pahimar 7a76731f31 More default EmcValue assignments, change the AddonHandler to
AddonIMCHandler, add a AddonIMCVanilla for vanilla "recipes" for
EmcValue assignment
2013-10-28 15:22:23 -04:00

146 lines
4.8 KiB

package com.pahimar.ee3.core.helper;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import com.pahimar.ee3.core.handler.EquivalencyHandler;
* Equivalent-Exchange-3
* TransmutationHelper
* @author pahimar
* @license Lesser GNU Public License v3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html)
public class TransmutationHelper {
public static ItemStack previousBlockStack = null;
public static ItemStack currentBlockStack = null;
public static ItemStack targetBlockStack = null;
public static boolean transmuteInWorld(World world, EntityPlayer player, ItemStack stack, int x, int y, int z, int targetID, int targetMeta) {
if (Block.blocksList[targetID] != null) {
world.setBlock(x, y, z, targetID, targetMeta, 2);
return true;
return false;
public static String formatTargetBlockInfo(ItemStack targetBlock) {
if (targetBlock != null)
return TransmutationHelper.targetBlockStack.itemID + ":" + TransmutationHelper.targetBlockStack.getItemDamage();
return "";
public static void updateTargetBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z) {
int id = world.getBlockId(x, y, z);
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
Block currentBlock = Block.blocksList[id];
if (currentBlock != null) {
meta = currentBlock.damageDropped(meta);
currentBlockStack = new ItemStack(id, 1, meta);
if (previousBlockStack == null) {
previousBlockStack = currentBlockStack;
targetBlockStack = getNextBlock(currentBlockStack.itemID, currentBlockStack.getItemDamage());
else {
if (!EquivalencyHandler.instance().areEquivalent(TransmutationHelper.previousBlockStack, currentBlockStack)) {
previousBlockStack = currentBlockStack;
targetBlockStack = getNextBlock(currentBlockStack.itemID, currentBlockStack.getItemDamage());
public static ItemStack getNextBlock(int id, int meta) {
ArrayList<ItemStack> list = EquivalencyHandler.instance().getEquivalencyList(id, meta);
ItemStack nextStack = null;
if (list != null)
return getNextBlock(id, meta, id, meta);
return nextStack;
private static ItemStack getNextBlock(int id, int meta, int origId, int origMeta) {
ArrayList<ItemStack> list = EquivalencyHandler.instance().getEquivalencyList(id, meta);
ItemStack nextStack = null;
if (list != null) {
nextStack = EquivalencyHandler.instance().getNextInList(id, meta);
nextStack.stackSize = 1;
* If the current item is the same as the original one we started
* with, then we have recursed through the entire list and not found
* a next block so return the original. This is the "base case" for
* the recursion.
if (nextStack.itemID == origId && nextStack.getItemDamage() == origMeta)
return nextStack;
else {
if (nextStack.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock)
return nextStack;
return getNextBlock(nextStack.itemID, nextStack.getItemDamage(), origId, origMeta);
// In the event the list is null, return null
return nextStack;
public static ItemStack getPreviousBlock(int itemID, int meta) {
ArrayList<ItemStack> list = EquivalencyHandler.instance().getEquivalencyList(itemID, meta);
ItemStack prevStack = null;
if (list != null)
return getPreviousBlock(itemID, meta, itemID, meta);
return prevStack;
private static ItemStack getPreviousBlock(int id, int meta, int origId, int origMeta) {
ArrayList<ItemStack> list = EquivalencyHandler.instance().getEquivalencyList(id, meta);
ItemStack prevStack = null;
if (list != null) {
prevStack = EquivalencyHandler.instance().getPrevInList(id, meta);
prevStack.stackSize = 1;
if (prevStack.itemID == origId && prevStack.getItemDamage() == origMeta)
return prevStack;
else {
if (prevStack.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock)
return prevStack;
return getPreviousBlock(prevStack.itemID, prevStack.getItemDamage(), origId, origMeta);
// In the event the list is null, return null
return prevStack;