Started on pipe channels aka troughs

This commit is contained in:
DarkGuardsman 2014-02-17 22:25:34 -05:00
parent bc32f6145d
commit b35a1d29a5
19 changed files with 736 additions and 862 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import resonantinduction.core.Settings;
import resonantinduction.core.prefab.fluid.BlockFluidNetwork;
import universalelectricity.api.UniversalElectricity;
/** Early tier version of the basic pipe. Open on the top, and can't support pressure.
* @author Darkguardsman */
public class BlockChannel extends BlockFluidNetwork
public BlockChannel(int id)
super(Settings.CONFIGURATION.getBlock("Channel", id).getInt(id), UniversalElectricity.machine);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
public class ItemChannelRenderer implements IItemRenderer
public boolean handleRenderType(ItemStack item, ItemRenderType type)
return true;
public boolean shouldUseRenderHelper(ItemRenderType type, ItemStack item, ItemRendererHelper helper)
return true;
public void renderItem(ItemRenderType type, ItemStack item, Object... data)
GL11.glRotatef(180f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
int meta = item.getItemDamage();
if (type == ItemRenderType.ENTITY)
GL11.glTranslatef(-.5F, -1F, -.5F);
RenderChannel.render(meta, Byte.parseByte("001100", 2));
else if (type == ItemRenderType.INVENTORY)
GL11.glTranslatef(0F, -1F, 0F);
RenderChannel.render(meta, Byte.parseByte("001100", 2));
else if (type == ItemRenderType.EQUIPPED)
GL11.glTranslatef(-1F, -1.2F, 0.5F);
RenderChannel.render(meta, Byte.parseByte("000011", 2));
else if (type == ItemRenderType.EQUIPPED_FIRST_PERSON)
GL11.glTranslatef(-2F, -1.5F, 0.2F);
RenderChannel.render(meta, Byte.parseByte("001100", 2));
RenderChannel.render(item.getItemDamage(), Byte.parseByte("000011", 2));

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
// Keep in mind that you still need to fill in some blanks // Keep in mind that you still need to fill in some blanks
// - ZeuX // - ZeuX
package resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe; package;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase; import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelRenderer; import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelRenderer;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import resonantinduction.core.Reference;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe.ModelPipe;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe.PartPipe;
import calclavia.lib.render.RenderUtility;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
public class RenderChannel
public static final RenderChannel INSTANCE = new RenderChannel();
public static ModelOpenTrough MODEL_TROUGH_PIPE = new ModelOpenTrough();
public static ResourceLocation TEXTURE = new ResourceLocation(Reference.DOMAIN, Reference.MODEL_PATH + "pipe.png");
public void render(PartPipe part, double x, double y, double z, float f)
GL11.glTranslatef((float) x + 0.5F, (float) y + 1.5F, (float) z + 0.5F);
GL11.glScalef(1.0F, -1F, -1F);
render(0, part.getAllCurrentConnections());
public static void render(int meta, byte sides)
MODEL_TROUGH_PIPE.render(sides, meta == 0 ? true : false);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import calclavia.lib.prefab.tile.TileAdvanced;
/** @author Darkguardsman */
public class TileChannel extends TileAdvanced

View file

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ import resonantinduction.core.Reference;
import resonantinduction.core.ResonantInduction; import resonantinduction.core.ResonantInduction;
import resonantinduction.core.Settings; import resonantinduction.core.Settings;
import resonantinduction.core.TabRI; import resonantinduction.core.TabRI;
import resonantinduction.core.prefab.fluid.ItemBlockFluidContainer;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.belt.BlockConveyorBelt; import resonantinduction.mechanical.belt.BlockConveyorBelt;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.belt.TileConveyorBelt; import resonantinduction.mechanical.belt.TileConveyorBelt;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe.ItemBlockFluidContainer;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe.ItemPipe; import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe.ItemPipe;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.tank.BlockTank; import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.tank.BlockTank;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.tank.TileTank; import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.tank.TileTank;

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import; import;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.prefab.TileFluidNetwork; import resonantinduction.core.prefab.fluid.TileFluidNetwork;
/** /**
* Enum to hold info about each pipe material. Values are by default and some can change with pipe * Enum to hold info about each pipe material. Values are by default and some can change with pipe

