package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.ItemTool; import resonantinduction.old.api.IProcessable; import calclavia.lib.utility.AutoCraftingManager; import com.builtbroken.common.Pair; /** * Recipes for ore processor machines * * @author DarkGuardsman */ public class MachineRecipeHandler { private static Random random = new Random(); static { newProcessorRecipe(ProcessorType.CRUSHER, Block.stone, Block.cobblestone); newProcessorRecipe(ProcessorType.CRUSHER, Block.oreDiamond, Item.diamond); newProcessorRecipe(ProcessorType.CRUSHER, Block.oreLapis, new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder.itemID, 4, 4)); newProcessorRecipe(ProcessorType.CRUSHER, Block.oreRedstone, new ItemStack(, 4, 0)); newProcessorRecipe(ProcessorType.CRUSHER, Block.oreEmerald, new ItemStack(, 4, 0)); newProcessorRecipe(ProcessorType.GRINDER, new ItemStack(Block.cobblestone.blockID, 1, 0), new ItemStack(Block.sand.blockID, 1, 0)); newProcessorRecipe(ProcessorType.GRINDER,, Block.sand); MachineRecipeHandler.newAltProcessorOutput(ProcessorType.GRINDER, Block.stone, Block.cobblestone); MachineRecipeHandler.newAltProcessorOutput(ProcessorType.GRINDER, Block.cobblestoneMossy, Block.cobblestone); MachineRecipeHandler.newAltProcessorOutput(ProcessorType.GRINDER,, Block.sand); MachineRecipeHandler.newAltProcessorOutput(ProcessorType.CRUSHER, Item.stick, null); MachineRecipeHandler.newAltProcessorOutput(ProcessorType.CRUSHER, Block.stone, Block.cobblestone); MachineRecipeHandler.newAltProcessorOutput(ProcessorType.CRUSHER, Block.cobblestoneMossy, Block.cobblestone); MachineRecipeHandler.newAltProcessorOutput(ProcessorType.CRUSHER, Item.stick, null); // TODO replace these with ItemOreDirv glass shards MachineRecipeHandler.newAltProcessorOutput(ProcessorType.CRUSHER,, Block.sand); } /** * Creates a new recipe for the type of processor machine * * @param type - machine type * @param in - input item, stacksize is ignored * @param out - output item */ public static void newProcessorRecipe(ProcessorType type, Object in, Object out) { newProcessorRecipe(type, in, out, -1, -1); } /** * Creates a new recipe for the type of processor machine * * @param type - machine type * @param in - input item, stacksize is ignored * @param out - output item * @param min - min stacksize to return as output * @param max- max stacksize to return as output */ public static void newProcessorRecipe(ProcessorType type, Object in, Object out, int min, int max) { newProcessorRecipe(type, in, out, min, max, false); } /** * Creates a new recipe for the type of processor machine * * @param type - machine type * @param in - input item, stacksize is ignored * @param out - output item * @param min - min stacksize to return as output * @param max- max stacksize to return as output * @param ignoreNBT - only use this if your item's nbt doesn't play a factor in what items were * used to craft it */ public static void newProcessorRecipe(ProcessorType type, Object in, Object out, int min, int max, boolean ignoreNBT) { if (in != null && out != null && type != null) { ItemStack input = convertToItemStack(in); ItemStack output = convertToItemStack(out); if (input != null && output != null && != null) { if (!ignoreNBT && (input.getTagCompound() != null || input.isItemEnchanted())) { System.out.println("[MachineRecipeHandler]Error: NBT or Enchanted Items must use the IProccesable interface to properlly handle recipe outputs."); System.out.println("[MachineRecipeHandler]Item>> Data: " + input.toString() + " Name: " + input.getItem().getUnlocalizedName()); return; } if (min == -1) { min = output.stackSize; } if (max == -1 || max < min) { max = output.stackSize; } Pair(input.itemID, input.getItemDamage()), new ProcessorRecipe(output, min, max)); } } } /** Used to track items that should be converted to different items during salvaging. */ public static void newAltProcessorOutput(ProcessorType type, Object in, Object out) { if (in != null && out != null && type != null) { ItemStack input = convertToItemStack(in); ItemStack output = convertToItemStack(out); if (input != null && output != null && type.altOutput != null) { type.altOutput.put(new Pair(input.itemID, input.getItemDamage()), output); } } } /** Marks an itemstack as unsalvagable by all processors */ public static void banProcessingOfItem(ItemStack stack) { if (stack != null) { for (ProcessorType type : ProcessorType.values()) { banProcessingOfItem(type, stack); } } } /** * Marks an itemstack as unusable by processors. This will jam the processor if the item enters * it */ public