Coded robot bas class

code a ton of stuff into the base class for the  robots. add basic
functions for seting up task, collecting blocks,harvesting block,
finding controler
This commit is contained in:
Rseifert 2012-07-22 21:23:41 -04:00
parent fbb7a56c6f
commit 728095f8ba

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@ -1,11 +1,151 @@
package net.minecraft.src.eui.robotics; package net.minecraft.src.eui.robotics;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.src.*; import net.minecraft.src.*;
import net.minecraft.src.universalelectricity.Vector3;
public class EntityRobot extends EntityCreature { public class EntityRobot extends EntityCreature {
protected int attackStrength = 0; public int attackStrength = 0;
public int battery = 0; //how long this but will run in, 2 = 20ticks
public int disabled = 0; //disabled timer
public int updateCount = 0; //used to control how fast the bot calls its updates
public boolean isDisabled = false;//is not updating
public boolean hasTask = false; //has a working task
public Vector3 taskLocation = null; //task location usual a block or item
int[] taskLoc = {0,0,0};
public String currentTask = "none"; //type of task this bot can perform
public boolean isLinked = false; // is linked to a controller
public int[] linkFrq = {0,0,0}; //not so much a link number but controller location
public EntityRobot(World par1World) { public EntityRobot(World par1World) {
super(par1World); super(par1World);
} }
public void onEntityUpdate()
//used for emping of bot or empty battery
isDisabled = true;
if(disabled <=0)
isDisabled = false;
if(!isDisabled && updateCount >= 10)
updateCount =0;
battery += 2; //TODO remove after testing
//update function to control how fast the bot updates to reduce load
public void botUpdate()
if(taskLocation != null)
taskLoc[0] = taskLocation.intX();
taskLoc[1] = taskLocation.intY();
taskLoc[2] = taskLocation.intZ();
//links the bot to a controler if it is not already linked
ModLoader.getMinecraftInstance().thePlayer.addChatMessage("linking To Controler");
TileEntityComp targetComp = this.getEmptyControler(this.posX,this.posY,this.posZ, 50);
if(targetComp != null){
boolean added = targetComp.addBot(this);
isLinked = true;
linkFrq[0] = targetComp.xCoord;
linkFrq[1] = targetComp.yCoord;
linkFrq[2] = targetComp.zCoord;
ModLoader.getMinecraftInstance().thePlayer.addChatMessage("linked To Controler");
//TODO add logic too tell controler this bot is alive, current task, hp, location,etc....
TileEntity comp = worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(this.linkFrq[0], this.linkFrq[1], this.linkFrq[2]);
if(comp instanceof TileEntityComp)
Boolean linked = ((TileEntityComp) comp).addBot(this);
this.isLinked = false;
this.isLinked = false;
* used to find the closest controller
* @param par1 - x
* @param par3 - y
* @param par5 - z
* @param par7 - range in blocks
* @return the nearest controller
public TileEntityComp getClosestControler(double par1, double par3, double par5, double par7)
double var9 = -1.0D;
TileEntityComp var11 = null;
List itemList = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(TileEntityComp.class, this.boundingBox.expand(par7, 4.0D, par7));
for (int var12 = 0; var12 < itemList.size(); ++var12)
TileEntityComp var13 = (TileEntityComp)itemList.get(var12);
double var14 = var13.getDistanceFrom(par1, par3, par5);
if ((par7 < 0.0D || var14 < par7 * par7) && (var9 == -1.0D || var14 < var9))
var9 = var14;
var11 = var13;
return var11;
* used to find the closest controller with an empty slot mainly used to find and add a robot to the controller
* @param par1 - x
* @param par3 - y
* @param par5 - z
* @param par7 - range in blocks
* @return the nearest controller block with an empty control slot
public TileEntityComp getEmptyControler(double par1, double par3, double par5, double par7)
double var9 = -1.0D;
TileEntityComp var11 = null;
List itemList = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(TileEntityComp.class, this.boundingBox.expand(par7, 4.0D, par7));
for (int var12 = 0; var12 < itemList.size(); ++var12)