View file

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
package resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe;
import calclavia.lib.render.ColorCode;
import calclavia.lib.render.ColorCode.IColoredId;
public enum EnumPipeType implements IColoredId
Base(0, 0, true), COLOR(new IPipeType()
public ColorCode getColor(int meta)
return ColorCode.get(meta);
public String getName(int pipeID)
if (pipeID < 16 && pipeID > 0)
return ColorCode.get(pipeID - 1).name;
return "";
}, 1, 16, true);
private IPipeType type;
public int metaStart = 1;
public int metaEnd = 16;
public boolean canColor = false;
private EnumPipeType()
this.metaStart = this.ordinal() * 16;
this.metaEnd = this.metaStart + 15;
private EnumPipeType(int metaStart, int metaEnd, boolean canColor)
private EnumPipeType(IPipeType type, int metaStart, int metaEnd, boolean canColor)
this.type = type;
this.metaStart = metaStart;
this.metaEnd = metaEnd;
this.canColor = canColor;
public static EnumPipeType get(int meta)
for (EnumPipeType type : EnumPipeType.values())
if (meta >= type.metaStart && meta <= type.metaEnd)
return type;
return null;
public static boolean canColor(int meta)
EnumPipeType type = get(meta);
if (type != null)
return type.canColor;
return false;
public static int getUpdatedID(int pipeID, ColorCode newColor)
if (pipeID == 0)
return 1 + newColor.ordinal();
return pipeID;
public static ColorCode getColorCode(int meta)
EnumPipeType type = get(meta);
if (type != null)
return type.getColor(meta);
return ColorCode.UNKOWN;
public ColorCode getColor(int meta)
if (type != null)
return type.getColor(meta);
return ColorCode.UNKOWN;
public String getName(int pipeID)
if (type != null)
return type.getName(pipeID);
return "";

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
package resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe;
import calclavia.lib.render.ColorCode.IColoredId;
public interface IPipeType extends IColoredId
public String getName(int pipeID);

View file

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
package resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.potion.Potion;
import net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.Mechanical;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.prefab.TileFluidNetwork;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.tank.TileTank;
import universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3;
import calclavia.lib.utility.LanguageUtility;
public class ItemBlockFluidContainer extends ItemBlock
public ItemBlockFluidContainer(int id)
public int getMetadata(int damage)
return damage;
public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, List list, boolean par4)
if (stack.getTagCompound() != null && stack.getTagCompound().hasKey("fluid"))
FluidStack fluid = FluidStack.loadFluidStackFromNBT(stack.getTagCompound().getCompoundTag("fluid"));
if (fluid != null)
list.add("Fluid: " + fluid.getFluid().getLocalizedName());
list.add("Volume: " + UnitDisplay.getDisplay(fluid.amount, Unit.LITER, UnitPrefix.MILLI));
public static ItemStack getWrenchedItem(World world, Vector3 vec)
TileEntity entity = vec.getTileEntity(world);
if (entity instanceof TileTank && ((TileTank) entity).getInternalTank() != null && ((TileTank) entity).getInternalTank().getFluid() != null)
ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(Mechanical.blockTank);
FluidStack stack = ((TileTank) entity).getInternalTank().getFluid();
if (itemStack.getTagCompound() == null)
itemStack.setTagCompound(new NBTTagCompound());
if (stack != null)
((TileTank) entity).drain(ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN, stack.amount, true);
itemStack.getTagCompound().setCompoundTag("fluid", stack.writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
return itemStack;
return null;
public void onUpdate(ItemStack itemStack, World par2World, Entity entity, int par4, boolean par5)
if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer)
EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) entity;
if (itemStack.getTagCompound() != null && !player.capabilities.isCreativeMode && itemStack.getTagCompound().hasKey("fluid"))
player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(, 5, 0));
public int getItemStackLimit(ItemStack stack)
if (stack.getTagCompound() != null && stack.getTagCompound().hasKey("fluid"))
return 1;
return this.maxStackSize;
public String getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack itemStack)
String translation = LanguageUtility.getLocal(Block.blocksList[this.getBlockID()].getUnlocalizedName() + "." + itemStack.getItemDamage());
if (translation == null || translation.isEmpty())
return Block.blocksList[this.getBlockID()].getUnlocalizedName();
return Block.blocksList[this.getBlockID()].getUnlocalizedName() + "." + itemStack.getItemDamage();
public boolean placeBlockAt(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, World world, int x, int y, int z, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, int metadata)
if (super.placeBlockAt(stack, player, world, x, y, z, side, hitX, hitY, hitZ, (metadata / EnumPipeMaterial.spacing)))
TileEntity tile = world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (tile instanceof TileFluidNetwork)
((TileFluidNetwork) tile).setSubID(stack.getItemDamage());
if (stack.getTagCompound() != null && stack.getTagCompound().hasKey("fluid"))
((TileFluidNetwork) tile).fill(ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN, FluidStack.loadFluidStackFromNBT(stack.getTagCompound().getCompoundTag("fluid")), true);
return true;
return false;

