Massive reformatting

This commit is contained in:
Calclavia 2012-11-03 11:04:24 +08:00
parent d3a40a764b
commit a1caf9acf3
14 changed files with 376 additions and 325 deletions

View file

@ -15,14 +15,17 @@ public class ALCommonProxy implements IGuiHandler
public void init()
public void postInit()
public Object getClientGuiElement(int ID, EntityPlayer player, World world, int x, int y, int z)
@ -32,7 +35,8 @@ public class ALCommonProxy implements IGuiHandler
switch (ID)
case 0: return new GuiSorter(player.inventory, ((TileEntitySorter)tileEntity));
case 0:
return new GuiSorter(player.inventory, ((TileEntitySorter) tileEntity));
@ -48,7 +52,8 @@ public class ALCommonProxy implements IGuiHandler
switch (ID)
case 0: return new ContainerSorter(player.inventory, ((TileEntitySorter)tileEntity));
case 0:
return new ContainerSorter(player.inventory, ((TileEntitySorter) tileEntity));

View file

@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry;
@Mod(modid = "AssemblyLine", name = "Assembly Line", version = AssemblyLine.VERSION, dependencies = "after:BasicComponents")
@NetworkMod(channels = { AssemblyLine.CHANNEL }, clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = false, packetHandler = PacketManager.class)
@NetworkMod(channels =
{ AssemblyLine.CHANNEL }, clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = false, packetHandler = PacketManager.class)
public class AssemblyLine
@SidedProxy(clientSide = "assemblyline.ALClientProxy", serverSide = "assemblyline.ALCommonProxy")

View file

@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ public abstract class TileEntityBase extends TileEntityAdvanced implements IPack
protected ItemStack[] containingItems = new ItemStack[this.getSizeInventory()];
* The amount of players using this tile entity.
* The amount of players using this tile
* entity.
protected int playerUsing = 0;

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import assemblyline.render.RenderHelper;
* The block for the actual conveyor belt!
* @author Calclavia, DarkGuardsman
public class BlockConveyorBelt extends BlockMachine
@ -29,13 +30,16 @@ public class BlockConveyorBelt extends BlockMachine
int angle = MathHelper.floor_double((par5EntityLiving.rotationYaw * 4.0F / 360.0F) + 0.5D) & 3;
par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, angle);
switch (angle)
case 0: par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 0); break;
case 1: par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 3); break;
case 2: par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 1); break;
case 3: par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 2); break;
} */
* switch (angle) { case 0:
* par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x,
* y, z, 0); break; case 1:
* par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x,
* y, z, 3); break; case 2:
* par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x,
* y, z, 1); break; case 3:
* par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x,
* y, z, 2); break; }
@ -66,10 +70,7 @@ public class BlockConveyorBelt extends BlockMachine
public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World var1, int metadata)
if(metadata >=0 && metadata < 4)
return new TileEntityConveyorBelt();
if (metadata >= 0 && metadata < 4) { return new TileEntityConveyorBelt(); }
return null;

View file

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ public class TileEntityConveyorBelt extends TileEntityElectricityReceiver implem
* Steal power from nearby belts.
* @return
public boolean searchNeighborBelts()

View file

@ -119,7 +119,8 @@ public class BlockMulti extends BlockMachine
int metadata = par1World.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
int guiID = MachineType.get(metadata).metadata;
if(guiID == -1) return false;
if (guiID == -1)
return false;
par5EntityPlayer.openGui(AssemblyLine.instance, guiID, par1World, x, y, z);
return true;

View file

@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ public class ContainerSorter extends Container
* Called to transfer a stack from one inventory to the other eg. when shift clicking.
* Called to transfer a stack from one
* inventory to the other eg. when shift
* clicking.
public ItemStack func_82846_b(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer, int par1)
@ -58,20 +60,11 @@ public class ContainerSorter extends Container
if (itemStack2.itemID == Item.coal.shiftedIndex)
if (!this.mergeItemStack(itemStack2, 0, 1, false))
return null;
if (!this.mergeItemStack(itemStack2, 0, 1, false)) { return null; }
else if (par1 >= 30 && par1 < 37 && !this.mergeItemStack(itemStack2, 3, 30, false)) { return null; }
else if (par1 >= 30 && par1 < 37 && !this.mergeItemStack(itemStack2, 3, 30, false))
return null;
else if (!this.mergeItemStack(itemStack2, 3, 37, false))
return null;
else if (!this.mergeItemStack(itemStack2, 3, 37, false)) { return null; }
if (itemStack2.stackSize == 0)
@ -82,10 +75,7 @@ public class ContainerSorter extends Container
if (itemStack2.stackSize == itemStack3.stackSize)
return null;
if (itemStack2.stackSize == itemStack3.stackSize) { return null; }
itemStack.func_82870_a(par1EntityPlayer, itemStack2);

