package com.pahimar.ee3.emc; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Equivalent-Exchange-3 * * EMCEntry * * @author pahimar * @license Lesser GNU Public License v3 ( * */ public class EmcValue implements Comparable { // Gson serializer for serializing to/deserializing from json private static final Gson gsonSerializer = (new GsonBuilder()).registerTypeAdapter(EmcValue.class, new EmcValue().new EmcValueJsonSerializer()).create(); public final float[] components; public EmcValue() { this(new float[EmcType.TYPES.length]); } public EmcValue(int value) { this((float) value); } public EmcValue(float value) { this(value, EmcType.DEFAULT); } public EmcValue(float value, EmcComponent component) { this(value, component.type); } public EmcValue(int value, EmcType emcType) { this((float) value, emcType); } public EmcValue(float value, EmcType emcType) { this.components = new float[EmcType.TYPES.length]; this.components[emcType.ordinal()] = value; } public EmcValue(float[] components) { this.components = components; } public EmcValue(int value, List componentList) { this((float) value, componentList); } public EmcValue(float value, List componentList) { this.components = new float[EmcType.TYPES.length]; List collatedComponents = collateComponents(componentList); int totalComponents = 0; for (EmcComponent component : collatedComponents) { if (component.weight > 0) { totalComponents += component.weight; } } if (totalComponents > 0) { for (EmcComponent component : collatedComponents) { if (component.weight > 0) { this.components[component.type.ordinal()] = value * (component.weight * 1F / totalComponents); } } } else { this.components[EmcType.DEFAULT.ordinal()] = value; } } public float getValue() { float sumSubValues = 0; for (float subValue : this.components) { if (subValue > 0) { sumSubValues += subValue; } } return sumSubValues; } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (!(object instanceof EmcValue)) { return false; } return (compareTo((EmcValue) object) == 0); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // TODO Intelligible output stringBuilder.append("["); for (EmcType emcType : EmcType.TYPES) { if (components[emcType.ordinal()] > 0) { stringBuilder.append(String.format(" %s:%s ", emcType, components[emcType.ordinal()])); } } stringBuilder.append("]"); return stringBuilder.toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { int hashCode = 1; hashCode = 37 * hashCode + Float.floatToIntBits(getValue()); for (float subValue : components) { hashCode = 37 * hashCode + Float.floatToIntBits(subValue); } return hashCode; } @Override public int compareTo(EmcValue emcValue) { if (emcValue instanceof EmcValue) { return compareComponents(this.components, emcValue.components); } else { return -1; } } /** * Deserializes an EmcValue object from the given serialized json String * * @param jsonEmcValue * Json encoded String representing a EmcValue object * @return The EmcValue that was encoded as json, or null if a valid * EmcValue could not be decoded from given String */ public static EmcValue createFromJson(String jsonEmcValue) { try { return (EmcValue) gsonSerializer.fromJson(jsonEmcValue, EmcValue.class); } catch (JsonSyntaxException exception) { // TODO Log something regarding the failed parse } return null; } /** * Returns this EmcValue as a json serialized String * * @return Json serialized String of this EmcValue */ public String toJson() { return gsonSerializer.toJson(this); } private static List collateComponents(List uncollatedComponents) { Integer[] componentCount = new Integer[EmcType.TYPES.length]; for (EmcComponent emcComponent : uncollatedComponents) { if (componentCount[emcComponent.type.ordinal()] == null) { componentCount[emcComponent.type.ordinal()] = new Integer(0); } if (emcComponent.weight >= 0) { componentCount[emcComponent.type.ordinal()] = new Integer(componentCount[emcComponent.type.ordinal()].intValue() + emcComponent.weight); } } List collatedComponents = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < EmcType.TYPES.length; i++) { if (componentCount[i] != null) { collatedComponents.add(new EmcComponent(EmcType.TYPES[i], componentCount[i].intValue())); } } Collections.sort(collatedComponents); return collatedComponents; } private static int compareComponents(float[] first, float[] second) { if (first.length == EmcType.TYPES.length && second.length == EmcType.TYPES.length) { for (EmcType emcType : EmcType.TYPES) { if ([emcType.ordinal()], second[emcType.ordinal()]) != 0) { return[emcType.ordinal()], second[emcType.ordinal()]); } } return 0; } else { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); } } private class EmcValueJsonSerializer implements JsonDeserializer, JsonSerializer { @Override public JsonElement serialize(EmcValue emcValue, Type type, JsonSerializationContext context) { JsonObject jsonEmcValue = new JsonObject(); for (EmcType emcType : EmcType.TYPES) { jsonEmcValue.addProperty(emcType.toString(), emcValue.components[emcType.ordinal()]); } return jsonEmcValue; } @Override public EmcValue deserialize(JsonElement jsonElement, Type type, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { float[] emcValueComponents = new float[EmcType.TYPES.length]; JsonObject jsonEmcValue = (JsonObject) jsonElement; for (EmcType emcType : EmcType.TYPES) { if ((jsonEmcValue.get(emcType.toString()) != null) && (jsonEmcValue.get(emcType.toString()).isJsonPrimitive())) { try { emcValueComponents[emcType.ordinal()] = jsonEmcValue.get(emcType.toString()).getAsFloat(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException exception) { // TODO Better logging/handling of the exception exception.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } EmcValue emcValue = new EmcValue(emcValueComponents); if (emcValue.getValue() > 0f) { return emcValue; } return null; } } }