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package resonantinduction.mechanical.gear;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import resonant.api.grid.INodeProvider;
import resonantinduction.core.interfaces.IMechanicalNode;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.gearshaft.PartGearShaft;
import codechicken.lib.vec.Rotation;
import codechicken.multipart.TMultiPart;
import codechicken.multipart.TileMultipart;
* Node for the gear
* @author Calclavia, Edited by: Darkguardsman
public class GearNode extends MechanicalNode
public GearNode(PartGear parent)
protected PartGear gear()
return (PartGear) this.getParent();
public void onUpdate()
if (!gear().getMultiBlock().isPrimary())
torque = 0;
angularVelocity = 0;
if (gear().tier == 10)
torque = 100;
angularVelocity = 100;
public double getTorqueLoad()
// Decelerate the gear based on tier.
switch (gear().tier)
return 0.3;
case 1:
return 0.2;
case 2:
return 0.1;
case 10:
return 0;
public double getAngularVelocityLoad()
// Decelerate the gear based on tier.
switch (gear().tier)
return 0.03;
case 1:
return 0.02;
case 2:
return 0.01;
case 10:
return 0;
public void recache()
synchronized (this)
/** Only call refresh if this is the main block of a multiblock gear or a single gear block. */
if (!gear().getMultiBlock().isPrimary() || world() == null)
/** Look for gears that are back-to-back with this gear. Equate torque. */
TileEntity tileBehind = new universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3(gear().tile()).translate(gear().placementSide).getTileEntity(world());
if (tileBehind instanceof INodeProvider)
MechanicalNode instance = (MechanicalNode) ((INodeProvider) tileBehind).getNode(MechanicalNode.class, gear().placementSide.getOpposite());
if (instance != null && instance != this && !(instance.getParent() instanceof PartGearShaft) && instance.canConnect(gear().placementSide.getOpposite(), this))
getConnections().put(instance, gear().placementSide);
/** Look for gears that are internal and adjacent to this gear. (The 4 sides + the internal
* center) */
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
ForgeDirection checkDir = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(i);
TileEntity tile = gear().tile();
if (gear().getMultiBlock().isConstructed() && checkDir != gear().placementSide && checkDir != gear().placementSide.getOpposite())
tile = new universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3(gear().tile()).translate(checkDir).getTileEntity(world());
if (tile instanceof INodeProvider)
/** If we're checking for the block that is opposite to the gear's placement side
* (the center), then we try to look for a gear shaft in the center. */
MechanicalNode instance = (MechanicalNode) ((INodeProvider) tile).getNode(MechanicalNode.class, checkDir == gear().placementSide.getOpposite() ? ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN : checkDir);
if (!getConnections().containsValue(checkDir) && instance != this && checkDir != gear().placementSide && instance != null && instance.canConnect(checkDir.getOpposite(), this))
getConnections().put(instance, checkDir);
int displaceCheck = 1;
if (gear().getMultiBlock().isPrimary() && gear().getMultiBlock().isConstructed())
displaceCheck = 2;
/** Look for gears outside this block space, the relative UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT */
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
ForgeDirection checkDir = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(Rotation.rotateSide(gear().placementSide.ordinal(), i));
TileEntity checkTile = new universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3(gear().tile()).translate(checkDir, displaceCheck).getTileEntity(world());
if (!getConnections().containsValue(checkDir) && checkTile instanceof INodeProvider)
MechanicalNode instance = (MechanicalNode) ((INodeProvider) checkTile).getNode(MechanicalNode.class, gear().placementSide);
if (instance != null && instance != this && instance.canConnect(checkDir.getOpposite(), this) && !(instance.getParent() instanceof PartGearShaft))
getConnections().put(instance, checkDir);
* Can this gear be connected BY the source?
* @param from - Direction source is coming from.
* @param with - The source of the connection.
