package com.pahimar.ee3.core.helper; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector; import net.minecraftforge.common.Configuration; import com.pahimar.ee3.configuration.ConfigurationSettings; import com.pahimar.ee3.configuration.GeneralConfiguration; import com.pahimar.ee3.lib.Colours; import com.pahimar.ee3.lib.Reference; import com.pahimar.ee3.lib.Strings; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader; /** * Equivalent-Exchange-3 * * VersionHelper * * @author pahimar * @license Lesser GNU Public License v3 ( * */ public class VersionHelper implements Runnable { private static VersionHelper instance = new VersionHelper(); // The (publicly available) remote version number authority file private static final String REMOTE_VERSION_XML_FILE = ""; public static Properties remoteVersionProperties = new Properties(); // All possible results of the remote version number check public static final byte UNINITIALIZED = 0; public static final byte CURRENT = 1; public static final byte OUTDATED = 2; public static final byte ERROR = 3; public static final byte FINAL_ERROR = 4; public static final byte MC_VERSION_NOT_FOUND = 5; // Var to hold the result of the remote version check, initially set to uninitialized private static byte result = UNINITIALIZED; public static String remoteVersion = null; public static String remoteUpdateLocation = null; /*** * Checks the version of the currently running instance of the mod against * the remote version authority, and sets the result of the check * appropriately */ public static void checkVersion() { InputStream remoteVersionRepoStream = null; result = UNINITIALIZED; try { URL remoteVersionURL = new URL(REMOTE_VERSION_XML_FILE); remoteVersionRepoStream = remoteVersionURL.openStream(); remoteVersionProperties.loadFromXML(remoteVersionRepoStream); String remoteVersionProperty = remoteVersionProperties.getProperty(Loader.instance().getMCVersionString()); if (remoteVersionProperty != null) { String[] remoteVersionTokens = remoteVersionProperty.split("\\|"); if (remoteVersionTokens.length >= 2) { remoteVersion = remoteVersionTokens[0]; remoteUpdateLocation = remoteVersionTokens[1]; } else { result = ERROR; } if (remoteVersion != null) { if (!ConfigurationSettings.LAST_DISCOVERED_VERSION.equalsIgnoreCase(remoteVersion)) { GeneralConfiguration.set(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, ConfigurationSettings.LAST_DISCOVERED_VERSION_CONFIGNAME, remoteVersion); } if (remoteVersion.equalsIgnoreCase(getVersionForCheck())) { result = CURRENT; } else { result = OUTDATED; } } } else { result = MC_VERSION_NOT_FOUND; } } catch (Exception e) { } finally { if (result == UNINITIALIZED) { result = ERROR; } try { if (remoteVersionRepoStream != null) { remoteVersionRepoStream.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } private static String getVersionForCheck() { String[] versionTokens = Reference.VERSION_NUMBER.split(" "); if (versionTokens.length >= 1) return versionTokens[0]; else return Reference.VERSION_NUMBER; } public static void logResult() { if (result == CURRENT || result == OUTDATED) {; } else { LogHelper.warning(getResultMessage()); } } public static String getResultMessage() { if (result == UNINITIALIZED) { return StatCollector.translateToLocal(Strings.UNINITIALIZED_MESSAGE); } else if (result == CURRENT) { return StatCollector.translateToLocalFormatted(Strings.CURRENT_MESSAGE, Reference.MOD_NAME, Loader.instance().getMCVersionString()); } else if (result == OUTDATED && remoteVersion != null && remoteUpdateLocation != null) { return StatCollector.translateToLocalFormatted(Strings.OUTDATED_MESSAGE, Reference.MOD_NAME, remoteVersion, Loader.instance().getMCVersionString(), remoteUpdateLocation); } else if (result == ERROR) { return StatCollector.translateToLocal(Strings.GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE); } else if (result == FINAL_ERROR) { return StatCollector.translateToLocal(Strings.FINAL_ERROR_MESSAGE); } else if (result == MC_VERSION_NOT_FOUND) { return StatCollector.translateToLocalFormatted(Strings.MC_VERSION_NOT_FOUND, Reference.MOD_NAME, Loader.instance().getMCVersionString()); } else { result = ERROR; return StatCollector.translateToLocal(Strings.GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE); } } public static String getResultMessageForClient() { return StatCollector.translateToLocalFormatted(Strings.OUTDATED_MESSAGE, Colours.TEXT_COLOUR_PREFIX_YELLOW + Reference.MOD_NAME + Colours.TEXT_COLOUR_PREFIX_WHITE, Colours.TEXT_COLOUR_PREFIX_YELLOW + VersionHelper.remoteVersion + Colours.TEXT_COLOUR_PREFIX_WHITE, Colours.TEXT_COLOUR_PREFIX_YELLOW + Loader.instance().getMCVersionString() + Colours.TEXT_COLOUR_PREFIX_WHITE, Colours.TEXT_COLOUR_PREFIX_YELLOW + VersionHelper.remoteUpdateLocation + Colours.TEXT_COLOUR_PREFIX_WHITE); } public static byte getResult() { return result; } @Override public void run() { int count = 0;, REMOTE_VERSION_XML_FILE)); try { while (count < Reference.VERSION_CHECK_ATTEMPTS - 1 && (result == UNINITIALIZED || result == ERROR)) { checkVersion(); count++; logResult(); if (result == UNINITIALIZED || result == ERROR) { Thread.sleep(10000); } } if (result == ERROR) { result = FINAL_ERROR; logResult(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void execute() { new Thread(instance).start(); } }