View file

@ -25,12 +25,13 @@ import;
public class TileEntitySorter extends TileEntityBase implements
IElectricityReceiver, IPacketReceiver {
public class TileEntitySorter extends TileEntityBase implements IElectricityReceiver, IPacketReceiver
* Used to id the packet types
private enum tPacketID {
private enum tPacketID
@ -49,80 +50,80 @@ public class TileEntitySorter extends TileEntityBase implements
* on/off value for the GUI buttons
public boolean[] onOff = new boolean[] { true, true, true, true, true };
public boolean[] onOff = new boolean[]
{ true, true, true, true, true };
* the belt found in the search area
public TileEntityConveyorBelt beltSide = null;
public void updateEntity() {
public void updateEntity()
// has to update a bit faster than a conveyer belt
if (this.ticks % 5 == 0) {
// has to update a bit faster than a
// conveyer belt
if (this.ticks % 5 == 0)
int meta = worldObj.getBlockMetadata(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
this.firePiston = false;
// area to search for items
ForgeDirection searchPosition = Vector3.getOrientationFromSide(
TileEntity tileEntity = worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(xCoord
+ searchPosition.offsetX, yCoord + searchPosition.offsetY,
zCoord + searchPosition.offsetZ);
ForgeDirection searchPosition = Vector3.getOrientationFromSide(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(getDirection(meta)), ForgeDirection.SOUTH);
TileEntity tileEntity = worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(xCoord + searchPosition.offsetX, yCoord + searchPosition.offsetY, zCoord + searchPosition.offsetZ);
// find the belt in that search area
if (tileEntity instanceof TileEntityConveyorBelt) {
if (tileEntity instanceof TileEntityConveyorBelt)
this.beltSide = (TileEntityConveyorBelt) tileEntity;
} else {
this.beltSide = null;
try {
// search area bound box
AxisAlignedBB bounds = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(xCoord
+ searchPosition.offsetX, yCoord
+ searchPosition.offsetY, zCoord
+ searchPosition.offsetZ, xCoord
+ searchPosition.offsetX + 1, yCoord
+ searchPosition.offsetY + 1, zCoord
+ searchPosition.offsetZ + 1);
AxisAlignedBB bounds = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(xCoord + searchPosition.offsetX, yCoord + searchPosition.offsetY, zCoord + searchPosition.offsetZ, xCoord + searchPosition.offsetX + 1, yCoord + searchPosition.offsetY + 1, zCoord + searchPosition.offsetZ + 1);
// EntityItem list
List<EntityItem> itemsBehind = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(
EntityItem.class, bounds);
List<EntityItem> itemsBehind = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityItem.class, bounds);
boolean flag = false;
if (itemsBehind.size() > 0
&& this.wattsReceived > this.WATTS_REQUIRED) {
// for every item found check if can be thrown then throw
if (itemsBehind.size() > 0 && this.wattsReceived > this.WATTS_REQUIRED)
// for every item found check
// if can be thrown then throw
// item off belt if it can
for (EntityItem entity : itemsBehind) {
if (this.canItemBeThrow(entity)) {
for (EntityItem entity : itemsBehind)
if (this.canItemBeThrow(entity))
this.throwItem(searchPosition, entity);
flag = true;
// send packet with animation data if an item was rejected from
// send packet with animation data
// if an item was rejected from
// the area
if (!worldObj.isRemote && flag) {
Packet packet = PacketManager.getPacket(
AssemblyLine.CHANNEL, this,;
PacketManager.sendPacketToClients(packet, worldObj,
Vector3.get(this), 30);
if (!worldObj.isRemote && flag)
Packet packet = PacketManager.getPacket(AssemblyLine.CHANNEL, this,;
PacketManager.sendPacketToClients(packet, worldObj, Vector3.get(this), 30);
} catch (Exception e) {
catch (Exception e)
if (!worldObj.isRemote && this.playerUsing > 0) {
Packet packet = PacketManager.getPacket(AssemblyLine.CHANNEL,
PacketManager.sendPacketToClients(packet, worldObj,
Vector3.get(this), 10);
if (!worldObj.isRemote && this.playerUsing > 0)
Packet packet = PacketManager.getPacket(AssemblyLine.CHANNEL, this,;
PacketManager.sendPacketToClients(packet, worldObj, Vector3.get(this), 10);
@ -135,9 +136,11 @@ public class TileEntitySorter extends TileEntityBase implements
* @param entity
* - Entity being thrown
public void throwItem(ForgeDirection side, Entity entity) {
public void throwItem(ForgeDirection side, Entity entity)
this.firePiston = true;
if (this.beltSide != null) {
if (this.beltSide != null)
@ -148,35 +151,36 @@ public class TileEntitySorter extends TileEntityBase implements
this.wattsReceived -= this.WATTS_REQUIRED;
public boolean canItemBeThrow(Entity entity) {
public boolean canItemBeThrow(Entity entity)
// TODO add other things than items
if (entity instanceof EntityItem) {
if (entity instanceof EntityItem)
EntityItem itemE = (EntityItem) entity;
ItemStack item = itemE.item;
if (this.onOff[4]) {
if (this.onOff[4])
// reject matching items
for (int i = 0; i < this.containingItems.length; i++) {
if (containingItems[i] != null && onOff[i]) {
if (containingItems[i].itemID == item.itemID
&& containingItems[i].getItemDamage() == item
.getItemDamage()) {
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < this.containingItems.length; i++)