View file

@ -4,44 +4,35 @@ import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import resonantinduction.core.Reference; import resonantinduction.core.Reference;
import calclavia.lib.render.RenderUtility; import calclavia.lib.render.RenderUtility;
import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
public class RenderPipe public class RenderPipe
{ {
public static final RenderPipe INSTANCE = new RenderPipe(); public static final RenderPipe INSTANCE = new RenderPipe();
public static ModelPipe MODEL_PIPE = new ModelPipe(); public static ModelPipe MODEL_PIPE = new ModelPipe();
public static ModelOpenTrough MODEL_TROUGH_PIPE = new ModelOpenTrough(); public static ModelOpenTrough MODEL_TROUGH_PIPE = new ModelOpenTrough();
public static ResourceLocation TEXTURE = new ResourceLocation(Reference.DOMAIN, Reference.MODEL_PATH + "pipe.png"); public static ResourceLocation TEXTURE = new ResourceLocation(Reference.DOMAIN, Reference.MODEL_PATH + "pipe.png");
public void render(PartPipe part, double x, double y, double z, float f) public void render(PartPipe part, double x, double y, double z, float f)
{ {
EnumPipeMaterial material = part.getMaterial(); GL11.glPushMatrix();
GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslatef((float) x + 0.5F, (float) y + 1.5F, (float) z + 0.5F);
GL11.glTranslatef((float) x + 0.5F, (float) y + 1.5F, (float) z + 0.5F); GL11.glScalef(1.0F, -1F, -1F);
GL11.glScalef(1.0F, -1F, -1F); render(0, part.getAllCurrentConnections());
render(0, part.getAllCurrentConnections()); GL11.glPopMatrix();
GL11.glPopMatrix(); }
public static ResourceLocation getTexture(EnumPipeMaterial material) public static void render(int meta, byte sides)
{ {
return TEXTURE; RenderUtility.enableBlending();
} RenderUtility.bind(TEXTURE);
public static void render(int meta, byte sides) RenderUtility.disableBlending();
{ }
if (meta < EnumPipeMaterial.values().length)
} }

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
package resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.prefab;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import calclavia.lib.prefab.block.BlockTile;
* @author Calclavia
public abstract class BlockFluidNetwork extends BlockTile
public BlockFluidNetwork(int id, Material material)
super(id, material);
public void onBlockAdded(World world, int x, int y, int z)
TileEntity tile = world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (tile instanceof TileFluidNetwork)
((TileFluidNetwork) tile).refresh();
((TileFluidNetwork) tile).getNetwork().reconstruct();
public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int x, int y, int z, int par5)
TileEntity tile = world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (tile instanceof TileFluidNetwork)
((TileFluidNetwork) tile).refresh();

View file

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
package resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.prefab;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe.EnumPipeType;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe.IPipeType;
import calclavia.lib.render.ColorCode;
import calclavia.lib.render.ColorCode.IColoredId;
public enum EnumTankTypes implements IColoredId
Base(0, 0, true), COLOR(new IPipeType()
public ColorCode getColor(int meta)
return ColorCode.get(meta);
public String getName(int pipeID)
if (pipeID < 16 && pipeID > 0)
return ColorCode.get(pipeID - 1).name;
return "";
}, 1, 16, true);
private IPipeType type;
public int metaStart = 1;
public int metaEnd = 16;
public boolean canColor = false;
private EnumTankTypes()
this.metaStart = this.ordinal() * 16;
this.metaEnd = this.metaStart + 15;
private EnumTankTypes(int metaStart, int metaEnd, boolean canColor)
private EnumTankTypes(IPipeType type, int metaStart, int metaEnd, boolean canColor)
this.type = type;
this.metaStart = metaStart;
this.metaEnd = metaEnd;
this.canColor = canColor;
public static EnumPipeType get(int meta)
for (EnumPipeType type : EnumPipeType.values())
if (meta >= type.metaStart && meta <= type.metaEnd)
return type;
return null;
public static boolean canColor(int meta)
EnumPipeType type = get(meta);
if (type != null)
return type.canColor;
return false;
public static int getUpdatedID(int pipeID, ColorCode newColor)
if (pipeID == 0)
return 1 + newColor.ordinal();
return pipeID;
public static ColorCode getColorCode(int meta)
EnumPipeType type = get(meta);
if (type != null)
return type.getColor(meta);
return ColorCode.UNKOWN;
public ColorCode getColor(int meta)
if (type != null)
return type.getColor(meta);
return ColorCode.UNKOWN;
public String getName(int pipeID)
if (type != null)
return type.getName(pipeID);
return "";

