2013-10-15 16:01:16 -04:00

98 lines
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package com.pahimar.ee3.core.handlers;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import com.pahimar.ee3.core.util.LogHelper;
import com.pahimar.ee3.emc.EmcBlackList;
import com.pahimar.ee3.item.CustomWrappedStack;
import com.pahimar.ee3.item.crafting.RecipesIMC;
import com.pahimar.ee3.lib.InterModComms;
import com.pahimar.ee3.nbt.NBTHelper;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInterModComms.IMCEvent;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInterModComms.IMCMessage;
public class InterModCommsHandler {
public static void processIMCMessages(IMCEvent event) {
for (IMCMessage imcMessage : event.getMessages()) {
if (imcMessage.getMessageType() == NBTTagCompound.class) {
if (imcMessage.key.equalsIgnoreCase(InterModComms.ADD_RECIPE)) {
else if (imcMessage.key.equalsIgnoreCase(InterModComms.ADD_BLACKLIST_ENTRY)) {
else if (imcMessage.key.equalsIgnoreCase(InterModComms.REMOVE_BLACKLIST_ENTRY)) {
else if (imcMessage.key.equalsIgnoreCase(InterModComms.SET_EMC_VALUE)) {
else {
LogHelper.severe("[IMC] Mod '" + imcMessage.getSender() + "' sent a message with key '" + imcMessage.key + "' with an invalid argument type (received " + imcMessage.getMessageType().getSimpleName() + ", expected NBTTagCompound)");
private static void processAddRecipeMessage(IMCMessage imcMessage) {
NBTTagCompound encodedRecipe = imcMessage.getNBTValue();
Map<CustomWrappedStack, List<CustomWrappedStack>> decodedRecipe = NBTHelper.decodeRecipeFromNBT(encodedRecipe);
if (!decodedRecipe.isEmpty()) {
for (CustomWrappedStack key : decodedRecipe.keySet()) {
RecipesIMC.addRecipe(key, decodedRecipe.get(key));
LogHelper.info("[IMC] Mod '" + imcMessage.getSender() + "' added recipe with output '" + key.toString() + "' and inputs '" + decodedRecipe.get(key) + "'");
else {
LogHelper.severe("[IMC] Mod '" + imcMessage.getSender() + "' attempting to add a NBT encoded recipe to the recipe registry, but the encoded recipe is invalid");
private static void processAddBlackListMessage(IMCMessage imcMessage) {
NBTTagCompound encodedStack = imcMessage.getNBTValue();
CustomWrappedStack decodedStack = NBTHelper.decodeStackFromNBT(encodedStack);
if (decodedStack != null) {
if (EmcBlackList.getInstance().add(decodedStack)) {
LogHelper.info("[IMC] Mod '" + imcMessage.getSender() + "' added object '" + decodedStack.toString() + "' to the EMC blacklist");
else {
LogHelper.severe("[IMC] Mod '" + imcMessage.getSender() + "' attempted to add an object to the EMC blacklist that already existed");
private static void processRemoveBlackListMessage(IMCMessage imcMessage) {
NBTTagCompound encodedStack = imcMessage.getNBTValue();
CustomWrappedStack decodedStack = NBTHelper.decodeStackFromNBT(encodedStack);
if (decodedStack != null) {
if (EmcBlackList.getInstance().remove(decodedStack)) {
LogHelper.info("[IMC] Mod '" + imcMessage.getSender() + "' removed object '" + decodedStack.toString() + "' from the EMC blacklist");
else {
LogHelper.severe("[IMC] Mod '" + imcMessage.getSender() + "' attempted to remove an object to the EMC blacklist that was not present");
private static void processSetEmcValueMessage(IMCMessage imcMessage) {
// TODO Set an EMC Value via IMC