What i have is not much diffrent but its a start to allowing more liquid
types without having to add them myself. The current method has 3
defualt liquids that are preset. The new system also uses String names
to ID liquid instead of Enums. A new class Called LiquidData will keep
track of the data need to ID, and use the Liquids.
In the process i also fixed a few crafting recipes that were
removed/messed up in a patch a while back.
Plan for new system
*Have default liquid type that come with textures/renders
*Have several univeral pipes that can accept all Liquid types
*Have a way of placeing a universal pipe and then converting to a
regulated pipe, pipe that only take one liquid type
*Have a tool for doing the above
*Change the release Valve to be univeral with a GUI to restrict flow and
Liquid type extracted
Though it was the release valve but it turns out the Storage tanks
needed coding to drain themselves after giving the release valve the
liquid ammount present.
Other than that the rest of the changes are just renaming from past push