package com.pahimar.ee3.emc; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * EMCEntry * * Holds the breakdown of how much, and what kinds, of EMC an object has * * @author pahimar * @license Lesser GNU Public License v3 ( * */ public class EMCEntry { private float cost, recoveryPercentage; private boolean learnable, recoverable; private Map breakdown; public EMCEntry(float cost) { this.cost = cost; recoveryPercentage = 1F; learnable = true; recoverable = true; breakdown = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); } public EMCEntry(float cost, float recoveryPercentage, boolean learnable, boolean recoverable) { this.cost = cost; this.recoveryPercentage = recoveryPercentage; this.learnable = learnable; this.recoverable = recoverable; breakdown = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); } public float getCost() { return cost; } public float getRecoveryPercentage() { return recoveryPercentage; } public boolean isLearnable() { return learnable; } public boolean isRecoverable() { return recoverable; } public Map getEMCBreakDown() { return breakdown; } public float getEMCBreakdownByType(EMCType emcType) { if (breakdown.containsKey(emcType)) { if (breakdown.get(emcType) != null) { return breakdown.get(emcType).floatValue(); } } return -1F; } public void setCost(float cost) { this.cost = cost; } public void setRecoveryPercentage(float recoveryPercentage) { this.recoveryPercentage = recoveryPercentage; } public void setLearnable(boolean learnable) { this.learnable = learnable; } public void setRecoverable(boolean recoverable) { this.recoverable = recoverable; } public void addEMCBreakDown(EMCType emcType, Float breakdownPercentage) { if (!(breakdown.containsKey(emcType))) { breakdown.put(emcType, breakdownPercentage); } } public void setEMCBreakDown(EMCType emcType, Float breakdownPercentage) { if (breakdown.containsKey(emcType)) { breakdown.put(emcType, breakdownPercentage); } } }