Cleaned up design notes

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DarkGuardsman 2013-10-09 18:42:22 -04:00
parent bfdc1d2e03
commit 30329c6b51
3 changed files with 6 additions and 13 deletions

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Coal generator Simple single block generator that uses coal to generate up to 1KW of power a tick Fuel Generator Same idea of coal generator but uses diffrent fuels to generator power Battery Box Simple yet expandable machine. Stores power threw batteries stored with in the device. The player can expand the battery box by adding more batteries. As well is collective networked to allow for shared power. Electric Furnace Simple furnace that uses electric heater to smelt its. Does offer the benifit of faster cook time and varable power expendature. Ore take more to smelt, dusts less, and food even less. Another option for this is to provide an overrided version of the furnace to allow it to be upgraded into a prototype electric furnace.

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@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
This is not a new mod but rather a combination of a few mods. Assembly line, Fluid Mechanics, Steam Power, and the Dark Core.
The Core Machine
This originally started as a library for all my mods to share to cut down on code. As well provide a group API, and classes to work out of. The design now is to work it into a mod that provides very basic machine, item, and ore support. That way all my mods will have what they need in order to be used by the player. However, after 1.7 i plan to rework this back into a lib that will simpley be downloaded by each mod during run time. That way i remove the need for the core mod. As for the machines, ores, and items they will most likely become a mod of there own.
It has become an issue when i implemented the Dark-Library in a few of my mods that api conflicts were happening. I could fix this by injected the Library into minecraft, or creating a core.jar for the MC-Lib folder. However, to solve the issue of this and remove the issue of version diffrences i'm turing a few mods into a mod set/series. This will act just like buildcraft, redpower, and mekanism. All parts will need to core to function however each part is not dependent on the next part. This will allow people to keep using my mods as long as they have the core. It also removes the need for basic components, or another mod to ores.
Mainly i was running into so many issues with each mod having the same Lib files inside it. So my options were either make a lib downloader, make a coremod, or make a mod core. Since make a mod core is simplier i decided to go with that. Though i plan to later make a lib downloader to support both my own libs, and other mods libs.
The core will be the main download that all users of my mod must download. It will include some basic machines, ores, and items. Namily will be copper, tin, and steel. As well it will provide a few batteries, and a wrench for the other mods to use. All parts of the core can be turned off except for dependency tile/blocks other mods need. Namily the multi-block due to how AL armbot can't function without it. Machiens to include will be a dynamic battery box allowing for up to 4 batteries to be inserted into it. It will also include an advanced furnace, and an electrical furnace both will have nice features like audio, lighting, and 3D models. The final part will be wires, switchs, fuses, and redstone sensors. This will have very advanced coding but will act like the normal object.
Not sure if i want to maintane the name assembly line or remove it completely. The idea is to take assembly and add on all those machines i've been holding back. Things like belt based grinders, macerators, crushers, stamper, ore washer, processor, saw, oven, and several other machines. These machines will be multi-block and based on the item moving along the convor belt. As well high tech mass output version of Mekanism/IC2 ore dust system will be added. It will work on the idea of needing sevral steps, and massive machiens to work. It will be less over powered, and more designed to mass demand needs. All machines will have computer craft support.
At one point i made a core API system for Fluid Mechanics called Hydraulics. It didn't last but was rather good, and even more functional than forge liquid system. This is not a plan to remake it but maybe to rename Fluid Mechanics to it. This part of the mod series will take the function of Fluid Mechanics and start to add on to it. Original Fluid Mechanics was being keep in a dumped down non-useful mod to support its use as a mod helper. It was designed to remove the need for every mod to use buildcraft or make there own pipes. However, seeing as its getting no support in that area i'm going to break the wall down of its limits. The focus will first be to vamp and add the pressure system. After this is added then machines to use the pressure will be created: Pistons, lifts, motors, generators, etc. One that is done then its time to move onto creating pressure and power from pressure. This will be done with hydraulic water motors, water wheels, steam pistons, steam turbines, and other interesting devices. All will be multi-block and full customizable to there limits.
GSM Core
At this point i'm unsure how much of GSM series i want dependent on the Dark Core. Currently i want both to be independent from each other. However, both need so much of the other has to offer. So right now its planned to need the core just for dependencies, and with options to turn off as much as possible to maintance modpack designs.

docs/machines.txt Normal file
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Fire Box(stone, iron, steel) Uses carbon based element to burn and generate heat. This heat can then be used by anything to do what it needs Liquid Fire Box(Prototype, basic, advanced) Burns fuel, and powered coal to generate heat at a very high rate. Heat Couple Turns heat into eletricity using thermal couples. Doesn't generate a large amount of energy but is useful. Heat Plate(copper, tin, steel, iron, bronze, lead) Hold heat for a short ammount of time. Souround a heating couple to buffer heat produced, or surround a reactor to help it stay cool. Furnace 2.0 Overrided version of the vanilla furnace. Come with two output slots, and a much inproved GUI. Can be upgraded to improve what it can do. Upgrades include senors, desplay, heating element, gas burner, and timer. Prototype Electric Furnace Upgrade of the furnace to add a heating element so that it can heat items with electicity. Looks like a furnace with wires and metal plates sticking out of it. Electric Furnace Built from scratch furnace rather than an upgrade that used electricity to cook/melt items. contains a GUI that will inform the user how much longer is left on the cook time, what tempature the device is at, estimated run time left, etc. Also contains external indicators for power, items dones, and is still running. As well has options for audio beeping when done. Battery Box Stores energy using Battery items. Has a chance to damage the battery over time. Can be networked together but at a cost of reduced power output. In which power is limited to how much the single battery box can output. Charging pad Can be placed on any surface. Allows the charging of a few items depending on its setup. Will charge and render the item inside the bad. A bar will display under the item showing how much it has been charged. Has several setup with the first being single item. In which the item will display at the center of the pad. Second version is two item setup that has reduced charge time and can store two items. Third setup is wall rack which can mount 4 items. Fourth is the same as the third but with 8 items. This is design as a rack in which the entire render will change. Instead of a part each item will be side ways, and have a red/green light above it. A larger bar will display at the top of the rack showing the racks battery life. Each setup is both designed for looks, and improved use. Capacitor Bank Improved version of the battery box. In which the batteries are replace with controled capacitors. They don't damage as easy and power output can be controled. It also allows for better networking and can be upgraded. The capacitors act like tanks and show a green fluid like level for energy. This way the user can easily see how full the batteries are. Display Used for anything. Main use in this mod will be to display Volt, amp, or watt readings from the machine next to it. Has a wide range of display modes allowing varies looks