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package ley.anvil.modpacktools.util.manifest
import ley.anvil.addonscript.curse.ManifestJSON
import ley.anvil.addonscript.wrapper.ASWrapper
* Converts a AS file to a twitch manifest
* @param addonscript the file to convert
* @param shouldAddLink if a link for a given relation should be added, does not get called if the relations is a curseforge artifact
fun convertAStoManifest(addonscript: ASWrapper, shouldAddLink: (ASWrapper.RelationWrapper) -> Boolean = {true}): ManifestLinksPair {
val ml = ManifestLinksPair()
val ver = addonscript.defaultVersion
val manifest = ManifestJSON()
val mcv = ver.version!!.mcversion[0]
manifest.minecraft = ManifestJSON.Minecraft()
manifest.minecraft.version = mcv
manifest.minecraft.modLoaders = mutableListOf()
manifest.files = mutableListOf()
manifest.manifestType = "minecraftModpack"
manifest.manifestVersion = 1
manifest.name = addonscript.json.meta!!.name ?: addonscript.json.id
manifest.version = ver.versionName
manifest.author = addonscript.json!!.meta!!.contributors[0].name
for(rel in ver.getRelations(arrayOf("client"), null)) {
if(rel.isModloader) {
if(rel.relation.id == "forge") {
val forge = ManifestJSON.Modloader()
forge.primary = true
forge.id = "forge-" + rel.versions.latestKnown
} else {
println("Curse only allows Forge as a modloader. ${rel.relation.id} is not allowed!")
} else if(rel.hasFile()) {
val file = rel.file
//TODO deduplicate this
if(file.file.installer == "internal.jar") {
println("internal.jar is not supported on Curse")
} else if(file.isArtifact && file.artifact.isCurseforge) {
val art = file.artifact
val f = ManifestJSON.File()
f.fileID = art.fileID
f.projectID = art.projectID
f.required = "required" in rel.options
} else if(shouldAddLink(rel)) {
ml.links[file.get()] = file.file.installer
for(file in ver.getFiles(arrayOf("client", "required"), null)) {
if(file.file.installer == "internal.jar") {
println("internal.jar is not supported on Curse")
} else if(file.isArtifact) {
val art = file.artifact
if(art.isCurseforge) {
val f = ManifestJSON.File()
f.fileID = art.fileID
f.projectID = art.projectID
f.required = true
} else {
ml.links[file.get()] = file.file.installer
ml.manifest = manifest
return ml