View file

@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
package resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.prefab;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidContainerRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidTank;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidTankInfo;
import resonantinduction.api.IInformation;
import resonantinduction.api.mechanical.fluid.IFluidConnector;
import resonantinduction.api.mechanical.fluid.IFluidNetwork;
import resonantinduction.core.ResonantInduction;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.Mechanical;
import universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3;
import calclavia.lib.prefab.tile.TileAdvanced;
import calclavia.lib.utility.FluidUtility;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
* A prefab class for tiles that use the fluid network.
* @author DarkCow
public abstract class TileFluidNetwork extends TileAdvanced implements IFluidConnector, IPacketReceiverWithID, IInformation
protected FluidTank tank;
protected Object[] connectedBlocks = new Object[6];
protected int colorID = 0;
/** Copy of the tank's content last time it updated */
protected FluidStack prevStack = null;
/** Network used to link all parts together */
protected IFluidNetwork network;
public static final int PACKET_DESCRIPTION = Mechanical.contentRegistry.getNextPacketID();
public static final int PACKET_RENDER = Mechanical.contentRegistry.getNextPacketID();
public static final int PACKET_TANK = Mechanical.contentRegistry.getNextPacketID();
/** Bitmask that handles connections for the renderer **/
public byte renderSides = 0;
public void initiate()
public void invalidate()
public int fill(ForgeDirection from, FluidStack resource, boolean doFill)
return this.getNetwork().fill(this, from, resource, doFill);
public FluidStack drain(ForgeDirection from, FluidStack resource, boolean doDrain)
return this.getNetwork().drain(this, from, resource, doDrain);
public FluidStack drain(ForgeDirection from, int maxDrain, boolean doDrain)
return this.getNetwork().drain(this, from, maxDrain, doDrain);
public boolean canFill(ForgeDirection from, Fluid fluid)
return true;
public boolean canDrain(ForgeDirection from, Fluid fluid)
return true;
public FluidTankInfo[] getTankInfo(ForgeDirection from)
return this.getNetwork().getTankInfo();
public Object[] getConnections()
return this.connectedBlocks;
public void refresh()
if (this.worldObj != null && !this.worldObj.isRemote)
byte previousConnections = renderSides;
this.connectedBlocks = new Object[6];
this.renderSides = 0;
for (ForgeDirection dir : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
this.validateConnectionSide(new Vector3(this).modifyPositionFromSide(dir).getTileEntity(this.worldObj), dir);
/** Only send packet updates if visuallyConnected changed. */
if (previousConnections != renderSides)
* Checks to make sure the connection is valid to the tileEntity
* @param tileEntity - the tileEntity being checked
* @param side - side the connection is too
public void validateConnectionSide(TileEntity tileEntity, ForgeDirection side)
if (!this.worldObj.isRemote)
