# Configuration file general { # Master Volume for all Backpack Items that play Sounds from IC2. Please do not change it. If you really want to then do a number between 0-1 D:"Backpack Sound Volume"=1.0 # If this config is true then you can use the ChargePad UpgradeKit on any side B:"ChargePads AnySide Upgrade"=false # Enables the Nei Plugin to add extra information to the Cropseeds which make it easier for you to Breed Crops B:"Crop Breeding Helper"=true # Disables Bronze Tools (Not wrench) and Armor for crafting/loot/CreativeTabs B:"Disable Bronze Tools"=false B:"Display All No IC2 ExpItems"=false # Allows you to Change the Electric Cost per Damage of the Armor D:"Electric Armor Cost Modifier"=1.0 # Balacing Config. Allows you to decrease/Increase the Quantum&Nano Armor Damage Absorbtion 1F = Standart (100% of their Capabilities) 0.1F or smaller (10% of their Capabilities) limit up does not exsist D:"Electric Armor Damage Absorbtion"=1.0 # Enables that Electric Damage (including the downsides) charges Electric Armor B:"Enable Electric Armor Ability"=true # Enables the Recipes for the Enriched Uranium B:"Enable Enriched Uranium"=true # Enables that ic2Exp plates get their classic ingot version in the oredictionary. It can break the balance with other mods. Enable at own choice. (Its there for a reason) B:"Enable Plates = Ingots"=false # Master Volume for all Items that play Sounds in your Hand from IC2. Please do not change it. If you really want to then do a number between 0-1 D:"Equippet Item Sound Volume"=1.0 # IC2 Keybinding Detection is active even if a gui is Open. (Flying while having Inv Open) set to true to dissable that B:"Gui Dissables Keybinding"=false # To make the Creation of Enriched Uran Rods harder B:"Harder Enriched Uran"=false # IC2 Easy mode is simply IC2 without explosions. But if you try to Overpower machines/Storages then they stop accepting power, some addons get effected by that maybe! B:"IC2 Easy Mode"=false B:"Ignore Waila Config"=false # Config for None IC2 Wrenches to be lossless Mode. By default disabled! B:"Lossless None IC2 Wrenches"=false S:"Magnetizer Boots Registry"=minecraft:golden_boots, minecraft:iron_boots, minecraft:chainmail_boots # Master Volume that you can change ingame. Please do not change it. If you really want to then do a number between 0-1 D:"Master Sound Volume"=0.5 # Sets the Max Ticks per Tick, Min: 10 I:"Max Reactor Planner Ticks"=1000 # This Counter Effects how long it can max take (it will be randomly shuffeld) that the wind is changing. Default: Every 5 Min (6000 Ticks) I:"Max Wind Change Delay"=6000 # The amount you get when you convert EU to RF I:RF_for_EU=4 # The amount you need to convert RF to EU I:RF_per_EU=40 # Every Recipe that would require Refined Iron now needs Steel, also effects addons. Keep that in mind B:"Steel Mode"=false # Master Volume for all Machines from IC2. Please do not change it. If you really want to then do a number between 0-1 D:"Tile Sound Volume"=1.0 # The Custom Wind Simulator calculates Windspeed definded on Random Caclulations You can effect the time how often it will change. B:"Use Custom Wind Simulator"=true # This allows you to setup your Block/ItemIDs by yourself. That is only a feature to prevent world corruption. Dissabled by default. (Forge will kill me for that) B:"enable ID selfcontroll"=false # Enable burning of scrap in a generator B:enableBurningScrap=true # Enable crafting of buckets out of tin B:enableCraftingBucket=true # Enable crafting of Industrial Credit coins B:enableCraftingCoin=true # Enable crafting of glowstone dust out of dusts B:enableCraftingGlowstoneDust=true # Enable crafting of gunpowder out of dusts B:enableCraftingGunpowder=true # Enable crafting of ITNT B:enableCraftingITnt=true # Enable crafting of nukes B:enableCraftingNuke=true # Enable crafting of rails out of bronze B:enableCraftingRail=true # Enable logging of players when they remove a machine using a wrench B:enableLoggingWrench=true # Enable usage of lapotron crystals on miners B:enableMinerLapotron=true # Enable activation of the quantum leggings' speed boost when sprinting instead of holding the boost key B:enableQuantumSpeedOnSprint=true # Enable hiding of secret recipes in CraftGuide/NEI B:enableSecretRecipeHiding=true # Enable calculation of inventory weight when going through a teleporter B:enableTeleporterInventory=true # Enable generation of copper in the world B:enableWorldGenOreCopper=true # Enable generation of tin in the world B:enableWorldGenOreTin=true # Enable generation of uranium in the world B:enableWorldGenOreUranium=true # Enable generation of rubber trees in the world B:enableWorldGenTreeRubber=true # Base energy generation values - increase those for higher energy yield I:energyGeneratorBase=10 I:energyGeneratorGeo=20 I:energyGeneratorNuclear=5 I:energyGeneratorSolar=100 I:energyGeneratorWater=100 I:energyGeneratorWind=100 # Explosion power of a nuke, where TNT is 4 S:explosionPowerNuke=35.0 # Maximum explosion power of a nuclear reactor, where TNT is 4 S:explosionPowerReactorMax=45.0 # Factor to adjust the ore generation rate S:oreDensityFactor=1.0 S:recyclerBlacklist=minecraft:glass_pane, minecraft:stick, minecraft:snowball, IC2:scaffold # Maximum number of audio sources, only change if you know what you're doing I:soundSourceLimit=32 # Enable sounds B:soundsEnabled=true # List of valuable ores the miner should look for. Comma separated, format is id-metadata:value (id can be a number or a Block name) where value should be at least 1 to be considered by the miner S:valuableOres= } idsettings { I:"Block Start ID"=3500 I:"Item StartID"=5000 } modules { B:Baubles=true B:BuildCraft=true B:CraftingGuide=true B:NotEnoughItems=true B:NotEnoughResources=true B:ProjectE=true B:RedstoneFlux=true B:Thaumcraft=true B:TinkersConstruct=true B:Waila=true B:WrenchPlugin=true B:appliedenergistics2=false }