAYER_LEARN_EVERYTHING + ".success"; public static final String PLAYER_LEARN_ITEM_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.PLAYER_LEARN_ITEM + ".usage"; public static final String PLAYER_LEARN_ITEM_SUCCESS = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.PLAYER_LEARN_ITEM + ".success"; public static final String PLAYER_FORGET_EVERYTHING_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.PLAYER_FORGET_EVERYTHING + ".usage"; public static final String PLAYER_FORGET_EVERYTHING_SUCCESS = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.PLAYER_FORGET_EVERYTHING + ".success"; public static final String PLAYER_FORGET_ITEM_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.PLAYER_FORGET_ITEM + ".usage"; public static final String PLAYER_FORGET_ITEM_SUCCESS = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.PLAYER_FORGET_ITEM + ".success"; public static final String TEMPLATE_LEARN_EVERYTHING_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.TEMPLATE_LEARN_EVERYTHING + ".usage"; public static final String TEMPLATE_LEARN_EVERYTHING_SUCCESS = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.TEMPLATE_LEARN_EVERYTHING + ".success"; public static final String TEMPLATE_LEARN_ITEM_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.TEMPLATE_LEARN_ITEM + ".usage"; public static final String TEMPLATE_LEARN_ITEM_SUCCESS = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.TEMPLATE_LEARN_ITEM + ".success"; public static final String TEMPLATE_FORGET_EVERYTHING_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.TEMPLATE_FORGET_EVERYTHING + ".usage"; public static final String TEMPLATE_FORGET_EVERYTHING_SUCCESS = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.TEMPLATE_FORGET_EVERYTHING + ".success"; public static final String TEMPLATE_FORGET_ITEM_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.TEMPLATE_FORGET_ITEM + ".usage"; public static final String TEMPLATE_FORGET_ITEM_SUCCESS = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.TEMPLATE_FORGET_ITEM + ".success"; public static final String SET_ITEM_LEARNABLE_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.SET_ITEM_LEARNABLE + ".usage"; public static final String SET_ITEM_LEARNABLE_SUCCESS = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.SET_ITEM_LEARNABLE + ".success"; public static final String SET_ITEM_NOT_LEARNABLE_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.SET_ITEM_NOT_LEARNABLE + ".usage"; public static final String SET_ITEM_NOT_LEARNABLE_SUCCESS = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.SET_ITEM_NOT_LEARNABLE + ".success"; public static final String SET_ITEM_RECOVERABLE_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.SET_ITEM_RECOVERABLE + ".usage"; public static final String SET_ITEM_RECOVERABLE_SUCCESS = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.SET_ITEM_RECOVERABLE + ".success"; public static final String SET_ITEM_NOT_RECOVERABLE_USAGE = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.SET_ITEM_NOT_RECOVERABLE + ".usage"; public static final String SET_ITEM_NOT_RECOVERABLE_SUCCESS = COMMAND_PREFIX + Names.Commands.SET_ITEM_NOT_RECOVERABLE + ".success"; } public static final class Configuration { public static final String GENERAL_SYNC_THRESHOLD = "sync.threshold"; public static final String GENERAL_SYNC_THRESHOLD_LABEL = "general.sync.threshold.label"; public static final String GENERAL_SYNC_THRESHOLD_COMMENT = "general.sync.threshold.comment"; public static final String SOUND_MODE = "soundMode"; public static final String SOUND_MODE_LABEL = "general.sound.soundMode.label"; public static final String SOUND_MODE_COMMENT = "general.sound.soundMode.comment"; public static final String ABILITIES_ONLY_LOAD_FILE = "abilities.onlyLoadFile"; public static final String ABILITIES_ONLY_LOAD_FILE_LABEL = "general.abilities.onlyLoadFile.label"; public static final String ABILITIES_ONLY_LOAD_FILE_COMMENT = "general.abilities.onlyLoadFile.comment"; public static final String REGENERATE_ENERGYVALUES_WHEN = "energyvalues.regenerateEnergyValuesWhen"; public static final String REGENERATE_ENERGYVALUES_WHEN_LABEL = "general.energyvalues.regenerateEnergyValuesWhen.label"; public static final String REGENERATE_ENERGYVALUES_WHEN_COMMENT = "general.energyvalues.regenerateEnergyValuesWhen.comment"; } }