Fire Box(stone, iron, steel) Uses carbon based element to burn and generate heat. This heat can then be used by anything to do what it needs Liquid Fire Box(Prototype, basic, advanced) Burns fuel, and powered coal to generate heat at a very high rate. Heat Couple Turns heat into eletricity using thermal couples. Doesn't generate a large amount of energy but is useful. Heat Plate(copper, tin, steel, iron, bronze, lead) Hold heat for a short ammount of time. Souround a heating couple to buffer heat produced, or surround a reactor to help it stay cool. Furnace 2.0 Overrided version of the vanilla furnace. Come with two output slots, and a much inproved GUI. Can be upgraded to improve what it can do. Upgrades include senors, desplay, heating element, gas burner, and timer. Prototype Electric Furnace Upgrade of the furnace to add a heating element so that it can heat items with electicity. Looks like a furnace with wires and metal plates sticking out of it. Electric Furnace Built from scratch furnace rather than an upgrade that used electricity to cook/melt items. contains a GUI that will inform the user how much longer is left on the cook time, what tempature the device is at, estimated run time left, etc. Also contains external indicators for power, items dones, and is still running. As well has options for audio beeping when done. Battery Box Stores energy using Battery items. Has a chance to damage the battery over time. Can be networked together but at a cost of reduced power output. In which power is limited to how much the single battery box can output. Charging pad Can be placed on any surface. Allows the charging of a few items depending on its setup. Will charge and render the item inside the bad. A bar will display under the item showing how much it has been charged. Has several setup with the first being single item. In which the item will display at the center of the pad. Second version is two item setup that has reduced charge time and can store two items. Third setup is wall rack which can mount 4 items. Fourth is the same as the third but with 8 items. This is design as a rack in which the entire render will change. Instead of a part each item will be side ways, and have a red/green light above it. A larger bar will display at the top of the rack showing the racks battery life. Each setup is both designed for looks, and improved use. Capacitor Bank Improved version of the battery box. In which the batteries are replace with controled capacitors. They don't damage as easy and power output can be controled. It also allows for better networking and can be upgraded. The capacitors act like tanks and show a green fluid like level for energy. This way the user can easily see how full the batteries are. Display Used for anything. Main use in this mod will be to display Volt, amp, or watt readings from the machine next to it. Has a wide range of display modes allowing varies looks