Killed off color and fluid restriction for networks

This commit is contained in:
DarkGuardsman 2013-10-29 23:39:46 -04:00
parent 44d5e57116
commit 6029de9407
8 changed files with 24 additions and 153 deletions

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@ -15,20 +15,20 @@ import dark.core.prefab.tilenetwork.NetworkTileEntities;
/** Side note: the network should act like this when done {@link http
* ://} as well as stay compatible with the forge
* Liquids
* @author Rseifert */
public class NetworkFluidContainers extends NetworkFluidTiles
public NetworkFluidContainers(ColorCode color, INetworkPart... parts)
public NetworkFluidContainers(INetworkPart... parts)
super(color, parts);
public NetworkTileEntities newInstance()
return new NetworkFluidContainers(this.color);
return new NetworkFluidContainers();

View file

@ -22,21 +22,19 @@ public class NetworkFluidTiles extends NetworkTileEntities
/** Collective storage of all fluid tiles */
public FluidTank sharedTank;
/** Color code of the network, mainly used for connection rules */
public ColorCode color = ColorCode.UNKOWN;
/** Has the collective tank been loaded yet */
protected boolean loadedLiquids = false;
public NetworkFluidTiles(ColorCode color, INetworkPart... parts)
public NetworkFluidTiles(INetworkPart... parts)
this.color = color;
public NetworkTileEntities newInstance()
return new NetworkFluidTiles(this.color);
return new NetworkFluidTiles();
/** Gets the collective tank of the network */
@ -204,7 +202,7 @@ public class NetworkFluidTiles extends NetworkTileEntities
public boolean preMergeProcessing(NetworkTileEntities mergingNetwork, INetworkPart mergePoint)
if (mergingNetwork instanceof NetworkFluidTiles && ((NetworkFluidTiles) mergingNetwork).color == this.color)
if (mergingNetwork instanceof NetworkFluidTiles && ((NetworkFluidTiles) mergingNetwork).getClass() == this.getClass())
if (!((NetworkFluidTiles) mergingNetwork).loadedLiquids)
@ -264,7 +262,7 @@ public class NetworkFluidTiles extends NetworkTileEntities
public boolean isValidMember(INetworkPart part)
return super.isValidMember(part) && part instanceof INetworkFluidPart && ((INetworkFluidPart) part).getColor() == this.color;
return super.isValidMember(part) && part instanceof INetworkFluidPart;

View file

@ -19,152 +19,32 @@ import dark.core.prefab.tilenetwork.NetworkTileEntities;
/** Side note: the network should act like this when done {@link http
* ://} as well as stay compatible with the forge
* Liquids
* @author Rseifert */
public class NetworkPipes extends NetworkFluidTiles
private boolean processingRequest;
public float pressureProduced;
private final HashMap<TileEntity, FluidPressurePack> pressureProducers = new HashMap<TileEntity, FluidPressurePack>();
private final HashMap<TileEntity, FluidPressurePack> pressureLoads = new HashMap<TileEntity, FluidPressurePack>();
public double pressureProduced = 0, pressureLoad = 0;
private boolean processingRequest = false;
public NetworkPipes(ColorCode color, INetworkPart... parts)
public NetworkPipes(INetworkPart... parts)
super(color, parts);
public NetworkTileEntities newInstance()
return new NetworkPipes(this.color);
public boolean isPartOfNetwork(TileEntity ent)
return super.isPartOfNetwork(ent) || this.pressureLoads.containsKey(ent) || this.pressureProducers.containsKey(ent);
/** sets this tileEntity to produce a pressure and flow rate in the network */
public void startProducingPressure(TileEntity tileEntity, FluidPressurePack fluidPack)
if (tileEntity != null && fluidPack.liquidStack != null)
if ((this.combinedStorage().getFluid() == null || fluidPack.liquidStack.isFluidEqual(this.combinedStorage().getFluid())) && fluidPack.liquidStack.amount > 0)
this.pressureProducers.put(tileEntity, fluidPack);
/** sets this tileEntity to produce a pressure and flow rate in the network */
public void startProducingPressure(TileEntity tileEntity, FluidStack stack, double pressure)
this.startProducingPressure(tileEntity, new FluidPressurePack(stack, pressure));
/** is this tile entity producing a pressure */
public boolean isProducingPressure(TileEntity tileEntity)
return this.pressureProducers.containsKey(tileEntity);
/** Sets this tile entity to act as a load on the system */
public void addLoad(TileEntity tileEntity, FluidPressurePack fluidPack)
if (tileEntity != null && fluidPack.liquidStack != null && fluidPack.liquidStack.amount > 0)
this.pressureLoads.put(tileEntity, fluidPack);
/** Sets this tile entity to act as a load on the system */
public void addLoad(TileEntity tileEntity, FluidStack stack, double pressure)
this.addLoad(tileEntity, new FluidPressurePack(stack, pressure));
/** is this tileEntity a load in the network */
public boolean isLoad(TileEntity tileEntity)
return this.pressureLoads.containsKey(tileEntity);
/** @param ignoreTiles The TileEntities to ignore during this calculation. Null will make it not
* ignore any.
* @return The electricity produced in this electricity network */
public double getPressureProduced(TileEntity... ignoreTiles)
// TODO pressure is not added as a sum but rather as a collective sum of the largest
// pressures. IF the pressure is to small it will be ignored and stop producing pressure.
int totalPressure = 0;
Iterator it = this.pressureProducers.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry);
if (pairs != null)
TileEntity tileEntity = (TileEntity) pairs.getKey();
if (tileEntity == null)
if (tileEntity.isInvalid())
if (tileEntity.worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(tileEntity.xCoord, tileEntity.yCoord, tileEntity.zCoord) != tileEntity)
if (ignoreTiles != null)
for (TileEntity ignoreTile : ignoreTiles)
if (tileEntity == ignoreTile)
continue loop;
FluidPressurePack pack = (FluidPressurePack) pairs.getValue();
if (pairs.getKey() != null && pairs.getValue() != null && pack != null)
totalPressure += pack.pressure;
return totalPressure;
return new NetworkPipes();
public boolean removeTile(TileEntity ent)
return super.removeTile(ent) || this.pressureLoads.remove(ent) != null || this.pressureProducers.remove(ent) != null;
return super.removeTile(ent);
/** Adds FLuid to this network from one of the connected Pipes
* @param source - Were this liquid came from
* @param stack - LiquidStack to be sent
* @param doFill - actually fill the tank or just check numbers
@ -175,7 +55,7 @@ public class NetworkPipes extends NetworkFluidTiles
/** Adds FLuid to this network from one of the connected Pipes
* @param source - Were this liquid came from
* @param stack - LiquidStack to be sent
* @param doFill - actually fill the tank or just check numbers

