# JMServer testing environment This directory contains a setup that can be used to run the JMServer for debugging. It contains a `docker-compose.yml` file which can run everything needed for JMServer in docker containers, and also a script to run JMServer configured to use these containers. ## How to use 1. Run `docker-compose up` in the testenv directory, and wait for all the containers to start. 2. Run the `debug_run.sh` shellscript which will start JMServer. ## Infos The docker compose file contains these containers: 1. A mariadb databse with a `jensmemes` user, who has the password `snens`. This database is set-up with the scheme and some example data. 2. A caddy HTTP server as a CDN. It serves just `/0/uff.png` as an example meme. 3. An adminer admin interface for mariadb, allowing easy inspection and modification of the database.