* @return True is so.
public boolean canConnect(ForgeDirection from, Object with)
if (!gear().getMultiBlock().isPrimary())
return false;
if (with instanceof MechanicalNode)
INodeProvider parent = ((MechanicalNode) with).getParent();
/** Check for flat connections (gear face on gear face) to make sure it's actually on
* this gear block. */
if (from == gear().placementSide.getOpposite())
if (parent instanceof PartGear || parent instanceof PartGearShaft)
if (parent instanceof PartGearShaft)
PartGearShaft shaft = (PartGearShaft) parent;
return shaft.tile().partMap(from.getOpposite().ordinal()) == gear() && Math.abs(shaft.placementSide.offsetX) == Math.abs(gear().placementSide.offsetX) && Math.abs(shaft.placementSide.offsetY) == Math.abs(gear().placementSide.offsetY) && Math.abs(shaft.placementSide.offsetZ) == Math.abs(gear().placementSide.offsetZ);
else if (parent instanceof PartGear)
if (((PartGear) parent).tile() == gear().tile() && !gear().getMultiBlock().isConstructed())
return true;
if (((PartGear) parent).placementSide != gear().placementSide)
TMultiPart part = gear().tile().partMap(((PartGear) parent).placementSide.ordinal());
if (part instanceof PartGear)
/** Case when we connect gears via edges internally. Large gear
* attempt to connect to small gear. */
PartGear sourceGear = (PartGear) part;
if (sourceGear.isCenterMultiBlock() && !sourceGear.getMultiBlock().isPrimary())
// For large gear to small gear on edge connection.
return true;
/** Small gear attempting to connect to large gear. */
if (gear().getMultiBlock().isConstructed())
TMultiPart checkPart = ((PartGear) parent).tile().partMap(gear().placementSide.ordinal());
if (checkPart instanceof PartGear)
ForgeDirection requiredDirection = ((PartGear) checkPart).getPosition().subtract(position()).toForgeDirection();
return ((PartGear) checkPart).isCenterMultiBlock() && ((PartGear) parent).placementSide == requiredDirection;
/** Face to face stick connection. */
TileEntity sourceTile = position().translate(from.getOpposite()).getTileEntity(world());
if (sourceTile instanceof INodeProvider)
MechanicalNode sourceInstance = (MechanicalNode) ((INodeProvider) sourceTile).getNode(MechanicalNode.class, from);
return sourceInstance == with;
else if (from == gear().placementSide)
/** Face to face stick connection. */
TileEntity sourceTile = position().translate(from).getTileEntity(world());
if (sourceTile instanceof INodeProvider)
MechanicalNode sourceInstance = (MechanicalNode) ((INodeProvider) sourceTile).getNode(MechanicalNode.class, from.getOpposite());
return sourceInstance == with;
TileEntity destinationTile = ((MechanicalNode) with).position().translate(from.getOpposite()).getTileEntity(world());
if (destinationTile instanceof INodeProvider && destinationTile instanceof TileMultipart)
TMultiPart destinationPart = ((TileMultipart) destinationTile).partMap(gear().placementSide.ordinal());
if (destinationPart instanceof PartGear)
if (gear() != destinationPart)
return ((PartGear) destinationPart).isCenterMultiBlock();
return true;
return true;
return false;
public float getRatio(ForgeDirection dir, IMechanicalNode with)
universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3 deltaPos = with.position().subtract(position());
boolean caseX = gear().placementSide.offsetX != 0 && deltaPos.y == 0 && deltaPos.z == 0;
boolean caseY = gear().placementSide.offsetY != 0 && deltaPos.x == 0 && deltaPos.z == 0;
boolean caseZ = gear().placementSide.offsetZ != 0 && deltaPos.x == 0 && deltaPos.y == 0;
if (caseX || caseY || caseZ)
return super.getRatio(dir, with);
return gear().getMultiBlock().isConstructed() ? 1.5f : super.getRatio(dir, with);