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package ic2.api.item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
* Provides access to IC2 blocks and items.
* Some items can be acquired through the ore dictionary which is the recommended way. The items are
* initialized while IC2 is being loaded - try to use ModsLoaded() or load your mod after IC2. Some
* blocks/items can be disabled by a config setting, so it's recommended to check if they're null
* first.
* Getting the associated Block/Item for an ItemStack x: Blocks: Block.blocksList[x.itemID] Items:
* x.getItem()
public final class Items
* Get an ItemStack for a specific item name, example: Items.getItem("resin") See the list below
* for item names. Make sure to copy() the ItemStack if you want to modify it.
* @param name item name
* @return The item or null if the item does not exist or an error occurred
public static ItemStack getItem(String name)
if (Ic2Items == null)
Ic2Items = Class.forName(getPackage() + ".core.Ic2Items");
Object ret = Ic2Items.getField(name).get(null);
if (ret instanceof ItemStack)
return (ItemStack) ret;
return null;
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("IC2 API: Call getItem failed for " + name);
return null;
* Possible values:
* ----- blocks -----
* ores copperOre Copper Ore block, currently not meta sensitive, meta in ItemStack set to 0,
* ore dictionary: oreCopper, null with enableWorldGenOreCopper=false tinOre Tin Ore block,
* currently not meta sensitive, meta in ItemStack set to 0, ore dictionary: oreTin, null with
* enableWorldGenOreTin=false uraniumOre Tin Ore block, currently not meta sensitive, meta in
* ItemStack set to 0, ore dictionary: oreUranium, null with enableWorldGenOreUranium=false
* rubber related Rubber wood block, meta reflects the state, meta in ItemStack set to 0, ore
* dictionary: woodRubber (with meta 0), null with enableWorldGenTreeRubber=false dropped (as an
* item) -> metadata 0 block, no resin spot -> metadata 0 or 1 block, wet resin spot -> metadata
* 2-5 (according to the side) block, dry resin spot -> metadata 8-11 (wet state + 6)
* rubberWood rubberLeaves Rubber Leaves block, currently not meta sensitive, meta in ItemStack
* set to 0, null with enableWorldGenTreeRubber=false rubberSapling Rubber Sapling block,
* currently not meta sensitive, meta in ItemStack set to 0, null with
* enableWorldGenTreeRubber=false resinSheet Resin Sheet block, currently not meta sensitive
* rubberTrampoline Rubber Trampoline block, meta reflects internal state, meta in ItemStack set
* to 0
* building/storage ironFence Iron Fence block, currently not meta sensitive
* reinforcedStone Reinforced Stone block, currently not meta sensitive reinforcedGlass
* Reinforced Glass block, currently not meta sensitive reinforcedDoorBlock Reinforced Door
* block, meta reflects the state (see vanilla doors), meta in ItemStack set to 0
* constructionFoam Construction Foam block, currently not meta sensitive constructionFoamWall
* Construction Foam Wall block, meta = color, implements IPaintableBlock scaffold Scaffold
* block, meta reflects internal physical model data
* bronzeBlock Bronze block, meta sensitive copperBlock Copper block, meta sensitive tinBlock
* Tin block, meta sensitive uraniumBlock Uranium block, meta sensitive
* cables (when placed as a block, inventory items are different TE implements IEnergyConductor)
* copperCableBlock Copper Cable block, meta sensitive insulatedCopperCableBlock Insulated
* Copper Cable block, meta sensitive
* goldCableBlock Gold Cable block, meta sensitive insulatedGoldCableBlock Insulated Gold Cable
* block, meta sensitive doubleInsulatedGoldCableBlock Double Insulated Gold Cable block, meta
* sensitive
* ironCableBlock Iron Cable block, meta sensitive insulatedIronCableBlock Insulated Iron Cable
* block, meta sensitive doubleInsulatedIronCableBlock Double Insulated Iron Cable block, meta
* sensitive trippleInsulatedIronCableBlock Tripple Insulated Iron Cable block, meta sensitive
* glassFiberCableBlock Glass Fiber Cable block, meta sensitive
* tinCableBlock Tin Cable block, meta sensitive
* detectorCableBlock Detector Cable block, meta sensitive splitterCableBlock Splitter Cable
* block, meta sensitive
* generators + related (TE implements IEnergySource ex. reactorChamber) generator Generator
* block, meta sensitive geothermalGenerator Geothermal Generator block, meta sensitive
* waterMill Water Mill block, meta sensitive solarPanel Solar Panel block, meta sensitive
* windMill Wind Mill block, meta sensitive nuclearReactor Nuclear Reactor block, meta sensitive
* reactorChamber Reactor Chamber block, currently not meta sensitive