if (tileEntity instanceof IFluidConnector)
this.getNetwork().merge(((IFluidConnector) tileEntity).getNetwork());
this.setRenderSide(side, true);
connectedBlocks[side.ordinal()] = tileEntity;
public void setRenderSide(ForgeDirection direction, boolean doRender)
if (doRender)
renderSides = (byte) (renderSides | (1 << direction.ordinal()));
renderSides = (byte) (renderSides & ~(1 << direction.ordinal()));
public boolean canRenderSide(ForgeDirection direction)
return (renderSides & (1 << direction.ordinal())) != 0;
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
this.colorID = nbt.getInteger("subID");
if (nbt.hasKey("stored"))
NBTTagCompound tag = nbt.getCompoundTag("stored");
String name = tag.getString("LiquidName");
int amount = nbt.getInteger("Amount");
Fluid fluid = FluidRegistry.getFluid(name);
if (fluid != null)
FluidStack liquid = new FluidStack(fluid, amount);
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
nbt.setInteger("subID", this.colorID);
nbt.setCompoundTag("FluidTank", this.getInternalTank().writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
public boolean onReceivePacket(int id, ByteArrayDataInput data, EntityPlayer player, Object... extra)
if (this.worldObj.isRemote)
this.colorID = data.readInt();
this.renderSides = data.readByte();
this.tank = new FluidTank(data.readInt());
return true;
else if (id == PACKET_RENDER)
this.colorID = data.readInt();
this.renderSides = data.readByte();
return true;
else if (id == PACKET_TANK)
this.tank = new FluidTank(data.readInt()).readFromNBT(PacketHandler.readNBTTagCompound(data));
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return true;
return false;
public Packet getDescriptionPacket()
return ResonantInduction.PACKET_TILE.getPacketWithID(PACKET_DESCRIPTION, this, this.colorID, this.renderSides, this.getInternalTank().getCapacity(), this.getInternalTank().writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
public void sendRenderUpdate()
PacketHandler.sendPacketToClients(ResonantInduction.PACKET_TILE.getPacketWithID(PACKET_RENDER, this, this.colorID, this.renderSides));
public void sendTankUpdate()
PacketHandler.sendPacketToClients(ResonantInduction.PACKET_TILE.getPacketWithID(PACKET_TANK, this, getInternalTank().getCapacity(), getInternalTank().writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound())), this.worldObj, new Vector3(this), 60);
public void onFluidChanged()
if (!worldObj.isRemote)
if (!FluidUtility.matchExact(prevStack, this.getInternalTank().getFluid()))
prevStack = tank.getFluid();
public AxisAlignedBB getRenderBoundingBox()
return AxisAlignedBB.getAABBPool().getAABB(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, this.xCoord + 1, this.yCoord + 1, this.zCoord + 1);
public int getSubID()
return this.colorID;
public void setSubID(int id)
this.colorID = id;
public boolean canConnect(ForgeDirection direction)
return true;
public FluidTank getInternalTank()
if (this.tank == null)
this.tank = new FluidTank(FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME);
return this.tank;
public void getInformation(List<String> info)
public IFluidConnector getInstance(ForgeDirection from)
return this;

