pahimar 16f8c09e32 Bump Forge version for the build script, break out the NBTHelpers to
their own helper.nbt package (because the classes are getting messy),
and starting work on cleaning up said classes
2013-10-29 15:49:16 -04:00

147 lines
6.9 KiB

package com.pahimar.ee3.core.handler;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import com.pahimar.ee3.core.helper.LogHelper;
import com.pahimar.ee3.core.helper.nbt.GeneralNBTHelper;
import com.pahimar.ee3.emc.EmcBlackList;
import com.pahimar.ee3.emc.EmcValue;
import com.pahimar.ee3.emc.EmcValuesIMC;
import com.pahimar.ee3.item.CustomWrappedStack;
import com.pahimar.ee3.item.crafting.RecipesIMC;
import com.pahimar.ee3.lib.InterModComms;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInterModComms.IMCEvent;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInterModComms.IMCMessage;
public class InterModCommsHandler {
// TODO Revisit logging levels and the use of String.format for logging messages
public static void processIMCMessages(IMCEvent event) {
for (IMCMessage imcMessage : event.getMessages()) {
if (imcMessage.getMessageType() == NBTTagCompound.class) {
if (imcMessage.key.equalsIgnoreCase(InterModComms.ADD_RECIPE)) {
else if (imcMessage.key.equalsIgnoreCase(InterModComms.ADD_BLACKLIST_ENTRY)) {
else if (imcMessage.key.equalsIgnoreCase(InterModComms.REMOVE_BLACKLIST_ENTRY)) {
else if (imcMessage.key.equalsIgnoreCase(InterModComms.ASSIGN_EMC_VALUE_PRE)) {
else if (imcMessage.key.equalsIgnoreCase(InterModComms.ASSIGN_EMC_VALUE_POST)) {
else {
LogHelper.severe("[IMC] Mod '" + imcMessage.getSender() + "' sent a message with key '" + imcMessage.key + "' with an invalid argument type (received " + imcMessage.getMessageType().getSimpleName() + ", expected NBTTagCompound)");
private static void processAddRecipeMessage(IMCMessage imcMessage) {
NBTTagCompound encodedRecipe = imcMessage.getNBTValue();
Map<CustomWrappedStack, List<CustomWrappedStack>> decodedRecipe = GeneralNBTHelper.decodeRecipeFromNBT(encodedRecipe);
if (!decodedRecipe.isEmpty()) {
for (CustomWrappedStack key : decodedRecipe.keySet()) {
RecipesIMC.addRecipe(key, decodedRecipe.get(key));
LogHelper.info("[IMC] Mod '" + imcMessage.getSender() + "' added recipe with output '" + key.toString() + "' and inputs '" + decodedRecipe.get(key) + "'");
else {
LogHelper.severe("[IMC] Mod '" + imcMessage.getSender() + "' attempting to add a NBT encoded recipe to the recipe registry, but the encoded recipe is invalid");
private static void processAddBlackListMessage(IMCMessage imcMessage) {
NBTTagCompound encodedStack = imcMessage.getNBTValue();
CustomWrappedStack decodedStack = GeneralNBTHelper.decodeStackFromNBT(encodedStack);
if (decodedStack != null) {
if (EmcBlackList.getInstance().add(decodedStack)) {
LogHelper.info("[IMC] Mod '" + imcMessage.getSender() + "' added object '" + decodedStack.toString() + "' to the EMC blacklist");
else {
LogHelper.severe("[IMC] Mod '" + imcMessage.getSender() + "' attempted to add an object to the EMC blacklist that already existed");
private static void processRemoveBlackListMessage(IMCMessage imcMessage) {
NBTTagCompound encodedStack = imcMessage.getNBTValue();
CustomWrappedStack decodedStack = GeneralNBTHelper.decodeStackFromNBT(encodedStack);
if (decodedStack != null) {
if (EmcBlackList.getInstance().remove(decodedStack)) {
LogHelper.info("[IMC] Mod '" + imcMessage.getSender() + "' removed object '" + decodedStack.toString() + "' from the EMC blacklist");
else {
LogHelper.severe("[IMC] Mod '" + imcMessage.getSender() + "' attempted to remove an object to the EMC blacklist that was not present");
private static void processPreAssignEmcValueMessage(IMCMessage imcMessage) {
// FIXME Not all methods of passing mappings work, and logging not 100% yet
NBTTagCompound encodedEmcValueMapping = imcMessage.getNBTValue();
Map<CustomWrappedStack, EmcValue> emcValueMapping = GeneralNBTHelper.decodeEmcValueMappings(encodedEmcValueMapping);
if (emcValueMapping != null && emcValueMapping.size() > 0) {
for (CustomWrappedStack stack : emcValueMapping.keySet()) {
EmcValue emcValue = emcValueMapping.get(stack);
if (stack.getWrappedStack() != null && emcValue != null && emcValue.getValue() > 0) {
EmcValuesIMC.addPreAssignedValued(stack, emcValue);
LogHelper.fine(String.format("[IMC] Mod '%s' added a pre auto assignment EmcValue of %s (%s) for object '%s'",imcMessage.getSender(), emcValue.getValue(), emcValue.toString(), stack));
else {
LogHelper.severe(String.format("[IMC] Mod '%s' failed in attempting to add a pre auto assignment EmcValue of %s (%s) for object '%s'",imcMessage.getSender(), emcValue.getValue(), emcValue.toString(), stack));
else {
LogHelper.severe(String.format("[IMC] Mod failed in attempting to add a pre auto assignment: %s", encodedEmcValueMapping));
private static void processPostAssignEmcValueMessage(IMCMessage imcMessage) {
NBTTagCompound encodedEmcValueMapping = imcMessage.getNBTValue();
Map<CustomWrappedStack, EmcValue> emcValueMapping = GeneralNBTHelper.decodeEmcValueMappings(encodedEmcValueMapping);
if (emcValueMapping != null && emcValueMapping.size() > 0) {
for (CustomWrappedStack stack : emcValueMapping.keySet()) {
EmcValue emcValue = emcValueMapping.get(stack);
if (stack.getWrappedStack() != null && emcValue != null && emcValue.getValue() > 0) {
EmcValuesIMC.addPostAssignedValued(stack, emcValue);
LogHelper.fine(String.format("[IMC] Mod '%s' added a post auto assignment EmcValue of %s (%s) for object '%s'",imcMessage.getSender(), emcValue.getValue(), emcValue.toString(), stack));
else {
LogHelper.severe(String.format("[IMC] Mod '%s' failed in attempting to add a post auto assignment EmcValue of %s (%s) for object '%s'",imcMessage.getSender(), emcValue.getValue(), emcValue.toString(), stack));