# Done to increase the memory available to gradle. org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1G # tell architectury loom that this project is a forge project. # this will enable us to use the "forge" dependency. # using archloom without this is possible and will give you a # "standard" loom installation with some extra features. loom.platform=forge # Base properties # minecraft version minecraft_version=1.18.2 # forge version, latest version can be found on https://files.minecraftforge.net/ forge_version=1.18.2-40.2.1 # yarn, latest version can be found on https://fabricmc.net/develop/ yarn_mappings=1.18.2+build.4 # Mod Properties mod_version=1.3.0 maven_group=net.anvilcraft.ntx4core archives_base_name=ntx4core mod_id=ntx4core mod_author=LordMZTE