if (containingItems[i] != null && onOff[i])
if (containingItems[i].itemID == item.itemID && containingItems[i].getItemDamage() == item.getItemDamage()) { return true; }
return false;
} else if (!this.onOff[4]) {
else if (!this.onOff[4])
// reject all but matching items
for (int i = 0; i < this.containingItems.length; i++) {
if (containingItems[i] != null && onOff[i]) {
if (containingItems[i].itemID == item.itemID
&& containingItems[i].getItemDamage() == item
.getItemDamage()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < this.containingItems.length; i++)
if (containingItems[i] != null && onOff[i])
if (containingItems[i].itemID == item.itemID && containingItems[i].getItemDamage() == item.getItemDamage()) { return false; }
return true;
@ -185,9 +189,11 @@ public class TileEntitySorter extends TileEntityBase implements
return false;
public byte getDirection(int meta) {
public byte getDirection(int meta)
switch (meta) {
switch (meta)
case 0:
return 2;
case 1:
@ -201,29 +207,33 @@ public class TileEntitySorter extends TileEntityBase implements
public boolean canReceiveFromSide(ForgeDirection side) {
public boolean canReceiveFromSide(ForgeDirection side)
return side == ForgeDirection.DOWN;
* Used to change any one of the boolean value of on/off array After
* changing the value if it was changed client side it will send a packet
* server side with the changes
* Used to change any one of the boolean value
* of on/off array After changing the value if
* it was changed client side it will send a
* packet server side with the changes
* @param i
public void changeOnOff(int i) {
if (i >= this.onOff.length) {
if (this.onOff[i]) {
public void changeOnOff(int i)
if (i >= this.onOff.length) { return; }
if (this.onOff[i])
this.onOff[i] = false;
} else {
this.onOff[i] = true;
if (worldObj.isRemote) {
Packet packet = PacketManager.getPacket("asmLine", this,
tPacketID.SETTINGON.ordinal(), i);
if (worldObj.isRemote)
Packet packet = PacketManager.getPacket("asmLine", this, tPacketID.SETTINGON.ordinal(), i);
@ -232,56 +242,71 @@ public class TileEntitySorter extends TileEntityBase implements
* Data methods
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
for (int i = 0; i < this.onOff.length; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.onOff.length; i++)
this.onOff[i] = nbt.getBoolean("onOff" + i);
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
for (int i = 0; i < this.onOff.length; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.onOff.length; i++)
nbt.setBoolean("onOff" + i, this.onOff[i]);
public Object[] data(tPacketID id) {
if (id == tPacketID.ANIMATION) {
return new Object[] { id.ordinal(), this.firePiston };
if (id == tPacketID.GUI) {
public Object[] data(tPacketID id)
if (id == tPacketID.ANIMATION) { return new Object[]
{ id.ordinal(), this.firePiston }; }
if (id == tPacketID.GUI)
Object[] da = new Object[this.onOff.length];
da[0] = id.ordinal();
for (int i = 0; i < this.onOff.length; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.onOff.length; i++)
da[i + 1] = onOff[i];
return da;
return new Object[] { id.ordinal() };
return new Object[]
{ id.ordinal() };
public void handlePacketData(INetworkManager network, int packetType,
Packet250CustomPayload packet, EntityPlayer player,
ByteArrayDataInput dataStream) {
try {
public void handlePacketData(INetworkManager network, int packetType, Packet250CustomPayload packet, EntityPlayer player, ByteArrayDataInput dataStream)
int id = dataStream.readInt();
tPacketID pID = tPacketID.values()[id];
System.out.print("\n id:" + id + " ");
if (pID == tPacketID.ANIMATION) {
if (pID == tPacketID.ANIMATION)
this.firePiston = dataStream.readBoolean();
} else if (pID == tPacketID.GUI) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.onOff.length; i++) {
else if (pID == tPacketID.GUI)
for (int i = 0; i < this.onOff.length; i++)
this.onOff[i] = dataStream.readBoolean();
} else if (pID == tPacketID.SETTINGON) {
else if (pID == tPacketID.SETTINGON)
int num = dataStream.readInt();
} catch (Exception e) {
catch (Exception e)
@ -290,17 +315,20 @@ public class TileEntitySorter extends TileEntityBase implements
* inventory methods
public String getInvName() {
public String getInvName()
return "Rejector";
public int getInventoryStackLimit() {
public int getInventoryStackLimit()
return 1;
public int getSizeInventory() {
public int getSizeInventory()
return 4;
@ -308,17 +336,20 @@ public class TileEntitySorter extends TileEntityBase implements
* disabling methods
public void onDisable(int duration) {
public void onDisable(int duration)
public boolean isDisabled() {
public boolean isDisabled()
return false;
public boolean canConnect(ForgeDirection side) {
public boolean canConnect(ForgeDirection side)
return true;
@ -326,18 +357,20 @@ public class TileEntitySorter extends TileEntityBase implements
* UE methods
public double getVoltage() {
public double getVoltage()
return 120;
public double wattRequest() {
public double wattRequest()
public void onReceive(TileEntity sender, double amps, double voltage,
ForgeDirection side) {
public void onReceive(TileEntity sender, double amps, double voltage, ForgeDirection side)
this.wattsReceived += (amps * voltage);