TileEntityComp var13 = (TileEntityComp)itemList.get(var12);
double var14 = var13.getDistanceFrom(par1, par3, par5);
if ((par7 < 0.0D || var14 < par7 * par7) && (var9 == -1.0D || var14 < var9))
for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
var11 = var13;
var9 = var14;
return var11;
public boolean isAIEnabled() public boolean isAIEnabled()
{ {
return false; return false;
@ -18,16 +158,136 @@ public class EntityRobot extends EntityCreature {
public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound) public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound)
{ {
super.writeEntityToNBT(par1NBTTagCompound); super.writeEntityToNBT(par1NBTTagCompound);
par1NBTTagCompound.setInteger("batt", this.battery);
par1NBTTagCompound.setIntArray("linkFrq", this.linkFrq);
par1NBTTagCompound.setBoolean("linked", isLinked);
par1NBTTagCompound.setBoolean("hasTask", hasTask);
par1NBTTagCompound.setIntArray("taskLoc", taskLoc);
} }
public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound) public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound)
{ {
super.readEntityFromNBT(par1NBTTagCompound); super.readEntityFromNBT(par1NBTTagCompound);
this.battery = par1NBTTagCompound.getInteger("batt");
this.linkFrq = par1NBTTagCompound.getIntArray("linkFrq");
this.isLinked = par1NBTTagCompound.getBoolean("linked");
this.hasTask = par1NBTTagCompound.getBoolean("hasTask");
taskLoc = par1NBTTagCompound.getIntArray("taskLoc");
this.taskLocation = new Vector3(taskLoc[0],taskLoc[1],taskLoc[2]);
} }
@Override @Override
public int getMaxHealth() { public int getMaxHealth() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 1; return 1;
} }
public String getTaskType() {
return "n/a";
public boolean isIdle() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return !hasTask;
public boolean setWorkTask(Vector3 taskLoc, String task) {
int x = taskLoc.intX();
int y = taskLoc.intY();
int z = taskLoc.intZ();
Vector3 thisBot = new Vector3(this.posX,this.posY,this.posZ);
PathEntity PathToItem = this.worldObj.getEntityPathToXYZ(this, x, y, z, 30, true, false, false, true);
if(PathToItem != null){
if(task.toLowerCase() == this.getTaskType().toLowerCase())
this.taskLocation = taskLoc;
this.currentTask = task;
hasTask = true;
return true;
return false;
public boolean harvest(Vector3 BlockLoc)
int x = BlockLoc.intX();
int y = BlockLoc.intY();
int z = BlockLoc.intZ();
Vector3 thisBot = new Vector3(this.posX,this.posY,this.posZ);
PathEntity PathToItem = this.worldObj.getEntityPathToXYZ(this, x, y, z, 30, true, false, false, true);
if(PathToItem != null){
this.moveSpeed = 1.0F;
if(thisBot.distanceTo(BlockLoc) < 2)
int blockTargetc = worldObj.getBlockId(x, y, z);
boolean harvested = worldObj.setBlock(x, y, z, 0);
ModLoader.getMinecraftInstance().thePlayer.addChatMessage("Harvesting Block "+blockTargetc);
if(blockTargetc > 0)
EntityItem dropedItem = new EntityItem(worldObj, x, y - 0.3D, z, new ItemStack(blockTargetc,1,1));
return harvested;
return false;
public EntityItem findClosestItem(double par1, double par3, double par5, double par7)
double var9 = -1.0D;
EntityItem var11 = null;
List itemList = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityItem.class, this.boundingBox.expand(par7, 4.0D, par7));
for (int var12 = 0; var12 < itemList.size(); ++var12)
EntityItem var13 = (EntityItem)itemList.get(var12);
double var14 = var13.getDistanceSq(par1, par3, par5);
if ((par7 < 0.0D || var14 < par7 * par7) && (var9 == -1.0D || var14 < var9))
var9 = var14;
var11 = var13;
return var11;
public boolean collectItem(EntityItem targetItem)
if(targetItem == null)
targetItem = findClosestItem(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ,30);
targetItem = null;
if(targetItem != null)
PathEntity PathToItem = this.worldObj.getPathEntityToEntity(this, targetItem, 30, true, false, false, true);
this.moveSpeed = 1.0F;
if(targetItem.getDistanceSq(this.posX,this.posY,this.posZ) < 2)
//TODO add item to inventory
targetItem = null;
this.moveSpeed = 0.23F;
return false;
public void clearTask() {
this.taskLocation = null;
this.currentTask = "none";
this.hasTask = false;
} }