static void banProcessingOfItem(ProcessorType type, ItemStack stack) { if (type != null && stack != null) { type.banList.add(new Pair(stack.itemID, stack.getItemDamage())); } } /** Converts an object input into an itemstack for use */ private static ItemStack convertToItemStack(Object object) { if (object instanceof ItemStack) { ItemStack stack = (ItemStack) object; if (stack.getItemDamage() < 0) { stack.setItemDamage(0); } return stack; } if (object instanceof Block) { return new ItemStack(((Block) object).blockID, 1, -1); } if (object instanceof Item) { return new ItemStack(((Item) object).itemID, 1, -1); } return null; } /** * Gets the lit of items that are created from the input item stack. General this will be an * array of one item. However, in salavaging cases it can be up to 8 items. * * @param type - Processor type * @param inputStack - item stack input ignores stacksize * @return array of itemStacks */ public static ItemStack[] getProcessorOutput(ProcessorType type, ItemStack inputStack) { if (inputStack != null && type != null) { ItemStack[] reList = null; if (inputStack.getItem() instanceof IProcessable) { if (!((IProcessable) inputStack.getItem()).canProcess(type, inputStack)) { return null; } reList = ((IProcessable) inputStack.getItem()).getProcesserOutput(type, inputStack); } if (reList == null) { reList = getOuputNormal(type, inputStack); } if (reList == null) { // TODO Disabled due to bug and needs to be fixed to make the processors more // functional // reList = salvageItem(type, inputStack); } return reList; } return null; } /** * Salvages an itemStack for the items used to craft it * * @param type - processor type used to determine damage results * @param stack - itemStack being salvaged * @return Array of all items salvaged */ public static ItemStack[] salvageItem(ProcessorType type, ItemStack stack) { return salvageItem(type, stack, true); } /** * Salvages an itemStack for the items used to craft it * * @param type - processor type used to determine damage results * @param stack - itemStack being salvaged * @param damage - damage the output items. Eg ironIngot becomes ironDust, or ironScraps * @return Array of all items salvaged */ public static ItemStack[] salvageItem(ProcessorType type, ItemStack stack, boolean damage) { float bar = 0.1f; // Allow tools and armor to be salvaged but at a very low rate if ((stack.getItem() instanceof ItemArmor || stack.getItem() instanceof ItemTool) && stack.isItemDamaged()) { bar = (stack.getItemDamage() / stack.getMaxDamage()); } ItemStack[] reList = salvageItem(stack, bar); if (damage && reList != null && type.altOutput != null) { for (int i = 0; i < reList.length; i++) { if (type.altOutput.containsKey(new Pair(reList[i].itemID, reList[i].getItemDamage()))) { reList[i] = convertToItemStack(type.altOutput.get(new Pair(reList[i].itemID, reList[i].getItemDamage()))); } } } return reList; } /** * Salvages an itemStack for the items used to craft it * * @param stack - itemStack being salvaged * @param bar - chance per item that the random must be above inorder to salvage the output * @return Array of all items salvaged */ public static ItemStack[] salvageItem(ItemStack stack, float bar) { // TODO find a way around having to force recipe to be the same stack size of the salvage. // Maybe percentage based salvaging or min stacksize from machine? ItemStack[] recipeList = AutoCraftingManager.getReverseRecipe(stack.copy(), stack.stackSize); if (recipeList != null) { ItemStack[] reList = new ItemStack[recipeList.length]; boolean items = false; for (int i = 0; i < recipeList.length; i++) { if (random.nextFloat() >= bar) { reList[i] = recipeList[i].copy(); items = true; if (recipeList[i].itemID < Block.blocksList.length && Block.blocksList[recipeList[i].itemID] != null && recipeList[i].getItemDamage() > 16) { reList[i].setItemDamage(0); } } } return items ? reList : null; } return null; } public static ItemStack[] getOuputNormal(ProcessorType type, ItemStack stack) { if ( != null) { ProcessorRecipe re = Pair(stack.itemID, -1)); if (re == null || re.output == null) { re = Pair(stack.itemID, stack.getItemDamage())); } if (type.altOutput != null && (re == null || re.output == null)) { return new ItemStack[] { type.altOutput.get(new Pair(stack.itemID, stack.getItemDamage())) }; } if (re != null && re.output != null) { ItemStack output = re.output.copy(); output.stackSize = Math.min(re.maxItemsOut, re.minItemsOut + random.nextInt(re.minItemsOut)); if (re.chancePerItem < 1.0f) { } return new ItemStack[] { output }; } } return null; } }