View file

@ -8,24 +8,29 @@ import net.minecraft.src.EntityItem;
import net.minecraft.src.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.src.World;
public class ArmHelper {
public class ArmHelper
* Used to locate items in an area
* @param start - start xyz
* @param End - end xyz
* @param start
* - start xyz
* @param End
* - end xyz
* @return list of items
public List<EntityItem> findItems(World world, Vector3 start, Vector3 end)
AxisAlignedBB bounds = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(start.x, start.y, start.z, end.x, end.x, end.x);
// EntityItem list
List<EntityItem> itemsList = world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(
EntityItem.class, bounds);
List<EntityItem> itemsList = world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityItem.class, bounds);
return itemsList;
* Used to locate an item type in an area
* @param world
* @param start
* @param end
@ -36,8 +41,7 @@ public class ArmHelper {
AxisAlignedBB bounds = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(start.x, start.y, start.z, end.x, end.x, end.x);
// EntityItem list
List<EntityItem> itemsList = world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(
EntityItem.class, bounds);
List<EntityItem> itemsList = world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityItem.class, bounds);
for (EntityItem item : itemsList)
ItemStack stackItem = item.item;

View file

@ -9,15 +9,18 @@ import net.minecraft.src.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.src.World;
import assemblyline.AssemblyLine;
public class BlockCrafter extends BlockMachine {
protected BlockCrafter(int par1) {
public class BlockCrafter extends BlockMachine
protected BlockCrafter(int par1)
super("AutoCrafters", par1, Material.iron);
public static enum CrafterType {
public static enum CrafterType
CRAFTER("Crafter", 0, -1, TileEntityAutoCrafter.class);
public String name;
@ -25,42 +28,47 @@ public class BlockCrafter extends BlockMachine {
public int guiID;
public Class<? extends TileEntity> tileEntity;
CrafterType(String name, int metadata,int guiID,
Class<? extends TileEntity> tileEntity) {
CrafterType(String name, int metadata, int guiID, Class<? extends TileEntity> tileEntity)
{ = name;
this.metadata = metadata;
this.guiID = guiID;
this.tileEntity = tileEntity;
public static CrafterType get(int metadata) {
for (CrafterType value : CrafterType.values()) {
if (metadata >= value.metadata && metadata < value.metadata + 4) {
return value;
public static CrafterType get(int metadata)
for (CrafterType value : CrafterType.values())
if (metadata >= value.metadata && metadata < value.metadata + 4) { return value; }
return null;
* Gets the direction based on the metadata
* Gets the direction based on the
* metadata
* @return A direction value from 0 to 4.
public static int getDirection(int metadata) {
public static int getDirection(int metadata)
return metadata - CrafterType.get(metadata).metadata;
* @param currentDirection
* - An integer from 0 to 4.
* @return The metadata this block should change into.
* @return The metadata this block should
* change into.
public int getNextDirectionMeta(int currentDirection) {
public int getNextDirectionMeta(int currentDirection)
if (currentDirection >= 4) {
if (currentDirection >= 4)
currentDirection = 0;
@ -70,10 +78,14 @@ public class BlockCrafter extends BlockMachine {
* Creates a new TIleEntity.
public TileEntity instantiateTileEntity() {
try {
public TileEntity instantiateTileEntity()
return this.tileEntity.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
catch (Exception e)
return null;
@ -81,37 +93,40 @@ public class BlockCrafter extends BlockMachine {
public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World var1) {