View file

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class BlockRenderHelper implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
else if (FMRecipeLoader.blockTank != null && block.blockID == FMRecipeLoader.blockTank.blockID)
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation(FluidMech.instance.getDomain(), metadata == 1 ? "/textures/blocks/obsidian.png" : "/textures/blocks/iron_block.png"));
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation(FluidMech.instance.DOMAIN, metadata == 1 ? "textures/blocks/obsidian.png" : "textures/blocks/iron_block.png"));
GL11.glTranslatef(0.0F, -0.9F, 0.0F);
tank.render(0.0625F, false, false, false, false);
GL11.glRotatef(90f, 0f, 1f, 0f);

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@ -97,13 +97,6 @@ public class BlockTank extends BlockFM
public void getSubBlocks(int par1, CreativeTabs par2CreativeTabs, List par3List)
par3List.add(new ItemStack(par1, 1, 15));
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (FluidHelper.hasRestrictedStack(i))
par3List.add(new ItemStack(par1, 1, i));

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@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ public class TileEntityTank extends TileEntityFluidStorage implements IFluidHand
public int fill(ForgeDirection from, FluidStack resource, boolean doFill)
if (resource == null || !FluidHelper.isValidLiquid(this.getColor(), resource.getFluid()) || this.worldObj.isRemote)
if (resource == null || this.worldObj.isRemote)
return 0;
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ public class TileEntityTank extends TileEntityFluidStorage implements IFluidHand
if (this.fluidNetwork == null)
this.setTileNetwork(new NetworkFluidContainers(this.getColor(), this));
this.setTileNetwork(new NetworkFluidContainers(this));
return this.fluidNetwork;

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@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ public class TileEntityPipe extends TileEntityAdvanced implements IFluidHandler,
public int fill(ForgeDirection from, FluidStack resource, boolean doFill)
if (resource == null || !FluidHelper.isValidLiquid(this.getColor(), resource.getFluid()))
if (resource == null)
return 0;
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ public class TileEntityPipe extends TileEntityAdvanced implements IFluidHandler,
if (this.pipeNetwork == null)
this.setTileNetwork(new NetworkPipes(this.getColor(), this));
this.setTileNetwork(new NetworkPipes(this));
return this.pipeNetwork;

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public abstract class TileEntityFluidStorage extends TileEntityFluidDevice imple
public int fill(ForgeDirection from, FluidStack resource, boolean doFill)
if (resource == null || resource.getFluid() == null || !FluidHelper.isValidLiquid(this.getColor(), resource.getFluid()))
if (resource == null || resource.getFluid() == null)
return 0;