package covers1624.powerconverters.api.registry; import java.util.HashMap; import covers1624.powerconverters.util.LogHelper; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader; public class PowerSystemRegistry { private static HashMap powerSystems = new HashMap(); private static int nextPowerSystemId = 0; public static PowerSystem createNewPowerSystem( String name, String abbreviation, int scaleAmmount, String[] voltageNames, int[] voltageValues, String unit ) { return new PowerSystem( name, abbreviation, scaleAmmount, voltageNames, voltageValues, unit ); } public static void registerPowerSystem(PowerSystem powerSystem) { registerPowerSystem(powerSystem, nextPowerSystemId, true); ++nextPowerSystemId; } public static void registerPowerSystem(PowerSystem powerSystem, int id, boolean force) { if (powerSystems.get(id) == null) { = id; powerSystems.put(id, powerSystem); } else { LogHelper.trace( "PowerSystem allready Registered %s and %s is trying to be registered. It is recomended that you let the mod decide what to do here.", ((PowerSystem) powerSystems.get(id)).getName(), powerSystem.getName() ); if (force) { LogHelper.warn( "Mod %s is forcing that PowerSystem id %s equals %s THIS MAY BREAK ALL FUNCTIONALITY!", Loader.instance().activeModContainer().getModId(), String.valueOf(id), powerSystem.getName() ); powerSystems.remove(id); = id; powerSystems.put(id, powerSystem); } } } public static void unregisterPowerSystem(int id) { if (powerSystems.containsKey(id)) { LogHelper.warn( "Someone is trying to remove PowerSystem %s THIS MAY BREAK ALL FUNCTIONALITY!", ((PowerSystem) powerSystems.get(id)).getName() ); powerSystems.remove(id); } } public static PowerSystem getPowerSystemById(int id) { return (PowerSystem) powerSystems.get(id); } public static class PowerSystem { private String abbreviation; private String name; private int scaleAmmount; private String[] voltageNames; private int[] voltageValues; private String unit; private int id; private boolean consumerDissabled; private boolean producerDissabled; public PowerSystem( String name, String abbreviation, int scaleAmmount, String unit ) { this(name, abbreviation, scaleAmmount, (String[]) null, (int[]) null, unit); } public PowerSystem( String name, String abbreviation, int scaleAmmount, String unit, boolean consumerDissabled, boolean producerDissabled ) { this( name, abbreviation, scaleAmmount, (String[]) null, (int[]) null, unit, consumerDissabled, producerDissabled ); } public PowerSystem( String name, String abbreviation, int scaleAmmount, String[] voltageNames, int[] voltageValues, String unit ) { this.consumerDissabled = false; this.producerDissabled = false; = name; this.abbreviation = abbreviation; this.scaleAmmount = scaleAmmount; this.voltageNames = voltageNames; this.voltageValues = voltageValues; this.unit = unit; } public PowerSystem( String name, String abbreviation, int scaleAmmount, String[] voltageNames, int[] voltageValues, String unit, boolean consumerDissabled, boolean producerDissabled ) { this.consumerDissabled = false; this.producerDissabled = false; = name; this.abbreviation = abbreviation; this.scaleAmmount = scaleAmmount; this.voltageNames = voltageNames; this.voltageValues = voltageValues; this.unit = unit; this.consumerDissabled = consumerDissabled; this.producerDissabled = producerDissabled; } public String getName() { return; } public String getAbbreviation() { return this.abbreviation; } public String[] getVoltageNames() { return this.voltageNames; } public int[] getVoltageValues() { return this.voltageValues; } public int getScaleAmmount() { return this.scaleAmmount; } public String getUnit() { return this.unit; } public int getId() { return; } public boolean consumerDissabled() { return this.consumerDissabled; } public boolean producerDissabled() { return this.producerDissabled; } public PowerSystem setProducerState(boolean state) { this.producerDissabled = state; return this; } public PowerSystem setConsumerState(boolean state) { this.consumerDissabled = state; return this; } } }