public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World var1)
return null;
public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World var1, int metadata) {
public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World var1, int metadata)
return CrafterType.get(metadata).instantiateTileEntity();
public boolean onMachineActivated(World par1World, int x, int y, int z,
EntityPlayer par5EntityPlayer) {
if (!par1World.isRemote) {
public boolean onMachineActivated(World par1World, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer par5EntityPlayer)
if (!par1World.isRemote)
int metadata = par1World.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
int guiID = CrafterType.get(metadata).metadata;
if (guiID == -1)
return false;
par5EntityPlayer.openGui(AssemblyLine.instance, guiID, par1World,
x, y, z);
par5EntityPlayer.openGui(AssemblyLine.instance, guiID, par1World, x, y, z);
return true;
return true;
public boolean onSneakUseWrench(World par1World, int x, int y, int z,
EntityPlayer par5EntityPlayer) {
public boolean onSneakUseWrench(World par1World, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer par5EntityPlayer)
return false;
public int getRenderType() {
public int getRenderType()
return 0;

View file

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ import net.minecraft.src.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.src.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.src.World;
public class EntityCraftingArm extends Entity {
public class EntityCraftingArm extends Entity
* Used to ID the type of arm
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ public class EntityCraftingArm extends Entity {
* type of arm this robotic arm currently is
@ -34,7 +36,8 @@ public class EntityCraftingArm extends Entity {
public boolean isWorking = false;
public EntityCraftingArm(World par1World) {
public EntityCraftingArm(World par1World)
@ -45,22 +48,24 @@ public class EntityCraftingArm extends Entity {
protected void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {
protected void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
this.arm = armType.values()[nbt.getInteger("type")];
protected void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {
protected void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
nbt.setInteger("type", arm.ordinal());
public boolean grabItem(EntityItem item)
if (this.stack == null)
//TODO set current stack to item as soon as it reaches coords
// TODO set current stack to item as
// soon as it reaches coords
return false;

View file

@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ package assemblyline.machines.crafter;
import net.minecraft.src.Item;
public class ItemCrafterArm extends Item {
public class ItemCrafterArm extends Item
protected ItemCrafterArm(int par1) {
protected ItemCrafterArm(int par1)

View file

@ -3,30 +3,22 @@ package assemblyline.machines.crafter;
import net.minecraft.src.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.src.INetworkManager;
import net.minecraft.src.Packet250CustomPayload;
import net.minecraft.src.World;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ISidedInventory;
import assemblyline.AssemblyLine;
import assemblyline.TileEntityBase;
import assemblyline.machines.BlockMulti.MachineType;
import universalelectricity.prefab.TileEntityAdvanced;
public class TileEntityAutoCrafter extends TileEntityBase
public class TileEntityAutoCrafter extends TileEntityAdvanced
public String getInvName()
return "Auto Crafter";
public int getSizeInventory()
return 10;
public void handlePacketData(INetworkManager network, int packetType, Packet250CustomPayload packet, EntityPlayer player, ByteArrayDataInput dataStream)