* energy storages (TE implements IEnergySource and IEnergyConductor) batBox BatBox block, meta
* sensitive mfeUnit MFE Unit block, meta sensitive mfsUnit MFS Unit block, meta sensitive
* transformers (TE implements IEnergySource and IEnergyConductor) lvTransformer LV Transformer
* block, meta sensitive mvTransformer MV Transformer block, meta sensitive hvTransformer HV
* Transformer block, meta sensitive
* machines + related (TE implements IEnergySink ex. machine, miningPipe, miningPipeTip) machine
* Machine block, meta sensitive advancedMachine Advanced Machine block, meta sensitive
* ironFurnace Iron Furnace block, meta sensitive electroFurnace Electro Furnace block, meta
* sensitive macerator Macerator block, meta sensitive extractor Extractor block, meta sensitive
* compressor Compressor block, meta sensitive canner Canner block, meta sensitive miner Miner
* block, meta sensitive pump Pump block, meta sensitive magnetizer Magnetizer block, meta
* sensitive electrolyzer Electrolyzer block, meta sensitive recycler Recycler block, meta
* sensitive inductionFurnace Induction Furnace block, meta sensitive massFabricator Mass
* Fabricator block, meta sensitive terraformer Terraformer block, meta sensitive teleporter
* Teleporter block, meta sensitive teslaCoil Tesla Coil block, meta sensitive luminator Passive
* (dark) Luminator block, meta = facing activeLuminator Active (bright) Luminator block, meta =
* facing
* miningPipe Mining Pipe block, currently not meta sensitive, meta in ItemStack set to 0
* miningPipeTip Mining Pipe Tip block, currently not meta sensitive, meta in ItemStack set to 0
* personal blocks personalSafe Personal Safe block, meta sensitive tradeOMat Trade-O-Mat block,
* meta sensitive energyOMat Energy-O-Mat block, meta sensitive
* explosives industrialTnt Industrial TNT block, currently not meta sensitive nuke Nuke block,
* currently not meta sensitive dynamiteStick Dynamite Stick block, meta = placement, meta in
* ItemStack set to 0 dynamiteStickWithRemote Dynamite Stick with Remote block, meta =
* placement, meta in ItemStack set to 0
* Agriculture Stuff crop Crop Block, empty, not meta sensitive
* ----- items -----
* rubber + related resin Resin item, currently not meta sensitive rubber Rubber item, currently
* not meta sensitive, ore dictionary: itemRubber
* ore drops uraniumDrop Uranium Drop item, currently not meta sensitive, ore dictionary:
* itemDropUranium
* dusts bronzeDust Bronze Dust item, currently not meta sensitive clayDust Clay Dust item,
* currently not meta sensitive coalDust Coal Dust item, currently not meta sensitive copperDust
* Copper Dust item, currently not meta sensitive goldDust Gold Dust item, currently not meta
* sensitive ironDust Iron Dust item, currently not meta sensitive silverDust Silver Dust item,
* currently not meta sensitive smallIronDust Small Iron Dust item, currently not meta sensitive
* tinDust Tin Dust item, currently not meta sensitive hydratedCoalDust Hydrated Coal Dust item,
* currently not meta sensitive
* ingots refinedIronIngot Refined Iron Ingot item, currently not meta sensitive, ore
* dictionary: ingotRefinedIron copperIngot Copper Ingot item, currently not meta sensitive, ore
* dictionary: ingotCopper tinIngot Tin Ingot item, currently not meta sensitive, ore
* dictionary: ingotTin bronzeIngot Bronze Ingot item, currently not meta sensitive, ore
* dictionary: ingotBronze mixedMetalIngot Mixed Metal Ingot item, currently not meta sensitive
* uraniumIngot Uranium Ingot item, currently not meta sensitive, ore dictionary: ingotUranium
* tools/weapons (without electric tools) treetap Treetap item, meta = damage value wrench
* Wrench item, meta = damage value cutter Insulation Cutter item, meta = damage value
* constructionFoamSprayer Construction Foam Sprayer item, meta = charges (as of v1.45)
* bronzePickaxe Bronze Pickaxe item, meta = damage value bronzeAxe Bronze Axe item, meta =
* damage value bronzeSword Bronze Sword item, meta = damage value bronzeShovel Bronze Shovel
* item, meta = damage value bronzeHoe Bronze Hoe item, meta = damage value
* el. tools/devices/weapons miningDrill Mining Drill item, meta = visual charge indicator,
* implements IElectricItem diamondDrill Diamond Tipped Mining Drill item, meta = visual charge
* indicator, implements IElectricItem chainsaw Chainsaw item, meta = visual charge indicator,
* implements IElectricItem electricWrench Electric Wrench item, meta = visual charge indicator,
* implements IElectricItem electricTreetap Electric Treetap item, meta = visual charge
* indicator, implements IElectricItem miningLaser Mining Laser item, meta = visual charge
* indicator, implements IElectricItem