View file

@ -10,10 +10,9 @@ import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition; import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition;
import; import;
import; import;
import resonantinduction.core.prefab.fluid.BlockFluidNetwork;
import resonantinduction.core.prefab.fluid.ItemBlockFluidContainer;
import resonantinduction.core.render.RIBlockRenderingHandler; import resonantinduction.core.render.RIBlockRenderingHandler;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe.EnumPipeMaterial;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe.ItemBlockFluidContainer;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.prefab.BlockFluidNetwork;
import universalelectricity.api.UniversalElectricity; import universalelectricity.api.UniversalElectricity;
import universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3; import universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3;
import calclavia.lib.utility.FluidUtility; import calclavia.lib.utility.FluidUtility;
@ -23,121 +22,118 @@ import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
public class BlockTank extends BlockFluidNetwork public class BlockTank extends BlockFluidNetwork
{ {
public BlockTank(int id) public BlockTank(int id)
{ {
super(id, UniversalElectricity.machine); super(id, UniversalElectricity.machine);
setHardness(1f); setHardness(1f);
setResistance(5f); setResistance(5f);
} }
@Override @Override
public boolean isOpaqueCube() public boolean isOpaqueCube()
{ {
return false; return false;
} }
@Override @Override
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
public boolean renderAsNormalBlock() public boolean renderAsNormalBlock()
{ {
return false; return false;
} }
@Override @Override
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)
public int getRenderType() public int getRenderType()
{ {
return RIBlockRenderingHandler.ID; return RIBlockRenderingHandler.ID;
} }
@Override @Override
public boolean shouldSideBeRendered(IBlockAccess blockAccess, int x, int y, int z, int side) public boolean shouldSideBeRendered(IBlockAccess blockAccess, int x, int y, int z, int side)
{ {
int checkBlockID = blockAccess.getBlockId(x, y, z); int checkBlockID = blockAccess.getBlockId(x, y, z);
return super.shouldSideBeRendered(blockAccess, x, y, z, side); return super.shouldSideBeRendered(blockAccess, x, y, z, side);
} }
@Override @Override
public boolean onMachineActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer entityplayer, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) public boolean onMachineActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer entityplayer, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
{ {
if (!world.isRemote) if (!world.isRemote)
{ {
return FluidUtility.playerActivatedFluidItem(world, x, y, z, entityplayer, side); return FluidUtility.playerActivatedFluidItem(world, x, y, z, entityplayer, side);
} }
return true; return true;
} }
@Override @Override
public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World var1) public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World var1)
{ {
return new TileTank(); return new TileTank();
} }
@Override @Override
public boolean hasComparatorInputOverride() public boolean hasComparatorInputOverride()
{ {
return true; return true;
} }
@Override @Override
public int getComparatorInputOverride(World world, int x, int y, int z, int par5) public int getComparatorInputOverride(World world, int x, int y, int z, int par5)
{ {
TileTank tileEntity = (TileTank) world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z); TileTank tileEntity = (TileTank) world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (tileEntity != null && tileEntity.getNetwork().getTank().getFluid() != null) if (tileEntity != null && tileEntity.getNetwork().getTank().getFluid() != null)
{ {
return 15 * (tileEntity.getNetwork().getTank().getFluidAmount() / tileEntity.getNetwork().getTank().getCapacity()); return 15 * (tileEntity.getNetwork().getTank().getFluidAmount() / tileEntity.getNetwork().getTank().getCapacity());
} }
return 0; return 0;
} }
@Override @Override
public ItemStack getPickBlock(MovingObjectPosition target, World world, int x, int y, int z) public ItemStack getPickBlock(MovingObjectPosition target, World world, int x, int y, int z)
{ {
return new ItemStack(this, 1, EnumPipeMaterial.getDropItemMeta(world, x, y, z)); return new ItemStack(this, 1, 0);
} }
@Override @Override
public ArrayList<ItemStack> getBlockDropped(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata, int fortune) public ArrayList<ItemStack> getBlockDropped(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata, int fortune)
{ {
ArrayList<ItemStack> ret = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); ArrayList<ItemStack> ret = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
TileEntity entity = world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z); TileEntity entity = world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (entity instanceof TileTank) if (entity instanceof TileTank)
{ {
ret.add(new ItemStack(this, 1, EnumPipeMaterial.getDropItemMeta(world, x, y, z))); ret.add(new ItemStack(this, 1, 0));
} }
return ret; return ret;
} }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
@Override @Override
public void getSubBlocks(int par1, CreativeTabs par2CreativeTabs, List par3List) public void getSubBlocks(int par1, CreativeTabs par2CreativeTabs, List par3List)
{ {
for (EnumPipeMaterial data : EnumPipeMaterial.values()) par3List.add(new ItemStack(this, 1, 0));
par3List.add(new ItemStack(this, 1, data.ordinal() * EnumPipeMaterial.spacing));
@Override }
public boolean onSneakMachineActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer entityPlayer, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
{ @Override
if (!world.isRemote) public boolean onSneakMachineActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer entityPlayer, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
{ {
ItemStack dropStack = ItemBlockFluidContainer.getWrenchedItem(world, new Vector3(x, y, z)); if (!world.isRemote)
if (dropStack != null) {
{ ItemStack dropStack = ItemBlockFluidContainer.getWrenchedItem(world, new Vector3(x, y, z));
if (entityPlayer.getHeldItem() == null) if (dropStack != null)
{ {
entityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(entityPlayer.inventory.currentItem, dropStack); if (entityPlayer.getHeldItem() == null)
} {
else entityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(entityPlayer.inventory.currentItem, dropStack);
{ }
InventoryUtility.dropItemStack(world, new Vector3(x, y, z), dropStack); else
} {
world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z); InventoryUtility.dropItemStack(world, new Vector3(x, y, z), dropStack);
} }
} world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
return true; }
} }
return true;
} }

