*Added: Rail model
*Added: Pully model
*Added: Ablity to use crane part block in game, though it does nothing
*Moved: Block & Item class for crane parts to crane package
Btw the ItemCraneParts is needed. I'm going to use it to have the item
render in hand diffrent then in the inventory which can only be done
with an item class.
*Still need to do the item view
*I also removed some unneeded textures
*Change gitignore to not include thumb.db files since they always seem
to change
4th try to get this to push not sure whats happening
but anyways finished the rejector model so it can be used to replace the
temp one currently in use.
Some one on the forum noticed this issue with Slanted Belts not
rendering connected. I didn't know this was a feature that was usable or
i would have caught it sooner. Anyways its mostly fixed but needs a
texture which i'll try to create.
Also who every made the conveyor belt textures animated like that nice