* ecMeter EC-Mater item, currently not meta sensitive odScanner Ore Density Scanner item, meta
* = damage value for charge level, implements IElectricItem ovScanner Ore Value Scanner item,
* meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
* frequencyTransmitter Frequency Transmitter item, currently not meta sensitive
* nanoSaber Idle Nano Saber item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
* enabledNanoSaber Enabled Nano Saber item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements
* IElectricItem
* armor/wearable rubberBoots Rubber Boots item, meta = damage value
* bronzeHelmet Bronze Helmet Armor item, meta = damage value bronzeChestplate Bronze Chestplate
* Armor item, meta = damage value bronzeLeggings Bronze Leggings Armor item, meta = damage
* value bronzeBoots Bronze Boots Armor item, meta = damage value
* compositeArmor Composite Armor item, meta = damage value for charge level
* nanoHelmet Nano Helmet Armor item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
* nanoBodyarmor Nano Bodyarmor item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
* nanoLeggings Nano Leggings Armor item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements
* IElectricItem nanoBoots Nano Boots Armor item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements
* IElectricItem
* quantumHelmet Quantum Helmet Armor item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements
* IElectricItem quantumBodyarmor Quantum Bodyarmor item, meta = visual charge indicator,
* implements IElectricItem quantumLeggings Quantum Leggings Armor item, meta = visual charge
* indicator, implements IElectricItem quantumBoots Quantum Boots Armor item, meta = visual
* charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
* jetpack Jetpack item, meta = damage value for fuel level electricJetpack Electric Jetpack
* item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
* batPack BatPack item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem, can provide
* energy lapPack LapPack item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem, can
* provide energy
* cfPack CF Pack item, meta = charges (as of v1.45)
* solarHelmet Solar Helmet item, currently not meta sensitive staticBoots Static Boots item,
* currently not meta sensitive
* batteries reBattery Empty RE Battery item, currently not meta sensitive, implements
* IElectricItem chargedReBattery RE Battery item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements
* IElectricItem, can provide energy energyCrystal Energy Crystal item, meta = visual charge
* indicator, implements IElectricItem, can provide energy lapotronCrystal Lapotron Crystal
* item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem, can provide energy suBattery
* SU Battery item, currently not meta sensitive
* cables copperCableItem Copper Cable item, meta sensitive insulatedCopperCableItem Insulated
* Copper Cable item, meta sensitive
* goldCableItem Gold Cable item, meta sensitive insulatedGoldCableItem Insulated Gold Cable
* item, meta sensitive doubleInsulatedGoldCableItem Double Insulated Gold Cable item, meta
* sensitive
* ironCableItem Iron Cable item, meta sensitive insulatedIronCableItem Insulated Iron Cable
* item, meta sensitive doubleInsulatedIronCableItem Double Insulated Iron Cable item, meta
* sensitive trippleInsulatedIronCableItem Tripple Insulated Iron Cable item, meta sensitive
* glassFiberCableItem Glass Fiber Cable item, meta sensitive
* tinCableItem Tin Cable item, meta sensitive
* detectorCableItem Detector Cable item, meta sensitive splitterCableItem Splitter Cable item,
* meta sensitive
* cells/containers (without reactor components) cell Empty Cell item, currently not meta
* sensitive lavaCell Lava Cell item, currently not meta sensitive hydratedCoalCell Hydrated
* Coal Cell item, currently not meta sensitive bioCell Bio Cell item, currently not meta
* sensitive coalfuelCell Coalfuel Cell item, currently not meta sensitive biofuelCell Biofuel
* Cell item, currently not meta sensitive waterCell Water Cell item, currently not meta
* sensitive electrolyzedWaterCell Electrolyzed Water Cell item, currently not meta sensitive
* fuelCan Empty Fuel Can item, currently not meta sensitive filledFuelCan Fuel Can item, meta =
* fuel value (as of v1.45)
* tinCan Empty Tin Can item, currently not meta sensitive filledTinCan Filled Tin Can item,
* currently not meta sensitive
* reactor components uraniumCell Uranium Cell item, meta = damage value coolingCell Cooling
* Cell item, meta = damage value
* depletedIsotopeCell Depleted Isotope Cell item, meta = damage value reEnrichedUraniumCell