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidContainerRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidContainerRegistry;
import resonantinduction.api.mechanical.fluid.IFluidConnector; import resonantinduction.api.mechanical.fluid.IFluidConnector;
import resonantinduction.api.mechanical.fluid.IFluidNetwork; import resonantinduction.api.mechanical.fluid.IFluidNetwork;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.prefab.TileFluidNetwork; import resonantinduction.core.prefab.fluid.TileFluidNetwork;
public class TileTank extends TileFluidNetwork public class TileTank extends TileFluidNetwork
{ {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package resonantinduction.core.prefab.fluid;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import calclavia.lib.prefab.block.BlockTile;
/** @author Calclavia */
public abstract class BlockFluidNetwork extends BlockTile
public BlockFluidNetwork(int id, Material material)
super(id, material);
public void onBlockAdded(World world, int x, int y, int z)
TileEntity tile = world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (tile instanceof TileFluidNetwork)
((TileFluidNetwork) tile).refresh();
((TileFluidNetwork) tile).getNetwork().reconstruct();
public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int x, int y, int z, int par5)
TileEntity tile = world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (tile instanceof TileFluidNetwork)
((TileFluidNetwork) tile).refresh();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
package resonantinduction.core.prefab.fluid;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.potion.Potion;
import net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.Mechanical;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe.EnumPipeMaterial;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.tank.TileTank;
import universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3;
import calclavia.lib.utility.LanguageUtility;
/** @author Darkguardsman */
public class ItemBlockFluidContainer extends ItemBlock
public ItemBlockFluidContainer(int id)
public int getMetadata(int damage)
return damage;
public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, List list, boolean par4)
if (stack.getTagCompound() != null && stack.getTagCompound().hasKey("fluid"))
FluidStack fluid = FluidStack.loadFluidStackFromNBT(stack.getTagCompound().getCompoundTag("fluid"));
if (fluid != null)
list.add("Fluid: " + fluid.getFluid().getLocalizedName());
list.add("Volume: " + UnitDisplay.getDisplay(fluid.amount, Unit.LITER, UnitPrefix.MILLI));
public static ItemStack getWrenchedItem(World world, Vector3 vec)
TileEntity entity = vec.getTileEntity(world);
if (entity instanceof TileTank && ((TileTank) entity).getInternalTank() != null && ((TileTank) entity).getInternalTank().getFluid() != null)
ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(Mechanical.blockTank);
FluidStack stack = ((TileTank) entity).getInternalTank().getFluid();
if (itemStack.getTagCompound() == null)
itemStack.setTagCompound(new NBTTagCompound());
if (stack != null)
((TileTank) entity).drain(ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN, stack.amount, true);
itemStack.getTagCompound().setCompoundTag("fluid", stack.writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
return itemStack;
return null;
public void onUpdate(ItemStack itemStack, World par2World, Entity entity, int par4, boolean par5)
if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer)
EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) entity;
if (itemStack.getTagCompound() != null && !player.capabilities.isCreativeMode && itemStack.getTagCompound().hasKey("fluid"))
player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(, 5, 0));
public int getItemStackLimit(ItemStack stack)
if (stack.getTagCompound() != null && stack.getTagCompound().hasKey("fluid"))
return 1;
return this.maxStackSize;
public String getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack itemStack)
String translation = LanguageUtility.getLocal(Block.blocksList[this.getBlockID()].getUnlocalizedName() + "." + itemStack.getItemDamage());
if (translation == null || translation.isEmpty())
return Block.blocksList[this.getBlockID()].getUnlocalizedName();
return Block.blocksList[this.getBlockID()].getUnlocalizedName() + "." + itemStack.getItemDamage();
public boolean placeBlockAt(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, World world, int x, int y, int z, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, int metadata)
if (super.placeBlockAt(stack, player, world, x, y, z, side, hitX, hitY, hitZ, (metadata / EnumPipeMaterial.spacing)))
TileEntity tile = world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (tile instanceof TileFluidNetwork)
((TileFluidNetwork) tile).setSubID(stack.getItemDamage());
if (stack.getTagCompound() != null && stack.getTagCompound().hasKey("fluid"))
((TileFluidNetwork) tile).fill(ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN, FluidStack.loadFluidStackFromNBT(stack.getTagCompound().getCompoundTag("fluid")), true);
return true;
return false;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
package resonantinduction.core.prefab.fluid;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidContainerRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidTank;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidTankInfo;
import resonantinduction.api.IInformation;
import resonantinduction.api.mechanical.fluid.IFluidConnector;
import resonantinduction.api.mechanical.fluid.IFluidNetwork;
import resonantinduction.core.ResonantInduction;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.Mechanical;
import universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3;
import calclavia.lib.prefab.tile.TileAdvanced;
import calclavia.lib.utility.FluidUtility;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
/** A prefab class for tiles that use the fluid network.
* @author DarkGuardsman */
public abstract class TileFluidNetwork extends TileAdvanced implements IFluidConnector, IPacketReceiverWithID, IInformation
protected FluidTank tank;
protected Object[] connectedBlocks = new Object[6];
protected int colorID = 0;
/** Copy of the tank's content last time it updated */
protected FluidStack prevStack = null;
/** Network used to link all parts together */
protected IFluidNetwork network;
public static final int PACKET_DESCRIPTION = 0;
public static final int PACKET_RENDER = 1;
public static final int PACKET_TANK = 2;
/** Bitmask that handles connections for the renderer **/
public byte renderSides = 0;
public void initiate()
public void invalidate()
public int fill(ForgeDirection from, FluidStack resource, boolean doFill)
return this.getNetwork().fill(this, from, resource, doFill);
public FluidStack drain(ForgeDirection from, FluidStack resource, boolean doDrain)
return this.getNetwork().drain(this, from, resource, doDrain);
public FluidStack drain(ForgeDirection from, int maxDrain, boolean doDrain)
return this.getNetwork().drain(this, from, maxDrain, doDrain);
public boolean canFill(ForgeDirection from, Fluid fluid)
return true;
public boolean canDrain(ForgeDirection from, Fluid fluid)
return true;
public FluidTankInfo[] getTankInfo(ForgeDirection from)
return this.getNetwork().getTankInfo();
public Object[] getConnections()
return this.connectedBlocks;
public void refresh()
if (this.worldObj != null && !this.worldObj.isRemote)
byte previousConnections = renderSides;
this.connectedBlocks = new Object[6];
this.renderSides = 0;
for (ForgeDirection dir : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
this.validateConnectionSide(new Vector3(this).modifyPositionFromSide(dir).getTileEntity(this.worldObj), dir);
/** Only send packet updates if visuallyConnected changed. */
if (previousConnections != renderSides)
/** Checks to make sure the connection is valid to the tileEntity
* @param tileEntity - the tileEntity being checked
* @param side - side the connection is too */
public void validateConnectionSide(TileEntity tileEntity, ForgeDirection side)
if (!this.worldObj.isRemote)
if (tileEntity instanceof IFluidConnector)
this.getNetwork().merge(((IFluidConnector) tileEntity).getNetwork());
this.setRenderSide(side, true);
connectedBlocks[side.ordinal()] = tileEntity;
public void setRenderSide(ForgeDirection direction, boolean doRender)
if (doRender)
renderSides = (byte) (renderSides | (1 << direction.ordinal()));
renderSides = (byte) (renderSides & ~(1 << direction.ordinal()));
public boolean canRenderSide(ForgeDirection direction)
return (renderSides & (1 << direction.ordinal())) != 0;
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
this.colorID = nbt.getInteger("subID");
if (nbt.hasKey("stored"))
NBTTagCompound tag = nbt.getCompoundTag("stored");
String name = tag.getString("LiquidName");
int amount = nbt.getInteger("Amount");
Fluid fluid = FluidRegistry.getFluid(name);
if (fluid != null)
FluidStack liquid = new FluidStack(fluid, amount);
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
nbt.setInteger("subID", this.colorID);
nbt.setCompoundTag("FluidTank", this.getInternalTank().writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
public boolean onReceivePacket(int id, ByteArrayDataInput data, EntityPlayer player, Object... extra)
if (this.worldObj.isRemote)
this.colorID = data.readInt();
this.renderSides = data.readByte();
this.tank = new FluidTank(data.readInt());
return true;
else if (id == PACKET_RENDER)
this.colorID = data.readInt();
this.renderSides = data.readByte();
return true;
else if (id == PACKET_TANK)
this.tank = new FluidTank(data.readInt()).readFromNBT(PacketHandler.readNBTTagCompound(data));
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return true;
return false;
public Packet getDescriptionPacket()
return ResonantInduction.PACKET_TILE.getPacketWithID(PACKET_DESCRIPTION, this, this.colorID, this.renderSides, this.getInternalTank().getCapacity(), this.getInternalTank().writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));
public void sendRenderUpdate()
PacketHandler.sendPacketToClients(ResonantInduction.PACKET_TILE.getPacketWithID(PACKET_RENDER, this, this.colorID, this.renderSides));
public void sendTankUpdate()
PacketHandler.sendPacketToClients(ResonantInduction.PACKET_TILE.getPacketWithID(PACKET_TANK, this, getInternalTank().getCapacity(), getInternalTank().writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound())), this.worldObj, new Vector3(this), 60);
public void onFluidChanged()
if (!worldObj.isRemote)
if (!FluidUtility.matchExact(prevStack, this.getInternalTank().getFluid()))
prevStack = tank.getFluid();
public AxisAlignedBB getRenderBoundingBox()
return AxisAlignedBB.getAABBPool().getAABB(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, this.xCoord + 1, this.yCoord + 1, this.zCoord + 1);
public int getSubID()
return this.colorID;
public void setSubID(int id)
this.colorID = id;
public boolean canConnect(ForgeDirection direction)
return true;
public FluidTank getInternalTank()
if (this.tank == null)
this.tank = new FluidTank(FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME);
return this.tank;
public void getInformation(List<String> info)
public IFluidConnector getInstance(ForgeDirection from)
return this;