package com.pahimar.ee3.emc; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import com.pahimar.ee3.core.util.LogHelper; import com.pahimar.ee3.graph.Node; import com.pahimar.ee3.graph.WeightedDirectedGraph; import com.pahimar.ee3.graph.WeightedEdge; import com.pahimar.ee3.item.CustomWrappedStack; import com.pahimar.ee3.item.crafting.RecipeRegistry; public class DynEMC { private static DynEMC dynEMC = null; private RecipeRegistry recipeRegistry; public final WeightedDirectedGraph graph; private DynEMC() { recipeRegistry = RecipeRegistry.getInstance(); graph = new WeightedDirectedGraph(); init(); } public static DynEMC getInstance() { if (dynEMC == null) { dynEMC = new DynEMC(); } return dynEMC; } private void init() { populateGraph(); } private void populateGraph() { for (CustomWrappedStack discoveredStack : recipeRegistry.getDiscoveredStacks()) { graph.addNode(discoveredStack); } Multimap> recipeMappings = recipeRegistry.getRecipeMappings(); Set recipeKeySet = recipeMappings.keySet(); Iterator recipeKeySetIterator = recipeKeySet.iterator(); CustomWrappedStack recipeOutput = null; while (recipeKeySetIterator.hasNext()) { recipeOutput =; for (List recipeInputs : recipeMappings.get(recipeOutput)) { CustomWrappedStack unWrappedRecipeOutput = new CustomWrappedStack(recipeOutput.getWrappedStack()); if (graph.containsNode(unWrappedRecipeOutput)) { for (CustomWrappedStack recipeInput : recipeInputs) { // Unwrapped the wrapped stacks so that we actually find them in the graph CustomWrappedStack unWrappedRecipeInput = new CustomWrappedStack(recipeInput.getWrappedStack()); if (graph.containsNode(unWrappedRecipeInput)) { if (recipeOutput.getStackSize() != 0) { graph.addEdge(unWrappedRecipeOutput, unWrappedRecipeInput, (recipeInput.getStackSize() * 1.0f) / recipeOutput.getStackSize()); } } } } } } } public void printDebugDump() { LogHelper.debug("Total node count: " + graph.getAllNodes().size()); LogHelper.debug("Leaf node count: " + graph.getLeafNodes().size()); LogHelper.debug("Orphan node count: " + graph.getOrphanNodes().size()); LogHelper.debug("Compound node count: " + graph.getCompoundNodes().size()); LogHelper.debug("'Critical' node count: " + (graph.getLeafNodes().size() - graph.getOrphanNodes().size())); LogHelper.debug(""); for (Node node : graph.getAllNodes()) { LogHelper.debug("Node: " + node); LogHelper.debug("Edges FROM Node"); for (WeightedEdge fromEdge : graph.edgesFrom(node)) { LogHelper.debug(" * " + fromEdge); } LogHelper.debug("Edges TO Node"); for (WeightedEdge toEdge : graph.edgesTo(node)) { LogHelper.debug(" * " + toEdge); } LogHelper.debug(""); } } }