package resonantinduction.electrical.armbot; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityList; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection; import resonantinduction.core.ResonantInduction; import resonantinduction.electrical.armbot.command.TaskDrop; import resonantinduction.electrical.armbot.command.TaskGOTO; import resonantinduction.electrical.armbot.command.TaskGrabItem; import resonantinduction.electrical.armbot.command.TaskReturn; import resonantinduction.electrical.armbot.command.TaskRotateTo; import resonantinduction.old.api.IArmbot; import resonantinduction.old.api.coding.IProgram; import resonantinduction.old.api.coding.ProgramHelper; import resonantinduction.old.core.recipe.RecipeLoader; import resonantinduction.old.transport.ResonantInductionTransport; import resonantinduction.old.transport.TileEntityAssembly; import resonantinduction.old.transport.encoder.ItemDisk; import universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector2; import universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3; import; import; import; import calclavia.lib.utility.HelperMethods; import calclavia.lib.utility.LanguageUtility; import calclavia.lib.utility.MathUtility; import com.builtbroken.common.Pair; import; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; import; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; public class TileEntityArmbot extends TileEntityAssembly implements IMultiBlock, IArmbot, IBlockActivate { protected int ROTATION_SPEED = 6; /** The rotation of the arms. In Degrees. */ protected int targetPitch = 0, targetYaw = 0; protected int actualPitch = 0, actualYaw = 0; protected boolean spawnEntity = false; protected String displayText = ""; /** An entity that the Armbot is grabbed onto. Entity Items are held separately. */ protected Object grabbedObject = null; /** Helper class that does all the logic for the armbot's program */ protected ProgramHelper programHelper; /** Cached location of the armbot to feed to program tasks */ protected Pair location; /** Var used by the armbot renderer */ public EntityItem renderEntityItem; public TileEntityArmbot() { super(20); programHelper = new ProgramHelper(this).setMemoryLimit(20); Program program = new Program(); program.setTaskAt(0, 0, new TaskDrop()); program.setTaskAt(0, 1, new TaskRotateTo(180, 0)); program.setTaskAt(0, 2, new TaskGrabItem()); program.setTaskAt(0, 3, new TaskReturn()); program.setTaskAt(0, 4, new TaskGOTO(0, 0)); programHelper.setProgram(program); } /************************************ Armbot logic update methods *************************************/ @Override public void updateEntity() { super.updateEntity(); Vector3 handPosition = this.getHandPos(); if (this.location == null || !this.location.left().equals(this.worldObj) || this.xCoord != this.location.right().intX() || this.yCoord != this.location.right().intY() || this.zCoord != this.location.right().intZ()) { this.location = new Pair(this.worldObj, new Vector3(this)); } if (this.grabbedObject instanceof Entity) { if (this.spawnEntity) { this.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld((Entity) this.grabbedObject); this.spawnEntity = false; } ((Entity) this.grabbedObject).setPosition(handPosition.x, handPosition.y, handPosition.z); ((Entity) this.grabbedObject).motionX = 0; ((Entity) this.grabbedObject).motionY = 0; ((Entity) this.grabbedObject).motionZ = 0; if (this.grabbedObject instanceof EntityItem) { ((EntityItem) this.grabbedObject).delayBeforeCanPickup = 20; ((EntityItem) this.grabbedObject).age = 0; } } if (this.isFunctioning()) { float preYaw = this.targetYaw, prePitch = this.targetPitch; if (!this.worldObj.isRemote && this.ticks % 5 == 0) { this.programHelper.onUpdate(this.worldObj, new Vector3(this)); if (this.targetYaw != preYaw || this.targetPitch != prePitch) { PacketHandler.sendPacketToClients(this.getDescriptionPacket(), worldObj, new Vector3(this).translate(new Vector3(.5f, 1f, .5f)), 64); } } this.updateRotation(); } } public void updateRotation() { // Clamp target angles this.targetYaw = (int) MathUtility.clampAngleTo360(this.targetYaw); if (this.targetPitch < 0) this.targetPitch = 0; if (this.targetPitch > 60) this.targetPitch = 60; // Handle change in yaw rotation if (Math.abs(this.actualYaw - this.targetYaw) > 1) { float speedYaw; if (this.actualYaw > this.targetYaw) { if (Math.abs(this.actualYaw - this.targetYaw) >= 180) { speedYaw = this.ROTATION_SPEED; } else { speedYaw = -this.ROTATION_SPEED; } } else { if (Math.abs(this.actualYaw - this.targetYaw) >= 180) { speedYaw = -this.ROTATION_SPEED; } else { speedYaw = this.ROTATION_SPEED; } } this.actualYaw += speedYaw; if (Math.abs(this.actualYaw - this.targetYaw) < this.ROTATION_SPEED) { this.actualYaw = this.targetYaw; } this.playRotationSound(); } // Handle change in pitch rotation if (Math.abs(this.actualPitch - this.targetPitch) > 1) { if (this.actualPitch > this.targetPitch) { this.actualPitch -= this.ROTATION_SPEED; } else { this.actualPitch += this.ROTATION_SPEED; } if (Math.abs(this.actualPitch - this.targetPitch) < this.ROTATION_SPEED) { this.actualPitch = this.targetPitch; } this.playRotationSound(); } // Clamp actual angles angles this.actualYaw = (int) MathUtility.clampAngleTo360(this.actualYaw); if (this.actualPitch < 0) this.actualPitch = 0; if (this.actualPitch > 60) this.actualPitch = 60; } public void playRotationSound() { if (this.ticks % 5 == 0 && this.worldObj.isRemote) { this.worldObj.playSound(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, "mods.assemblyline.conveyor", 2f, 2.5f, true); } } @Override public String getInvName() { return LanguageUtility.getLocal(""); } public String getCommandDisplayText() { return this.displayText; } @Override public boolean onActivated(EntityPlayer player) { ItemStack containingStack = this.getStackInSlot(0); if (containingStack != null) { if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide() == Side.SERVER) { EntityItem dropStack = new EntityItem(this.worldObj, player.posX, player.posY, player.posZ, containingStack); dropStack.delayBeforeCanPickup = 0; this.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(dropStack); } this.setInventorySlotContents(0, null); return true; } else { if (player.getCurrentEquippedItem() != null) { if (player.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem() instanceof ItemDisk) { this.setInventorySlotContents(0, player.getCurrentEquippedItem()); player.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(player.inventory.currentItem, null); return true; } } } return false; } /************************************ Save and load code *************************************/ /** NBT Data */ @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.readFromNBT(nbt); this.targetYaw = nbt.getInteger("armYaw"); this.targetPitch = nbt.getInteger("armPitch"); this.actualYaw = nbt.getInteger("armYawActual"); this.actualPitch = nbt.getInteger("armPitchActual"); if (nbt.hasKey("grabbedEntity")) { NBTTagCompound tag = nbt.getCompoundTag("grabbedEntity"); Entity entity = EntityList.createEntityFromNBT(tag, worldObj); if (entity != null) { this.grabbedObject = entity; this.spawnEntity = true; } } else if (nbt.hasKey("grabbedItem")) { ItemStack stack = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("grabbedItem")); if (stack != null) { this.grabbedObject = stack; } } } /** Writes a tile entity to NBT. */ @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.writeToNBT(nbt); nbt.setInteger("armYaw", this.targetYaw); nbt.setInteger("armPitch", this.targetPitch); nbt.setInteger("armYawActual", this.actualYaw); nbt.setInteger("armPitchActual", this.actualPitch); if (this.grabbedObject instanceof Entity) { NBTTagCompound entityNBT = new NBTTagCompound(); ((Entity) this.grabbedObject).writeToNBT(entityNBT); ((Entity) this.grabbedObject).writeToNBTOptional(entityNBT); nbt.setCompoundTag("grabbedEntity", entityNBT); } else if (this.grabbedObject instanceof ItemStack) { nbt.setCompoundTag("grabbedItem", ((ItemStack) this.grabbedObject).writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound())); } } /************************************ Network Packet code *************************************/ @Override public Packet getDescriptionPacket() { return ResonantInduction.PACKET_TILE.getPacket(this, "armbot", this.functioning, this.targetYaw, this.targetPitch, this.actualYaw, this.actualPitch); } public void sendGrabItemToClient() { if (this.grabbedObject instanceof ItemStack) { PacketHandler.sendPacketToClients(ResonantInductionTransport.getTilePacket().getPacket(this, "armbotItem", true, ((ItemStack) this.grabbedObject).writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound())), worldObj, new Vector3(this), 64); } else { PacketHandler.sendPacketToClients(ResonantInductionTransport.getTilePacket().getPacket(this, "armbotItem", false), worldObj, new