* Re-Enriched Uranium Cell item, currently not meta sensitive nearDepletedUraniumCell
* Near-Depleted Uranium Cell item, currently not meta sensitive
* integratedReactorPlating Integrated Reactor Plating item, meta = damage value
* integratedHeatDisperser Integrated Heat Disperser item, meta = damage value
* terraformer blueprints terraformerBlueprint Empty Terraformer Blueprint item, currently not
* meta sensitive cultivationTerraformerBlueprint Cultivation Terraformer Blueprint item,
* currently not meta sensitive irrigationTerraformerBlueprint Irrigation Terraformer Blueprint
* item, currently not meta sensitive chillingTerraformerBlueprint Chilling Terraformer
* Blueprint item, currently not meta sensitive desertificationTerraformerBlueprint
* Desertification Terraformer Blueprint item, currently not meta sensitive
* flatificatorTerraformerBlueprint Flatificator Terraformer Blueprint item, currently not meta
* sensitive mushroomTerraformerBlueprint Mushroom Terraformer Blueprint item, currently not
* meta sensitive
* diamond chain coalBall Coal Ball item, currently not meta sensitive compressedCoalBall
* Compressed Coal Ball item, currently not meta sensitive coalChunk Coal Chunk item, currently
* not meta sensitive industrialDiamond Industrial Diamond item, currently not meta sensitive,
* recycler chain scrap Scrap item, currently not meta sensitive scrapBox Scrap Box item,
* currently not meta sensitive
* fuel production chain hydratedCoalClump Hydrated Coal Clump item, currently not meta
* sensitive plantBall Plant Ball item, currently not meta sensitive compressedPlantBall
* Compressed Plant Ball item, currently not meta sensitive
* painting painter Painter item, currently not meta sensitive
* blackPainter Black Painter item, meta = damage value redPainter Red Painter item, meta =
* damage value greenPainter Green Painter item, meta = damage value brownPainter Brown Painter
* item, meta = damage value bluePainter Blue Painter item, meta = damage value purplePainter
* Purple Painter item, meta = damage value cyanPainter Cyan Painter item, meta = damage value
* lightGreyPainter Light Grey Painter item, meta = damage value darkGreyPainter Dark Grey
* Painter item, meta = damage value pinkPainter Pink Painter item, meta = damage value
* limePainter Lime Painter item, meta = damage value yellowPainter Yellow Painter item, meta =
* damage value cloudPainter Cloud Painter item, meta = damage value magentaPainter Magenta
* Painter item, meta = damage value orangePainter Orange Painter item, meta = damage value
* whitePainter White Painter item, meta = damage value
* explosives + related dynamite Throwable Dynamite item, currently not meta sensitive
* stickyDynamite Throwable Sticky Dynamite item, currently not meta sensitive
* remote Dynamite Remote item, currently not meta sensitive
* misc intermediate recipe ingredients electronicCircuit Electronic Circuit item, currently not
* meta sensitive advancedCircuit Advanced Circuit item, currently not meta sensitive
* advancedAlloy Advanced Alloy item, currently not meta sensitive
* carbonFiber Raw Carbon Fiber item, currently not meta sensitive carbonMesh Raw Carbon Mesh
* item, currently not meta sensitive carbonPlate Carbon Plate item, currently not meta
* sensitive
* matter UU-Matter item, currently not meta sensitive iridiumOre Iridium Ore item, currently
* not meta sensitive iridiumPlate Iridium Plate item, currently not meta sensitive
* upgrade modules overclockerUpgrade overclocker upgrade item, meta sensitive
* transformerUpgrade transformer upgrade item, meta sensitive energyStorageUpgrade energy
* storage upgrade item, meta sensitive
* misc coin Coin item, currently not meta sensitive reinforcedDoor Reinforced Door item,
* currently not meta sensitive constructionFoamPellet Construction Foam Pellet item, currently
* not meta sensitive cropSeed Crop seeds, stuff stored in NBT, don't use for crafting recipes!
* cropnalyzer Cropnalyzer handheld device fertilizer Basic IC2Item, used to provide nutrients
* toCropBlocks hydratingCell Cell used to hydrate Crops, meta = Content, 0 = Full, 9999 = Near
* empty electricHoe Electric Hoe, meta = charge level solarHelmet Solar Helmet item, currently
* not meta sensitive terraWart Terra Wart item, cures potion effects weedEx Weed-EX can, meta =
* uses left
* Get the base IC2 package name, used internally.
* @return IC2 package name, if unable to be determined defaults to ic2
private static String getPackage()
Package pkg = Items.class.getPackage();
if (pkg != null)
String packageName = pkg.getName();
return packageName.substring(0, packageName.length() - ".api.item".length());
return "ic2";
private static Class<?> Ic2Items;