
191 lines
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package com.pahimar.ee3.exchange;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSortedMap;
import com.pahimar.ee3.api.exchange.EnergyValue;
import com.pahimar.ee3.util.EnergyValueHelper;
import com.pahimar.ee3.util.LogHelper;
import com.pahimar.ee3.util.SerializationHelper;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.MarkerManager;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
public class NewEnergyValueRegistry {
public static final NewEnergyValueRegistry INSTANCE = new NewEnergyValueRegistry();
private ImmutableSortedMap<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> energyValueMap;
// TODO Should we have API values and files loaded from file as separate maps (runtime vs file)
private final Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> preCalculationValueMap;
private final Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> postCalculationValueMap;
private transient SortedSet<WrappedStack> uncomputedStacks;
public static File energyValuesDirectory;
public static File energyValuesFile;
public static File preCalculationValuesFile;
public static File postCalculationValuesFile;
public static final Marker ENERGY_VALUE_MARKER = MarkerManager.getMarker("EE3_ENERGY_VALUE", LogHelper.MOD_MARKER);
private NewEnergyValueRegistry() {
ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> energyValueMapBuilder = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder();
energyValueMap = energyValueMapBuilder.build();
preCalculationValueMap = new TreeMap<>();
postCalculationValueMap = new TreeMap<>();
// Loading up some dummy values for testing serialization
preCalculationValueMap.put(WrappedStack.wrap(Items.apple), new EnergyValue(1));
preCalculationValueMap.put(WrappedStack.wrap(Items.arrow), new EnergyValue(2));
preCalculationValueMap.put(WrappedStack.wrap(Items.baked_potato), new EnergyValue(3));
preCalculationValueMap.put(WrappedStack.wrap(Items.bed), new EnergyValue(4));
preCalculationValueMap.put(WrappedStack.wrap(new OreStack("oreIron")), new EnergyValue(5));
preCalculationValueMap.put(WrappedStack.wrap(new FluidStack(FluidRegistry.WATER, 500)), new EnergyValue(6));
preCalculationValueMap.put(WrappedStack.wrap(new ItemStack(Items.carrot, 1, 1)), new EnergyValue(7));
preCalculationValueMap.put(WrappedStack.wrap(new ItemStack(Items.chainmail_boots, 1, 2)), new EnergyValue(8));
* Returns an {@link ImmutableMap} containing the current energy value mappings
* @return an {@link ImmutableMap} containing the current energy value mappings
public ImmutableMap<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> getEnergyValues() {
return energyValueMap;
* Returns a {@link Map} containing the pre-calculation energy value mappings
* @return a {link Map} containing the pre-calculation energy value mappings
public Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> getPreCalculationValueMap() {
return preCalculationValueMap;
* Returns a {@link Map} containing the post-calculation energy value mappings
* @return a {link Map} containing the post-calculation energy value mappings
public Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> getPostCalculationValueMap() {
return postCalculationValueMap;
* Sets an {@link EnergyValue} for the provided {@link Object} (if it can be wrapped in a {@link WrappedStack}.
* Depending on whether or not this is a pre-calculation value assignment it's also possible for the calculated
* energy value map to be recomputed to take into account the new mapping.
* @param object the object the energy value is being assigned for
* @param energyValue the energy value being set on the object
* @param isPreCalculationAssignment whether or not the calculated energy value assignment is a pre-calculation
* value assignment or not
* @param doRegenValues whether or not the energy value map needs recomputing. Only an option if
* <code>isPreCalculationAssignment</code> is true
public void set(Object object, EnergyValue energyValue, boolean isPreCalculationAssignment, boolean doRegenValues) {
if (WrappedStack.canBeWrapped(object) && energyValue != null && Float.compare(energyValue.getValue(), 0f) > 0) {
WrappedStack wrappedStack = WrappedStack.wrap(object, 1);
EnergyValue factoredEnergyValue = EnergyValueHelper.factor(energyValue, wrappedStack.getStackSize());
if (isPreCalculationAssignment) {
preCalculationValueMap.put(wrappedStack, factoredEnergyValue);
if (doRegenValues) {
// TODO Regen values
else {
TreeMap<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> valueMap = new TreeMap<>(energyValueMap);
valueMap.put(wrappedStack, energyValue);
ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> stackMappingsBuilder = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder();
energyValueMap = stackMappingsBuilder.putAll(valueMap).build();
postCalculationValueMap.put(wrappedStack, factoredEnergyValue);
public void compute() {
// TODO Should we load in values from file?
// Initialize the "working copy" energy value map
TreeMap<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> stackValueMap = new TreeMap<>();
uncomputedStacks = new TreeSet<>();
// Add in all pre-calculation energy value mappings
// TODO Should we be extra vigilant about possible nulls here?
// Calculate values from the known methods to create items, and the pre-calculation value mappings
// TODO Re-implement DynEMC here
// Add in all post-calculation energy value mappings
// TODO Should we be extra vigilant about possible nulls here?
// Bake the final calculated energy value map
ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> stackMappingsBuilder = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder();
energyValueMap = stackMappingsBuilder.build();
// TODO Should we save the results to file now?
* Saves the pre-calculation, post-calculation, and calculated energy value maps to disk
public void save() {
SerializationHelper.writeToJsonFile(energyValueMap, energyValuesFile);
SerializationHelper.writeToJsonFile(preCalculationValueMap, preCalculationValuesFile);
SerializationHelper.writeToJsonFile(postCalculationValueMap, postCalculationValuesFile);
* Loads the pre-calculation, post-calculation, and calculated energy value maps from disk. In the event that either
* the pre/post calculation maps can not be loaded from disk they will be initialized as empty maps. If the
* calculated energy value map can not be loaded from disk then the values will be computed from the pre/post
* calculation maps
public void load() {
try {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Log that no pre-calculation values were loaded from file because file wasn't found
try {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Log that no pre-calculation values were loaded from file because file wasn't found
try {
ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> energyValueMapBuilder = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder();
energyValueMap = energyValueMapBuilder.build();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
LogHelper.warn("No calculated energy value file found, regenerating");
// TODO Gen new values from the loaded pre/post value maps