Vector3(this), 64); } } @Override public boolean simplePacket(String id, ByteArrayDataInput dis, Player player) { try { if (this.worldObj.isRemote && !super.simplePacket(id, dis, player)) { if (id.equalsIgnoreCase("armbot")) { this.functioning = dis.readBoolean(); this.targetYaw = dis.readInt(); this.targetPitch = dis.readInt(); this.actualYaw = dis.readInt(); this.actualPitch = dis.readInt(); return true; } else if (id.equalsIgnoreCase("armbotItem")) { if (dis.readBoolean()) { this.grabbedObject = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(PacketHandler.readNBTTagCompound(dis)); } else { this.grabbedObject = null; } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } /************************************ Multi Block code *************************************/ @Override public Vector3[] getMultiBlockVectors() { return new Vector3[] { new Vector3(this).translate(0, 1, 0) }; } /************************************ Armbot API methods *************************************/ @Override public Object getHeldObject() { return this.grabbedObject; } @Override public boolean grabObject(Object entity) { if (this.getHeldObject() == null) { if (entity instanceof ItemStack) { this.grabbedObject = entity; this.sendGrabItemToClient(); return true; } else if (entity instanceof EntityItem) { this.grabbedObject = ((EntityItem) entity).getEntityItem(); ((EntityItem) entity).setDead(); this.sendGrabItemToClient(); return true; } else if (entity instanceof Entity) { this.grabbedObject = entity; return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean dropHeldObject() { if (this.getHeldObject() != null) { if (this.getHeldObject() instanceof ItemStack) { Vector3 handPosition = this.getHandPos(); HelperMethods.dropItemStack(worldObj, handPosition, (ItemStack) this.getHeldObject(), false); } this.grabbedObject = null; this.sendGrabItemToClient(); return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int i, ItemStack itemstack) { return itemstack != null && itemstack.itemID == RecipeLoader.itemDisk.itemID; } @Override public Vector3 getHandPos() { Vector3 position = new Vector3(this); position.translate(0.5); position.translate(this.getDeltaHandPosition()); return position; } public Vector3 getDeltaHandPosition() { // The distance of the position relative to the main position. double distance = 1f; Vector3 delta = new Vector3(); // The delta Y of the hand. delta.y = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(this.actualPitch)) * distance * 2; // The horizontal delta of the hand. double dH = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(this.actualPitch)) * distance; // The delta X and Z. delta.x = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(-this.actualYaw)) * dH; delta.z = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(-this.actualYaw)) * dH; return delta; } @Override public Vector2 getRotation() { return new Vector2(this.actualYaw, this.actualPitch); } @Override public void setRotation(int yaw, int pitch) { if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) { this.actualYaw = yaw; this.actualPitch = pitch; } } @Override public boolean moveArmTo(int yaw, int pitch) { if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) { this.targetYaw = yaw; this.targetPitch = pitch; return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean moveTo(ForgeDirection direction) { if (direction == ForgeDirection.SOUTH) { this.targetYaw = 0; return true; } else if (direction == ForgeDirection.EAST) { this.targetYaw = 90; return true; } else if (direction == ForgeDirection.NORTH) { this.targetYaw = 180; return true; } else if (direction == ForgeDirection.WEST) { this.targetYaw = 270; return true; } return false; } @Override public IProgram getCurrentProgram() { if (this.programHelper == null) { this.programHelper = new ProgramHelper(this); } if (this.programHelper != null) { return this.programHelper.getProgram(); } return null; } @Override public void setCurrentProgram(IProgram program) { if (this.programHelper == null) { this.programHelper = new ProgramHelper(this); } if (this.programHelper != null) { this.programHelper.setProgram(program); } } @Override public boolean clear(Object object) { if (this.grabbedObject != null && this.grabbedObject.equals(object)) { this.grabbedObject = null; return true; } return false; } @Override public Pair getLocation() { return this.location; } }